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2 hours later…
hi there
hi @MarkR I was thinking about modules whole evening and morning and have some potential concept for that
when registering core modules (the ones in which module->version = PHP_VERSION) then a default import entry struct should be build with them and stored as global, then registering modules should allow to register additional symbols constants, functions and classes in the same symbol tables while in zend_execute_scripts when op_array is available a local import entry should be build and stored in context for symbol lookups
in general without going into details
meaning if there is no import clause in file then default import is just a list of default modules which is used for lookup, the lookup itself finds symbols where module from import list match
there are some things I didn't thought yet, like for eg. what if a symbol exists in default import but not in local import coming from file, probably it should be rejected
another thing is ini directives which setup modules and ini directive to load extra modules
this would allow to load multiple compatible modules with the same name but different version on execution but lookup for symbols from modules specified in local file imports merged with non-conflicting default imports
for eg. "code" module as a part of default import should be merged with local file import so all default module symbols are available along with those specified in file
dunno if that makes sense, but just thinking out loud
Something like that, there's a few ways of going about it, mainly between would there be a different zend_module_entry for each version of the library, or would there only be one and the zend_function_entry's be scoped to specify particular versions. Generally I'd guess the former.
It would however necessitate a function table at file level rather than global level, or more realistically a single table for each permutation of imports which would significantly reduce the number of them.
I would go with different zend_module_entry there should be just removed condition to stop loading module if it already exists
Each module must exist simultaneously, it's not something you can just not load.
@MarkR that would mean there is a plenty of function, etc. tables which I wouldn't like to go, cause modifying only lookup to accept additional param which is list of module pointers from file import should be enought I think
As the module is ultra-global, MINIT triggers before any userland code, I think?
If all lookups like zend_hash_find_ptr(CG(function_table), lcname); would get a list of pointers to imported modules you can decide each version of symbol to return
Yes, I would load all modules
each symbol has a pointer to module from which it was declared
that would reduce amount of changes in opposite to multiple symbol tables
also dl() and extension_loaded() should get additional param for specifying a version I think
and in general that should be more like all needed changes
except from opcache which I've skipped for now
functions are loaded in zend_register_module_ex and there is a:
	if ((module_ptr = zend_hash_add_mem(&module_registry, lcname, module, sizeof(zend_module_entry))) == NULL) {
		zend_error(E_CORE_WARNING, "Module '%s' already loaded", module->name);
		return NULL;
Which is for now blocking to load symbols from another module with the same name
and module_registry is just a HashTable of zend_module_entry *
default import would be quite the same
It ends up creating a multidimensional lookup table either way, it's more a Q of do you use function as the first dimension or module.
function, cause symbol tables lookup is based on symbol names, the same goes to functions, constants and classes
when symbol is found a version from specific module is choosen and returned on lookup
that way not much changes on symbol tables... well it changes a lot but under specific symbol name there would be a table of symbols from different modules
Perhaps, there's also a few ways it could be done with some mangling but they'd all need to be profiled. The file level module list would also need to be added to the context
A file-level function table would need to be created either way
To check for collisions
functions like get_extension_funcs and the rest of functions which list declared symbols would not change cause they would list symbols for local file import list of modules where for now each module could be put once
@MarkR you mean when two modules include for eg. the same symbol like the same function and they're both specified in local file import list?
couldn't it be solved on lookup? meaning if I find a symbol table for that function and there is more than one pointer in HastTable to that function which qualifies for return regarding to given module list then throw an error should be enough, right?
in reality it probably would be max two symbols under the same name from two different modules I think
future scope could be aliasing module symbols, for eg. with modulename: prefix to specify from which module symbol to choose
like in go, where you can have in import clause two modules with the same name but then need to alias any colliding module name which allows to use symbols from two modules ( no matter if two different modules or two modules which differ only a version )
at the point of aliasing the 'true' solution is to remove global functions entirely
AFAIK : is a syntax error in symbol name
but that would be a near impossible sell
yes, and going with tricky lookup sounds more realistic I think
@MarkR remove global functions or aliasing could be added in future edition I guess, since I strongly believe we'll be declaring edition in each file
before WW3
time will tell
another approach to conflicting symbols from two different modules could be accept only first which is found in the order of occurence of specified modules in import clause, with default import list merged at the end
I need to get some sleep but happy to continue debating later
meaning if file declares a module "foo" in import clause which delivers function for eg. implode() it would be chosen instead of the one delivered by "core" module
kk, see you lata, for me it's a morning :P
another tricky solution could be to choose symbols to lookup for per each module from import list
1 hour later…
@Jimbo what is mon-ring
@Derick Do you manually transcribe your podcast or do you use a service/software for audio->text?
