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Morning Guys :)
3 hours later…
morning @Sankar
Hey Buddy
Hi All
I have a query regarding execution time
Eventhough no rows returned,the query take much time to execute
Anyone know the reason?It is just a select query with where clause and returning only one column
so what's the query?
for example,select description from Activity where type like '%print%'
should i upgrade my linux kernel
right now i am using ubuntu 16.04 kernel version 4.4.0-112
@KesiyaAbraham keyword 'like' slow downs the query
i would recommend you to rather use '<>' or '='
@KesiyaAbraham how many records you have in your table Activity
@SohaibAsif if you feel like so then you should.
@ARr0w But how it will be an alternate for like?
@SohaibAsif I'm using ubuntu 17.10 and that's awesome
but i read somewhere ubuntu 17.04 is not stable
Ubuntu 17.04 is kinda deprecated
Ubuntu 17.10 has lot of new features
@SohaibAsif then you shouldn't. I'm still confused why you'd ask such question here. Unless you'd find a user of ubuntu
like you just did. @Sankar
thumbs up
@Sankar around 33335761 records available in the table
So much easier to read :D
and good morning to you all
Yeah its millions of data
@Zulatin xD morning bud
but becoz I am using where clause,did it take the whole data available in the table to fetch the result?
@KesiyaAbraham is that column Indexed?
No,there is only one index available it is primary key (clustered index)
I am new to sql,so I am not sure about this whole data is used for the execution
Yes it will use the whole data in that column to filter the resultset so it makes latency here. I suggest you to use Index to increase the performance.
lunch, brb
ok...thank you
or perhaps you can get something out of doing full-text search, its much faster if it is enabled on the server
Morning all
morning guys Tomm and Veljko89
hi o/
Morning guys
Haven't seen you much lately @Tomm, too much schoolwork? :D
@Zulatin you were dutch right ?
I was celebrating Carnaval
Close, I'm Danish :P
hmm I remember someone being dutch haha!
Anyways i was celebrating carnaval
its big in the netherlands
just party and get wasted basically
I hit the famous badge question with that one stackoverflow.com/questions/29277581/… but so far only one upvote. How come??
@AndyK Famous Question Question with 10,000 views. This badge can be awarded multiple times.
@Tomm yep
I'm annoyed
whats up man
@WhatsThePoint why?
Morning @AndyK @WhatsThePoint
I flagged a NAA THREE DAYS AGO and its still not been deleted
@Sankar morning
that gets my vains pumping
i hate my stuff being desputed
@Sankar morning
Seems like people(especially flaggers) had good weekend.
its not been disputed, its been marked as helpful but because I downvoted it and its not been deleted I'm still on a -1
thats triggering
show us
A: logging from inside dataweave

user2267683i have tried the above in dataweave %dw 1.0 %output application/json --- { result: log("Logging the array",[1,2,3,4]) } it is failing with below error response -- There is no variable named 'log' in mule

i flagged it aswell
maybe it will raise some awareness
i did too
it should be deleted
its a question
very clearly
it was marked as helpful 20 mins after I flagged, don't know why its still there
make a meta
ive made too much meta recently
You guys sure do care a lot about flags... I'm currently watching all of the big bang theory and this all makes me think of the flag shows Sheldon does :)
fun with flags
best one was when amy was talking about relationship stuff and Sheldon got annoyed and renamed the show to "with"
their relationship is funny in itself :)
check this guys
feels bad man
so I actually have to type the error in google :(
question and all comments have bad score... impressive :D
seems like a angry downvote
seems like the op just downvoted everything
i remember
i actually saw that meta post
did you see my meta post on Friday?
not sure
i might of
can u send it
hot meta post about switching the chats
Q: Unable to switch back to full (desktop) chat site in IE

WhatsThePointIn IE, if I click the "Mobile" link in the footer in chat, I can't switch back to the Desktop version. This morning I performed my regular routine of logging in to StackOverflow and immediately heading to chat. But however, my chat loaded in the mobile version of the site rather than the main de...

