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We have a post on stackapps.se.
And a few people from SOCVR know about the project too.
We're also talking about getting the bot in there.
@tripleee we don't like to much people for now, lets see if SOCVR like part of it and maybe some other rooms would like it (right eyes on right questions).
Meta would be a storm that we can't handle for now...
The dream would be that serious rooms (matlab, bin-bash, python, ecc) could have the bot in their tag, the reality is that we see what happens... without creating a storm in this room that needs to be handled.
@PetterFriberg hello
: )
@que help
This is a registered stack app SOCVFinder that notify about possible duplicates and cherry pick questions to review, see quick guide for commands
If you like to know what is happening here --^
If above message is for me, then yes I do know about this community. Through 1 fellow. It's more about cleanup like dupes.
@iammilind, if your are interested in moderation of SO, specially the problem of duplicates I can add you to the bot and you can have real time notifications about possibile duplicates in c++
Yeah the bot is for duplicates but also for targeting close review
So not much fun, we are just a group of janitors...
@queen [python] =4cv
@MorganThrapp in python scanned 1032 questions between May 17 23:45 and Jun 08 15:09 filtered and ordered: 7 in batch 834
@queen done
@MorganThrapp Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 7 questions, I counted 5 (71%) close votes and 5 questions closed
@queen [python] =3cv
@MorganThrapp in python scanned 1019 questions between May 17 23:45 and Jun 08 15:21 filtered and ordered: 20 in batch 835
@PetterFriberg. Sorry for the late reply. I wouldn't be able to take up this responsibility very actively as my main area is limited to C++. Also I am not a frequent visitor now a days. However suppose if you add me, then will I be able to opt out later, if I don't fulfil the duty?
@iammilind, there is no duty here, when every you like you come to room and if we find a dup while you are in room it will ping you, if you leave room it will not. I will add you so you can see if you have some fun or not
@que add user 514235 iammilind 2
User: (514235) iammilind as Hammer added
@que help
This is a registered stack app SOCVFinder that notify about possible duplicates and cherry pick questions to review, see quick guide for commands
@iammilind in the quick guide link you find the commands.
@iammilind To get duplicate notifications you need to opt-in example @ que opt-in [c++] (remove space between @ and que)
@queen done
@MorganThrapp Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 20 questions, I counted 19 (95%) close votes and 2 questions closed
@queen [delphi] >=3cv
@MorganThrapp in delphi scanned 2000 questions between Dec 17 01:59 and Jun 08 15:02 filtered and ordered: 6 in batch 836
@queen done
@MorganThrapp Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 6 questions, I counted 2 (33%) close votes and 1 questions closed
@PetterFriberg. Thanks. I will look into it.
You are welcome
@queen What AI are you using to reply to messages?
@Kyll Sorry, I do not know
There are a lot of funny aiml files, I have tested some...
@kyll actually this is the correct page: alicebot.org/about.html
@queen k
@BhargavRao Thank you for confirming the duplicate
@queen k
@BhargavRao Thank you for confirming the duplicate
@queen f
@BhargavRao Marked as non duplicate
@queen [python] dupes
@BhargavRao scanned 2000 questions between Jun 04 18:36 and Jun 08 16:07 filtered and ordered: 18 in batch 837
@queen done
@BhargavRao Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 17 questions, I counted 17 (100%) close votes and 5 questions closed
@queen [python] =4cv
@BhargavRao in python scanned 1031 questions between May 17 23:45 and Jun 08 16:22 filtered and ordered: 14 in batch 838
@queen k
@queen done
@BhargavRao Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 14 questions, I counted 11 (79%) close votes and 11 questions closed
@queen stats tags today
@queen remove
@queen [python] =3cv na
@BhargavRao in python scanned 1031 questions between May 17 23:45 and Jun 08 16:38 filtered and ordered: 5 in batch 839
@queen done
@BhargavRao Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 5 questions, I counted 5 (100%) close votes and 0 questions closed
@queen k
@Tunaki Thank you for confirming the duplicate
@queen k
@Tunaki Thank you for confirming the duplicate
@queen k
@Tunaki Thank you for confirming the duplicate
@queen f
@Tunaki Marked as non duplicate
@queen k
@Tunaki Thank you for confirming the duplicate
@queen [android] >3cv
@DalijaPrasnikar in android scanned 1045 questions between May 19 06:18 and Jun 08 16:42 filtered and ordered: 16 in batch 840
@queen maybe, maybe not, no stacktrace
@SouravGhosh Wrong room?
@Tunaki Oh I get it.
@queen k
@Tunaki Thank you for confirming the duplicate
actualyl, ran the code dear @queen and it is a dupe
@Tunaki Ok, I will remember actualyl ran the code dear and it is a dupe.
yes remember my typos
@DalijaPrasnikar Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 16 questions, I counted 6 (38%) close votes and 6 questions closed
@queen k
@BhargavRao I'm I right...
