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04:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

gm guys :)
gm @Nias
anyone around?
got something i would like to run by you guys just for double checking
say it
so heres my syntax, let me know if its redundant ...
INSERT INTO [db_owner].[tbl2] ([code,[desc])
SELECT DISTINCT t1.[code], t1.[desc]
FROM [db_owner].[tbl1] as t1
WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT DISTINCT code FROM [db_owner].[tbl2] as t2 WHERE t2.code=t1.code )
redundant to have the two distincts ?
would it affect my syntax in any way? (trying to get distinct values and never ever have duplicates
hence the distincts and the where not exists (which actually gave me duplicates for some reason...)
when not using distinct
Morning all
2 hours later…
Morning guys
Hey @AdiMohan
Yup, redundant. The moment that SQL Server finds a row, it stops for that exists so yes redundant
morning guys
hey @AndyK
sup man?
1st day with no senior so I'm doing ALL the work :)
you mean you are the senior now
hahaha nope, he's just on holidays
he'll be back
@Shaneis yeah i was thinking of keeping the first distinct only, it should do the trick since that would 100% guarantee me that i won't have any duplicates what so ever
Morning @CrashBandicoot
@Shaneis How's life?
Good, good. Busy, busy
Quite Annoying
Java is a pain
You're quite annoying? What? :/
oh Java!
sorry I misread that
Did you say you've done a bit of Java?
@CrashBandicoot I meant Java as in coffee, not the actual language
Soz man
It's okay
hey @Crash sorry to hear you're struggling with Java
@AndyK Thanks!
I've asked too many questions on the Java Chat and they've kinda gave up lol
3 hours later…
Hi all
@War Threw the question as a comment on your SO answer. Here it is: How do I tie these roles into the Identity Framework's AspNetRoles table on SQL Server, which assigns its own GUID to the roles for their ID?
Hi @Shaneis @AndyK @Alex @Sami @CrashBandicoot @AdiMohan
sory for being not around today. Hectic busy day it was...
@ARr0w Hey bro! it's ok :)
@ARr0w Hey
@CrashBandicoot how was your EID?
@Sami :)
Great, and you?
But pissed off rn
@CrashBandicoot of course, awesome. Family meetings, gatherings of families.. Dude i really love to socialize with people
Hi guys
@CrashBandicoot pissed of why?
@alex What's up bro?
My Java application isn't working and I've been on it for weeks
@ARr0w Not much. Working away at an MVC app
@CrashBandicoot Java - are you using OOP framwork?
@Alex awesome.
@Alex @AndyK Hey!
How 'bout you?
@CrashBandicoot dude then share your code using this gist.github.com
im sure alex, war or i may come of any help.
Hey Sami
hey Sam, , hey Alex
Can I just show you here?
welcome back @AndyK
@CrashBandicoot that'd be messy.
I'll use a code snippet tool
use that link bro.
but i'd recommend you gist.
Basically, it's an Airport Simulator
@CrashBandicoot i am aware that there are many 'syntax differences' b/w java and asp.net
but since it is oop. The concept is same
I'm using a JOptionPane to get User Input and store it in an Array
Which is going horribly wrong
Aircraft, Airplane, Jet & Helicopter are all Abstract Classes.
String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
"Select A Numbered Option From Below:\n1. List Aircraft's Status\n2. Find An Aircraft\n3. Operate An Aircraft\n4. Admin The Aircraft Simulator\n5. Exit Aircraft Simulator");

