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@Goofy Gm:)
@ChanchalShelar hi
have u worked in phonegap contact api?
1 hour later…
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options.filter="Bob"; means that it find contact name which name start with Bob or name contain Bob and show all that contacts... You also put there "" which means all contact...
@RAJPATEL thanks for coming here...
its ok
well if i put "" than it twill fetch all content right?
ya right
it also clearly describe in docs
check this i have used this code...and made alert of contacts on onSuccess function but still not showing it any thing..
what should be the reson for this?@RAJPATEL
Actually I use this same code and It will run perfectly on my device....
What you have write in your mainactivity.java file...???
@RAJPATEL hmmm..strange..
1min i am showing u
here is my main java class
any thing else i need to do?
please give me your mail id
I will send you my code and just check it
and import in your ecllipse
@RAJPATEL ok i will
me send
plz check
i got it
Ya me wait
and tell me wht happened
ohh sorry
me send you a code which work totally on java
wait I send you one another which based on phonegap
I m really sorry
no sorry dear it's ok...u helped me
nw check this one
got it checking....
ya check it
i am not getting alert('onSucess');
when i am running in my device
surely this time log will be generated then please show me log
because it works perfectly on my device
@RAJPATEL i got on sucess and fetch result
it's working
its ok yar
Nw enjoy with phonegap
one more query
options.filter=" "; when i put this i am getting only single name inplace of all names....
please donot put space between them
and nw check it and tell me
i am getting Display Name = null
Code which I send you give me all contacts store in my android device.....
function onSuccess(contacts) {
for (var i=0; i<contacts.length; i++) {
console.log("Display Name = " + contacts[i].displayName);
paste ur log here
ok may be device issue i think
second last line in which you can show name will displayed
i have made alert of contacts.length & result it "1"
07-31 13:25:57.355: D/CordovaLog(276): file:///android_asset/www/index.html: Line 29 : Display Name = Raj PAtel
this one is ur secound last line....there is only one contact check this
wait me come back in 5 min
Ya I have only one name which store n device
@AmirKhan me leave nw
@RAJPATEL r u there?
@GreatarJun have u worked on contact api?
@AamirKhan litle bt
@GreatarJun i have used This code...i need to fetch all contacts but at i am just getting single contact do u have any idea y does it happens?
ihv same issue
wat err u get
i am not getting any error
just it displying single value.....when i need to get all contact name
just see the console
contacts.length=1 i ma getting that means there is a problem with array
var fields = ["displayName","name"];
prblm with arry
i have done this
so what is a problem can u tell me
@epeleg @AamirKhan i have a query can u help me
just wait 1min
@Goofy sure
@AamirKhan did u tested on device
@GreatarJun ya
same result
@AamirKhan i am dynamically generating xml usiing a php code...i have written a query which picks value from DB ... in the DB i have some ASCIIcodes for alpha which has to be displayed... but its not diplayingin the xml
@Goofy what kind of ASCII codes for alpha are u storing..?paste some sample here
Ya I am here
@AamirKhan this the data in DB ... The quantities displacement (y), velocity (v) and acceleration (&#945;) associated with a body executing SHM are such that.
here the ascii code which is inside bracket is ascii code for alpha. since xml does not support mathematical symbols we have touse ascii codes...
@RAJPATEL in my emulator i have stored two names for testing but i am getting only one name....r u sure u r getting multiple name?
bu its displaying in the text view as "The quantities displacement (y), velocity (v) and acceleration (&#945;) associated with a body executing SHM are such that. " @AamirKhan
I will check and give you solution
obj.multiple = true;
@GreatarJun where to put it
var obj = new ContactFindOptions();
obj.filter = "";
obj.multiple = true;
[ "displayName", "name" ], contacts_success,
fail, obj);
@Goofy some formatting error is there i think
are u doing it on android or php?
@GreatarJun hmm thanks let me check
@AamirKhan any change..
options.multiple = true;
@AamirKhan creating the xml in php and parsing in java
It will 100% give you slotution
@AamirKhan did u .?
@RAJPATEL @GreatarJun yeah done it:)
thanks for solution :)
simply write options.multiple = true;
@RAJPATEL i did same thing
nw you can do anything
Bt plz when you want to find out number then also care about that sometime user have multiple number so check that
@RAJPATEL ya sure...now i am triying to fetch birthdate of user
@RAJPATEL, @AamirKhan i hv one prblm , create a progress bar while fetching json from server .. i think in js is it possible
ya posibble
@RAJPATEL plz tel me how?
through ajax
Q: How to write progress bar in javascript for Phonegap application