@PetterFriberg There's a better dupe. Just a sec
The other dupe has this as sub target ; )
Yep, There's a mix of both. Need some better google powers :/
Bit afk, Prof calling.
@Kyll Why?
If you like more people to view your cv-pls post it in SOCVR
@PetterFriberg ok, will do that
@queen [ios] =cv4
@JAL in ios scanned 1010 questions between May 29 22:05 and Jun 08 17:13 filtered and ordered: 7 in batch 841
yeep and an answer went to the VLQ..
lots of duppies...
@queen done
@JAL Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 7 questions, I counted 7 (100%) close votes and 7 questions closed
work harder ; )
@queen [swift] =cv4
@JAL in swift scanned 1015 questions between May 19 12:10 and Jun 08 17:09 filtered and ordered: 2 in batch 842
@que index [ios]
Starting to index tag: ios
But @petter, I am using the post that you duped as the target. That has the most complete answer
I better remove my comment then ; )
@queen done
@PetterFriberg Index of tag ios completed
Scan statistics tag [ios]
  Date    # questions  # closed       CV1       CV2       CV3       CV4        PD
18 May            109         6     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)      0(0)
19 May            369        18     0 (0)     1 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)      4(3)
20 May            313        15     1 (1)     1 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)      6(6)
21 May            156         6     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)      0(0)
@JAL Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 2 questions, I counted 1 (50%) close votes and 1 questions closed
@JAL try IOS at 4cv again...
There is 20 at 4cv, if you get nothing you better bring some backup...
@queen [ios] =cv4
@JAL in ios scanned 1015 questions between May 31 21:14 and Jun 08 17:13 filtered and ordered: 2 in batch 843
Yeah... you have voted on most.. you better bring some backup ; )
@queen done
@JAL Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 2 questions, I counted 0 (0%) close votes and 0 questions closed
ok, I'll ping eric
@petter Look at the answer here stackoverflow.com/questions/14177582/… :)
@que 40 [ios] =4cv -all
@PetterFriberg in ios scanned 1018 questions between May 31 21:14 and Jun 08 17:23 filtered and ordered: 24 in batch 844
@JAL 24 --^
@que ignore
@PetterFriberg The batch has been deleted, questions will be displayed in next batch request.
@PetterFriberg thanks, looks like I VTC'd them all already. Pinged eric, he'll review at some point today
Yeah they certainly have already been presented in your batches, no need for you to check'em, just wanted to show you the number
@PetterFriberg hammered
Great cleaned up the string to int situation in python some ; )
There were 0 linked posts to that. Now stackoverflow.com/questions/linked/6378889
@queen k
@queen 3 [python] dupes
@BhargavRao scanned 2000 questions between Jun 04 23:33 and Jun 08 17:48 filtered and ordered: 3 in batch 845
@queen done
@BhargavRao Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 3 questions, I counted 0 (0%) close votes and 0 questions closed
@queen 3 [python] =3cv na
All right, dear, working on it...
@BhargavRao Sorry your query did not produce any result
@queen [python] dupes
@queen done
@BhargavRao Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 1 questions, I counted 0 (0%) close votes and 0 questions closed
@queen 3 [python]
@BhargavRao in python scanned 1014 questions between May 17 23:45 and Jun 08 17:56 filtered and ordered: 3 in batch 848
@queen done
@BhargavRao Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 3 questions, I counted 1 (33%) close votes and 0 questions closed
@queen [python]
@BhargavRao in python scanned 1012 questions between May 17 23:45 and Jun 08 17:56 filtered and ordered: 20 in batch 849
@queen k
@que [moderation]
All right, dear, working on it...
@PetterFriberg Sorry your query did not produce any result
needs some seeding...
@queen done
@BhargavRao Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 20 questions, I counted 2 (10%) close votes and 0 questions closed
@queen stats tags today
@PetterFriberg wait for it to be featured
@queen remove
bash high on cvvirt, blame EEE. :P
Anyway outta votes, outta here! ;)
Cya all.
@Tunaki oki, I was to ready... back into starting block...
Cya BR
no queen, not dupe but off-topic
hmm maybe I can do the duplication system much more efficiente... to go after questions but search on latest comments...
but it gives also comment on answers and it's almost 100 comments every minute... maah @Tuna how do you connect to listen to new comments?
Do you know a way?, I remember you pasted some stuff once.
you can use a websocket
you bind to multiple questions and you listen the event that corresponds to "comment added"
naa, I found your post codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/79408/…, but they also use the api...
