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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

1:13 AM
@PeeHaa are you awake still?
2 hours later…
2:59 AM
@NikiC I'm stuck at the JIT issues for the float to int conversion warnings, I found some issues related which I was expecting it to fix them... but still seems I'm missing something, any ideas? (PR: github.com/php/php-src/pull/6661)
3:16 AM
Fuuuuuuuuck, I am druuuuuuuuuunk
Someone please bring me ice cream
or sushi
Your call
@Sara Drink some water, go to bed, you're drunk, Sara.
wait... how did I type that?
I'll accept chilled poke
Or a sushirito
2 hours later…
5:07 AM
@DaveRandom I can verify most Americans really are that stupid. One time in Kansas I entered one correctly only to have some idiot enter wrong and then give me the middle finger and call me ignorant. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5:52 AM
doc.php.net some pages are just blank ・ Website problem ・ #80980
#Q The $dispatchesEvents property doesn't work for me!

+ In my model I've overwritten the $dispatchesEvents.
+ I assign an event to update key of $dispatchesEvents.
+ In my event I try to log a message, but it doesn't get logged.

What's the reason?

protected $dispatchesEvents = [
'updated' => PostUpdated::class,
'saved' => PostUpdated::class,

Inside the constructor of PostUpdated

Log::warning("Post Updating Works Fine!!!");