user1451409I am developing a Phonegap application for Android.In a part of my code (in javascript),Images loading from server.When loading an image I want to show a progress bar that will show how many percentage of the image is loading .How can i write it in javascript? Do you have any idea?

check this similar issue
@AamirKhan this is for image but for json..?
@GreatarJun for any thing coming from webservice .....it should work just there will be some little changes am i right?@RAJPATEL
When you parse json at that time through ajax increment one
check this also
Q: Add loading indicator/progress bar to Phonegap Android splashscreen

darryn.tenI have a PhoneGap 1.4.1 / jQueryMobile 1.0.1 / Android project which is showing the res/drawable/splash.png just fine, and the splashscreen goes away once the WebView is loaded. I would like to add some sort of progress indicator percentage text to the splashscreen but have been unsuccessful so ...

@RAJPATEL for getting email i need to put just this line console.log("Email = " + contacts[i].emails); or need to do some thing else?
this will give you email
i need birthdate
for now i m trying to get email for testing....
by this line not getting any result
actually here problem is that any user have multiple email address so I give you soln
function onSuccess(contacts) {
for (var i=0; i<contacts.length; i++) {
console.log("Display Name = " + contacts[i].displayName);
for(var j=0; j<contacts[i].emails.length; j++){
alert(contacts[i].displayName + contacts[i].emails[j].value);
It give you email address
let me check this
@AamirKhan hi, Good Afternoon, sorry for replying so late, just saw ur ping
@RAJPATEL sovled
and for birthdate i need to just pass this alert(contacts[i].displayName + contacts[i].birthday.value); right?
this one give you only email address
@RAJPATEL i have edited
alert(contacts[i].displayName + contacts[i].birthday.value); ?
this one?
may be
@ChanchalShelar no problem @RAJPATEL help me to solve it
@RAJPATEL ok thanks
otherwise try contacts[i].birthday; simple give you solution
but once I check it then told you
please try it and tell me which one is true...???
ya but i m not able to add birthdate to emulator & device contact list :(
once done i will inform u
ya sure
var fields = ["displayName", "phoneNumbers", "emails", "birthday"];
Whatever data you want according to that you have to update fields
me go outside for 15 min
me come very soon
@GreatarJun r u there?
@ChanchalShelar u there?
@AamirKhan yep
@AamirKhan ys
tel me
@ChanchalShelar @GreatarJun i have fetch contact names.it works fine in emulator & doesn't work on device y?
i thnk contacts are not in phn memry may be thats y..
here is LOG i am getting when i am running in device
@AamirKhan checking
@GreatarJun oh!! may be the issue let me check
in my case some contacts are in phone memory and some are in sim card
@AamirKhan ur checking on iPhone or Android?
@AmirKhan r u check about birthday...???
@RAJPATEL first i am checking with just name....it dosen't wrok on device..working on emulator strange problem
@AamirKhan ys ithnk it wont wrk in simultr , nd must wrk in devce
Thats why I used pure JAVA instead of phonegap
UPDATE: ,some contects are coming now,some sowing null value
so @GreatarJun u r right it reads from phone memory but from SIM not reading.....
@RAJPATEL check update
ya from sim thr is some limtns
now need to solve this :(
@AamirKhan sorry need to go for a session, will be back soon
@ChanchalShelar sure buddy
i@AamirKhan i thnk the best person (last) to contact any android phonegap problems was simon mac Donald
@GreatarJun ok i will contect him
devlpr @phonegap he will surely help us
Actually I made 1 application same as shown in Blog but it fine
@AamirKhan if u solve this prblm plz infrm :)
I will recall my app and check it and tell you updation
ya he has great knowledge i know about it
sure i will inform it@GreatarJun
One app I made according to blog, nw I will check in device and tell you wht happened...!!!
is he on stack overflow? so we can invite him here
@GreatarJun @RAJPATEL
ya sure
ya sure
Me come in 5 min and check on device
@GreatarJun invite him here...
