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A: Php laravel using post method by controller

Angad DubeyYou should read up on Requests in Laravel: You need to pass that to your controller public function postSaveedit(Request $request) { $input = $request->input(); $foo = $input['foo']; $bar = $input['bar']; $baz = $input...

and if i send 2 or 3 parameter how i handle in method
@NonBrazilian You can send as many parameters as you want .. they will all be available in Request. updated answer
ok another question,how can i update my eloquent object ex.$words = Word::where('title', $var)->get(); to select object
@NonBrazilian To get a single instance of the eloquent model instead of a collection, use first(), like this: Word::where('title', $var)->first()
Word::where('title', $var)->first() will update into database ?
@NonBrazilian To update database: Word::find($id)->update($request->input())
ok now i can keep value from post how to use ->update($request->input()) with my var
to update some record in db
Word::where('title', $var)->first()->update(['foo' => $request->get('foo')]) where foo is a field in the table
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i have some little bug
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