It's really important for me. I've been trying to solve the problem for some hours, but I couldn't understand the problem at all ):
edit.php.net GitHub login doesn't work in Opera GX ・ Website problem ・ #80981
Update symbols on edit.php.net ・ Website problem ・ #80982
doc.php.net not reachable over https ・ Website problem ・ #80983
6:12 AM
@beberlei did you come up with something else ?
also moin u&all
GitHub sing in tells it redirects to "test" ・ Website problem ・ #80984
@JoeWatkins not yet that was pretty much my final thought before going to deep lala land ;)
edit.php.net instagram login doesn't work ・ Website problem ・ #80985
@Crell @JoeWatkins Do partials work for initialization? E.g. new Foo(?). That's currently not specified in the RFC from what I've seen.
@JoeWatkins i had an idea in the shower, we could have an attribute "inherit" and if that is present all attributes of that class or method are inherited
but that would make the Sealed use case kinda ugly because you'd need to also add #[Inherit]
i am against automatically inheriting only internal attributes, that would be even more weird
6:28 AM
edit.php.net Linkedin login disabled ・ Systems problem ・ #80986
@beberlei There are three options (I think) 1. Opt-in inheritance (with #[InheritAttributes]) 2. Opt-out inheritance (with #[ClearAttributes]) 3. Configurable inheritance (specified on the attribute and/or attribute class itself). 3 is probably the most flexible. Inheritance might make sense for some attributes but not others, I'm assuming that will mostly depend on the attribute class. I'm not sure which I'm in favor of.
wow there's a CHAT!! it's years I know stackoverflow and didn't knew that!!
6:44 AM
@IluTov 3 does not work, because the attribute is not resolved to its attribute class when binding inheritance, as such their configuration flags are not known
this is required so that attributes don't get autoloaded on loading a class
but overall i believe the problem stems from Joe's example extension trying to do the semantical validation in the validate hook, where it does not belong. There should be other hooks / handlers that get triggered after the full ce is known
7:03 AM
svn.php.net header wrong style ・ Website problem ・ #80987
@beberlei Oh, right. That leaves options 1 and 2.
7:33 AM
@beberlei I'm personally not convinced that attributes need to trigger hooks, only be readable from hooks; as far as I can make out, that's how userland libraries work
if there was a hook where an extension could prevent all inheritance, then it could read an attribute to prevent some inheritance
@IMSoP yes you are right, a hook that gets called when a new function or a new class is registered in the engine after compiling could be useful for various things
that's why I was saying Joe's approach felt more like AOP than Attributes: it was approaching the attribute as a way of triggering the behaviour, rather than just a marker that the behaviour can use
1 hour later…
8:46 AM
What happened to the header menu of doc.php.net? Formerly, web.archive.org/web/20200716035010/http://doc.php.net, now doc.php.net
9:14 AM
@IluTov yeah, I just fixed it ...
which means it might be even more broken now ...
9:25 AM
文档翻译失误 ・ *Languages/Translation ・ #80988
9:42 AM
@crypticツ I did not realise there was a prescribed "correct" way to enter an American
9:58 AM
German translation incorrect ・ Translation problem ・ #80989
10:40 AM
@Crell my support for constructors this morning is a bit slap dash, it works, but it raises a question, what should it mean to apply to a non-existent constructor ?
@JoeWatkins with class Bar {}, new Bar('f') is allowed, so (new Bar(?))('f') should be allowed too.
eugh; I thought "parent::__construct" was also always allowed, but apparently not 3v4l.org/ImbpT
isn't "non-existent constructor" actually "implicit public 0-arg no-op constructor"? that would seem to have obvious semantics (to me)
@IMSoP ffs
can we not just fix that instead?
yeah, I thought that was the point of removing "PHP 4-style" constructors
@IMSoP ouch
10:48 AM
ah, is there a half-finished job perhaps?
PHP's constructors are a bit of a fudge, frankly; they're just a normal method that the engine calls after creating the object
well they kinda have to be in order to be able to pass $this to external stuff from within the ctor, you can't go round leaking partially built objects
@Crell objects done, they'll behave like normal ...
@DaveRandom I just wasn't sure if in the case of partial application, it might be an obvious programming error we should raise ...
perhaps, I also feel like partial application of ctors is a somewhat confusing concept and it may not be unreasonable to have a limitation of "use a static ctor if you wanna do that", at least initially
what about class::__construct(?) surely that's a programming error ?
11:03 AM
not necessarily in the magical shit that things like DICs do
@DaveRandom I agree, but they are calls, it's not technically so unreasonable from internals perspective ..
just ask Marco for a use case and see if he produces anything that shouldn't be banned under the Geneva convention
I'm too scared to ask Marco
@DaveRandom yeah, the order makes sense; but IIRC the implementation is literally to inject a method call opcode, as though you'd written $x = new Foo; $x->__construct('bar'); rather than $x = new Foo('bar');
11:37 AM
Are there any internal functions that operate on strings in place? e.g. like sort/usort operates on the array in place.
I don't think so
12:10 PM
@DaveRandom yes, it is. (zend_pass_function)
Ugh I hate when I mistype "now" as "not", completely flips the meaning.
Hope people can still follow the points in the mail.
12:37 PM
@Sara @GabrielCaruso When are you ending the RM vote? FWIW, both Ben Ramsey and Patrick Alleart have more votes then the quorum (12) so they're elected without any further rounds necessary.
"The voting period ends on Monday April 26th.
I hadn't set a time, but let's call it 14:40 America/Chicago (UTC-0500)
since I opened it at that time on the 12th."
so 20:40 BST
1:06 PM
Better error message for missing oniguruma package ・ *Configuration Issues ・ #80990
1:17 PM
Well that's a new one
Telling me I'm missing a bug because string offsets work on an array
How unexpected
@Sara I missed this. I refer you to: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=27105965#27105965 NSFW text.
1:33 PM
@JoeWatkins Huzzah! (I think, if I followed correctly.)
> If this is indeed the scenario, would it be worth adding a syntax to
indicate _all_ parameters can be placeholders? When a signature has
multiple arguments, `toString(?, ?, ?, ?)` could become `toString(...?)` or
maybe something like `toString(*)`?
Hey, it wasn't me that proposed it :)
@Danack Well summarized.
Also: Please no more RM votes before closing. atm, we hit quota for both seats in round one and that makes scoring SUPER simple.
((seriously though, vote your conscience, we'll figure out the scoring))
IMO PFA can focus on the simple cases. Edge cases are 100% covered by writing a full closure.
This is really just sugar for the little stuff.
Does anyone know of a project that is using phpunit 9.5.x? apparently the config format has changed, and I'm having reading comprehension problems, so would like to see an example config that has the appropriate config setup to have the older html coverage generated, as well as text coverage report sent to stdout.
@Derick 14:40 America/Chicago per my last email. So.... six hours from now.
1:44 PM
oh.....it's moved from logging to report.....
@Derick And yeah. Ideally I'm hoping they stay over quota come closing time so that nobody needs to do any complex counting (though many of Ben's 2nd choices do go to Patrick anyway, so it's 2 rounds at worst).
I'm also not above moving my pity vote for Eric back to Patrick at the last minute. :p
@ln-s That's too young... Apparently from this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetic_ketoacidosis
just sad
github.com/php/web-doc#installation: requires PHP 8, but doc.php.net says PHP/7.3.7
1:51 PM
My money is on 7.3.7 being the correct number there.
@JoeWatkins @LeviMorrison Thoughts on making $p = somefunc(...?) or similar work for "partial none of the args"? I'm not sure if that's common enough that it's worth doing.
how is that different from somefunc(?) ?
It doesn't work yet, I just checked.
Oh! You're right, the way tail args are handled that does work now. Never mind. :-)
Worth including a test for that. I'll add.
foo(?) and foo(...) or foo(...?) should all work the same as defined atm and in previous verions.
foo(...?) didn't in my test.
1:54 PM
Well, ...? isn't in the RFC ^_^
All that stuff was removed by Paul.
I'm OK with that since foo(?) already handles that case. :-)
It's clear that quite a few people don't understand that any placeholder is sufficient. They think it's a placeholder for a single-arg.
Well, technically it is, but the trailing arg handling means that it ends up being for all args.
I will clarify that in the RFC and include a test.
That's an implementation detail, not a high-level behavior.
I have no idea what Olle's on about with PSR-15, though...
1:57 PM
pending ci results for my last change, I think we have solved the named args with variadics problem ...
also I got to delete a bunch of code, which is nice
@Sara ACK, but doc.php.net is heavily broken nonetheless: header menu is missing, the links at the right hand side are duplicated, and almost none of the revcheck links appear to be working
@JoeWatkins For all cases, not just partials, right?
huh ?
wow, just remember a use case for partials github.com/vimeo/psalm/issues/3963#issuecomment-826859057 !
@JoeWatkins Your latest passes the partials tests for me, so I'm going to push with the extra test I just added.
2:01 PM
@JoeWatkins This work? (no partial) foo(...$args, baz: $bar)
@LeviMorrison no, I mean to say partials behave like (the strange) zend call ...
@JoeWatkins seems like the right behavior to me.
@SaifEddinGmati It hasn't passed yet; you may not want to close it ^_^
@LeviMorrison i have faith :p
would prefer it over having to declare a constant for each function, which isn't something i would like to spend time doing
( considering PSL has over 500 symbols* )
2:16 PM
@cmb FTP test is failing :)
yep, already seen (thanks @MateKocsis)
I wonder whether we want to allow 1 + ? and similar operations, creating partials
@beberlei doubt you can fix that, but I guess you want to know ^
@Girgias, what's the status of revcheck? The situation is getting out of hand.
2:28 PM
@cmb I thought the one in doc-base was updated?
Mine is still linked to git.php.net
Let me answer that email thread actually
@bwoebi Notably, Rust had this in earlier versions and removed it. They removed it from functions as well, though.
One bit of the trouble is basically: at one point exactly is the partial created?
@LeviMorrison is there a way to find where was closure created?
@SaifEddinGmati All anonymous functions are instance of closure, if you create your own class