int option = Integer.parseInt(input);
Solid Classes: - SingleEngineAirplane, TwinEngineAirplane, HondaJet, etc...
hey @ARr0w
hey shaneis.
The main method works fine
crash what's the error? some sort of can't convert the method type to string type?
It's the planeHandler() method
welcome back man @Shaneis
thanks man, same to you
bit of a mess here right now so I'll be popping in and out
no problem and good look with it @Shaneis (Y)
@ARr0w cheers man, chat to ya
sure man!, cheers. @Shaneis
@CrashBandicoot Where is that in the code you shared?
have any of you ever used zen barcode generator?
Line 64 PlaneHandler
@CrashBandicoot, the array length is lesser than you have used its indexes to populate data on console/screen.
What should I change in my code?
I understand the error
But I've been on it for hours today trying to fix it
String[] planeArr = new String[planeAdder.size()]; <-- how much length does this method gives to this string array?
Try hardcoding it just to test: String[] planeArr = new String[7];
assume and tell me.
Erm, wouldn't it be the size of planeAdder?
tell me what's a planeAdder? i don't know i'm a layman
Same here
lol here
Guess not
It takes userinput and adds it to the arraylist
The dinner on me today
I'm verry happy!
planeAdder is meant to be the ArrayList
debug and find out what 'length' it is receiving then populate accordingly here:
"Aircraft Type: %s\nModel: %s\nID: %s\nName: %s\nManufactured Year: %s\nDockingPosition: %s\nFuel Type: %s\n",
planeArr[0], planeArr[1], planeArr[2], planeArr[3], planeArr[4], planeArr[5], planeArr[6]);

to get rid of 'ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException'
It is meant to be 7 elements long
Because it holds 7 characteristics of an aircraft
i just edited my msg above. See it.
then as @Alex said earlier, try hard coding an array length to 7 and try again bro.
How do I code that?
My minds not working properly now xD after all this Java
And I put that right at the top?
don't put it
this line is from your code
loc is 20
Oh, line 20?
Yeah, just change line 20 to this: String[] planeArr = new String[7];
@CrashBandicoot as long as you are using OOP framework. You can ask me Alex and War too. :)
It works now
no more error
But output is wrong
Aircraft Type: null
Model: null
Yeah, but not good practice to hard code array length... if it changes
How would I change it now?
don't change it. Debug to know why they are null
I don't know how to debug xD
which compiler are you using?
Run it using F5 with breakpoints
In Visual Studio
Oh. Why don't you download the free Visual Studio product?
Much better for .NET dev
I'm only supposed to be using Eclipse
For this project
That makes debugging difficult
i've used eclipse for android java
when i was completing mobile computing course in my university.
Wait, could you possibly change stuff in the first method?
So that it actually stores the User Input in the ArrayList
@CrashBandicoot hint: play with the code to learn and understand the concept of OOP and code structure.
I usually do that, but with this, I've tried for So long
Surely there's a simple way to do this...
I was able to do it with another program, but not this one...
@CrashBandicoot i'd advice you to ttry to understand the errors. The day you will start to understand the errors you'll resolve your issues very easily
@CrashBandicoot go through that debugging tutorial on eclipse :)
@Sami that's really great to know you are happy ^^ :)
Too late to reply , but it's really great to see that from you bro :) thank you

