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[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 84 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - can you tell me; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Please, can you tell me how to resolve this problem because i have the same issue :/ 5.5; @Shree
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching product name in body (193): program can't find next button by cartier_5 on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body (69): How can I make a custom window shape for a electron application by falcon on stackoverflow.com
Getting ready to feed
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Few unique characters detected: ., Post contains repeated words: p, 80.0% or more text removed with a JW score of 0.4, Code removed; Score: 5.0 All revisions. Revision: 5
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, mostly punctuation marks in body, no whitespace in title, repeating characters in title (254): FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ✏️ by Hanniel Lopez on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 49 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Having the same issue. Were you able to solve it? 5.5; @Shree
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 7 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)(?<!i('| a)?m(\s){0,10}(\w{0,50}\s{0,10})?(\w{0,50}\s{0,10})?)idiot(?![\s-]?proof) NaiveBayes:0.51 OpenNLP:1.00 Perspective:0.85) comment cc: @Shree
@Queen tp
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Edit summary contains blacklisted word: (?i)approval overridden; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 15
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: 80.0% or more text removed with a JW score of 0.58; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 2
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 74 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - did you solve; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: So is your problem solved now? If yes, then how did you solve your issue? 7.5; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 115 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - i need; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - -0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Hello I am having a similar error, I need to know exactly how you solved it. Your explanation wasn't so clear to me 5.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 311 Rep: 13 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I got the best and very short solution here at \*\*StackPK\*\* \[https://stackpk.com/jqueryfaqs/drag-sort-html-elements\]\[1\] 4.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 316 Rep: 13 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I got the best and very short solution here at \*\*StackPK\*\* \[https://stackpk.com/jqueryfaqs/drag-sort-html-elements\]\[1\] 4.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 43 Rep: 49 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Body Starts With: can we set log4j.properties in similar way? 7.0; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body (96): List of *.jpg to hover rotating thumbnail jquery by Tyler Haupert on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 146 Rep: 582 Contains Blacklisted Word - i need; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - -0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: In my case, I need to check off the build flag: 4.0; @Shree
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Body contains blacklisted word: (?i)(solved -|solved(?:\s)?:); Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 6
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 370 Rep: 49 Ends with ?; Low Length; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I don't understand why SSMS still keeps the old SQL Server named \`DESKTOP-XXXXXX\` and the old connection string \`DESKTOP-XXXXXX\username\` in the properties windows among others. So, is the server
4.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 100 Rep: 582 Contains Blacklisted Word - i need; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - -0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: In my case, I need to uncheck the build flag "For install build only" in Build Phrases -> Run Script 4.5; @Shree
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 2
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 67 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: This is exactly what I'm looking for. Did you ever find a solution? 5.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 328 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; Piled symbols - !!; Contains Salutation - Thank you; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Thank You!! I have looked EVERYWHERE for the solution to this! This works perfectly for degrees of device rotation. I'm trying to have the display show 0 degrees in
both X (roll) and Y (pitch) with 4.5; @Shree
API-quota rolled over at 3078
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 2329 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - Any help; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.3; Low Rep; Body Starts With: when i run this code I get this output. any help welcome! 4.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 230 Rep: 1 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; User @Phong Mentioned; Low Rep; Body Starts With: @Phong Vu . 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 42 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: is that solved. please brief the procedure 4.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 85 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: Dyno free hours are over. You have to wait until another month, then they will renew. 4.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 331 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: For GA4 Properties, you need to use the Google Analytics Data API v1. See the developer's site: developers.google.com/analytics/trusted-testing/analytics-data 4.0; @Shree
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
@Belisarius tp
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)c\Wo\Wc\W*k(?!tail|pit|roach) NaiveBayes:0.00 OpenNLP:0.17 Perspective:0.13) comment
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 4
[ NELQA ] Link to question Russian content detected
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 73 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; Non English Post - gl; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: import pandas as pd 5.5; @Shree
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: 80.0% or more text removed with a JW score of 0.42; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 2
@Belisarius tp
@Belisarius fp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 259 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Piled symbols - !!!; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I have the same issue start on android P, this shutdown broadcast can not be received by client, but the same method on android O and its OK. I
don't know why and how to resolve this issue on android 5.0; @Shree
@Natty fetch count
Good morning!