but he s frm canada soo
so what?
ok check we can put offlin msg and he can visit here any time
ok no prblm
he was in my gmail chat list and must give reply to every query as he got time
@AamirKhan bye c u after 10 min time for T :)
sure tc
@AamirKhan me try bt still in samsung phone no working
it juj show success alert bt not even show name
it's showing name in my samsung galaxy y dous
check my code
ya that one ru perfectly
and I hv also samsung galaxy y duos
I change code according to blog and check it
:) ok let me check
@RAJPATEL is it working now for u?
ya plz check my new code and tell me
this time i am getting contect but only some contect.....are u getting all?
no Me not getting all
same prob
@RAJPATEL u also not getting all?
ya not all
even nw I check with HTC and it shows only sim card contacts and phone memory contacts bt not other contacts which are synch with gmail
But ya my first one code if you knw which was totally in Android API work perfectly in any mobile and in any sitiuation
@RAJPATEL this one?
It is ok bt its in phonegap
check this one
this one is native code
@RAJPATEL for now i am using this,will check latter on another things
ya which is based on pure JAVA and Android API guideline
ya sure
hmmm....so are u working on android also?
I am JAVA and android developer and professional employee
@RAJPATEL nice...i also love java...and basically i am android developer
Ya good. Me also worked in J2ME and developed jar file based application for nokia, samsung, motorola
@RAJPATEL hmmm...i know javaservlet litle bit & i have 10month exp in android and now also working on android+phonegap
Actually me recently completed my BE in Computer engr bt I had 3 year experiance in JAVA bt in Android only 6 month and I work both side in phonegap and also using native code
nice...carry one:)
And in JAVA I know servlet, hibernet, strut and little bit abt spring and EJB
ooh! that's really good....master in java:P
@AamirKhan hi
no yar bt I trained under two professional and among them one is assistant scientist in ISRO and another has his own company so I know much more and they really very awsm in JAVA
@RAJPATEL one more strange issue....every thing working fine in my device samsung glaxy y...but in LG optimus not working i mean it is not giving onSucessalert also...do we need to give any permission from device?i don't think so.......
@GreatarJun welcome back....
Actually when we install app that time by default it take all permission as true bt in LG no idea
@GreatarJun so this is working well i think....but in galaxy y dous working in optimus not...:):):)
@RAJPATEL forget LG:)
I think we have to ask to Simon about phonegap compatibility in every phone
ya we need that man ..
Because same code work on one phone and not in another so there is some little bit thing which we all miss
@GreetarJun has to contact with him or invite here then we ask him
hardly we can find phonegap developer this is the only room in which some developers are coming.....
most of the time he will b online
whenver u meet told him to come here..........@GreatarJun
ya please invite him
Plz tell me how to debug our mobile with our ecllipse
or give me any link
Ok sure
@RAJPATEL u want to debug mobile with eclipse?
i am debugging in mobile
@RAJPATEL what problem r u facing?
ohh very nice
bt how..???
follow my step
ya sure
ya u write all and then I will check it
in ur device goto settings->application->development->here there will be options called Usb debuggin mark that option
than in right click on ur eclipse project goto->Run as->Run Configuration->Target->there will be two options here automatic & manual,select manual and press on Run Button,than u will be able to see ur device...just click on that and run
now ur project will directly run on ur device.....check it and let me know if u are facing any issue
wait I will check
in samsung thats perfect and no issue
thank you so much yar
nw HTC...!!!
@RAJPATEL @GreatarJun i am leaving guys
nice to talk with u..will meet tomorrow:)
k sure
by take care
In HTC little bit tough but its work fine
Good yar

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