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12:43 AM
but yes, after all i didn't care about the errors. in fact that question is no longer relevant, i am doing it differently now :B
2 hours later…
2:20 AM
The C parser is mostly up and running. Just need to write the lexer converter to convert from preprocessor tokens to C tokens...
👋 Hi open source maintainers! If you want to join a short video call with me tomorrow at 12:45pm Pacific to share your thoughts on how GitHub can serve you better, please sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/pU72sUdCCIWHeWjH3
@kalle your notification problem could be directed at that person.
3:19 AM
@Tiffany Sorry- been in budgeting planning for over a week and haven't been on much.
Did he decide on a major?
5 hours later…
8:00 AM
purview the body or enacting part of a statute
8:17 AM
le morning
@Kalle you won't win the argument re wordpress versions ... they have somehow been elevated to a special place, where any movement is remarkable ....
I think it mostly comes from the (totally incorrect) idea that our release schedule is not important, what is important for people that deploy wordpress is LTS support in distros ... I wish the distros wouldn't do this, they actually can't do a good job of it, they don't have the expertise or access to do so, which is why there is a list of security issues as long as my arm still affecting php5 in "LTS" debian package ...
I'll bet not many of the people running these packages have actually looked at the state of them ... they have very very many open security issues some that are marked "too complex to backport", well drop the fucking port then, it's irresponsible to push out releases of things with known security issues and call them "LTS" ... they aren't LTS, they are broken, and nobody is going to fix them ...
9:17 AM
Yeah, but some people are so biased that it legitimately hurts to see their opinions. Until WordPress joins the rest of the world, they deserve to know how poor they have been to their backend eco system, I mean heck even Magento upgraded to 7 pretty flawlessly and that was a while back
@JoeWatkins @Danack ^
I mean I wish them the best of luck in this movement, but until there is something concrete work done, then its all but babble for attention (in my eyes)
10:11 AM
"Headers already sent..." when previous connection was aborted – #77780
11:13 AM
anyone know who contact for interbase is ?
also \o
11:27 AM
11:47 AM
OH: "I like the fr-agile way"
is there any chance stuff like unset($arr[null]); is just ignored?
hold on, unless it interprets it as $arr[0]...
i hate coercion
12:02 PM
@Wes lol
It's actually $arr[''] ;)
it's awful :B
fopen() b flag recommendation no longer necessary? – #77781
TIL C has generics...........
@ircmaxell "generics"
12:14 PM
@JoeWatkins interbase? As in ext/interbase?
@NikiC yes, but there's still a Generic token, and it still "works"
posted on March 22, 2019

It's 2am here. What time is it there? I'll post some news in some time.

quut.com/c/ANSI-C-grammar-y.html <-- not working for me. I keep getting syntax errors for unexpected {first token in file}, expecting STATIC_ASSERT
@ircmaxell do you have a pushed branch?
12:30 PM
whoops, broke something
pushing again
@ircmaxell how to run it? quick test script shwoing the failure?
$ php-7.4 test.php

Fatal error: Uncaught FFIMe\Error: Syntax error, unexpected INT, expecting STATIC_ASSERT in ...
change the .so to any .so in your system, it won't actually get to the part where it binds against it
thanks got it to fail
12:45 PM
@Kalle yeah
@JoeWatkins No one really, there was someone who was supposed to, but like me and @NikiC talked about here on room11 not long ago, no one knows how its supposed to work
I personally wanted to put it up for removal from php-src, the only user I can think of is Lester anyway
do that, for 8, burn it with fire
Can't wait for Lester's mails tbh
Good RFC btw @JoeWatkins, anything below 2 weeks is insane for something so complicated as JIT
12:51 PM
trying with kmyacc
@Kalle it really is, but aside from jit, I think waiting two weeks for a vote is reasonable for anything going into php-src, and it avoids the need to place restrictions like "no rfc's in august or thanksgiving", no public holiday anywhere in the world lasts for two weeks, everything is doable in that time frame, year round, everywhere ...
Yeah it is good, it has my support too
@JoeWatkins I'd recommend to just make it a fixed two week period
Unless there is a good reason to extend votes beyond that?
Holidays certainly aren't one.
It would be really nice if the doodle thing could close the vote automatically...
interesting... kmyacc goes into an infinite loop with that grammar file
well just fix the problem we have is what I'm going for, we don't have a problem with people conducting really long votes right now ... and it seems unnecessary to place the restriction of two weeks as upper limit when what I'm trying to solve is a lower limit problem ...
the rules allow you to make a really long vote, or don't prohibit it, the only problem I see with longer than two week votes is declaring when the voting should end at the start of the vote so that people can't just extend a vote because they're not getting what they want (also not a problem now) ...
12:59 PM
@JoeWatkins fair
@ircmaxell lol nice
But seems like the parser generator is somehow broken
@bwoebi considering one infinite loops, and the other doesn't......
Hey gys, i'm trying to de-tangle a frankenstein framework thing and one line i come across a lot in our code that I'd ideally like to refactor to a foreach of somesort is this, does anyone have any idea what the structure for something like this would even be? I can't var_dump it because it's got recursion in it i think

while(list($iId,$aOption) = each($aList)) { //stuff }
I'm not sure if this stuff was written before keys and values were a thing or something or why they'd be formatted the way they are
today i need to update mysql on some server... i am almost ashamed to admit we still run mysql 5.6
foreach ($aList as $item) { var_dump($item) }
1:10 PM
@PeeHaa yeah but i cant because sometimes the items are objects that contain more lists like this
and var dump and var export fail
fail how?
PHP Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency?
If you run it with xdebug it will protect against that iirc
Alternatively just look up where the array is being created
Alternative 2: foreach ($aList as $item) { [$iId,$aOption] = $item }
1:15 PM
I ended up with a 3 level foreach loop, which makes me feel dirty
@Kalle +42, and it will definitely misbehave in zts
@JoeWatkins great, let me put it up for discussion, so we can finally save ourselves
it uses an outdated TSRM API, that doesn't do what is assumed, and then breaks the rules with illegal invocation of a function ...
It also had some poor API usage of the list API, as mentioned by @NikiC
Can anyone think of a way to do this in a way that doesn't look so awful that isn't list and each in a while loop?