@Natty fetch sentinel 5
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks in Advance; Low Rep; 3.5;
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64394400 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64399723 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64394382 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64393696 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64393061 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64392828 tp
@Natty fetch sentinel 5
@Natty fetch links 6
Leaving the non-deleted to you, @Yatin.
sure :)
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64394713 tp
@Natty fetch links 6
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64394657 tp
@Natty fetch sentinel 6
@Natty fetch links 11
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64395774 fp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64395723 fp
@Natty fetch links 22
@Natty fetch sentinel 6
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 130 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thank you; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Thank you. I just ran the W3 validator on my code and it said "Error: Duplicate attribute type." 4.0; @Shree
@Natty fetch links 22
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64399158 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64399109 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64399104 tp
@Natty fetch sentinel 5
@Natty fetch links
[ EditMonitor ] In the queue with 1 approval vote and 1 rejection vote (mode: 63): 4983073 | Approved by OP
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, body starts with title and ends in url, link at beginning of body, +3 more (631): Maxx Power Libido by Lawrences johnson on stackoverflow.com
@Natty fetch sentinel 5
All reports have been tended to
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 636 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - enter image; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks; User @Gleb Mentioned; IntelliBL - -0.3; Low Rep; Body Starts With: @Gleb Kemarsky: The solution provided works very well. But I did find that the 3 images are shown
in small or medium size screen resulting in squished image. It becomes 1 image with next and prev 5.5; @Shree
@Yunnosch ok got it
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64399848 tp
Nice cooperative dog-sitting by the way. :-)
I think we should introduce a badge "dog-sitter", for raising at least 50 flags, less than 5 minutes apart, with the result that all reports have been tended to.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 283 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Non English Post - it; Low Rep; Body Starts With: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/…\_5jRVaQ/edit#gid=0 6.0; @Shree
that would be cool but we don't want some disingenuous badge-hunters to show up and ruin the sincerity of the reviewing
That is insightfully true.
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64399939 fp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 264 Rep: 21 Contains Blacklisted Word - this document; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Starts with Keyword; IntelliBL - -0.7; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Can you please share your code? 8.0; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64399939 fp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially problematic ns configuration in answer (3): Remove Query Strings From Static Resources: css.php? by Reni Resiani on stackoverflow.com
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Body contains blacklisted word: (?<!(?:(?:n(?:'|o)t|if|what).{0,10}))\b(?:found|is|my)\s(?:an?\s)?(?:fix|answer|solution)s?\b(?!\W*\?); Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 2
@Belisarius fp
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Body contains blacklisted word: (?<!(?:(?:n(?:'|o)t|if|what).{0,10}))\b(?:found|is|my)\s(?:an?\s)?(?:fix|answer|solution)s?\b(?!\W*\?); Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 7
@Belisarius fp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 247 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - plz help; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Piled symbols - ??; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I really appreciate the work done on this. 6.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 41 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - how did you solve it; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks in Advance; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: How did you solve it? 7.5; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
Getting ready to feed
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 147 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I downloaded and ran Entity Framework tools for visual studio 2013 and it appeared. 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 59 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - doesnt work; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - -0.4; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: The line 1 doesnt work: 5.5; @Shree
[ NELQA ] Link to question Russian content detected
@Belisarius tp
@Belisarius tp
@Belisarius is removing all code and putting it in codepen a tp?
@Belisarius tp
@Yatin yes, the code should be in the post itself
@Belisarius tp
@Belisarius tp
@Belisarius tp
@Belisarius fp
@Belisarius fp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating words in body (42): Search engine work code for all internet? by adel yusupov on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (34): adding a Download feature in flutter by tushar kumar on stackoverflow.com
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Body contains blacklisted word: (?<!(?:(?:n(?:'|o)t|if|what).{0,10}))\b(?:found|is|my)\s(?:an?\s)?(?:fix|answer|solution)s?\b(?!\W*\?); Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
@Belisarius tp
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 7 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)(?<!i('| a)?m(\s){0,10}(\w{0,50}\s{0,10})?(\w{0,50}\s{1,10})?)\smorons?(\s|\.|!|\?|$) NaiveBayes:0.00 OpenNLP:0.00 Perspective:0.91) comment cc: -tp
@Queen tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 32 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Is there something new about it? 5.5; @Shree
[ NELQA ] Link to question Portuguese content detected
@Queen tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 53 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - Did you manage to; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: it's a bit late. Did you manage to solve the problem? 7.5; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 744 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - help is appreciated; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - appreciated; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I seem to have a problem configuring SSL on an app on a subdomain, only that I don't know how to fix them: 4.5;
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Post contains repeated words: pqwersADasdASDasdASDasdASDasdASDasdASDasd, Code removed, 80.0% or more text removed with a JW score of 0.56; Score: 5.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:0.92 Perspective:0.59) comment -nc
@Queen nc
@Belisarius tp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] No whitespace in body (98): Why can't my friend class access a private member? ✏️ by Adam G on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 102 Rep: 11 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I tried this page and it works, I can say fantastic :) 4.5; @Shree
Invalidated the previous feedback on stackoverflow.com/a/64401358
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 171 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: I just edited the Minecraft server jar files by using WinRAR to extract now how to convert it back to jar I changed the
extension to jar but it was not working please help 5.5; @Shree
Post hasn't been reported earlier, manually reporting it now.
