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A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/70403054 @Floern
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Edit summary contains blacklisted word: (?<!(?:(?:n(?:'|o)t|if|what).{0,10}))\b(?:found|is|my)\s(?:an?\s)?(?:fix|answer|solution)s?\b(?!\W*\?); Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 6
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 431 Rep: 1260 Contains Blacklisted Word - How can i; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.4; Body Starts With: When I sort my list of tuples by descending numerical values with this function : 5.0;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70408174 tp
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
@Belisarius fp
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Body contains blacklisted word: (?:problem|error|issue).{0,10}(?<!n't|not)\s+(?:now\s+)?fixed(?!\W*\?); Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 2
[ NELQA ] Link to question Spanish content detected
@Natty fetch amount
[ NELQA ] Link to question Vietnamese content detected
[ NELQA ] Link to question Probably non-English question or VLQ
@DharmanBot It's in a language you obviously can't recognize, @DharmanBot. It's Python. But the variable names are in English. And the error message. Oh and The error:
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ TagWiki Edit Monitor ] Tag wiki link 5306450
[ TagWiki Edit Monitor ] Tag wiki link 5306451
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 309 Rep: 41 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Any subtree in Treap is also a Treap (i.e. satisfies BST rule as well as min- or max- heap rule too). Due to this property, an ordered list can be easily split, or multiple ordered
lists can be 4.5;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70408522 fp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70408522 ne
Invalidated the previous feedback on stackoverflow.com/a/70408522
Sloshy startup: nightly run on fv-az75-568
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Physics questions at MMSE: latest activity 2021-12-10 02:09:00 (9 days, 0:07:19 hours ago)
[ NELQA ] Link to question Spanish content detected
@Natty fetch links 44
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Body starts with title and ends in url (97): Do anyone know how to create this types of search bar?‭ by Sourav Pan‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 227 Rep: 45 Ends with ?; Low Length; Low Rep; Body Starts With: The code looks correct. 4.0;
Hiya o/ (Tag wiki monitor - random edition)
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 174 Rep: 45 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: The indirection is the StateMachine. 4.5;
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70409113 tp
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; Contains Salutation - Thanks in Advance; Low Rep; 3.0;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.0;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 127 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Here is a live website and open source project which developed that. 4.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 3.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 148 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: For anyone who stumbles upon this issue, I found rdrr.io/github/jennybc/reprex/f/internal/… to be very helpful. 5.0;
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username, few unique characters in answer, potentially bad keyword in username (179): SQL - Time difference between rows, conditional‭ by wingding‭ on stackoverflow.com
Getting ready to feed
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 2
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in body (96): KING CARGO SHIFTING SOLUTION‭ by Parveen Singh‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:0.12 OpenNLP:0.00 Perspective:0.94) comment
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Edit summary contains blacklisted word: (?i)approval overridden; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ NELQA ] Link to question Spanish content detected
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 30 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - any solution; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Any solutions for that issue ? 7.5;
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 65 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Body Starts With: same issue. don't know why Microsoft products are overcomplicated 5.0;
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Title contain blacklisted word: (?i)\b(solved|fixed|answered)(?!\s(?:position|size|length|numbers?|rows?))\b; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 2
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 168 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - How can i; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I want to filter the Learndash menu based on the active lessons ( not courses, not topics, only lessons ) to show only the
lessons that are active. How can I filter it? 7.0;
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 61 Rep: 29 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; Body Starts With: my answerThanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! 5.0;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 147 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; Body Starts With: By adding nameservers at /etc/resolve.conf 4.0;
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in body (96): How I can start dropshipping on shopify?‭ by Alamin Ayaz‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 190 Rep: 11 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Convert UUID to String 4.5;
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad phone number in body, bad phone number in title, phone number detected in title, several emoji in title (375): $n 🤬FTX ‘PHONE’ NUMBER "😡⇋-(1820)–900–3496⇋☎️‭ by gadom75916‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Non-latin link in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (79): how to set session attribute in cq5‭ by Martinez Martinez‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 120 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; One Line only; Contains Whitelisted Word - You can; Low Rep; Body Starts With: you can refer there repo here - github.com/dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs/tree/main/aspnetcore/… 4.0;
[ NELQA ] Link to question Russian content detected
[ NELQA ] Link to question French content detected
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)\bass\b NaiveBayes:0.00 OpenNLP:0.11 Perspective:0.92) comment
