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Uhmm.. I've checked the typed properties RFC and it seems that accessing uninitialized properties should throw a TypeError.
Anyway, I've made my first contribution to the docs about the behavior of uninitialized typed properties, yay! I hope it gets accepted.
How odd, you're right, let me check the source
zend_throw_error(NULL, "Typed property %s::$%s must not be accessed before initialization", ...)
Definitely doesn't match what the RFC says, but the behaviour as is does make more sense
Well, if you think about it, it would also make sense to throw a TypeError. After all, you are expecting that property to be of a certain type, which it isn't since it's uninitialized. :)
One way to find out... @NikiC is read on uninitialized property meant to be TypeError like in the RFC or just plain zend_throw_error?
2 hours later…
For 75 points: find the bug: for (uint8_t i = 7; i >= 0; i++) {
@ircmaxell ummmm, seems too obvious... condition is always true? i will never be less than 0.
it is that obvious
but it wasn't when I was wondering why this thing is infinite looping... ;)
uint8_t has max value of 255?
Well, it's an unsigned int, isn't it?
Hence u
@Tpojka Right, but the gotchya part is that it's unsigned. Not that it's limited to 8 bits necessarily. My guess being you'd expect it to eventually overflow and become negative.
Someone clever might write for (char i = 7; i >= 0; i++) { in a feeble effort to get to print all ASCII characters between 7 and 127, for example.
I don't know C exactly, just read it somewhere. :)
Right, I was just expanding :)
I've seen people use signed char before to do stuff like that. It's sloppy, but it works.
I tended to use html entities in HTML code.
@ircmaxell where's my 75 points :/
@Tpojka ummm... Shouldn't you?
in the mail
@Sherif I saw people used accented characters in text. But not me. lol
I'm like 209 karama shy of getting moderator tools
@Tpojka Well, that's a double-edged sword really. I always run output through html entities, but I prefer to store everything as UTF-8 server-side.
These 75 from mailbox will be very nice, then.
The reason being, it's easier to work with on the server than html entities.
True. Not doing it any more tbh.
I also prefer to normalize utf8 to NFC, but that's another story.
1 hour later…
Hi. I asked a question on StackOverflow a month ago, because they didn't understand it they deleted it! How can I reopen my question?

Here it is https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59674396/how-to-update-content-without-refreshing-and-ajax

The question is so clear, but hey missed the point /: The answer simply was the socket.
@X4748-IR That link doesn't work, but unless you have a very clear reason for why this question should be reopen it's unlikely. You can always try reposting the question with more clarity if you feel that strongly about it. Just keep in mind it takes 3 people with the appropriate privileges to vote to close your question. That rarely happens on a valid question.
@Sherif I think they didn't know anything about socket! I sent a screenshot from my network on StackOverflow! I told them I can't see any event about notification update, they were insisting it's ajax/XHR! But it was the socket
They even didn't say anything about my question.... They only were talking about the screenshot I:
@X4748-IR It definitely sounds like people had difficulty in understanding your question. You have a wealth of very intelligent people on StackOverflow. My suggestion is try to take some of their advice in explaining your question a little more clearly. You have to remember that communication is important and people are here to help.
I suggest you read the FAQ for some tips that might help you improve the quality of your question and get better help in the future.
@Sherif Yeah. thanks.
I'm sorry you had trouble getting through to people. It happens. Just remember, people are only trying to help and that's not always easy.
@Sherif Right. Maybe I should've explained more. This time I won't send any images lol
@X4748-IR I didn't see your question. I can't say what you could have done better specifically. Again, I'm sorry you had trouble getting help with your question. All I can do is offer some general advice on how to proceed in the future. Reading how to ask a good question is sometimes helpful.
In the haste of getting help with our own problems we often forget that others may have had similar problems as well and that perhaps the answer to our own question is already out there. This is one of the key drivers to the StackOverflow community. Is that we want to share questions and answers so that we don't have to repeat ourselves too often.
Sometimes making your question a little more general and not focusing too much on the specifics of your problem can help widen your search and result in finding an answer without even asking a question. And that's a big win :)
1 hour later…
Does anyone know how can I uglify my js / css / sass files using laravel mix?
1 hour later…
Hi, asked a question on stackoverflow for laravel auth using package. Can someone kindly help me, i would like to appreciate