[ Natty | FMS ] Link to Post Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Unregistered User; 5.5;
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Edit summary contains blacklisted word: (?i)approval overridden; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 1 out of 5) (94): Changing WooCommerce Variation Selects to Radio Inputs by OneTeamSoftware on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 2 out of 5) (94): Converting Woo Commerce dropdowns into Radio Buttons by OneTeamSoftware on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 3 out of 5) (94): Changing WooCommerce variation list to Buttons (not radio buttons) by OneTeamSoftware on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 4 out of 5) (94): Variable product attribute: Customizing each displayed radio buttons text value by OneTeamSoftware on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 5 out of 5) (94): How to get all woocommerce shipping packages in a custom template by OneTeamSoftware on stackoverflow.com
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Body contains blacklisted word: (?i)(answer -|answer:); Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 108 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - please tell me; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Can you please tell me how could you save the transformer model? Or share the code snippet
@milominderbinder 7.5; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 192 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I am doing a familiar project, and I wanted to ask: 4.5; @Shree
@Belisarius fp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64401491 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64401492 tp
@Natty hm... the "presentation improving" edit that OP rejected doesn't really do much, so either way I won't disagree/agree with this rollback :\
A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/64401491 @Yatin @Floern
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)(flag.*spam) NaiveBayes:0.02 OpenNLP:0.27 Perspective:0.11) comment -fp
@Queen fp
@Queen they are on our side bee :)
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 153 Rep: 1 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; Body Starts With: sorry can't help but I'm trying to add an image and text custom field to CMS pages in Prestashop 1.7.6. Could you share your module please ? Thanks a lot
5.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 147 Rep: 25 Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Suggestion of "1. First Option" must have been moved no Brave updates elsewhere and I can't find it nor something similar.
Can someone please help? 7.0; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 296 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I just have a command file that I run now and then on my MacBook Air to clear space, which contains also these lines: 4.0; @Shree
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:0.91 Perspective:0.20) comment -fp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 290 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; Piled symbols - !!!!; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Contains Whitelisted Word - will work; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: that worked for me. 4.0; @Shree
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64401621 fp
@Queen fp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64401583 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64401555 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/64401608 fp
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 4
[ Natty | FMS ] Link to Post BodyLength: 73 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: I am also having same problem. I am also looling 🔎👀👁👁🔎 for solution! 4.0; @Shree
@Natty tp
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
@Belisarius tp
[ EditMonitor ] Approved with 1 rejection vote (mode: 63): 4983183 | Edited by reviewer
@Yatin User is blacklisted (13365444 on stackoverflow.com).
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Body contains blacklisted word: (?i)help\W?me[^\w]; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
@Belisarius fp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword with email in body, messaging number in body, pattern-matching email in body, +1 more (407): Do You Need A Loan? by LAKEVIEW FINANCE on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in body (70): HTML Site overflowin right side by Lcaro on stackoverflow.com
@Natty opt-in all all always
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad ip for hostname in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (80): How to add comment to post on this same site? by Ana Smith on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thank you; Low Rep; 2.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 447 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: I just edited the jar file of Minecraft server maker 4.5; @Shree @Yatin
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 41 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Contains Salutation - Thank you; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Thank you all, i stuck in this situation! 5.0; @Shree @Yatin
@Yatin User is blacklisted (12180278 on stackoverflow.com).
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Code removed; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3
@Belisarius tp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body (95): Google sheets script - cell color based one 2 values by Genny on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer (78): Initializing Disqus comments in hidden element causes issue in FF 14.0.1 by sam johnson on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 219 Rep: 13 Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Low Length; No Code Block; User @chunhunghan Mentioned; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: @chunhunghan Can you please help me with this, I used your code in a similar way but facing a new obstacle. 5.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 429 Rep: 13 Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; User @chunhunghan Mentioned; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: @chunhunghan I saw your perfect answer in
stackoverflow.com/questions/59527374/… and I used your code in a similar way. 6.0; @Shree @Yatin
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 234 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - But not working; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.2; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I have the same problem, i want to try instal Filezilla but not working, apache and mysql was successfully to install, but filezilla was not. 4.5; @Shree
[ Belisarius | Hippo ] Potentially harmful edit found. Reason: Edit summary contains blacklisted word: (?i)approval overridden; Score: 1.0 All revisions. Revision: 3

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