What's the difference in IS_ARRAY vs IS_ARRAY_EX here? I'm sure there is something better to do here than this sequence, but don't understand the difference and I end up with sigsegvs when I try changing it. I think it has to do with immutable and/or persistent zvals, like zend_empty_array.
my understanding (that may be entirely flawed) is that the _EX is used when you are checking against a zval ref, and otherwise you are checking against a zval value.
@LeviMorrison IS_ARRAY_EX includes the IS_TYPE_REFCOUNTED and IS_TYPE_COLLECTABLE bits, which should be used for refcounted and gc collectable (i.e. non-constant) arrays. I remember that ZVAL_STR automatically handles this, but ZVAL_ARR does not. It's easy to miss.
@IluTov Things like ZVAL_COPY will preserve this stuff as necessary, right? My tests passed, anyway. If that seems right to you, I'll just spend the bit of memory and store a zval instead of a HashTable *.
Yes, ZVAL_COPY will persist these flags. You can run into this issue though when dealing with a HashTable that you put into a zval yourself, and the HashTable happens to be immutable (in shm). You'll need to do Z_TYPE_FLAGS_P(zv) = 0;
@LeviMorrison You can run your test with opcache and -d opcache.protect_memory=1 if you want to be sure.
Or if the array is the statically allocated empty array, which is also immutable.