class MyClosure extends \Closure{} you could set the file __FILE__ and __LINE__
in your custom class
to check exactly where the closure was created
Closure is final
Then inject it :D
2:32 PM
@ln-s closure is final, but i don't intended to do so, i just wanted to know why "at one point exactly is the partial created" is an issue, since it never was with closures.
class MyMagicClosureClass { public function __construct(\Closure $c, string $file, int $line){}}
From a debugging persepective and friendly perspective, it makes sense to have said data
since class Partial extends Closure, it make sense to add Closure::getTrace() ( which partials will inherit ), but i don't think this should be handled in the Partial RFC.
To me it makes sense to have the line and file where the closure was created
@LeviMorrison well, as long as $partial <binary op> $valueOrPartial (or the reverse) always also results in a partial, it doesn't matter when. It would be theoretically just be partials all the way down. Partically it can be obviously optimized into a single partial.
@ln-s never needed it honestly, but not against it 🤷‍♂️
2:39 PM
at least with pipe operator that would make a lot of sense - otherwise you'd have to wrap the whole pipe in parens to just be able to do + 1 (or write fn($x) => $x + 1)
yes in any kind of chaining it would make sense for debugging
Can someone explain me what this Hormus guy is trying to get at? github.com/php/php-src/pull/6890
I legit don't understand what he's talking about
I think the discussions is about the message, "Illegal string offset" versus "Illegal offset type"
Basically he states that when you cast 10e120 to string that should be evaluated to a string, and thus show the message Illegal string offset, instead of a numeric type error
That's what I got from what he said
it seems to me they are confusing string and array access
I'll ask them to write in their native language.....and hope that they aren't already doing so....
2:53 PM
@PeeHaa well it segfaults anyway so it must have been a sign :D
@PeeHaa how do you manage to reply to yourself......? are you a witch?
@cmb Oh... oh dear. :(
@PeeHaa magic
@Danack :yourownmessageid :)
ta. but ugh, effort.
2:58 PM
There is no way to revoke reflection method with by-reference args ・ Reflection related ・ #80991
3:18 PM
@bwoebi I think writing a short closure fills that need well enough.
@LeviMorrison if you argue that way round, then why partials at all?
I think it's common enough to do placeholders on function boundaries, coupled with the fact we can't refer to functions/methods by name, so having a placeholder makes that nicer, and the fact that it is shorter is important for common cases. These don't all hold true for non-function boundaries, IMO.
Partially because referencing functions by string names is terrible.
And specially constructed arrays.
If I have template strings like:
'<span class=":attr_class">:html_username</span>'
what's the way of validating that it is valid html, that is least likely to have me be annoyed by an xml extension API?
3:27 PM
write it to a file, open it in headless chrome/firefox, and grab correct html from there, and see if there's a diff :p

