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@WhatsThePoint and?
@AndyK did you open the screenshot in the question?
good morning gentleman
@Tomm morning
@WhatsThePoint just saw it
spam at its best
I think that's the most abusive post ive seen so far on here
5 more days till im 18
that took a bit of time
and morning :)
@Andrew awesome job man!!\
should really of got SQL first but that's the way it goes
so you have sql server but not normal sql? that seems to be the wrong way round imo :D
@Andrew morning
@Andrew +1 - soon you will be bigger than Gordon Linoff
yeah, 101 points short on SQL for the gold badge
I'm not sure I would want to be, would involve answering too many dull questions
I find that most questions are tagged with sql and their specific tag dbms
any of you guys with delete votes can you vote on this?
Often are, but evidently I've been answering more that are specific to the RDBMs without a sql tag somehow
I've cast a delete vote on it.
awesome thanks, I don't know how its been accepted as well
Mornin' all
Congrats @Andrew
Quality of sql questions today is lower than normal - and its a pretty low bar in the first place
Multiple questions along the lines of "I'll provide no information but ask you to make my queries faster, what can I do?"
TRUNCATE TABLE makes queries return instantly...
@Shaneis well you're not wrong
Q: smallest possible valid sql server statement

SaiKanth_KJust wanted to know if select 1 is the smallest possible valid sql server statement or is there any other statement. i am using SQL SERVER 2012.