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 144 Rep: 1 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; Body Starts With: im sorry cant find identity scaffolding item in project asp.net 6 mvc.Could show me how to setting(install) it in program.cs and data.cs? Thanks 5.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 751 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - any solution; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Following ray tutorial: docs.ray.io/en/releases-1.3.0/serve/tutorial.html, 4.0;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 60 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - did you solve; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Did you solve it? 6.0;
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 119 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - its not working; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.2; Low Rep; Body Starts With: (nickgryg) i have flow this steps but 4.5;
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 4
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 4
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 269 Rep: 1 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Piled symbols - ??; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Like this ?? 4.0;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Contains ?; Low Length; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; 3.5;
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)bullshit NaiveBayes:0.00 OpenNLP:0.00 Perspective:0.62) comment
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.5;
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:0.99 OpenNLP:1.00 Perspective:0.26) comment
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 403 Rep: 984 Contains Blacklisted Word - did not work; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - -1.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: In EF Core 6.0 I encountered this error when executing add-migration, I renamed a class, which should cause a migration that renames the table
as well. It did not work when I renamed the class and 4.0;
[ NELQA ] Link to question French content detected
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 49 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - did you find any solution; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Piled symbols - ??; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Looking for the same, did you find any solution?? 8.5;
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer, username similar to website in answer (68): How to easily open a script in R-studio‭ by best apk4u‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 113 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: Why all means LOCAL host? What about another (remote) host name?... 6.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 143 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: They replace ready() with create(), but read the v3 announcement before you use it ionicframework.com/blog/announcing-ionic-storage-v3 5.0;
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected (46): To find out if I really got infected with a bacdoor‭ by Nayks‭ on stackoverflow.com (@Zoe)
sd f
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 233 Rep: 396 Contains Blacklisted Word - this tutorial; Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Contains Whitelisted Word - You can; IntelliBL - 0.0; Low Rep; Body Starts With: You can also check this tutorial I wrote. I hope \[this can resolve conflicts in the
Sourcetree\]\[1\]. 5.0;
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (35): Use keycloak for only authentication and use custom filter for authorization (Spring Boot)‭ by Apolinaire Nguemo‭ on stackoverflow.com (@Zoe)
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 5
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 81 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Piled symbols - !!!!!!!!!!!!; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: ((AppiumDriver)driver).resetApp(); This is a magic..... try it out!!!!!!!!!!!! 5.0;
A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/70411098 @Floern
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 324 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - guide me; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Contains Whitelisted Word - You can; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Hi I am currently facing the exact same problem that you did. I have my chromebook in
dev mode and installed everything once didnt work so wiped the book and redid it again, and I am still facing the 4.5;
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)\bbully?(ing)?\b NaiveBayes:0.02 OpenNLP:1.00 Perspective:0.24) comment
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username, potentially bad keyword in username (91): io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information:‭ by wingding‭ on stackoverflow.com (@Zoe @Floern)
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 303 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - How can i; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: big thx for the code. 6.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 130 Rep: 51 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: \[Task.Run vs Task.Factory.StartNew\]\[1\] 4.0;
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: 80.0% or more text removed with a JW score of 0.59; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 2
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70411397 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70411315 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70411174 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 102 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Piled symbols - ??????; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: I started to work on indoor location tracking a week ago 6.0;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 3599 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; Non English Post - so; One Line only; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo
Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo Hoyoyoyo 4.0;
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username, few unique characters in answer, potentially bad keyword in username, repeating words in answer (266): iOS, Adding new Core Data object in each row in a Table View‭ by wingding‭ on stackoverflow.com (@Zoe @Floern)
[ NELQA ] Link to question Portuguese content detected
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 406 Rep: 19 Contains Blacklisted Word - How can i; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I would like to add the images of my products in my server at runtime via next.js, without using a third party service like AWS S3 or Cloudinary.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 18754 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: Why always me? Why always me? Why always me? Why always me? Why always me? Why always me? Why always me? Why always me? Why always me? Why
always me? Why always me? Why always me? Why always me? Why 5.5;
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username, few unique characters in answer, potentially bad keyword in username (179): iOS, Adding new Core Data object in each row in a Table View‭ by wingding‭ on stackoverflow.com (@Zoe @Floern)