$dom = new DomDocument();
$dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $html);
It's not perfect, but it won't complain about bad XML... I use the prolog to set UTF-8
@CraigFrancis ta.
@Crell I updated the "Proposal" text; I think it's much better now but let me know if I accidentally destroyed something you thought was useful.
And to get the "clean" HTML out again...
$body = $dom->documentElement->firstChild;
$output = '';
if ($body->hasChildNodes()) {
foreach ($body->childNodes as $node) {
$output .= $dom->saveXML($node); // Not saveXML due to <script> tag - see article 1310
3:31 PM
Will look in a bit. Talking to the new boss now. :-)
Ignore that comment about article 1310 ;-)
It still needs a bit more depth, I think. In that section it never formally says it will call the function/method it's bound to.
@Girgias dude might be turning up here....if he has SO account.
If he does turn up, please everyone chill on him writing in his own language....
"you're English is worse than Google translate" ;)
@NikiC Did you want Dmitry or someone else to review fibers before merging?
3:48 PM
@Danack if you want to know what a modern browser would make of it, have a look at github.com/Masterminds/html5-php
@IMSoP no - it's just to check against typos in template strings I'm writing in code.
yeah, probably overkill then; just thought I'd mention :)
@JoeWatkins By chance have you tested that when a function is partially applied that we still call the observer when it's actually invoked?
Okay, I'm done tinkering with the "Proposal" section's text for a while.
is normal invocation
(like any other dynamic call invocation)
@Trowski I think you can merge it and we can continue iterating in-tree. twosee had quite a few suggestions on how to improve things (both in terms of implementation and API), and I think it will be easiest to discuss them with the baseline landed.
3:59 PM
@NikiC I would like to improve the backtraces, so I'll open a separate PR for that after merging. Twosee has a better idea of what might be needed to use the same fibers in Swoole so they don't have to ship their own asm. That's what the *_context functions are for, but maybe it's not quite right.
4:23 PM
@LeviMorrison @JoeWatkins Hm. I just realized, since the partial RFC supports extraneous trailing ?, that also becomes a super-easy way to say "call this super expensive function... later, if I need it."
$calculate_default = something_expensive($a, $b, 5, $c, ?);
@Crell tbh, I think fn() => something_expensive($a, $b, 5, $c) is much more explicit here, but yes.
Arguably, perhaps. Both end up doing essentially the same thing.
@bwoebi But doesn't handle by-reference arguments -- this is one distinct advantage of partial function application.
@JoeWatkins Hm, it looks like the test for Closure::fromCallable() went missing at some point. Can I re-add?
this seems to work, great!


$a = [
'call' => function($s) {
echo $s;

$b = $a['call'](?);
$a['call'] = fn($s) => $b($s."\n");