Really drowning in quality questions :(
If you ever do want to make someone's life awkward, go into tools, options, Query Execution and change the configuration of the batch separator from GO to MAKEITSO
Then claim the new patch for SSMS is Trekkie orientated
if you change the batch separator does it change the associated error?
If there is an error with the keyword in it, then it should
If you have a query window open, it has to be closed / opening to pick up the new setting
Nice easy 20 points, 81 to go
How are you today @AndyK
@HéctorÁlvarez hi Hector, thanks for asking. I'm ok. Just told my colleague - boss that work was so dreadful that my relationship was terminated and that I'm moving on
he said ok but just ask me the time to reflect
to stay in the town
Are you quitting too?
Oh I see. Well, it's going to be better for you this way, I'm sure you'll find a better place
I came to Poitiers for my ex, the town is ok but I've never really felt home
@HéctorÁlvarez going back to Paris :)
Maybe you'd fancy some free time, take a couple of months to de-stress, chill, go outside and walk during the morning, have a coffee at the near café at 12 am... IDK what's it like around there to chill, but just do what you like.
@HéctorÁlvarez everything that you mentionned
but it seems that the job is following me to Paris
I'm going back to working from home, its so much nicer
Go to the boulangerie and buy... IDK what that word is, but I do remember it's a shop... maybe a bread shop?
Should be last week this week, get back to home / remote working, see how many more years of that I can manage to get
some croissants.
@AndyK shit man, sorry to hear you've been down. I should have asked
I'd be interested in remote working in the near future too. I waste too much time in transport when I could do just the same from home. Plus I could do laundry more often, I like my clothes smelling good.
@Andrew I get distracted too easily...
@Shaneis could have been worse
no worries
@AndyK hope you're doing okay man :(
job was intense and family life with 2 teenagers who are not your own, was intense. Plus the bickering over chores, lack of resources to travel abroad often plus other things like her friend who divorced and who probably bad mouthed me and crashed often at our house now her house, it did not help
Did 7 years working from home before, been nice to be in an office, but I much prefer a 5 second commute and the ability to take the kids to school in the morning / bring them home
considering that, I'm happy to Free again
Let the flags flow
her house e.g the house of my ex
@AndyK As long as you're happy mate, hopefully you can relax and de-stress now
@Shaneis as soon as I'll be off Poitiers, the better I will be
though I am sorry, I don't think any break up is easy and nice
@AndyK okay but they apparently have a good swim team there ;)
@Shaneis I've been few through. never easy especially if the expectations are high
Sometimes things are not turning the way we wish for, like this time , our childless relation
@AndyK 2 teenagers though
but well, I enjoyed what I had as much as I can even it was not what I was wishing for
@AndyK +1
@Shaneis teenagers are almost like young adult, you will see when you will deal with yours ;) I was not their father so it was even more tough to say things to them
@AndyK 1. No thanks, and 2. Yeah, no doubt. I wouldn't even know where to start...
You won't have to deal with entitled shits if you don't have kids.
@HéctorÁlvarez That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@HéctorÁlvarez I enjoy kids. The ones of my gf, they were irritating but I enjoyed them
@Shaneis no ones know :)
I already have my 7 year old working
I help him run a Lego business, teaches him a lot of life lessons, including the value of hard work
There is always a huge risk for children these day to grow up thinking the world owes them, but its the parents job to handle that, it won't be anyone else's fault if my kids turn out 'entitled' except mine
@Andrew so true
The kids I enjoy are the ones that aren't near me. They are fun to look at for 5 minutes or so, and play with them, but definitely not something I want home.
@HéctorÁlvarez ha ha
He's made about 500 quid profit in the last 8 months - so as well as learning, I don't have to cough up pocket money
It's always welcome to receive some pocket money when you get few bucks though.
that sounds amazing @Andrew
I would like to create an sql statement that does what is explained in this article
I help him with it, but he does have to put in the effort and thought, handle his accounts and he no longer walks into any shop saying "I want, I want, I want", he walks in see's something and says "20 pounds for that, no way!"
So it's starting to work that he gets the relevance of price to effort / work
Right, out for 2 hours, have to train some graduates about SQL Server internals, dumping pages and alike
@NickDeveloper can you show us what you have done, Sir?
@NickDeveloper ok, what would you like us to do?
@Andrew good luck
@Andrew I'm assuming its just buy and sell yeah?
2 hours later…
@AndyK That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@AndyK Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@AndyK That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@WhatsThePoint That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@HéctorÁlvarez what is the command for sql, pls?
made sense to me @CapricaSix
@AndyK I think its !!welcome-sql @AndyK
or @CapricaSix can not respond
!!welcome-sql @AndyK
@WhatsThePoint Welcome to the SQL chatroom! Got a SQL question? Don't ask if you can ask, just do it! And if someone knows the answer and isn't busy, they'll help. Tell us your Database, quick question = quick answer. Long question, we will need an MCVE ---> MCVE help. You can build it with DB Fiddle or SQL Fiddle.
maybe I did it a bit wrong
ah its this
!!tell username welcome-sql
@username Welcome to the SQL chatroom! Got a SQL question? Don't ask if you can ask, just do it! And if someone knows the answer and isn't busy, they'll help. Tell us your Database, quick question = quick answer. Long question, we will need an MCVE ---> MCVE help. You can build it with DB Fiddle or SQL Fiddle.
I'm back
Sorry I was afk.
Oh I see you got it. Yes, you must command caprica to tell someone something, where that something is usually a command.
I don't know if it can not be a command, but I hardly doubt.
@AndyK Welcome to the SQL chatroom! Got a SQL question? Don't ask if you can ask, just do it! And if someone knows the answer and isn't busy, they'll help. Tell us your Database, quick question = quick answer. Long question, we will need an MCVE ---> MCVE help. You can build it with DB Fiddle or SQL Fiddle.
!!tell @NickDeveloper welcome-sql
@AndyK Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
Hi guys, i have a question and cant find the specific answer.. I have a stored proc that returns units packed per hour... what i need to do is make some sort of calculation to grab the data one by one instead of the whole hourly total. can anybody help?
@DomBolton do you have an mcve?
@DomBolton can you elaborate?
can i post the stored proc here?
So basically i need my app (visual studio and c#) to grab the stored proc every so often to update a label one by one.
use ctrl+k for format
USE [Production]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[uspGetPackStatisticsPerShift] Script Date: 29/05/2018 13:07:04 ******/

ALTER PROC [dbo].[uspGetPackStatisticsPerShift]

