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From what I can deduce from the additional info on what you have on your screen. I would advise x2 things.
1. The approach: Make your storyboard screen size = the smaller screen size so you see how the objects will look, so when you add the constraints, everything should just size up when viewed on larger iphone screens. ...
2. The 2nd image under the main one - have you fixed its top constraint with the main image above it ?
Hows the project going?
yeah good :)
I am just frustrated with the auto-resizing - it's my first proj on native
coming to the points -
1. Smaller screen size i.e. Simulator metrics
Yes I know what you mean. AutoLayout is a huge pain for all
Smaller screen - select the header on the screen in your layout at present - then Simulator metrics - choose size 3.5inch - which I think is the iPh 4s
I need to support from ios8+ that means, iphone 4s and above, that means, Xcode storyboard should be iPhone4 Inch?
Yes iPh.4s = 3.5 inch
stupid question may be, when I select 3.5, and run the app on iphone6 simulator for example, there is a lot of white space at the bottom of the screen
Yes. The only way to fix that is by playing with the images you have and give them auto-layout constraints to the margins - but to avoid scretching of the image - set image holder to "Aspect fit"? = easiest option or...
or.. you would have to add a scroll view behind everything - which get complicated and a bit tricky somethimes
no, I don't have an option to use scrollview
auto-layout constraints to the margin? can you pls give a small example if possible? may be for two images one beneath the other?
In that case best to move / centre the images and set the autolayout constraints to the margins to fill the space when simulating onto iPh5
also, will the image size increase ? (I have all 1x, 2x, and 3x images in the xcassets)
Use 2x - I'll send you screen shot of the constraints
oops This chat doesn't allow for images
ok - whats your email I'll email them to you
it does
[email protected] is my email anyway
but in chat, you can use "upload..." button
Don't see an upload button - top or bottom somewhere?
just beside the "send" button
ok - I don't have this option
ahh - gotit after refresh
Last image if on iPh 6 simulation
ok, but the image looks stretched?
is it?
and should use "Spacing to nearest neighbour"? will that make things easy?
Yes - the only way to fix that is select the image - go to its attributes in the right side panel and set to "Aspect Fit"?
oh ok
I am going to give it a try now
Give it a go - I can't see what you have in your project - so give it a try
Or ... try "Aspect FILL" as well
1. I will clear constraints.
2. I will give spacing to nearest neighbor to all elements
3. for images, set to Aspect Fit
(Clear all constraints to reset my current constraints)
This is aspect fit on iPh6 - image centers in the Image holder space
also, I have few labels inside "Views", will that be a problem?
I mean, the "Welkome" is inside a view, I thought it would be easy having them inside a view
If you have other things in the View - Best to Clear "ALL" constraints 1st. @nd set the AutoLaout for each start from Top-Down
The text labels - Add them with Top constraint with fixed width + height /// And then make them centered horizontally before moving to the image
I am trying now with two labels, and two images beneath them
testing in 4s first
used aspect fit
and, my constraints are shown in 'red' - i was expecting 'blue'
AutoLayout constraints not created properly if they are red on your storyboard
yes - something's still wrong
I think the only issue here is show you how to work with autolayout constraints - best to check out YouTube vids for that, as the simulations I've done here work fine
AutoLayout is taking a while for a lot of developers to get their understand and is giving us all a headache - but we need to learn it as Apple will not be chaning replacing it - But using it More?
hmm, yes
I selected "Reset constraints to suggested margin" and then the constraints color changed to 'blue'
I think Androind developers have just 1 screen size but Apple = no
Yes - thats usually a quick fix
Lohith, how is it looking?
... as I have to get to a meeting shortly....
I deleted all my elements on screen
doing it all over again
will keep you posted
I think what you said should work
ok - Good luck!!!
I'll take along your approach
w Any, h Any size class is not a prb right?

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