@MarkR Can't really tell you ... both variants seem sensible
Any strong reason to make it a TypeError? We could still do that...
I don't think so, general error makes sense IMO unless it was to get itself a specific class for some reason. It just tripped @BogdanUngureanu up, I assume TypeError has snuck into the docs somewhere maybe.
Is there any way to change laravel's email_verified_at field?
@NikiC I think a TypeError would make sense because a property would return an incorrect type.
@NikiC Hi, Nikita! Were there some changes related to the scope checks with Late Static Binding for 7.4? 3v4l.org/LHfBj
@lisachenko Yes, I believe we made static property visibility work the same way as instance property visibility
@NikiC How is that the same?
Well, actually I guess it is. The instance is different.
Man, I've been so used class variables being wrong in php I'm actually confused by the sane behavior.
@NikiC but class B doesn't have this private static property, so scope violation should be there, isn't it? Property test declared in the class A and static should resolve to class B. For comparison 3v4l.org/OY1vH
4 hours later…
@Tiffany Hey @Tiffany. How have you been?
@littlepootis pretty good, yourself?
1 hour later…
What's got two thumbs and apparently some pinched nerves in their spine?

<--- this guy
Hard to pinch anything if you don't have thumbs really
@Danack what area?
@MarkR Well, not with that attitude. You just need to sit really badly in a chair for 16 hours a day...
@sorin had one on the right hand side the junction between my neck and the thoracic bit of the spine that was affecting my breathing, and now have one a few lower down on the left which is also annoying.
Sounds like exactly what I do :P
Although I tend to get more back pain while driving
Yeah, I feel you. Got a pinched nerve in my neck. Huh, I guess good posture is actually good for you.
anyway, just popped by to drop this here: Extending scalar types for people to shoot down or say why it couldn't work, before there's too many other similar RFCs on internals.
I'm not sure I follow how assignment would work
I think we need to see what will happen with the overloaded operators rfc
@MarkR gets set on fire and thrown into the ocean hopefully...
Oh come on.
@sorin not sure what you mean. Any particular piece of code in your mind that you're thinking about?
And.....no. I really disliked working with operator overloading in other languages, and those were fully typed languages that didn't have PHPs type juggling.
Not really. I don't do much math, but I'd definitely like to override operators to make sense inside my domain language. I'm not saying you have to use them, but they'd be fun to have methinks.
Operator overloading will come in handy for maths based things
Oh gawd. Please don't bring overloaded operators into PHP :(
@Danack So I should just vote no, now?
Skip discussion -> circumvent all logic -> avoid all sensibility -> dive head-first into voting
Sounds about right
@Danack about extending scalar types rfc. What happens when you'll pass a VO to a function that accepts a scalar type? Would it be passed by reference?
2 hours later…
I'd rather get a proper matrix type in PHP and have it overload the + and * operators than add operator overloading in user land
Letting php extensions overload operators, I'm OK with. Letting userland php code overload operators... meh
Just bound to cause more trouble than its worth.
BTW: K&R In Elmer Fudd speak is hilarious:
> It is instwuctive to see how wead and wwite can be used to constwuct highew-wevew woutines wike getchaw, putchaw, etc. Fow exampwe, hewe is a vewsion of getchaw dat does unbuffewed input, by weading de standawd input one chawactew at a time.
Pretty sure extensions can already overload operators
Never said they couldn't. I was saying I'm cool with it being limited to extensions :)
Indeed, über tired currently
Speaking of "Uber", I actually heard a guy call it a "yewber" today. Which was both awkward and extremely entertaining. I also watched him struggle to distinguish a Lime from a Lemon while asking the bartender to fix their drink.
@MarkR strengthen your core muscles?
General fitness would help, not something ive done well with these past couple of years
3 hours later…
is this ...awkward? $item->calculateTax($taxRate->taxRate); particularly $taxRate->taxRate
using a typed property for taxRate
just wondering if I should rename

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