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8:02 PM
@Tunaki I have mod flag that it is 3 days that they continue all that stuff, if one answers the other one complains...
@Tunaki modflag that to to avoid OP deletion, hence angry since non-constructive snarky comments on question
@PetterFriberg whole thing got nuked and user destroyed
what a pitty tried to avoid it, does not seem fair
Queen found a comment on a question that lead to meta post.
I think heat detector is getting good at finding bad situations.
Yes I noticed as well.
cheers for @Queen
8:12 PM
@ColdFire Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
8:23 PM
[ Heat Detector ] SCORE: 4 ★★☆☆☆ (Regex:false NaiveBayes:0.98 OpenNLP:0.96) comment cc: @ryanyuyu @PetterFriberg
@Queen fp
To tell the truth she is the same as last weeks : ), I have not finished to elaborate all the 1500 comments in db
8:41 PM
@Tuna if you have time review this doc change on my doc, I have already approved but not enough stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/93633
sorry for pinging you but it's low-traffic tag so not many users that can check it out : )
sure checking.
oh I can't improve and edit
@Tunaki you can pass an edit : )
meh, only small typos like itext instead of iText
I can't get it why I ca not approve it, I made the post...
hmm iText I think is fine its the lib name...
I think you need a silver
8:49 PM
meeh I could approve Alex's submissions... before... maybe..
[ Heat Detector ] SCORE: 7 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:true NaiveBayes:0.77 OpenNLP:1.00) comment cc: @ryanyuyu @PetterFriberg
@Queen tp
@Queen tp
Why are people needlessly rude? There was actual information in that comment, but it was presented in such an offensive/inappropriate context.
should we explain?
and some mod just removed my rant about how bad cmd.exe is. care to explain why? — hanshenrik 1 min ago
Or even just flag as "too chatty/not constructive"? That probably wouldn't end well.
9:00 PM
too chatty
9:14 PM
@Burn stop
[ Heat Detector ] SCORE: 5 ★★☆☆☆ (Regex:false NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:0.96) comment cc: @ryanyuyu @PetterFriberg
9:44 PM
[ Heat Detector ] SCORE: 4 ★★☆☆☆ (Regex:true NaiveBayes:0.02 OpenNLP:0.90) comment cc: @ryanyuyu @PetterFriberg
@Queen fp
@ryanyuyu Did you flag that comment (meta)
I didn't end up flagging it. I couldn't figure out which reason. I almost submitted a general mod flag for comment cleanup.
I saw this : )
I assumed it was him who deleted it @Patrice - I mean any other visitors to the page, particularly anyone junior enough to be led by that comment — Nick Cardoso 2 hours ago
Just wanted to know how the junior was : )
yeah, it's kinda funny how it worked out
Since I was thinking of a mod flag, and then the meta post got mod attention anyway.
9:54 PM
[ Heat Detector ] SCORE: 4 ★★☆☆☆ (Regex:false NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:0.86) comment cc: @ryanyuyu @PetterFriberg
^that's ok right? It's concise and not accusatory.
This time I'm not flagging..
yeah, it's a lot nicer than previous iterations.
and np need to do tp on those comments we already have 1K of those, I need to remove'em manually
Yeah a bit passive aggressive but at least constructive (asking for code)
9:58 PM
well as you wish... but if same comments more then 1 time just leave it... I check for dupes when creatiing feed but better to keep it out..
ok cool
10:17 PM
[ Heat Detector ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:true NaiveBayes:0.35 OpenNLP:0.99) comment cc: @ryanyuyu @PetterFriberg
: )... hope no native english steps by
@Queen unnotify
@ryanyuyu Notification from comments feed removed
Ok. I'm out for today.
[ Heat Detector ] SCORE: 10 ★★★★★ (Regex:true NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:1.00) comment cc: @PetterFriberg
10:24 PM

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