Interesting, can extension start thread in fpm context with will not end on request and and will be reused in all requests till worker die? For example, rdkafka start sending thread and can send really asynchronous...
got a question regarding writing extension
I'm trying to create ext which wraps semver library in ANSI C github.com/h2non/semver.c so cloned the repository into /include directory under my extension, the question is what else do I need to do to include it? I already added #include "include/semver.h" in my semver.c which is in root of my repository
After I build I get only php: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20190902/semver.so: undefined symbol: semver_parse
when trying to use that symbol
@DmitryMiksIr probably not, everything dies after fpm ends processing request at least AFAIK
process not dies :)
@brzuchal I think you need PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(_WITH_PATH); or maybe better look into pkg-config support
@cmb Looking at it
16 hours ago, by Statik Stasis
I'm an idiot... just wanted to formally state that.
@SebastianBergmann he uses a service, then manually fixes things.
7 or 8 years ago I wrote a small procedural script that I thought would be "temporary." Over the next few years more things were requested to be added to it. A tweak here, a tweak there, more features added to it with the thought that I need to rebuild this correctly. Well... every feature was just a quick fix with the hope I would have time to return soon to redo. Still haven't had the time and now have much more to add to it... in a hurry. I'm paying for my sins...
by having to go through this code slowly to ensure I don't break it. I've got to get this "quick fix" done and then start rebuilding it immediately OOP.
oop is usually also procedual, you mean that you have it in one file, it doesn't have (many) functions or methods and (probably) no tests?
About 4,000 lines of code over 7 files. But the bulk of it is in two files. Yes, no tests. It was supposed to be "temporary." =/
add some tests testing the existing functionality, then break it apart into smaller chunks adding more tests and refactorings
@beberlei Thanks!
@Gordon I'll do that next after this "one more fix." I really need to get this fix in place for them right away.
From their side- it runs beautifully. It's just difficult to add to from my side since I broke so many rules in the design.
@cmb doesn't look like a library
@brzuchal you need to add semver.c as a source file in your config.m4/w32
@JoeWatkins Yeah it worked
  PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(semver, semver.c include/semver.c, $ext_shared)
that's it ...
I'd have renamed the php wrapper to php_semver.c
and just put semver.c in root
(and omit build_dir directive, simpler on windows)
# php -d extension=semver -r 'var_dump(semver_compare("1.0.0", "2.0.0"));'
"create ext which wraps semver library" :)
@JoeWatkins Thanks
yeah but it's 10 minutes old, nobody is packaging it yet @cmb
static library is still library code
Is there some sort of header I must add to source files?
the header comment I mean
include semver.h in your php_semver.c
oh no, mostly there's license notice there ... but not necessary
There was %HEADER% on top of skeleton
Oh, ok
Feel great I did it :D
@Gordon have you read Working Effectively with Legacy Code? that's basically the mantra in the book...
next figure out \Semantic\Version object API ... have fun ...
Soooo question, where would be a suitable place to shove an extra per-request hash map? I was thinking that my little const to closure hack might deserve a bit more playing with but would like to cache the result so I can return the same value each time, but changing its expectation of the opline cache value being a zend_const* would take quite a while
@JoeWatkins That should be quite easy constructor with string, equal(), satisfies(), gt(), lt(), minVersion(), coerce(), bump...(), but interesting would be comparing like DateTime, right?
if it's a compiler thing, then compiler globals, if it's a vm/runtime thing then executor globals
it sorta sounds like it belongs in the runtime cache, but if just playing, do whatever ...
@brzuchal cmp handler only invoked if lhs and rhs are both of the same type iirc
I would go with SemVer class without namespace if this is possible
yeah if I named it badly it's because I gave it no thought at all ...
the scope of it is so small that I feel can handle it
it also looks like a legit use of operator overloads, for the first time since forever ...
@MarkR if using map, do zend_hash_init in php_request_startup and zend_hash_destroy in php_request_shutdown ...
gist.github.com/marandall/9ecc589a002c2f7b7a928cc67bfe4fcf I'm just playing around with treating const function names as closures, i'm never writing the cache ptr so it doesn't explode by previous code treating it as zend_const* but I'd still like to cache it someplace
wait I just understood the words you said
"function" ... you want that to be a closure ?
Yeah, creating a fake closure when accessing a constant with a function name
@Rob hey o/ is it possible for you to un-freeze this room?
Sure, done
No problem
@Ekin :O does that mean what I think it means?
