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@GirijaPatil gm
@AamirPathan hi
@GirijaPatil how are u
@AamirPathan fine
1 hour later…
@GirijaPatil i have one doubt
@AamirPathan bolo
@GirijaPatil i have taken custom listview right?
now when we are taking android default listview on that time in
click event we are getting orange hilighted color
now in custom listview i have taken image in entire row
so when i am clicking on that row i am not getting that orange color effect
what should be the reason?\
@GirijaPatil i got solution
trying to implement that
give transparent background to listview
@AamirPathan how u solve it?
@GirijaPatil transperent background is not solution
bcs transpercy will not give me look as per client requirnment
well i got some idea still not solve but i think it will solved like this
<selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<item android:state_focused="true" android:drawable="@drawable/wood01" />
<item android:drawable="@drawable/wood02" />
like this
on list item click we may use this drawable selector
@Subra welcome
thanks Amir :)
@Subra from where are u
Udupi (karnataka) a beginner android developer!
@Subra hmmm
welcome to android world :)
any body knows about playing with android webkit?? or like altering the code of webkit Ref: stackoverflow.com/questions/10717257/… issue:code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=20686 i want change the code of UrlInterceptResponse.cpp
#complex #JNI #android #webkit
@Subra better if u ask this to android room chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/5098/android-people
bcs this room is for phonegap developer
k :)
@JingJingTao welcome:)
2 hours later…
@AamirPathan i need ur help
@Pari hi
i need ur help
@Goofy yes
@Goofy tell
@AamirPathan @Pari i have a file in sdcard ... i need to display the contents its working fine in emulator...but when i install the app on device its not picking the file...
any idea on that
File sdcardLocal = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
File dir = new File (sdcardLocal.getAbsolutePath() +"/"+username+"/"+username+"_fcd001.xml");
this is how i am doing
where username is Intent s = getIntent();
username = s.getExtras().getString("username");
@Goofy is there any folder name username in sd card?
No username is FAA001 which i am passing
@Goofy so what is ur folder name?
@Goofy please tell us permissions ..
@Goofy i think path is not fetched in sd card
that's only should issue
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
@Goofy just check path
this is the permission
80% this is only the problem
Its working fine in emulator
@Goofy pls check whether is exist in sdcard
How to check whether that folder exists on sdcard
@Goofy oh!
now u don't have that folder in sd card
yes i have it...
make such folder in sd card
@Goofy does it contain a proper data u want to retrive from it?
@AamirPathan yes
@Goofy write ur complete path here
File sdcardLocal = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
File dir = new File (sdcardLocal.getAbsolutePath() +"/"+username+"/"+username+"_fcd001.xml");
@Goofy try to replace sdcardLocal.getAbsolutePath() to Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
u mean File dir = new File (sdcardLocal.getAbsolutePath() to File dir = new File (Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
ok will try that
No dude inthe emulator its working fine but its not working on the device
i have also added file inside the folder ...ex: abc/aa.xml in sdcard
@Goofy if works in emulator than waht's wrong with device?
No idea...
even i am wondering
what is the permission that i need to add
there is not permission issue
bcs it works in emulator
ok ... any other probs u find
@Goofy your sdcard must be unmount.
now i have checked that also
@Goofy restart device
in Android Developer, 16 secs ago, by Mehul Patel
@All Guys Bye
@MehulPatel byee

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