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A: Can I programmatically get installed application category?

JackCheck this link (like android:isGame=["true" | "false"]) Android manifest permission for Application tag

(ApplicationInfo.FLAG_IS_GAME) from this tag Right ?? but candy crush saga in not coming in this category i dont know how
@BhanuSharma candy crush may be not set this in manifest that's way it is not coming in this category
but i want.... and many apps do this.
@BhanuSharma Add Tag in your manifest and when you upload app on play store you have to select your app category than playstore automatically manage this thing
no no i want to category list of game from installed apps so that i have to show candy crush and many these type of game
@BhanuSharma No game fatch off line when you connect with internet game download resource in background. can't update game without any internet if you have any game that do like this please provide link… close your internet and it will fatch off all games
@BhanuSharma I have Reverse engineered that application and the application having wide range of package name in it's database and compare it with installed app package name and if it found package name from its data base than display app in list
2 hours later…
Really they do it like this no think
can u share me that data base
Download That application and make it as .zip and extract it
than goto assets folder there you fine one data base open it with sqlite
display encrypted form packagename with column name packagename
@BhanuSharma thera?
thank you
i just went for lunch that's why late reply
@BhanuSharma if answer is right you can accept it

last day (14 days later) »