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@clickhere let me check - I'm sure there is a native VBA function for checking files on a sharepoint site
@clickhere nah I was thinking of Workbooks.CanCheckOut() which isn't quite the same msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff193284.aspx
1 hour later…
Hi guys, I am looking for representing a process flow in excel for a non technical person. I am not sure how to do that.Could some one point me with some example
When I mean process flow. It is like a graph. But to ask for parent is confusing for him.
Hi @user168983 the smart shapes in Excel contain the standard shapes for creating a flow diagram and should be easy to use
Is it possible to move a charts line to the right of the chart? like aligning text to the right instead of left
@Mr.Burns not quite sure what you mean - have you got an example?
I have 2 sets of data ina chart, one in the primary axis and one in the secondary
They run for different lengths of time though so one will appear shorter than the other
But excel defaults the lines to start from the left
I want to make the secondary one finish at the right of the chart rather than part way through it
2 hours later…
@MacroMan thanks, I'm going to just try my current solution and hope it's reliable :D
Found the answer to my problem, I need to make the ranges for the data the same, that means including white spaces for the shorter one
@Mr.Burns Sorry I didn't get time to have a look at it - to be honest I'm useless with charts anyway so I only woul dhave held you up!
@clickhere no worries - let us know if it works
I spent about 2 hours on it, I was only just able to solve it because I had given up and was about to ask someone at work who knew alotmore about charts. I was drafting up some mock data for him to look at for me and came across it by chance
will do, while I have you. I want to effectively pass some values to a userform. Want to populate label's and button's on the userform via stuff that happens before. Should I use global variables? Pass something to userform initialize? Call some other sub right as the userform initializes?
want to make sure I do it the 'right' way
I'd use the userform_initialize() event as that runs before the form is visible, where are you getting the values from?
Users use macro which opens a document from a sharepoint template. That document from sharepoint has a macro that runs on 'Workbook open' that get's the names of all open workbooks that contain a specific naming convention. It then populates a listbox in a userform with those names. I expect users to occasionally only have one open document that meets the naming convention. And therefore would wish to bypass them selecting it and then clicking OK. Rather, I want the userform to say...
"Are you sure you want populate via document X" (Which would be the value passed)
"Are you sure you want to populate via " & ActiveWorkbook.Name
will that not do?
oh sorry - do you mean they could have it open but not active?
as in - have other workbooks open but only that one meets the naming convention?
Yeah, won't work. because ThisDocument will be different then ActiveWorkbook at the time the macro runs
okay so the values are actually coming from a word document?
or is the whole thing in word?
They are copying certain data from content controls from Doc1 to Doc2. They run a macro via Doc1 that downloads and opens Doc2. Doc2 then needs to find Doc1 and confirm that the user wishes to copy data from Doc1 to Doc2
also, for clarity, not that I think it matters. I mispoke when I used "ActiveWorkbook" this is all in MS Word
I developed macro's in Excel for a while on and off and I'm still typing the object model names from it..
no worries - so what is the naming convention for the document?
Starts with "TRCReq" followed by some numbers.

Is a global variable created in ThisDocument accessible in the UserForm code?
should be
    For i = 1 To Documents.Count
        If Documents(i).Name Like "TRCReq[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*" Then '// for example 4 numbers...
            Set myDoc = Documents(i)
            docsFound = docsFound + 1
        End If

    If docsFound = 1 Then
        Set docToUse = myDoc
        '// More than one doc with naming convention - do something...
    End If
ohhhhhhhh ty
it's quick and dirty as it's just an example but that's how I'd do it - does that make sense?
No yeah, it makes total sense
I was basically doing all of that in Private Sub Document_New() and then trying to pass it to Userform_initialize Mind couldn't get past that it 'had' to be done that way.. rather then just do the document loop in userform initialized...
i need more coffee
developers always need more coffee
I was very close to bringing in my own coffee pot at my previous employer. Their coffee was just so bad but I didn't want to brew my nice coffee for the office
just take a hip flask
with whiskey or something
get you through the day
all the top developers do it
@Rory back me up
i really love my job sometimes :D
my job is to make other people's job's more efficient. And they love having their jobs made easier. I'm happy when they're happy and usually I can impress them
"Continuous Improvement Consultant" is actually half of my job title :)
ThisDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle what a gross API here I am thinking ThisDocument.ContentControls(cnt_ctrl.Title) should work... nope
@MacroMan yup- I have a minibar on my desk.
If the same line of VBA code crashes Word every time.. that's probably something microsoft should fix.. right? Something I should report?
looks like i'm not the only person that thinks it's a bug heh.. social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/…
thankfully their solution works!!! but it's WAY over my head!!

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