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I have a data in the database
string: 0300101

i will insert a value: 300101 (doesn't record initial zero for some reason)

this will become a problem due to the system is actually selecting 0300101, therefore it cannot read the value of 300101 when selecting cus it's diff value
as a string
3 hours later…
Hi, I have this query:
update items set description = concat("caption", description) where type='photo' and parent_id like '99087';
but it doesn't work when the description content is NULL. I read about COALESCE to replace NULL but not sure how to implement it.
Morning Guys
@Mike Which DBMS you are using?
@Sankar thanks for the reply, phpmyadmin
I think you mean mysql. Right?
yes, sorry.. I am not sure of the terminology..
That's okay. So what do you want to replace if description is NULL?
whatever, even an empty value or the word "caption"
Okay , give me a sec
 update items set description = concat("caption", ifnull(description,'')) where type='photo' and parent_id like '99087';
try this one. it will replace null with empty string
so your description will be updated with string "caption" when its null.
it gave Matched rows: 0
select count(*) from items where type='photo' and parent_id like '99087';
can you check the output of this query?
tell me what you've got.
Current selection does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete features are not available. Documentation
this query works to get the results:
SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `parent_id` = 99087 and type='photo'
update items set description = concat('caption', ifnull(description,'') WHERE `parent_id` = 99087 and type='photo'
idk the like is an issue. but try this without like.
it gave an error: #1064
update items set description = concat('caption', ifnull(description,'')) WHERE `parent_id` = 99087 and type='photo'
Matched rows: 0
update items set description = concat_ws('caption', ifnull(description,'')) WHERE parent_id = 99087 and type='photo'
Matched rows: 0
okay. lets get this straight
select  concat_ws('caption', ifnull(description,'')) from items WHERE parent_id = 99087 and type='photo'
what do you got now?
Current selection does not contain a unique column
if it's easier, we can try to just remove the NULL from the description if that's possible
either replace NULL with 'caption' or with ''
can you show your table structure
or create a fiddle here with some example data.
whatever it has php in their name. SUCKSSSSSSSS!!!!
i ran the command "describe items", is that helpful? that's part of the output:
id int(9) NO PRI auto_increment