@ShiftStart DateTime,
@ShiftEnd DateTime,
@SeriesMasterId int



--DECLARE @LogicalMachineId int
--DECLARE @WorkCellId int

--SELECT @LogicalMachineId = mr.LogicalMachineId, @WorkCellId = lm.WorkCellId
--FROM Shared.dbo.MachineRegistry mr
--INNER JOIN Shared.dbo.LogicalMachine lm on lm.Id = mr.LogicalMachineId and lm.Active=1
the original was written by a work colleauge
what do you mean by that what i need to do is make some sort of calculation to grab the data one by one?
So i need to maybe grab the sum of the data? I am not too sure :/ sorry to be a bit vague. At the moment the data pulls back the full hourly total, but i need to be able to grab the data say every 30 seconds to update a label on my webpage.
@DomBolton group by DateDiff(hour, @ShiftStart, psh.DtTmEnd) + 1 , ifsm.[Id]
can you change that to 30 second instead?
@AndyK I am not sure what is happening in this SP. do you think that is what the + 1 means (1 hour)
@War hey
@DomBolton if you mean 30 sec, maybe you need to set the grouping to every 30 sec
@DomBolton what have you tried so far?
@War o/
Not much
my friend said before he went on holiday to do some sort of calculation to get the data
Not sure what he meant really :/
I just saw the another answer by today
@DomBolton sorry to not be able to help you more
No worries.
Who upvoted?
My crime rate is increasing.
@Sankar - Stack Overflow is not the place to get legal advice, most if not all of us are not qualified lawyers, and even if we were, it would be for our own jurisdiction only, not necessarily yours.
Saying to a court judge 'a guy on the internet said it was ok' - is not going to provide a watertight defense :)
well technically you still stated it was illegal anyway so I don't think you have to worry
@Sankar I so flagged that question.
@War are you around?
Shooting a gun while pointing at someone, giving the pistol to someone and then screaming out loud "this is how you kill people, but it's illegal so don't do it" doesn't make you less guilty.
or even @Sankar might be able to help as well
I'd remove that comment ASAP
@WhatsThePoint I'll try my best buddy
before you get side-nuked by the question removal.
is it possible to pass a list by reference but using the new keyword in the parameter?
That doesn't make sense buddy.
something like this
Foo(ref new List <T> thisList)
If you pass it by reference it's because you want to tweak it and keep doing stuff with it.
passing a new object will not keep the reference in memory.
@WhatsThePoint Sorry mate, I have no idea
That seems highly dubious it would be allowed, since after foo is run, the object has no pointer to it
You need to pass something like this: Foo(List<int> myList = new List<int>())
Then again, you had better instance the list prior to that.
Isn't List there an abstract type
List is a generic
List<int> myList = new ArrayList<Int>() -- you need a concrete type
the type T is also generic
I just used T to make the example as generic as possible
It was just an example.
in my actual code I actually have my own object there
ah, (confusing Java and C# classes), List in .net is an ArrayList, its IList is the interface
I prefer examples to be spot on rather than generic for programming, because it usually works differently for particular approaches.
in Java, List is the abstract, you can't instantiate it, you create an instance of a object of that type
In java what you wrote would appear to .net as IList<Int> myList = new IList<Int>()
new IList?
That doesn't look standard for sure.
yeah, which you cant do
in Java, List is the same as IList in .net
so when I see new List<int>, it looks wrong
Oh wow, bad naming convention
lol I just realised doing a new list wouldn't work for what I wanted to do anyway lmao
Java - List is the Interface class, ArrayList is an implementation
The point of the leading capital I is telling us at a glance that it's a freaking interface.
.Net - List is an implementation of IList
welcome to the wonderful pain that is java
I take List and ArrayList. But IList being a concrete type. Oracle pls.
IList is nothing in Java, unless you call your own class that
Apple should definitely sue over iList for spoofing their iTunes playlist.
OOOOH okay.
IList (.net) == List (Java)
Okay okay I thought IList was a java implementation of the List interface.
List<T> (.net) == ArrayList<T> (Java)
So when I read = new List<T>, depending which language I'm thinking in, that is very wrong or ok
hey @WhatsThePoint am now
@War it doesn't matter now, I was being stupid as usual
lol ok
I was trying to do this Foo(ref new List <T> thisList)
i had to double take that
Install golang and then you get the fun of no List object