sd k
@Natty tp
Ugh, more downvote shaming
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 82 Rep: 49 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thank you; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I'm experiencing with the same issue, how did you handle it eventually? 5.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains Blacklisted Word - How can i; Ends with ?; Low Length; Non English Post - ar; Unformatted Code; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; 6.0;
sd n
how are those non-latin?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad keyword in body (97): web scraping gives only first 4 elements on a page‭ by anotherUser‭ on stackoverflow.com (@Floern)
[ Natty | FMS ] Link to Post BodyLength: 1483 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - How can i; Ends with ?; Low Length; Non English Post - ar; Unformatted Code; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: def updateitem(): 6.0;
A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/70411728 @Floern
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.0;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 66 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - any solution; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Hey did you found any solution for that I am facing the same issue 5.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains Blacklisted Word - Any tips; Contains ?; Low Length; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; 3.5;
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:0.61 OpenNLP:1.00 Perspective:0.24) comment
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 382 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; Non English Post - ca; Low Rep; Body Starts With: SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; 4.0;
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Edit summary contains blacklisted words: (?i)(problem|error|issue)\s+(re|now\s+)?(solved|fixed), (?i)(solved -|solved(?:\s)?:); Score: 2.0 All revisions. Revision: 2
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 207 Rep: 33 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I have got the solution to convert ARF recording to MP4 format. Hope this help you also. Please refer below link. 4.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 98 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: See here, it seems this bug is fixed in Cython 3.0 5.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 72 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Body Starts With: What would be the destination <dest> in case of copying to docker image? 7.0;
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 332 Rep: 1 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Can you not restrict the code to only pick up words with less than 1 or less letters? and numbers too. If the word one was said it would know that to insert word one
would cross the rule placed thus 5.0;
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)\bshit NaiveBayes:0.66 OpenNLP:0.11 Perspective:0.88) comment
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)\bf([\Wkcuf]*)ck(s|ers?|ed)? NaiveBayes:0.00 OpenNLP:0.89 Perspective:0.90) comment
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 7 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)(?<!i('| a)?m(\s){0,10}(\w{0,50}\s{0,10})?(\w{0,50}\s{0,10})?)idiot(?![\s-]?proof) NaiveBayes:0.86 OpenNLP:0.99 Perspective:0.93) comment cc: @Floern
@Queen tp
Oh no, how terrible, someone answered you
@Queen fp
too much drama?
could be worse
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body (96): What is the best free SEO tool?‭ by rewards go‭ on stackoverflow.com (@Zoe @Floern)
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 43 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: Same problem here with Spyder 5.1.5 on Mac. 5.5;
sd k
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 75 Rep: 1 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; User @ Mentioned; Low Rep; Body Starts With: @ Paul Warren 5.0;
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Body contains blacklisted word: (?i)(problem|error|issue)\s+(re|now\s+)?(solved|fixed); Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 2
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 31 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Non English Post - ht; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Body Starts With: can you tell how you solved it? 9.0;
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 57 Rep: 1 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Body Starts With: what about link callbackURL? that the response back on it 6.0;
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
Getting ready to feed
@Natty fetch amount
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 185 Rep: 25 Contains Blacklisted Word - i need; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - -0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I need to count how many wheels are visible on each car or truck in a video frame. Can someone give me a way? 5.5;
@Natty tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70409205 ne
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Title contain blacklisted word: (?i)\b(solved|fixed|answered)(?!\s(?:position|size|length|numbers?|rows?))\b; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412756 tp
[ NELQA ] Link to question Spanish content detected
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412612 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412605 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412518 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 60 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; Non English Post - fr; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: You use jquery version, so in console just write $.fancybox. 5.5;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412468 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412143 tp
Invalidated the previous feedback on stackoverflow.com/a/70412143
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412050 fp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412826 ne
[ NELQA ] Link to question Russian content detected
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 62 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; Piled symbols - !!; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; Body Starts With: This answer c:\kafka worked for me !! 5.5;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412925 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412925 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 154 Rep: 31 Contains Blacklisted Word - i have the same problem; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Piled symbols - ??; IntelliBL - 0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: May I what version your rest native is when you got crash on this Android API 30 ?? 6.5;
@Natty fetch links 44
I'm confused by this answer it's very well received but I don't understand the second part. Should that just be edited out?