I saw it on saturday and i upvoted this comment.
You clicked the mobile link from IE? You're braver than I thought! — Travis J 2 days ago
I didn't click the link it loaded like that so I was a little bit annoyed when it got edited in that I clicked it
ye people shouldnt edit information
only formating
that top line wasn't me
yh i read
it doesn't matter too much, the meta post was just to document info for anyone else
time to get some work done
hows the c# going @Tomm?
any of you ever heard of Dimensional modeling?
odd thing tbh ... they kind a denormalize DB to the bone ... calling that type of tables like a Dimension table, there is data redundancy everywhere in those dimensional tables ... then they create fact table, and that table got FKs of all dimensional tables ... so it's like 1 fact = 1 event IRL
@Veljko89 when it's stuff I never heard of, I ask @War
But it goes against everything I learned / worked with so far :D
supposedly this type of modeling speed up the queries .... couse there is a lot less joins and stuff ... and they relay on indexes and FKs doing the work ... and you select everything from 2-3 tables top
so @War what is it good for absolutely nothing ....
my question man ... have you ever seen this before and what's your XP?
is the whole point in normalising data so you don't repeat data so the storage is smaller?
yes, but with that your query time is longer
select UserName, CompanyName from YourTable vs Select u.UserName, c.CompanyName from UserTable u join CompanyTable c on u.UserId = c.UserId .. you get the point
good morning
morning lads
@Shaneis you're here!
@HéctorÁlvarez you too!
@Zulatin you too!
hey @Tomm
hey @AndyK
@Tomm sup?
@WhatsThePoint we have only had 1 c# college yet which was basics about hello world etc
all good back at school after a nice carnavals break
@Tomm lol
took my day off friday
to prepare for my new radio show
u are getting a radio show ?
for the MSSQL-proficient (I'm looking at you @shaneis @war), we want to log the changes to a subset of tables, it's pretty specific and sounds like something a trigger would do, but my bosses want to keep track of the following changes:
> Table name
> timestamp
> Previous values
> Updated values
> Some random data depending on tables affected
@Tomm I already have one
@AndyK o/
but some acquiaintances/friends decided they want me on board for this new show in Paris
@HéctorÁlvarez hey man
@Veljko89 you too, you are here!
ey @AndyK man
one hour = two weeks of a preparation
6 people I've never worked with
is it possible to do that kind of report using Audits, CDC or any extened events?
because, seriously, they want to use all kinds of sophisticated tech that nobody has researched beforehand
and now it falls upon me to do it in the dark
anyone know much about drive mapping?
but it turned to be good
@WhatsThePoint what are you trying to do?
say I have a folder C:\folder\folder2\folder3 can I set it up as a drive like F: or something?
@WhatsThePoint yes you can
subst x: C:\Folder\Example
even if the folder has spaces in the name?
net use x: \\localhost\c$\Folder\Example
@AndyK this one's better
@WhatsThePoint yes, although you will probably need to do that
@HéctorÁlvarez it depends
C:\>subst x:C:\Users\severna\OneDrive - Landis+Gyr
Incorrect number of parameters - Landis+Gyr
@WhatsThePoint wait
subst x:"C:\Users\severna\OneDrive - Landis+Gyr"
@HéctorÁlvarez if you lose connectivity, the net use is lost. Especially if your switch is ko
or save yourself some time, use the UI! Open your PC (This PC), right click inside the window, Add network location..., copy the path from your folder, paste, assign drive letter... PROFIT!
subst works in case of reboot from switch, pc or else
I didn't know that :S
@AndyK didn't work again
C:\>x:\\localhost\c$\Users\severna\OneDrive - Landis+Gyr
The system cannot find the drive specified.
Sorry was in a meeting
hey @AndyK
I just tried that
and it worked
c:\Program Files>subst h: "c:\Program Files"
@HéctorÁlvarez sounds like temporal tables, no?
depending on what version you're on
it could be the dash in the name causing the issue
put a space
subst x: \\localhost\c$\Users\severna\OneDrive - Landis+Gyr
or more like
subst x: "C:\Users\severna\OneDrive - Landis+Gyr"
or even
subst x: C:\Users\severna\"OneDrive - Landis+Gyr"
yeah it worked, I need the space in between :D
@WhatsThePoint good man
@Shaneis Temporals? I don't think so, this requires persistence
@HéctorÁlvarez ahah yeah bad naming
they should be called history tables
@Shaneis exactly, that's what I've been arguing for the past 2 days
but they said they don't need the tables, just a... log to audit the tables, but it doesn't have to be an audit
@Shaneis awesome, look promising
subst x: \\localhost\c$\Users\severna\OneDrive - Landis+Gyr <which OS?
@HéctorÁlvarez sweet hope it helps you!
@ARr0w windows?
@ARr0w windows
c$ lands you on desktop of localhost?
thanks for this ! didn't know about it
@WhatsThePoint it sucks because this kind of question is legit
I've had all those doubts and they could easily fit a single question for everyone to look up
but it's deemed as "off-topic" just because it's not some sort of super-specific matter that nobody has tried yet, even though the topic isn't covered anywhere in SO
not everyone is Jon skeet and knows everything out of edge cases, and even then
its not stackoverflows job to pick your technologies or find material
no, but there's nowhere to lead newbies for a start
when you want to learn to code and hear SO has a dedicated place to ask about info, it sounds logical to ask "hey guys, I have no idea about this stuff, how do I get started?"
I consider an off-topic question would be along the lines "what's the best framework to run in a web app frontend?" because it will induce discussion as there's no real "best" framework
all of his questions can be answered with a quick google search to articles
He doesn't know how to google that stuff yet. I can tell because I'm in the same boat, but with my guitar
he can essentially copy those questions into google
stackoverflow is the new google
When will Jon Skeet answer the questions already ....
@Zulatin programmers google
after a long time i got a moment when i have no project and got waiting time
(if i tell this to the lead i'll definitely get some work and i ain't doing that)