Any idea for managing big database and search query
@Sami sorry man i don't know how it escaped from my eyes
@Jaymin 'Normalization'
I say it's ok bro ^_^
@Jaymin F1 , F2 and F3
@satibel welcome to a little friendly community of mine :D
@satibel i'd love seeing you around here too :P
hi SQL
its dead at the moment.
hi dead!
hi Living being says the dead
@ARr0w already saw that one :p
jiggle jiggle jiggle :D
i know you must have. You're a fan of such things dude.
hey guys - if I run a command that does, for example, a delete then update then insert and i want all to run only if the previous is also successful, I've been wrapping them in begin/commit transaction statements. I've just discovered that I might actually require "SET XACT_ABORT ON" in front of every query - is that right?
I figured the rollback came for free with the transaction, but apparently not
@SmokeyPHP read up 'transaction management'
@SmokeyPHP It gives you added protection: stackoverflow.com/a/1150069/177416
Will take a look
@Alex @AndyK @Shaneis @Sami say hi to our new C#, sql, linq guy @satibel i know from C# :P and he already knows @war so yeah
Hola @satibel
hello @Shaneis
@ARr0w Thanks for the advice. Sorry, was away for a bit
Hey Satibel
Hello @satibel
@Shaneis Hola AdBlocker
@Sami AdBlocker?
slt @satibel
Yeah , You say Hola and then I remember it
damn. code review
tough life
you're sweating when you are doing it, I swear to God. Very painful to go through the logic of someone else but at least, when it is done, you have the full picture
I've tried fixing the 'null' problem
I can't find the solution
Could someone point out the problem? paste.ofcode.org/Pga465uNknG2EKSLVcrp5P
@CrashBandicoot the problem ^
where did the null touch you?
@satibel we have a doll that we use for that @satibel
When I input values, to be stored in the ArrayList, it stores null values instead...
I've tried looking through my code, and it didn't help
i am off guys. See you all tomorrow. Later.
ArrayList<String> planeAdder = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] planeArr = new String[7];
planeArr = planeAdder.toArray(planeArr);
@CrashBandicoot this is why.
you should to array it after modifying planeAdder, not before.
So I just use that bit of code?
I moved the .toArray bit after adding all the User Inputs!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
so now you know.
@satibel I often go to root access room. I really enjoy Journeyman and Rahul, they are a merry bunch
@AndyK I think I saw you there a couple of times.
@satibel Now it stores the User Input in a .txt file
I pop up often
On Line 108 is the findPlane() Method, which retrieves specific aircraft info
For some reason, it doesn't bring anything back...
what's the content of planeFiller?
(also, try stepping through with the debugger.)
I've looked at that
is it empty or full?
It's empty
I should use planeAdder instead
Does that mean I should put planeAdder outside of any method?
Actually, that won't work
by the way, using static in this case is weird.
I've changed it to public void
But I can't put planeAdder outside the method, because then the whole method won't work
you know the difference between static and non static, right?
Static ones can only be accessed directly
in static/non-static methods
planeFiller is empty I think
static has only one instance, non static has one instance per new you do.
Okay, makes sense
in this case, either you do public static void addPlane(arrayList arrayToFill) or public void addPlane() which adds the plane to the current instance of PlaneHandler
public static void addPlane(ArrayList<Aircraft> planeFiller) {
^ ?
though, I'd also suggest making a plane object, and have one method querying the user for a plane, and one method to add said plane to the array.
That's the problem I was having earlier
I was trying to do that for hours, but couldn't... :(
make a new class called Plane.
oh, wait you actually have an Aircraft class, scratch what I said.
I'd have to create an Aircraft
tip 1: make it serializable.
why is it abstract?
Airplane, Jet & Heli Classes extend from it
and those are Abstract too
with other solid Classes extending from these
Have any of you done Web Deployment of a web app? In other words, right-click the project in VS and choose Publish? Need some help
@alex yes, a little bit
Hi Sarah
heya :)
A brand new Server 2012. Trying to figure out what changes need to be done to enable the one-click profile publishing
Not very clear
Do you install the Web Deploy on the server or enable it or...?
mm, well ill tell you the process i follow first
and you tell me if its similar
when i click publish i do it to a local directory
This was done for a Server 2008 but no one documented it!
We publish straight to server
i then copy those files onto the webserver, and register them with IIs
No registering needed the way we've done it
VS takes care of it all
should be the same sort of process i guess. just skips the manual copy
so the issue is you want one click publishing?
Yeah, and what to enable/install on the server
@satibel What would I need to do?
hmm, i can only guess then alex, as im used to doing it manually
i would assume you need to set up IIS
Yeah, lots of IIS settings.
set up an IIS repositry for the project you want to publish
Thanks, Sarah
and then you can publish from VS to that repositry
@CrashBandicoot Imo, you could make your base class Serializable, which would allow you to save to a file. The alternative is having a hand coded serialization.
I can't include Serializable into my methods
I haven't covered it yet, so I can't include it
public string getSerialized(){
    return a.getType() +"/"+ a.getModel() +"/"+ a.getId() +"/"+ a.getName() +"/"+ a.getManufacturedYear() +"/"+ a.getDockingPosition() +"/"+ a.getFuelType();
In the findPlane() method?
in the AirCraft class
a cannot be resolved in the AirCraft Class
if you make a Plane or whatever that inherits from AirCraft, you can do:
Plane myPlane=askForPlane();
though, you are a student, right?
Yeah, I'm a student
then, fuck good practice :p
@satibel hahaha yes!
I mean, you should make it right, but if it's for an assignment....
@satibel yeah, fuck that. Understand it first, then when you have that done, you can do best practices
learn by failure
just that I'll let you know that you should split those monster functions into single purpose ones.
@satibel yeah
I did split them in the Aircraft class didn't I?
@CrashBandicoot those are only getters and setters, but ideally it should look like that, yes.
Okay, what would I need to change, for it to work?
04:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

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