@Crell worth adding tests?
4:36 PM
<GeorgeTakei>Oh my</GeorgeTakei>
I... can't even follow what that's doing. Doesn't that create an infinite loop?
nope, $b holds reference to the first closure object
that's what i wanted to test actually, thought there might be a bug there, but it works correctly
@Crell yeah I removed it and then you mentioned normalization use ... feel free to add again ...
Ha, glad I asked, it doesn't work currently.
@JoeWatkins I'm going to push a failing test for it for you to work from, k?
wait one sec, I just rebased, let me push, then you push and I'll pull
4:51 PM
sorry I just wiped our your last commit, I didn't want to have to rebase again, it was a pain ...
push again, sorry ..
I'd like to set a flag that a stack frame was part of a fiber when suspended. My first thought is a new call_info flag. Any other suggestions?
sounds reasonable ...
@JoeWatkins It was a small one and rebased on this end cleanly, no worries. Though recompiling now to run tests... fails. :-( Does it need a full rebuild?
not sure tests passing here ...
also, what doesn't work about fromCallable ?
$c = Closure::fromCallable($p);
$ref = new ReflectionFunction($c);

The second line is complaining that I'm passing a Partial to ReflectionFunction.
5:03 PM
yeah, that's how fromCallable works

	if (Z_TYPE_P(callable) == IS_OBJECT && instanceof_function(Z_OBJCE_P(callable), zend_ce_closure)) {
		/* It's already a closure */
partial is instance of closure, so i suppose $c and $p are the same?
is there a reason why Partial and ReflectionPartial even exist?
Partials have additional information.
this would become broken:
function reflect(Closure $closure): ReflectionFunction
return new ReflectionFunction($closure);
@LeviMorrison new methods to reflection function then? e.g: isPartial() ?
PHP doesn't even separate traits, classes, abstract classes, and interfaces in reflection ( all are reflected via ReflectionClass, so it feels weird to split partial and closure.
5:07 PM
they're distinct
all of those things are the same structure internally ... partial and closure don't share structure
then Partial shouldn't be a sub type for Closure, just an object with __invoke.
that would make them a pita to use
anyway, I'm too tired to think anymore, I'm done for today ...
5:23 PM
I'll push the failing test for you to get back to when awake. :-) Thanks.
5:38 PM
@Crell that test can't work
What's wrong with it?
3v4l.org/LnDg0 - That's the same thing, more manually. (Same from the user POV.)
5:57 PM
Needs More Focus stackoverflow.com/q/25618777/2943403 OP agrees (no recent activity to qualify for SOCVR)
@Danack Oki doki
6:14 PM
@IluTov fixed
@bwoebi chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/52067487#52067487 would seem to contradict that, at least somewhat
@Crell a partial is not a closure, it cannot be manipulated as a closure, it can behave as a closure, mostly ...
Any idea why the backtrace is going wrong here: 3v4l.org/qb6Rm
I guess as of PHP 7 arguments aren't backed up anymore. Huh, never noticed until today, obviously not a big issue.
I thought I went wrong producing fiber backtraces :P
2 days ago, by Joe Watkins
you can only do so much good in exceptions ... I 'member when exceptions used to be correct ...
@JoeWatkins Well, whatever the mechanism, there are ample cases where we need to be able to normalize callables to a single logical branch for analysis purposes. Right now, fromCallable() is the closest we've got. If there's some better way to normalize callables for analysis, I'm open to that, too. As long as there is some clean mechanism.
6:25 PM
@JoeWatkins Now I fully understand the gravity of what you meant there. 3v4l.org/ua2Fb and 3v4l.org/eW6Oj
@Trowski yeah that ...
@Trowski woah wut?
Maybe that's why Nikita was confused when I said I wanted to make the stack traces from exceptions in fibers not terrible. He knew it was a lost cause.
@Crell what about this ...

$normalize = function(Closure $callable) : Reflector {
    if ($callable instanceof Partial) {
        return new ReflectionPartial($callable);
    } else return new ReflectionFunction($callable);

