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hi all
i am facing a problem while passing data from java to phonegap......
@epeleg hi r u around?
i have one issue
Q: Need To Authonticate User Via Facebook & Twitter(PhonegapAndroid)

AamirPathannew to phonegap programing development.having one issue that i need to authonticate user via facebook/twitter & if authontication goes true on basis of that need to upload some image to server..i have stuck on this issue..i counld found this one facebook sdk for phonegap android.i have downlo...

plz heelp..............
hi @Aamir
can u help me for passing data from java to phonegap plugin......
i was using sendJavascript(SendJS);
Q: android phonegap plugin's java script call

Subrat nayak.i have created an app in android using JNI,NDKand phonegap Plugin fr android. Here i am calling the java script functions from the java native code using the function sendJavascript(SendJS); and the SendJS is made as follows: SendJS = "javascript:" + SuccessCallBack + "('" + JSONObject.quote(...

@Subratnayak. sorry no idea
@AamirPathan hi gm
wts up...@AamirPathan
stuck on one issue.....:(
@AamirPathan oh shit... i hope i could have helped u
@Goofy hmmm se above post
@AamirPathan i dont know phone gap but i will check that ... so that i can get some idea on wt prob ur facing
@Subratnayak. hi
can u help me for passing data from java to phonegap plugin......
i was using sendJavascript(SendJS);
Q: android phonegap plugin's java script call

Subrat nayak.i have created an app in android using JNI,NDKand phonegap Plugin fr android. Here i am calling the java script functions from the java native code using the function sendJavascript(SendJS); and the SendJS is made as follows: SendJS = "javascript:" + SuccessCallBack + "('" + JSONObject.quote(...

@Subratnayak. sorry i dont have knowledge on phone gap :(
no problem....
hi @epeleg
hi @furqi
@furqi hi........
@epeleg hi...
@epeleg r u there?
fighting terible android keyboard issues.
@AamirPathan I am here - what can I help you with ?
@epeleg i have this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/11624125/… can u help me?
my own fb authentication is using server side auth flow and the child browser plugin.
can u guide me how to do that?
so i had coded most of it and it is still far from perfect.
hmm...can u provide me sample code?
you have to read FB's manuals for this and have a server side.
sorry, I can not provide code as it belongs to the company I work for.
it's ok no matter,anyways thanks:)
do you have a "server side" ?
i need to code in html5
only html5? no server side ?
so your flow will be different from mine anyway.
no....my sir has told me to use html5 and phonegap
you want just sharing? no authentication for your own app ?
no..i need to just authonticate user via fb/twitter and just want to redirect back to my application if authontication gets true and on basis of that i need to upload images to server
so you do have a server side as well ?!
read the stuff on FB and then choose wisely between the client side and server side authentication flows.
ya after login need to post image to Compny API
ok thanks i will go through that one
sorry I can not help more then this.
I am having terrible trouble with the android soft keyboard that does not close or does not open properly.
@epeleg well thanks for try
@epeleg can u help me regarding phonegap plugin for android
I am only using PGB so the answer would most likey be no...
but ask you Q anyway...
@epeleg passing data from java to phonegap plugin......
@epeleg sry sry
tht above was wrong.......
Q: android phonegap plugin's java script call

Subrat nayak.i have created an app in android using JNI,NDKand phonegap Plugin fr android. Here i am calling the java script functions from the java native code using the function sendJavascript(SendJS); and the SendJS is made as follows: SendJS = "javascript:" + SuccessCallBack + "('" + JSONObject.quote(...

hi everyone
@Subratnayak. maybe this will help docs.phonegap.com/en/edge/… but its all I can offer... sorry.
@stage hi
@epeleg thank u.....let me chk
@epeleg hi
I'm stuck in my project because I can't download file in the folder I want... could you help me ?
I posted something:
Q: iOS with Phonegap: Download file in a specific folder

stageI just started to test my Phonegap application on iOS Simulator but I've got some problems: First thing I did was getting the root path: requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onSuccess, onError); So I get something like this: Users/christophe/Library/Application Support/iPhone ...

@stage sorry, its beyond my current knowledge.
Oh... too bad
@stage do u know how to authonticate user via facebook/twitter login ?
why ?
with phonegap you mean ?
@stage check my query here stackoverflow.com/questions/11624125/…
@stage any idea regarding that issue?
No sorry I don't know. But I'm sure there are some plugin you could use:
@stage ok thanks
wil check it
@Subratnayak. hi
3 hours later…
hi everyone
i am integrating camera in my phonegap application to record a video and to capture an image. i am using Phonegap 1.5.0 for iPhone.
to capture an imge i am using this code: function capturePhoto() {

navigator.camera.getPicture(onPhotoDataSuccess, fail, { quality: 30 });
On button click i am calling above function but it did nothing.
can anybody help me in this?
@Vaghani.Rahul hi
i have one issue regarding face book authontication do u have any idea?
1 message moved to recycle bin
@amirkhan :what is the issue?

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