and damn i am loving this waiting time so MUCH
Enjoy it while it lasts @ARr0w ;)
@ARr0w 's boss joins the chat
@Veljko89 ha ha! :P xD
2 hours later…
@Tomm would we flag this as unclear? stackoverflow.com/questions/48868113/…
@Shaneis temp tables only show the actual data between 2 dates
but I need to see the history of that table between those 2 dates
am I doing something wrong?
i.e. no timestamps in the resulting selection
@HéctorÁlvarez if the data is changed at all during those 2 dates, then the data will be captured in the temporal (history) tables
if you're looking for the structure of the data e.g. number of columns, etc, then you'll have to roll your own :(
I'm not even certain about what's being returned
A: .NET Core HttpRequest Middleware and AccessToken mechanism?

ARr0wThis is an example, it suppose to help you or least give you a hint to how you can lead your work. You can either keep your access tokens dynamic (calling records from database matching with the sent values from the request source) or hard-code some in your middleware's Web.Config file. for e.g...

let me know if there are flaws in Answer, i'll improve/edit them. thanks !
alright guys im off
see ya @ARr0w
cya man\
Q: To do a refresh of a "on premise" postgres database to a azure postgres database or to do a backup and restore?

Andy KWe have a postgres database hosted on Azure, that we would like to refresh from a "on premise" postgres database. I'm not sure, what would be the best way to do that? Through an incremental backup then a restore or through a kind of Slony-I replication although I'm quite sure this feature do no...

Sorry had an exam
See ya guys :)
I'm off now o/
@Tomm Good luck with the results :)
@Shaneis turns out it worked, it took some research and I almost dumped it
but it does keep track of the changes I need
it sound shady lol
@HéctorÁlvarez haha yeah it does I guess! Gla you got it working though man!
alright now
level 2
they want to keep track of the user performing the changes in the app
the app user has nothing to do with the database user
(that was obvious, but just in case)
they want to add the field to every table
e.g. every time you want to keep track of changes in a table you need to add the user id to that table
I feel like this idea is bullshit, what would you do about that
someone will need a bigger server really soon :D
pfff Temp tables might even be out of reach, they are SQL Server 2016 and onwards only
how big is the app?
@Veljko89 too big
there is a hint on this site, that don't use select * in views. I clearly remember the same problem appearing with stored procedures in MSSQL
To be honest @HéctorÁlvarez but procedure seems like only way on sql side, but if app is to big, maybe make some logic on app side
but I can't reproduce the problem
I'm copying the same codes what are under Using SELECT * in a view title, just replacing view with procedure, and execing
but the stored procedure handles select * correctly
how can I make an example, when select * inside stored procedure is a bad idea?
because of changing the table underneath
@ntohl call that procedure from application, and link it to grid .... after that add new column to table .. once you start app it will break
or use the view for insert into another table ...
So yeah, that's tip and main reason why you never use select * ... you never know when you will have to make changes
I'd like to avoid view in the stored procedure, because using select * in view is bad is proved in the given link
long ago, I can remember when one senior developer just made an example code, which proved that for SP also
only SQL no app
Mate focus on select * ... not on view within procedure ... there is nothing wrong of using view in procedure if you write up which columns specifically selecting
If you create view Test1 as begin select * from Table1 end ... its exactly same of select * from Table1 ... main problem in that is select * ... if you make changes in Table1 your view Test1 will always select new column .. which means if you go with insert into Table2 select * from Test1 <--- it won't work, because of new column
I mean
  CREATE procedure dbo.complete_orders AS
  FROM orders
  JOIN orderlines
    ON orderlines_order_id = order_id
  AND   order_date = '20100805'

  ALTER TABLE orders
  ADD last_change_date datetime NULL

  exec dbo.complete_orders
this will not cause the same problem as
  CREATE view dbo.complete_orders AS
  FROM orders
  JOIN orderlines
    ON orderlines_order_id = order_id
  AND   order_date = '20100805'

  ALTER TABLE orders
  ADD last_change_date datetime NULL

  select * from dbo.complete_orders
But they are the same thing, it only depends how you use them ... if we talking about SQL-Server, you can insert into table from view, but not procedure, that's one of the moments when it will make trouble
Sorry I couldn't help you more
have to go now :(
thx anyway
3 hours later…
@ntohl How about this?
@ntohl USE [test]

order_id int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
customer_id int NOT NULL,
order_date datetime NOT NULL,
order_complete bit NOT NULL,
last_change_date datetime NULL

DF_orders_order_complete DEFAULT 0 FOR order_complete


CREATE TABLE orders_temp(
order_id int NOT NULL,
customer_id int NOT NULL,
order_date datetime NOT NULL,
order_complete bit NOT NULL,

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