Android programming presents some special problems that do not necessarily exist for other forms of programming. Discuss some of the challenges present when developing an android app. What support does android supply to assist programmers in overcoming these problems?
I face problem for trying video playing using youtube api! I am adding compile '' but when I call YouTubeStandalonePlayer this class It's showing not found this class How can fixed it plz
I know that Android uses the Java language with a limited Java SDK and that Google claims it isn't Java. But is it right to say that Android is a Programming language itself?
See, I have Image in recyclerview. And all image is loaded from Internet. What I want is, when user scroll the recyclerview image should be saved to catch. Becuase Right now I am geting flickring effect when scrolling the recyclerview. It is because it is loading the image while scrolling the recyclerview
@PiyushGupta but I want to have ImageViewFlexible. I mean if the Image in portrait, it should have proper height and if the Image is Landscape, it should have that much width set to device width.
I am using this flexbox layout. I am stuck getting a behavior. I want items to be displayed to next line if dynamically added items cannot fit in FlexboxLayout.
Below is my XML code:
This workaround might work:
At the server side, create a redirect rule to google play. For example, will redirect to
At the app, register the server side link as a deep link:
<data a...
I am able to get progress now while multiple images upload and i am sending that progress to broadcast but in onReceive i m getting 100 always... I want like if image upload 25 then progress will be 25 in onReceive method