var_dump($normalize(sprintf(?)), $normalize(function(){}));
A ReflectionCallable() object would also suffice, I suppose, give or take some version-dependent conditionals.
6:28 PM
@Trowski yeah you can only do so much good
@DaveRandom I spent like an hour trying to figure out how I borked the stack in fibers only to find out it wasn't my fault :P
hmmm, why does that sound familiar...?
did you ever get anywhere with the windows stack alloc crash?
(which afaict is also nothing to do with fibers)
@DaveRandom Uh… remind me what you're talking about?
those two tests that were wigging out with fucky exit codes
that turned out to be because run-tests had been recently modified to actually present them
it was also to do with unwinding the stack for exceptions iirc, there were two specific tests that were borked
Oh yeah, seems it didn't like having the stack be the wrong one when aborting, so handling fatal errors now switches to {main} before aborting.
6:31 PM
I will find the details properly in a bit if you want but right now my dinner will shortly be burning :-P
@Crell I think this doesn't belong as part of the API, it belongs wherever the need to normalize is ... hacking up reflectionfunction and closure is not a thing we want to do ...
@Trowski ah that was it is was trigger_error()
Exceptions are easier because the VM will unwind to {main} before it's a fatal, but E_ERROR is another problem.
yeh, right
bbiab anyway
@JoeWatkins I'd argue that since callable is a type, being able to reflect on callables reliably is an important part of the API. Right now, fromCallable() works for all callable types. Making it work for "all callable types except this one" seems like a regression.
6:33 PM
congrats on fibers by the way @Trowski ... I think I probably omitted to say that so far ... my personal projects and the end thereof doesn't stop me seeing how cool fibers are ... even if only ten people ever use them ...
it works for it, without modification, you just don't get back an object compatible with RelfectionFunction
It's still a regression, even if it's not an official feature that is getting weakened.
> Right now, fromCallable() works for all callable types
(I'm testing your suggestion now, with tweaks, but it requires a full rebiuld over here.)
that is still true, is what I'm saying ...
@JoeWatkins Thank you! I hope they become more mainstream, but if not, it was worth a shot. BTW, I was able to make ext-parallel work with fibers with only one modification.
6:35 PM
I mean the fromCallable() mechanism for normalizing callables so you can reflect on them.
I can do a PR later now that fibers are in php-src.
@Trowski dude, seriously, it can't work ... I give up, the other model won ...
I'll never implement parallel to be compatible properly with fibers, I'm out of energy for it
@JoeWatkins It seems to work fine in my testing. Remember that it's still a 1:N model, even with multiple threads since fibers can't cross threads.
I probably won't do another release, there's no point I don't really have any intention of finishing it ...
We might fork it in Amp then.
6:37 PM
you haven't tested any of the actual api, just runtimes ... you can get that from pcntl ...
So Channels? Yes, I haven't tried channels with fibers yet.
the csp in parallel is never going to be compatible with fibers ... or isn't, and I don't have the energy to rewrite it, because all of the evidence says there's actually no point ...
well, csp is the whole point of it ... you might as well just use pcntl and use amp's or some other implementation for csp, or not ... but the one in parallel can't work ...
@Crell you can normalize all the way down to ReflectionFunctionAbstract, if you need too, in a few lines of code ... you can't get any more specific than that, Partial has to provide the correct prototype to reflection which actually is an abstract function, that's why we need ReflectionPartial to exist ...
Ugh. Even with a make clean it's not compiling properly now. :-(
it is for me ...
Probably the rebase.
Doing a distclean rebuild now.
6:44 PM
make distclean && ./buildconf --force && ./config.nice && make -j$(nproc)
I do it every time, just to be sure ...
Game over man, game over...
que pasa?
@JoeWatkins Would you say that a career advisor is someone who takes a look at your resume and tells you which flaws he/she sees in it ?
Have I mentioned how much I detest the stupid "array is a callable for a method but only sometimes" BS that PHP pulls? It is the least reliable thing in the language, and there's some stuff competition...
@ln-s dunno, never met one ...
6:54 PM
Like, seriously, sometimes an array qualifies as a callable type check, sometimes it doesn't. And I have NO BLOODY IDEA which case is which!
You've got a funny definition of simple. :-P
Oh, no, wait, that's what's going on.
3v4l.org/L3Qph - This passes in the test. (Obviously it won't on 3v4l because it uses partial syntax.) That's... not terrible, but it's a usability regression from the POV of anyone working with callables directly.
@DaveRandom nah, the pass function is pushed on the call frame in ZEND_NEW specifically, if there's no other ctor. But you cannot call it directly
okay can you drop that test from the pr though, because we don't need to test reflection
or rather Closure::fromCallable, we know what it will do ...
We should probably mention it in the RFC, though.
7:05 PM
RFC updated.
Code pushed.
format on rfc is wonky
Oh bat gizards.
@Crell you know partials is available on 3v4l in branches tab, updated daily I think
Ooo... I did not know that. Neato.
7:20 PM
I really am going to stop computering now ... nn all
@PeeHaa ugh
7:58 PM
is it... normal... to assign the contents of one iterator into another iterator... ... do stuff on the contents of the iterator, then reacquire the contents of the iterator a second time to do other stuff...
Normal? I don't think so. Valid? Maybe in some cases, but... why?
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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