description text YES
name varchar(255) YES
owner_id int(9) YES
slug varchar(255) YES
sort_column varchar(64) YES
sort_order char(4) YES ASC
type varchar(32) NO MUL
updated int(9) YES
select  id, concat_ws('caption', ifnull(description,'')) from items WHERE parent_id = 99087 and type='photo'
try it.
it shows 2 results
16 mins ago, by Sankar
update items set description = concat_ws('caption', ifnull(description,'')) WHERE parent_id = 99087 and type='photo'
then it should work
still same issue... it works only if the "description" has nothing or has some text.. but when it is NULL it doesn't add anything
is that okay if we update all null to empty string in description column
update items set description = concat_ws('caption', IF(description is NULL, '',description)) WHERE parent_id = 99087 and type='photo'
last try
thanks, it worked
Damn, I feel good now.
after it I ran the first command and it did it.. thanks a lot for your time
you are welcome mate.
here in chat there is no mark for accepted answer, right? I marked it as interesting.. Thanks again
stackoverflow.com/questions/49023821/… Some One Answer this question. Its a bounty Question.
morning folks
Morning @ARr0w
how're you doing man?
Doing good bro.
how do you do?
same, doing great, feeling a little lazy knowing tomorrow i have to come to work :P
Oh that's sad.
haha, yeah :P
1 hour later…
good morning
Morning @HéctorÁlvarez
How is friday?
oh oh ohhh I have a new project manager
less than 1 month in, he blames me already for his incompetence
I've got a thicker skin than Sia
that sounds bad.
we are having a laugh here
won't it risk your job?
he's a 'manager'
you should do something about it @HéctorÁlvarez?
good morning guys \o
Morning @Mofty
lunch, brb
@ARr0w I'm an external resource in this company, literally couldn't do anything even if I tried
God Gabe Newell The FBI Someone knows I've tried several times, on several aspects, but I grow tired of it
@Sankar tyt dude
@Mofty morning
@HéctorÁlvarez sarcasm = best for such people ;)
morning people
Hi @Tomm
dose someone have experience with oracle 12 DB in docker?
i don't
my query dont get output like in the fiddle, now i'm confused
well if it doesnt get the output like in the fiddle?
use the one in the fiddle
or show us the query you are using compared to the fiddle
it's same query
well what is the problem
are you confused by the output cause you are ordering by descending b
on my machine
the output is the same ?
every value is correcyt
just in different order
no it's different, but same query
yeah i need desc
its not different
then say ORDER BY b DESC
b with 2 value on top
well that goes automatic cause 2 is highest value
the desc not working
sql version ?
i need to add order by again in C
cause you are using mysql in the sql fiddle
and lot SP with this nooo
thats probably why you are getting different outputs
it's mysql, i'm using xampp here
hey guys$
@AndyK can you help me with this
@SeptianPrimadewa can you try running this line b ORDER BY b DESC
instead of b.b
probably wont change anything
@Tomm with what?
@SeptianPrimadewa is running his query in sqlfiddle and in mysql and his order by desc is not working in mysql but it is in sql fiddle
ive never used mysqltoolbench i think its called
@SeptianPrimadewa My brain exploded. Can you please replace a, b and c with actual names?
I bet you can see the problem yourself if you use actual names instead of a, b, c, ß, or Æ
what ASCII code is the Batsignal?
like the order by b.b is confusing
cause you have 2 tables named b
maybe that confuses something
will show my actual query
what do you mean actual query
u just said they were identical
my brain
can you put that in a sql fiddle please
morning @WhatsThePoint
@Tomm hey
@SeptianPrimadewa please use meaningful aliases for your subtable not 1 or 2
@WhatsThePoint sup man?
gotta debug a macro I wrote last year ffs
ORDER BY tbl_price.date_update DESC
@SeptianPrimadewa why don't you just do that?
   SELECT 1 AS id_product,'2017-01-01' AS date_update
   SELECT 2 AS id_product,'2017-01-01' AS date_update
   SELECT 3 AS id_product,'2017-01-01' AS date_update
   SELECT 3 AS id_product,'2017-01-02' AS date_update
) tbl_price ORDER BY date_update DESC
err, it's a part of bigger query, and that part are not working
ORDER BY tbl_price.date_update DESC
@SeptianPrimadewa you have a desc result, no ?
this is what you use in your fiddle
just do that
try as tom says
@Tomm not working tom,
pardon me
actually, it's working on my co worker computer.. maybe something wrong with this xampp on my side
or maybe its your sql studio thingy
ive never used that mysql studio/editor program
i always worked on the db
have you tried this on the db
i've tried at heidisql also not working, maybe my server
my best guess is that the order by is done in the inner query, and then you just select from the inner query, then the order is not guaranteed, try doing the order by in your outer query
this works on my test db
yeah, will do that, @WhatsThePoint
but need to trace my stored procedure one by one
ok thanks guys
hi all. I have something ... which could be a design smell.
There is a table with users. The ID of that table is being used for multiple foreign key from multiple tables
@Sam hey
table users <-FK-- userPurchase
table users <-FK-- userSupport
table users <-FK-- other table
like that
@AndyK Morning buddy
Morning @Sam @AndyK
@Sankar o/
now, not all contacts does not have a record in those 3 others table. Sometimes there is no FK to userSupport for user that did not have used the support request tool yet
@Sam sup?
is there a way to find out if an user has been referenced in other table ?
@Sankar sup?
Falling in love with a new website. I don't think I've done anything all week :/ news.ycombinator.com
so result becomes
Interesting stuff on there!
@AndyK Its FRIDAY!, No bug mails, Doing interesting stuff. So all good
@Sankar Result!
will this be the new reddit
@Tomm ycombinator?
xD yes
@Sam ?
meh, no. I feel there's place for both websites
table name | column name |  hasRecord
   userPurchase | userID | 1
   userSupport | userID | 0
meh bad formattting. but you guess it
@Sankar On the "no bug mails"
and that newscombinator site has been around for years
@KarelG Only just discovered it.
@Sankar lucky chap
i can find the referenced keys by digging in INFORMATION_SCHEMA but I am unable to use the result based on user ID
gotcha apply KISS principle: get the names first then count each record in each table. But that means 4 db connections in that example 🤔
so is the question you want to see which tables the primary key of table A is in?
based on a given user ID
like user A has record in all of three tables, but user B does not
youtube.com/watch?v=jev4UA7EVkc Go home lads - you're drunk.
@Sam N00bExceptionFound ;P. I tried. still i don't get you. Sorry.
-- result for user A

table name | column name |  hasRecord
   userPurchase | userID | 1
   userSupport | userID | 1
   other table | user_id | 1