I'm going to try getting bugs plugin to work again
but but
that's going to break everything
Maybe that's what I'll work on today, the booze plugin
a more practical solutions seems to be introducing a cast to closure for strings maybe ?
@JoeWatkins Isssss it though? Seems like it's just a step towards unifying the const + function tables
one that you can somehow use as a constant expression ...
@MarkR if what you meant to say is you want the engine to return a closure upon access to any literal constant that happens to be the name of a function, then yeah, I imagine that'll break a fair amount of code ...
But naming an unscoped constant the same as an existing symbol is so... dumb D:
you're only considering the one use case of the literal constant string that happens to be a function, and sure it's a big use case, but we're on the web, (which is made of plugins and hooks and callbacks) where everything is inserted into a database ... you're going to break everything if suddenly the name of my hooks/plugin/callback can't be inserted into my database or otherwise serialized (for a bunch of other reasons)
wait, what
what I understand you want is this
$string = "strlen";

assert($string instanceof Closure);
no, without the quotes
oh oh
I'll shut up
it feels a bit hacky maybe
but yeah maybe a nice middle ground, as you said ...
that doesn't belong request global
that should be in the rt cache, because namespaces and rebinding closures and other things that I probably can't think of ...
Hmmm true would need to prevent rebinding as it should always be null
have you dealt with that yet ?
Nope, barely scratched the surface, engine manipulations are at the very edge of my engine knowledge.
At the moment I'm just trying to think of ways to make sure that str_repeat === (function() { return str_repeat; })();
Ideally the same immutable closure, so either attaching it to zend_function directly or shoving it in a global hash table
the simplest use of the cache I can find that is similar to what you need to do is probably zend_compile_func_defined in zend_compile.c
look at ZEND_DEFINED handler in the VM for how it uses the slot
obviously you have nothing to do with defined here, it just happens to be somewhat related, I'm just talking about it's use of the cache ...
I suspect the issue is that if the cache slot is used, upstream code is treating it as zend_constant* ... I think I saw it while browsing but can't find it anymore
c = CACHED_PTR(opline->extended_value);
		ZVAL_COPY_OR_DUP(EX_VAR(opline->result.var), &c->value);
read them, but what you're looking for is that the compile function allocs a slot and stores it's offset (address, whatever impl detail, it's a long at this point) on extended value, then at runtime you fetch and store using that extended value ...
yeah and then CACHE_PTR(...)
although you can ignore that special stuff for the value, I didn't see that until I looked closely ...
it can just be the address
(by using the rt cache the engine will handle stuff like rebinding and whatever, in case not clear)
it knows when to invalidate the cache
I'll keep digging, I'm mainly worried that if I use the cache slot that's already part of ZEND_FETCH_CONST then it won't play nice if I try to shove a zval containing an object in there.
	opline = zend_emit_op_tmp(result, ZEND_FETCH_CONSTANT, NULL, NULL);
	opline->op2_type = IS_CONST;

	if (is_fully_qualified) {
		opline->op2.constant = zend_add_const_name_literal(
			resolved_name, 0);
	} else {
		opline->op1.num = IS_CONSTANT_UNQUALIFIED;
		if (FC(current_namespace)) {
			opline->op1.num |= IS_CONSTANT_IN_NAMESPACE;
			opline->op2.constant = zend_add_const_name_literal(
				resolved_name, 1);
		} else {
			opline->op2.constant = zend_add_const_name_literal(
				resolved_name, 0);
change that
last line
allocate two slots
yours is +1
you want to do that conditionally
Oooo I didn't know that was legit.
okay okay, look at void zend_compile_class_const(znode result, zend_ast *ast) / {{{ */
and ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_CONSTANT in zend_vm_def
that's much more closely matching and sorry it's +sizeof(void*)
so the compile for that does ext_v = alloc_slots(2) and the handler does
if (EXPECTED(CACHED_PTR(opline->extended_value + sizeof(void*)))) {
				value = CACHED_PTR(opline->extended_value + sizeof(void*));
			} else if (EXPECTED(CACHED_PTR(opline->extended_value))) {
				ce = CACHED_PTR(opline->extended_value);
ah, the void* required because CACHED_PTR is casting the runtime cache to char* rather than void*
I think it's starting to make sense, much appreciated Joe
simplest to use CACHED_PTR_EX(c + 1) and CACHE_PTR_EX api
that reads most sensible, never mind what old code done
that will make the most reasonable looking patch, I think
no actually scratch that ... whatever api you use try to have the casts make sense
I think casting is unavoidable actually, your slot is +1, but the api is ... awkward ...
you can only do +1 if everything is cast correctly, so you see the +sizeof(void*), but that reads really horrible to me ...