(Infact, you have no classes at all)
You can have a list struct, that's as good as it gets
SELECT productId, SUM(quantity) AS soldItems FROM OrderDetail GROUP BY productId ORDER BY soldItems DESC
I have this query
T'is a fine query
!!afk coffee
but I would like to know how much each soldItem amounts to in percentage
Percentage of what, the total sum?
you want a percentage of total stock sold?
I would like to know how much of the total percentage that each product "takes"
right now I am getting the sum -
for instance productId = 180 has a sum of 1900
but I would like for it to also return how much this is in percentage compared to the total number of sales
That sum appears to be the sum of the number sold, not the value right?
Which RDBMs - SQL doesn't tell us, and that SQL is generic enough to be a few
SQL Server then (would be a more common way of writing that)
I figured it out
SUM(quantity+.0) / sum(SUM(quantity)) over() as Percentage
That does it, and creates the total in the CTE to try avoid it being calculated per row
thanks Andrew
perhaps your method is better
You can do them together on a server to check batch percentages to see which takes less resources
The difference might be neglible / in either direction
God damn fucking broken designs....
I'm getting so fed with 1:1 tables in a 2NF databases.
1:1 tables can be useful though :)
Not in 2NF
Not when the intermediate table is just a FK to the N:M resulting table and the actual table
There are tables with only 2 FKs, 1:N from one side and 1:1 from the other.
Relational bullshit.
I severed those tables from our logic so it was doable, but we got a lot of FK errors because, oh well, you have to fill them up.
Uuuuuh custom implementation of SqlConnection... without inheriting SqlConnectiooooon. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUH
Kill me.
I'm out for the day, wish me luck.
see ya @HéctorÁlvarez best o'luck
@HéctorÁlvarez g'luck man
i amended my bug
tons of time on it
worse nightmare ever
but I did it
a really quick question
yes, no, maybe - that's a quick answer.
can I have INSERT INTO statement with WHERE condition?
@Andrew ahhaahah
@GuilhermeR yes
insert into foo (field1, field2) select fieldx,fieldy from bar where fieldz=1
As long as its on a select statement feeding the insert, yes
@Andrew oh man! instead of saying, you just give the answer. That's great!
but I can't do it without select statement right?
if you mean insert into foo (field1, field2) values (x,y) where z=1 - then no
@Andrew yes because I just have one table and wanna alter a record
is not possible?
you mean you want to update it?
which would be an update statement, with a where clause
insert is new data, when you say you want to 'alter a record' that sounds more like you want an update
@Andrew yes, sorry! The record is already in the Database but I wnt to update it
update foo set field1 = valuex where field2 = valuey
That is a very very basic SQL command, I would be concerned if you were about to update a row of data in a production system
I'm off guys, talk to you tomorrow
Hi - and hour ago Andrew here - helped me out - creating this sql statement which counts the percentage of sold items per product
Now I need help to add a true / false column that checks if the product is among the 80% most sold items
does varchar type support white spaces?
Something like a case statement
Guilherme - if in the middle of a string sure, if its on the end, some DB's trim that
by default
80% 'most sold', so by that you mean virtually everything, you would need to know the distribution of the percentages to know where the 80/20 division was
for example, I need to store an image path in a Varchar type field. The path goes like this: xxxx/xxxx/xx xx (string with a white space)/xxx.jpg
the total quantity of all products sold - and then find the ones that are among the 80% most sold of these
@GuilhermeR - yes, varchar supports that
@NickDeveloper - yes, to figure out the 80% though requires a lot more complexity, you have to sort all the percentages into order, to find where the 80% to 20% line was,
It's not trivial and possibly not best processed in the DB
the picture I stored can't be displayed
how big if your varchar field
Sounds more like you have a problem writing the data, either its not large enough field, or you have an issue when you read it and the opening of the file itself doesn't handle the space
Varchar itself has no problems with spaces in the text - otherwise it could never store any written text of more than 1 word
I'm out - time for a long drive
so what's the problem? I have done this before and it worked

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