-- result for user B ( only has done purchase. No support or ect)

table name | column name |  hasRecord
   userPurchase | userID | 1
   userSupport | userID | 0
   other table | user_id | 0
it gives me all FK's. But I cannot determine if user has record in that table or not
as said, it could be a design smell because it is something weird to do in MySQL (MariaDB tbf)
but you can add an extra where for specific IDs
Morning all ... soz I aint been around ... had a baby ... back to work now
looks like i missed some drama
hey @War long time no see, how are you? and the missus and the baby?
getting there ... first few weeks are generally considered the hardest (sleep deprivation and what not)
I hope you blagged as much paternity leave as you could
i left mothers day too late and my amazon prime wont deliver tomorrow :(
@WhatsThePoint that is my problem so far
a sec
  info.tn, info.cn
   TABLE_NAME as tn, COLUMN_NAME as cn
  tn.cn = 111; -- error
how can i re-use the table + column name to do <table>.<column> = 111
if that works, then I can figure out the third column
mhm gotcha try joining
@KarelG Is there actually a column called 111 in your table?
that is the ID of the user to get data. (eg user A has id 111)
the error is at tn.cn
@KarelG as far as I can tell that makes no sense though. You're looking at the structure of the tables and then asking about the data - they are stored separately.
What is the pseudo code of what you are doing e.g. Looking for columns named 111?
@War wb War
@Shaneis morning
hey @War, @AndyK
Congrats on the kid @War - hope you and the missus get some sleep :)
you can check the chat history (or scroll a bit up)
I did see a few questions came up ... can I ask that people ask again if they want me to answer stuff
I'm not sure how far back in the history I should go
what I want is to see if user A has records or not. in the example he has 3 records. Now when we use user B, which has a different ID: 555. That user only has one record
define: "if user A has records or not"
user A exists ?
or has something related to it ?
Oh god, it's the almighty @War!
lol ... thx @HéctorÁlvarez
waves hands like a retard
just don't shout ... i'm sleep deprived and not fully had my coffee yet
2nd coffe in 2 hours
3rd soon as coworker leaves for a better tomorrow and brought snacks
@HéctorÁlvarez lol
better tomorrows
love it
@AndyK I'm leaving the 5-monkey-with-ladder-and-cold-water-spray story right now
I am the third monkey in this story
@HéctorÁlvarez At least you still know why you're getting sprayed then...
Dude I see the water spray being built
I am shouting, trying to warn my fellow mammals to run away from it, but I'm powerless
I feel like there's a Bioshock reference there
anyone here good with VB?
you have a table `Users`. There, the user info is saved. ID as PK + name + email. Then there are another tables that references to that Users table (having a FK to the User.ID).
Those tables are eg `purchaseUsers`, `supportUser`, ... Assume if user A has purchased something, there is a new record in `purchaseUsers`. That row has a FK to the User table. The column userID is used to FK to User table. Same story for support: if the user has submitted a support request, then a record is created there.
My goal is: find the presence of a given user in all of those referenced table.
EXAMPLE 1: user A has purchased something and used support request. His ID is 111
.  table  |  column |  hasRecord
purchaseUsers | userID |.   1  (userID is FK to User.ID column)
 supportUsers | userID |.  1.
----> if I query on select ID FROM purchaseUsers where userID = 111, I should get at least one result

EXAMPLE 2: user B only has purchased something. His ID is 555
.  table  |  column |  hasRecord
hmm alignments ...
@WhatsThePoint try me...
I know how to get all references to the User table: using information_schema. However, I want to use the output from that table in another query to get the above results
@WhatsThePoint slightly proficient, unfortunately
I'm using the month() function to return the month of a date, but for some reason its hit an miss whether or not it puts a 0 at the start for the less than 10s
is there a VB equivalent of AddMonth(1)?
does that suit your needs?
but how does it help with zero padding?
for the zero-padding you'll need to do something like RIGHT("0" & month, 2)
I don't remember the actual function, but the idea is concatenating "0" + month, and taking the 2 right numbers
@HéctorÁlvarez well it was a function to add a month to a date so ill just use that
this is what i had
Private Function GetNextMonth(ByVal oldMonth As String) As String
   Dim month As String
   Dim year As Integer
   Dim currentDate() As String
   currentDate = Split(oldMonth, "/")
   year = CInt(currentDate(2))
   month = currentDate(1)

