@AmmarDje I can recommend amazon.de/REST-Practice-Hypermedia-Systems-Architecture/dp/…. I have lost touch a bit with REST so I cant tell how current it still is. But back in the days this felt like the definite book to read short of reading Roy Fielding's doctoral dissertation directly. It does not cover Laravel though.
@Derick If I'm not mistaken, we're tagging GA releases today. Would we also have 7.4.31 with sec fixes? I'm asking because Dale is sick, so the Windows builds might be an issue.
@cmb I'm struggling to split out stuff from the type declaration page into the introduction. It doesn't feel like I should be talking about mixed, never, void and those things in there? But maybe it should? However stuff like literal types really do feel out of place
@Girgias Types which are only useful for declarations shouldn't be mentioned in the introduction (or maybe just a short note that these do exists). So basically, introduction should be about types reported by get_debug_type().
And, yeah, I know this is an ugly "refactoring", but it seems worthwhile particular wrt. translations (otherwise I'd be fine with doing that piecemeal).
@Derick When xDebug is enabled, it changes the output of var_dump. Apparently, it applies the locale conversion, which changes floats. I use xDebug v3.1.5
So I see something like C:\...\rubbish.php:13: double(42,54)
@OlleHärstedt I really strongly recommend putting draft words on Github or some other place that accepts PRs. There is a blank rfc markdown file here - github.com/Danack/PHP_blank_RFC
Not supporting PRs is one of the worst things about the wiki....the other being the dockwiki formating.
@JRL short version, I'm not sure. Senior developer version, what problem do you think you're solving by using traits, and what problem do you want to solve now that you're using traits? Meh version, the problem those libraries is addressing is quite a complex one.....and the complexity in the code you've written seems kind of appropriate to the difficulty of the problem.
About the only alternatives that I think would make sense is putting most of the code currently in the traits into 'just' functions, and then wrap those functions directly in the classes that need them, rather than pulling them in as traits.
At least then you'd have flatter classes, and I find that easier to think about than trying to understand hierarchies.
@Danack Yeah, the main problem that I thought I was solving by using traits was that different types of numbers share different combinations of properties and different versions/concepts of operations. So each of them might be composed differently, but without traits it would involve classes that are monstrously large, or a lot of repeated code that might be harder to maintain since bugs might be multiple places.
Would it make sense to implement "generics" for array type-hinting as a pre-step? Like array<int> for list of ints, or array<string, int> for hashtable string => int
honestly, no idea then. every time i've seen discussion about simplifying generics into steps, someone with much more knowledge then me has explained some reason that can't work.
@OlleHärstedt fyi, you can edit messages for 3 minutes. Either by clicking edit, or pressing up, on the keyboard. But be warned, it pings. For each edit. Which can get annoying. If the person doesn't like pings.
@OlleHärstedt Yes, if I get the mental energy I'd really like to work on a Vec type which can be trivially converted from an array. It would give up some efficiency to do so, but the inter-operation is probably worth it, at least in the short term.
Ideally I'd have the ability for internal types at least to be able to implement be clone-on-write, just like arrays. It might already be possible by always checking the refcount internally on method calls and things, I haven't tried.
@JRL ds offers functionality of a Vec, and a way to convert from an array, but it has to copy it. It's also not copy-on-write like an array, and I think that's actually a nice property to have.
In my head I think it would be nice to have two implementation of Vec internally, and to choose one based on runtime conditions. For instance, if the Vec is constructed with an array that already meets the criteria of a Vec, then we choose the array-backed and proxy to the array. If, however, a copy needs to be made, then we choose an implementation that's more like ds's version (a contiguous chunk of memory).
The array based version avoids needless copying at the expense of slowing down some other operations. However, if you do an operation that takes a Vec and returns a Vec, then it's likely the result will be using the efficient version.
These days, PHP arrays internally know if they meet the requirements; see array_is_list. In some cases it might need to be repacked; I'm not sure how common that is and whether it is worth repacking or proxying; I'd have to see. So whenever we make a Vec from a PHP array, we can just inspect the property.