I need a regex that matches all files ending in .php, but NOT .html.php. Here's what I have: .*[^.html.php$].php|.*.html - where am I retarding?
@Tiffany i have not, but I am old
You are using a character class
@PeeHaa The [ ] ?
It's wrong :-)
That's like the biggest part of it
Too late I saw it and tried it blindly :)
@Jimbo ?! for "do not match", preferably within () instead of []
@Jimbo It's biggest wrong :P
@Jimbo Untested: ~(?<!\.html)\.php$~
/me throws a book at @Jimbo
No but I get awesome at regex and then I forget for a while, and then I'm shit at it again
mega pings :P
story of my life with most things because I jump from subject to subject a lot
Looks like I can't use ?!, perl
/me gives up
glhf :P
I got lucky, the tool I'm using provides an --inverse-regex argument, so I can just pass what I want and it inverts it for me. Cheers :P
I think I have posted this here before, but just in case... I love coding to this: youtube.com/watch?v=wzjWIxXBs_s
This is a test ・ SPL related ・ #79292
Chillstep EDM all the way for programming.
Deadmau5 is a pretty good choice
Deadmau5 is always a good choice
Not sure who was complaining about bugs not showing up anymore (@cmb?) ,but @Ekin fixed it ^
> Windows 6
@PeeHaa \o/ – thanks @Ekin!
ah awesome, it works! \o/
@Tiffany I could never program to that D:
@MarkR open.spotify.com/album/5iZnEfyTnKPKMkbtpHMCaL other songs are a bit chiller
(Dreamboat, Mulholland, Again)
@MarkR Yeah, I like those too.
@MarkR I also like AudioMachine, Two Steps From Hell, Skyrim Soundtrack, and most musical scores by John Williams, Hans Zimmer, James Horner, and a few others for coding.
Sounds like we share very similar tastes in music.
sometimes Tron Legacy soundtrack, with some of the songs trimmed out
hah xD
the best for me is this one
I just noticed the automatic logs on bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=79221 don't point to the https version of git.php.net
@Ekin tempting, but I love nyancat :x
@JoeWatkins after thinking about the semver I think namespace actually could be a good idea. A bunch of functions and classes like Version, Constraint or Comparator could be there
@Sjon any plans for autocomplete?
Or maybe not needed for 3 classes and 4 functions
@Ekin @Tiffany nerds
no u
I shall however side with Mass Effect. Gotta make choices.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier ah nice, which one?
we're playing xcom2 again these days
playing long war 2, I hope?
@Ekin ... like, all of them, by phases... I bought an old xbox few weeks ago, so I play 3rd on that, bu sometimes fire up second or first on steam
um, I don't think I heard that one
ha, that's cool
basically, it's a massive overhaul of xcom that makes the game unfinisheable.
huh, will check it out
reworks all abilities, classes, makes encounters more difficult, makes the gameplay a bit different
yeah look it up! you'll curse me later
er, thank! I mean thank me later, of course!
:D thanks for letting me know
Any suggestions on way to track object roots? I'm gaining them by the thousand in what should be a relatively clean operation
@MarkR I don't offer a solution, but wondering if I understand an "object root" correctly. Is it where an object is instantiated within a codebase?
I'm not quite sure I understand it myself tbh, although I'm guessing I have a circular reference I'm not seeing biting me somewhere
my guess would be in a closure somewhere
you didn't attempt your closure hack in your code, did you? :P
No, this is production code for work I'm having it with
an API that gets called a few thousand times per second using swoole
debugging tools helping at all?
assuming you've reproduced the issue in dev
Yeah i'm running it in dev,
Right now im tracing it with a few hundred gc_status statements
reminds me, I need to figure wtf is going wrong with my async scraper
had to pause working on it this morning to run to an appointment, and I've been procrastinating getting back into it
Question: is it possible to handle === operation for object somehow with do_operation object handler?
==58252== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==58252==  Access not within mapped region at address 0x0
==58252==    at 0x54EC0F0: __strcat_sse2_unaligned (strcat-sse2-unaligned.S:32)
==58252==    by 0x8882BBB: concat_num (semver.c:486)
What above mean?
Trying to deal with segfault more than hour now :(
@brzuchal You tried to strcat a null pointer.
@LeviMorrison Ok, but dunno how to fix it :( I'm a teapot. Was using this function with second argument declared like that char *rendered;
Please help
I don't know the size of result in rendered
the first argument if valid cause I've been using it over multiple different functions from that lib
@LeviMorrison did you guess it was a null pointer because of 0x0?