   Select Case month
      Case "01"
          GetNextMonth = "01/" & CStr((CInt(month) + 1)) & "/" & CStr(year)
      Case "02"
          GetNextMonth = "01/" & CStr((CInt(month) + 1)) & "/" & CStr(year)
      Case "03"
          GetNextMonth = "01/" & CStr((CInt(month) + 1)) & "/" & CStr(year)
that's pretty messy
as i wasn't aware of the add month method in vb
@HéctorÁlvarez and if i want to go back a year i should do this?
Private Function ReturnLastYear(ByVal oldMonth) As String

    ReturnLastYear = DateAdd("yyyy", -1, oldMonth)
End Function
Common sense tells me "yes", but my VB instinct says that's not going to work
@HéctorÁlvarez why that feeling?
Because VB never works as you would expect
i just tested it with 5 dates and it seemed to work
@HéctorÁlvarez I don't know VB, I just found this line hilarious! :D
@Shaneis Have you done any Expression design? WPF? UWP?
XAML basically
I cherish my ignorance @HéctorÁlvarez
or any other types of UI framework, for this example it doesn't matter
well let's assume in UI design you have a canvas ruled by grids, you drop components on that grid, which is a final representation of your control
e.g. a window
well in VB forms, I've seen components dropped randomly, and them placed around in code as the need arises, you can pick up a bunch of paper sheets, put them 1-2m above any surface and let gravity place them... that's exactly what you'll get in VB6
then you tell your program "place this 20 pixels to the left of the other paper sheet and make the rest invisible"
No thank you.
the code behind is even worse, in order to make a datagrid with a combo box I had to bind it so when I clicked a row (YES, A ROW) i had to calculate 4 edges of the cell, and resize a random combo box into that cell so make it look like it belonged to the grid. Then every time the user interacts with the combo I had to manually set the value of the grid and update.
Notice particularly how the combo never had anything to do with the grid, and while the combo is focused there's no way to know what part of the grid you are interacting with.
See ya guys :)
i'm off now
I'm begging you, please stop.
see ya @Sankar
I will hereby constraint my dire will to slay those who promote VB6 on their own volition.
@Sankar o/
Happy weekend guys
@Sankar you too man
can i do a LIKE IN(...)?
evidently not as i get a compile error
if a sql agent job is currently running - does anywhere know where that value would be stored?
guessing in msdb.dbo.jobs somewhere?
think it's msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity somewhere @Ricky
also morning back
yeah checked there, but the job_status is only in the jobhistory table
I don't know if there is a status for 'running'
ah wait
job_status = 4, means 'in progress'
sometimes we have a job that hangs, normally should run in 15 mins. So if I have a script to tell the status half an hour after it starts, if it is still job_status = 4 , then the job is hanging...
this is returning 2002 dates
select *
from Reply
   Call_ID LIKE '15%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '22%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '27%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '71%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '74%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '76%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '79%'

and year(Reply_Returned) = 2018
and MONTH(Reply_Returned) = 03
its basically ignoring the year and month
im off guys bye
see ya @tom
select *
from Reply
   (Call_ID LIKE '15%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '22%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '27%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '71%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '74%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '76%'
OR Call_ID LIKE '79%')

and year(Reply_Returned) = 2018
and MONTH(Reply_Returned) = 03
@Shaneis that returns nothing
that would be because no data matches
i'm off too
oooh 10 minutes too late
have a nice weekend boys
and G.I.R.L.s
haha see ya guys
hey @Shaneis
everyone's going off for a weekend and i'll be here on it :P
enjoy the weekend everyone!
1 hour later…
hypothetical question:
if you have a clear unique identifier of an entity, (like a license plate number in a car), would you still use an (unrelated) int column as primary key and simply make the license plate have a unique constraint?
(not so hypothetical, but still relatively generic and stuff)
@ARr0w cya
@HéctorÁlvarez cya
@Tomm cya
@Wietlol why not have the license plate as the primary key?
well, why would I?
mostly for rest services, you see everyone using /api/orders/{id} which is always backed by a database
well if it is a table of Car information then the license plate would be unique, this is ideal for the primary key in this instance
but why would I use /api/cars/{id} over /api/cars/{licensePlate}
@WhatsThePoint but what is "ideal"?
what is the advantage of having the plate number as primary key?
because having an extra unrelated column just to be the primary key means more storage on the database
its 2018, unless you are like google and store it for everyone in the world, it wouldnt matter
that's just called being lazy, storage should always be aimed to be optimised

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