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70133725 tp
@HenryEcker Looks salvageable, so yeah
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 150 Rep: 23 Contains Blacklisted Word - I am trying to; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.3; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I am trying to use it without angular fire 2 4.5;
@Zoe Thanks I wasn't sure if any of that question had useful information to keep or not.
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70086482 ne
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 30 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Piled symbols - ??; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Have you solved this problem?? 6.5;
@HenryEcker The first half, at least to me, reads as an answer, where the second half is a question asking to set it globally instead of per command
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70134841 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70135577 tp
@Zoe Sorry. Yes, the first part is definitely an answer (an apparently a good one). I meant I didn't know if that second half (the question) had any useful information to keep. Like a "wouldn't it be better to set it globally?" Could become "It would be better to set it globally" kinda thing
Ah, I see
well, if that was the intent, OP can clarify that on their own
Works for me :)
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70136303 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70136572 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70138038 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70138839 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70138947 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70139332 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70139516 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70139920 ne
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70140016 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70141252 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70413208 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70413095 tp
[ NELQA ] Link to question Portuguese content detected
sd f
For heaven's sake. SmokeDetector is wearing a hat?!?!
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 124 Rep: 21 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I solved this problem this way: 4.5;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70413429 tp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): Can i use binary to write integer constants in assembly?‭ by Shanjida Maria‭ on stackoverflow.com (@Zoe)
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.0;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70413396 tp
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)bollocks NaiveBayes:0.00 OpenNLP:0.27 Perspective:0.27) comment
I think that one's potentially spam author name of linked article matches username
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 3.5;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412377 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70412377 tp
Hi :)
Hey @cigien!
Are you new here?
Yeah, I've only dropped in here a couple of times before :) So, it turns out I've been unintentionally reporting things to Natty :( (My latest report was the first intentional one). Sorry about that, I've just been clicking the buttons on AF, just to report to SD.
You consider it bad to report things?
It's a blessing that you've been doing it ;)
It's bad if it's unintentional, yeah, in that I don't know if I've been doing it right :p
you can change that in "AdvancedFlagging: edit comments and flags"
@cigien Natty is pretty cool. I owe my 200+ votes in two days to it ;)
Or disable feedback to Natty
a future release will also include an option to not send feedback to a bot for a particular post
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:0.00 OpenNLP:1.00 Perspective:0.85) comment
Actually, I think I'll have a look at the FAQs, and read through the transcript to see how this works. It's possible (probable?) that I can give feedback to Natty as part of my regular workflow, which would be nice.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 192 Rep: 11 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Contains Salutation - Thanks in Advance; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Hi @Yeshvant Kumar Bhavnasi, would you be so kind and post your whole code here? I´m trying to do something smiliar but since i´m new to php and r i
do not know how to do it. Thanks in advance 5.5; @Dharman
A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/70413228 @Floern
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70413586 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 33 Rep: 21 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; Body Starts With: do you find a answer ? 5.5;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70413594 tp
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:0.28 OpenNLP:0.00 Perspective:0.89) comment -tp
@Queen tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 115 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - I am trying to; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.3; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I am confused whenever I am trying to use get\_round() with older timestamp it returns none. Has author found any s 5.0;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70413622 tp
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 2
@DharmanBot Post already registered as True Positive
@Belisarius Weird. OP removes text output of debug logs and replaces it with a screenshot.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 314 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - can you tell me; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: I'm having same problem. Can you tell me what you did. Did you just install npm install vue and
what are the other package you have installed. I have not worked with webpack. 6.0;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70413689 tp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in title, numbers-only title (97): (1+1)*2**4//3+4-1‭ by Deepu Kumar‭ on stackoverflow.com (@Zoe)
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 97 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: >you can try ls then space then type the starting letter eg. a\* then last letter z\*. ls a\*z\* 4.0;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70413844 tp
A tracked post has a pending suggested edit: stackoverflow.com/suggested-edits/5306750 @richardec
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 432 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - please give me; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: hello sir im sorry to tell this but i have a college project that i need a simple apk file and source of vue js and it should work in web to i
found something in internet but i cant make an apk (i 5.0;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70413905 tp
@GenericBot I'd love to review that edit! Sigh I cannot.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 107 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - answer to this question?; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Contains Whitelisted Word - You can; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Hey did you get the answer to this question? I need help to do the same
thing, let me know if you can help. 5.0;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/70413976 tp
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