I was hopping to bind to something that pops me the comment.
yep because they need to fetch all comments
but if you focus on the latest x questions, you can use a live websocket
Thats similar to current system... maybe bit better but still not perfect, since we will not get old questions...
I would like all comments on questions.. need to think a bit
I guess sticking to API and /comments is better
is it possible to filter by Q or A?
From what I see the problems is that you can't filter on questions and they are really a lot....
I guess we will get a back-off fairly quickly...
it should be about 1500 api calls to get all comments... need to check it better
Testing comment api: "score": 0,
"post_type": "answer",
"creation_date": 1465403480,
"post_id": 37706803,
"comment_id": 62890146,
"body": "@originaluser2 I think this is due to implicit bridging to the Objective-C runtime behind-the-scenes in an Xcode Playground."
And who did I find @JAL
how did you find that?
I was playing around with the api, to understand what I could get...
it was the first result, so I was checking it out (1 / 40000)
40K comments a day is less then what I expected that's only 400 api calls...
@Tuna yeah I will try to implement comments call to the api 400 calls are responsabile..
@queen k
@Tunaki Thank you for confirming the duplicate
@queen The pleasure is mine.
@Tunaki Perhaps so, but I enjoyed it too.
@queen k
@queen k
@que stats
@SouravGhosh Queen, I was activated in 1995., I am a female robot., unknown, unknown., I am available, how about you?
@que eh?
@SouravGhosh Give me a break.
@que sure, break;
@SouravGhosh Great. It's good to be responsible and work hard.
@queen [android] =4cv
@TimCastelijns in android scanned 1047 questions between May 19 06:18 and Jun 08 20:19 filtered and ordered: 5 in batch 851
@queen done
@TimCastelijns Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 5 questions, I counted 4 (80%) close votes and 4 questions closed
@queen stags tags today
@TimCastelijns People say I'm smart and witty.
@queen stats tags today
Tag statistics today
   nr [tag]             Reviews  CV virt.  CV count    Closed
   1. python                 91        68        61        23
   2. bash                   40       128        40        29
   3. ios                    29        27        27        16
   4. php                    20        20        20        10
   5. java                   23        16        16        18
   6. android                26        14        14        14
waaaaaaa 6th
@SouravGhosh :you need to ad me, tags or room after comand... :D break
@PetterFriberg ah, I see
hey @queen stats me
This is your effort that I have registered all time
   nr [tag]             Reviews  CV virt.  CV count    Closed
   1. c                     117        92        91        49
      TOTAL                 117        92        91        49
The dup notifications are not in stats but they will be soon ; ), I'm registering the stuff you confirms with k and f
First I will have a look at the comments api... I think we can do something really nice with it..
@queen k
@queen f
@queen then don;t you remove the suggestion from here? just asking'
lol, see edits and removes what she can, you need to be quick... you have 2 min approx
@PetterFriberg k :P
@que stats [c]
@SouravGhosh in c scanned 1008 questions between May 26 17:27 and Jun 08 21:06 filtered and ordered: 20 in batch 852
She actually executed your remove command.... I do not know if you noticed...
you can send ignore
Send stats tags
@PetterFriberg yes, I did notice that, her reply was removed
Since you did not wanted a batch, send @ que ignore
To see close stats on tags send @ que stats tags
If you like to see close vote distribution we need to index.
@queen ignore
@SouravGhosh The batch has been deleted, questions will be displayed in next batch request.
@que index [c]
Starting to index tag: c
This is the cv distribution in your tag
@PetterFriberg Index of tag c completed
Scan statistics tag [c]
  Date    # questions  # closed       CV1       CV2       CV3       CV4        PD
18 May             13         1     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)      0(0)
19 May            128        17     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)      2(1)
20 May            108        12     1 (1)     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)      1(1)
21 May             92         9     2 (2)     1 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)      0(0)
@PetterFriberg hmm, this seems interesting... thanks
The value in () is non roomba
you need a friend and you can clear some cv3 stuff ; )
@PetterFriberg sure, first let me clean up the cv4s
@rene I guess you are a bit worried about all the features of queen in SOCVR, we could start with only sending duplication notifications to SOCVR and block all the other commands. Lets get some eyes on these dupes that destroy SO?
@que [c] =cv4
@SouravGhosh in c scanned 1013 questions between May 23 09:29 and Jun 08 21:21 filtered and ordered: 11 in batch 853
@que done
@SouravGhosh Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 11 questions, I counted 0 (0%) close votes and 0 questions closed
@que because I had already voted on all of them :)
@SouravGhosh That was not much of an explanation.. Do you still have already voted on all of them ?
