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2 hours later…
1 hour later…
morning @AndyK
Morning @Shaneis
hey @TomaszOkraszewski
shit official slack twitter account just add me on twitter
guys how to make new table with data (columns names) from other tabel
hey @TomaszOkraszewski
@AndyK bahaha!
@TomaszOkraszewski do you want the quick way or the proper way?
@Shaneis hi
@Shaneis not sure if I should be proud or not
I <3 Slack
when effect is the same than quick
@AndyK Proud! Both Slack and Twitter love you
thanks mate
SELECT * INTO new_table FROM old_Table
but not all constraints and the like are copied over
/Shaneis near "INTO": syntax error:
what DB are you using?
DB Browser for SQLite
@AndyK yeah thats the second option but you have to create the table first :(
@AndyK no it's not a bad thing, just more work
anyway sounds like it's the only way to go
maybe he can do that
create table NewTable as
select * from OldTable where 1 <> 1
it will create the structure
of the table without
the date
@AndyK it will? that's some weird ass syntax but then it could work with SQLite
@TomaszOkraszewski, wanna try it?
without typing the data definition
yeah it will
the select into will create the data structure and put the data in it
some errors comming out
can you paste them?
thx u guys
in this room get answer is realy fast
@TomaszOkraszewski wow, @AndyK you're good
you fixed his question without even seeing the errors :D
ha ha
I lucked out
wow...just wow...I wouldn't have even checked for what Martin Smith checked...
A: CHECK constraint to enforce ###.###.#### pattern match

Martin SmithThe regex in your question is not entirely unambiguous In most flavors that support Unicode, \d includes all digits from all scripts. Notable exceptions are Java, JavaScript, and PCRE. These Unicode flavors match only ASCII digits with \d. So in many flavours it would match ١١١.١١١.١١١...

5 hours later…
@AndyK, you there?
just trying to stay calm
Guys, what is this syntax called: WHERE Carrier <> ''
@dckuehn not equal to? the WHERE clause?
not sure exactly what you're asking @dckuehn
@AndyK calm? why?
colleague who is always stressed
@AndyK I prescribe a healthy dose of the weekend
should help
you're on a good streak today, helped figure my thing out as well
oh really?
which one?
a cross apply query that was annoying me for a while
it was "why am I getting results with nulls in them when I'm using CROSS APPLY "
USE [tempdb];

CREATE TABLE dbo.Delta (
	current_id tinyint NOT NULL,
	first_value varchar(128) NOT NULL,
	second_value varchar(128) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE dbo.Change (
	third_value varchar(128) NOT NULL,
	ordinal_position tinyint NOT NULL,
	current_id tinyint

INSERT INTO dbo.Delta (current_id, first_value, second_value)
VALUES (1, 'Steve', 'Sitting'),
	   (2, 'Steven', 'On'),
	   (3, 'Steve-o', 'the'),
	   (4, 'Stevie', 'Dock'),
	   (5, 'Steve-y', 'of'),
	   (6, 'Stephen', 'the'),
did you use the link I gave you or something else?
I used you as a rubber duck :)
@AndyK cheers, appreciate it!
you know Dragon Force? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DragonForce
asian playing extreme metal
@AndyK I'm going to treat that as a rhetorical question :)
man, world is going crazy ... asian playing metal ...
awesome man
Through the fire and the trains
@Shaneis is that all that means? Not equal to? I just wasn't sure what " <> '' " was doing
Didn't know what phrase to google to figure it out
nope, means "not equal to", it's SET notation
same thing as !=
they work the same way
Ok cool, thanks a lot
@dckuehn no problem
@AndyK oh I know this...but know I have to listen to it again
@Shaneis do you still have the query you used with @ARr0w please?
@AndyK which one?
the one with the cte
the double cte
no but I can whip it up in a few seconds
you talking double or recursive?
kind of recursive
the one where you had the first cte, then you use it to do another treatment
and then finally
you got your results
it is very clean and actually it would be handy for what I want to do
oh yeah I remember that one hold on
This one?
Sep 2 at 13:46, by Shaneis
First create more inserts
@AndyK alright, good luck
just brilliant. Thanks
@AndyK glad I could help but that was a work-around code, I hope you only have to use it in the short term man
easier all around then
it's fine @shaneis. I'm using that for a quick script with not much lines to sort
it is cleaner than to use nested sub queries and as I'd better keep things as clean as possible
I'm off mate. See you Monday
see ya @AndyK, enjoy the weekend

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