I wanna in the end do RETURN_STRING(rendered);
@Ekin Yes.
(gotcha thanks, good to know)
I want to start learning penetration testing, has anyone heard of eLearnSecurity?'
Or does anyone have any good recommendations for resources?
Check the laws where you live first
@Alesana What in specific do you want to pentest?
Strange it works for me when char rendered[250] = {0}; but dunno why and if it would be enough :/
@PeeHaa Servers, web applications
Do you understand how both work?
@brzuchal What on earth are you parsing that would need more than 250 chars? Are they producing a trillion trillion trillion versions?
Not actually wanting to do it as a job just want to know more about keeping my servers and applications secure
@PeeHaa Mm high level stuff yes
I was thinking of starting with this junior course on it
First step IMO is having a good understanding of whatever the target is
It would only get anything close to that if there was something huge put in the meta
That would make sense
@MarkR No it's rendering back semversion from struct to char*, and I dunno how to declare the buffer for it
I'm thinking of starting with this certification from one of our child companies where I work
The unit tests uses char buf[22] = {0}; notation I even have no idea what does that mean
It just goes over the basics
Might help with basic understanding of networking as well
Is it free and in company's time?
Yes and depends
Well probably not in company time
If both are yes just go for it :P
But free yes haha
But there are a lot of free resources out there, and a lot of paid resources that are not better than free ones haha
So just because this costs more than something that's free doesn't mean it has more value :P
Well as long as you also get the training it's probably worth it depending on your knowledge and their preparation training
Yeah true, I think I'll give it a shot
@Alesana No, but I know of a reputable company that I did a course through... just trying to remember its name...
@LeviMorrison Would love the recommendation
It was paid, but not expensive, IIRC.
I'm fine with paying as long as it's worth it
Ah! sans.org
They have online courses as well as places you can do week-long things.
I did online, but if I did it again I'd do a week-long course somewhere.
Awesome I'll look into it, thanks!
dabbling with an adapted variant of dmitrys attributes patch: github.com/beberlei/php-src/pull/2 - what do you think?
I was generally against attributes having custom syntax vs the existing well supported use of docblocks
But considering generics will be an orbital strike on syntax anyway, plus whatever else lands in 8.0, I can live with it
@Alesana udemy.com/course/… I bought this (though I got it for around 10 USD) a while back, but haven't gone through it. However, the instructor keeps the course updated, so that's nice
@beberlei I'm a bit confused as to why you want it? Does it do automatic mapping from (in your example) JSON to class properties?
@MarkR in absence of generics, attributes could provide a way to specify machine readable metadata with convention:

public array $users;
@Girgias yes, with typed properties this is in reach, but its missing specification for arrays
Please don't :P
@Girgias the json example is just a what could be done in core, if we had strucutural metadata about things. the doctrine use case is the primary goal, thats where i come from :D
I don't really know Doctrine as I've never used it
So care to explain maybe a bit more how it could help Doctrine?
same with xml to php objects, go has this very nicely golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/#Unmarshal
@Girgias see here, doctrine uses annotations in docblocks to configure how classes are mapped to the database: doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/2.8/tutorials/…
this is based on a doctrine/annotations composer project that drupal, symfony, neos, and many other higher level projects use for this kind of metadata on classes, properties and methods configuration
Ah yeah, I'm not a fan of annotations personally. lol But basically instead of using annotations you'd have an attribute which could map directly to the DB?
i am using attributes interchangebly with annotatinos here, and v2 because dmitrys RFC is the most recent proposed one
in case of doctrine its essentially used for configuration
i like the json example, because it would be something that could be in core, a much more powerful json_decode now that we have typed properties
i added an example for replacing @jit and @nojit annotations that opcache currently "strpos" out of doc_comments
I'd love to have native annotations in the language. I didn't used to understand what they're for, but they've grown on me over time. :-)
Though they'd have to be done right.
I mainly use them for routing
Ideally they become a structured, native form of metadata. There are many potential use cases for that, in almost any "register extension points" based system.
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So long as I can pull an annotation type / scalar|array from them I think they'll have good use. Less so if they force into using some kind of object binding
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See, I'd rather it map to a defined class, as that gives far more flexibility. And defining a struct class is stupid easy.
It also allows for syntactic validation.
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Mapping to a defined class is overkill to just annotate something that only requires a string
yeah i dont want to force objects
My concern is the increased complexity of supporting different syntaxes.
All issues have been resolved!

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