@SouravGhosh in c scanned 1013 questions between May 23 09:29 and Jun 08 21:21 filtered and ordered: 20 in batch 854
no issues, @que [c] cv3
@queen done
@SouravGhosh Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 20 questions, I counted 16 (80%) close votes and 2 questions closed
@queen yes, i surely did
@SouravGhosh Sorry, I do not know
@queen it's k, happens
@SouravGhosh You're kidding. k happens is?
@queen ignore
@SouravGhosh Sorry, could not understand the batch that you are referring to.
@que stats me today
This is your effort that I have registered today
   nr [tag]             Reviews  CV virt.  CV count    Closed
   1. c                      31        16        16         2
      TOTAL                  31        16        16         2
@que i'm out of CV
Good night all, see you tomorrow
good night @que
@SouravGhosh Goodnight, Friend.
1465415925: Possible duplicate of <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13102045/skipping-nextline-after-using-‌​next-nextint-or-other-nextfoo-methods">Skipping nextLine() after using next(), nextInt() or other nextFoo() methods</a>
This works great time to try it out...
Evening All
@que 40 [c#] =4CV <1s nr
@RichardSlater in c# scanned 1096 questions between May 22 14:40 and Jun 08 22:00 filtered and ordered: 11 in batch 855
Hi Richard
@que done
@RichardSlater Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 11 questions, I counted 9 (82%) close votes and 9 questions closed
Evening @Petter, how often does Queen reindex a tag?
its only manually for now :D @que index [c#]
Starting to index tag: c#
my pleasure to serve a good community memeber
@PetterFriberg Index of tag c# completed
Scan statistics tag [c#]
  Date    # questions  # closed       CV1       CV2       CV3       CV4        PD
18 May             42         1     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)      0(0)
19 May            698        43     1 (1)     0 (0)     1 (0)     0 (0)    12(12)
20 May            600        46     1 (1)     0 (0)     0 (0)     0 (0)    15(14)
21 May            263        22     2 (1)     0 (0)     1 (0)     0 (0)      6(6)
[tag:possible-duplicate] [tag:java] [tag:arrays] [tag:matrix] [tag:arraylist] ---[Java matrix of ArrayList
](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37711829)--- k by Tunaki
@queen k
Queen is a great tool, does a fantastic job all round.
@que 40 [c#] =4CV <1s nr
@RichardSlater in c# scanned 1098 questions between May 22 14:40 and Jun 08 22:08 filtered and ordered: 1 in batch 856
@que done
@RichardSlater Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 1 questions, I counted 0 (0%) close votes and 0 questions closed
@que 40 [c#] =4CV <1s nr
All right, dear, working on it...
@RichardSlater Sorry your query did not produce any result
@que 40 [c#] =3CV <1s nr
@RichardSlater in c# scanned 1098 questions between May 22 14:40 and Jun 08 22:10 filtered and ordered: 18 in batch 858
I am TimCastelijns, first of my name, mother father of closing android questions, protector of the realm (just got protection priveleges :p)
Woot \o/
Congrats :)
At the rate I am going I will also have protection privileges in about 28 years.
Took me nearly 4 years
@queen done
@RichardSlater Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 18 questions, I counted 9 (50%) close votes and 1 questions closed
Tunaki here got 50k in less than a year
Some say he is a nerd
I wouldn't ever say that though
My problem is I never really dedicate myself to it, my workflow is 1) Discover a Problem, 2) Google for Answer, 3) Find unanswered SO/SF Q, 4) Solve the problem, 5) Answer question from 3.
@que 40 [c#] =3CV <1s nr
@RichardSlater in c# scanned 1098 questions between May 22 14:40 and Jun 08 22:15 filtered and ordered: 4 in batch 859
@Rich I get it
It takes me about a week before I can admit I cannot solve a problem by myself
doesn't look like a dupe?
Let me check
@queen done
@RichardSlater Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 4 questions, I counted 1 (25%) close votes and 0 questions closed
@que 40 [c#] =>2CV <1s nr
@RichardSlater in c# scanned 1096 questions between May 22 14:40 and Jun 08 22:23 filtered and ordered: 14 in batch 860
@Tunaki Agree
@queen done
@RichardSlater Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 14 questions, I counted 14 (100%) close votes and 0 questions closed
@queen f
@Tunaki Marked as non duplicate
@que 18 [c#] =>2CV <1s nr
All right, dear, working on it...
@RichardSlater Sorry your query did not produce any result
@queen 18 [c#] =>1CV <1s nr
@RichardSlater in c# scanned 1097 questions between May 22 14:40 and Jun 08 22:25 filtered and ordered: 18 in batch 862
@TimCastelijns Congrats!!!
let me dv you a bit
@TimCastelijns Congrats!
@queen done and all CV's gone
@RichardSlater Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 18 questions, I counted 18 (100%) close votes and 0 questions closed
thanks guys
if someone needs to review tell me

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