foreach ($object_list as $object_id => $object_data){
    foreach ($object_data as $id => $data){
        foreach ($data as $key => $value){
            echo "   k- " . var_export($key, true) . PHP_EOL;
            $type = gettype($value);
            if($type == "object"){
                echo "   v- <" . get_class($value)  . ">" . PHP_EOL;
                echo "   v- " . var_export($value, true) . PHP_EOL;
1:18 PM
@bwoebi I was mising the final newline after the final %%
@ircmaxell this maybe should really give a proper error...
@bwoebi strace is just an infinite loop of read(3, "", 4096) = 0
and yeah, PR that against kmyacc
oh, and your parser?
@ircmaxell lol, I remember that one!
I ran into that when I first used it for php-parser :D
@bwoebi my parser handes the case fine
confirmed, kymacc generated parser behaves the same as my generated parser:
Fatal error: Uncaught FFIMe\Error: Syntax error, unexpected INT, expecting STATIC_ASSERT in
@NikiC I've run into it before too, but forgot
1:22 PM
I don't understand that given the grammar file at least, which clearly allows an INT as first token
@ircmaxell what's the grammar?
and the code?
@bwoebi I mean the input
I just pushed a new commit
github.com/ircmaxell/FFIMe/blob/ast_parsing/test/headers/… <-- that's what I'm attempting to parse
and it fails immediately upon the first INT symbol
This abstract parser (derived from PHPParser's abstract parser): github.com/ircmaxell/FFIMe/blob/ast_parsing/lib/…
Oh, @bwoebi, you're right, the lexer is context sensitive
so I need to define the scope as it parses, so it can correctly identify defined types and enums
Just to check the obvious, does %start actually work?
1:28 PM
it has in the past... I can try switching it to something else...
do you have the .output file?
@JoeWatkins sent to internals, enjoy ^^
%start does work
$ diff lib/CParserYacc.php lib/CParserPHP.php
< class CParserYacc extends CParser
> class CParserPHP extends CParser
<         "start : translation_unit",
>         "\$start : translation_unit",
so seems it's not the parser-generator
(assuming kmycc isn't broken)
1:48 PM
@ircmaxell I think it is...
Well, I see no reason why the parser generator shouldn't give you a failure if it isn't broken
I've been bitten hard a few times in this project by isset($foo[$bar]) returning false when $foo[$bar] === null... SIGH
@bwoebi the grammar is broken?
@ircmaxell I can't see any mistake in the grammar...
It seems like a pretty clear parser generator bug...
1:52 PM
at least the simple sample test input looks like it should be perfectly parseable given the grammar
The .output file says it should shift & reduce, instead it errors
In this case via the default action of the state
have fun ... fixing this
jesus. why can't anything "just work". why do I have to keep shaving the yak over and over and over
@ircmaxell yacc yak yacc yak
1:56 PM
@ircmaxell I thought you were a senior developer: nothing ever works!
I know nothing ever works. Doesn't mean I don't wish it did
@Kalle to be clear I don't care that much, and I suspect only one person in internals would care, but a deprecation notice on each function call doesn't sound ideal.....if someone chooses to still use interbase on 7.4, it would be a lot of work to silence every function call. Just having the deprecation notices on ibase_pconnect and ibase_connect would achieve the same level of notice and be easier for both of the interbase users.
@NikiC that seems to imply it's not on the LALR side, but on the code generation side?
@ircmaxell I think so, yes
table compression possibly
So then it may be (slightly) easier to fix...
maybe not. It would help if I understood the output
2:10 PM
The "Terminal action" table in the extended debug output still looks right
I wonder...
is there a bug in the github.com/ircmaxell/FFIMe/blob/ast_parsing/lib/CParser.php parser I "copied" from your PHPParser\ParserAbstract that I'm hitting here?
@Danack I see your point and I can totally follow where you are getting at, I may need to look at a list of functions unless you got something in mind
> Just having the deprecation notices on ibase_pconnect and ibase_connect
every app using interbase has to use those two, right?
which for most (sane) apps would be one place to change.
btw - the company that now owns interbase is ideracorp.com/brands which is the same company that bought travis recently.
It looks like it is going to be a double expresso day.
@Danack I think it also had a service connection object or something? I'm not sure but it has a huge list of functions, many which is not even in the manual it seems (aliases)
2:24 PM
@NikiC could there be a bug in here:
            if ((($idx >= 0 && $idx < $this->actionTableSize && $this->actionCheck[$idx] === $symbol)
                 || ($state < $this->YY2TBLSTATE
                     && ($idx = $this->actionBase[$state + $this->numNonLeafStates] + $symbol) >= 0
                     && $idx < $this->actionTableSize && $this->actionCheck[$idx] === $symbol))
                && ($action = $this->action[$idx]) !== $this->defaultAction) {
                 * >= numNonLeafStates: shift and reduce
@ircmaxell everything could be...
specifically because that encodes the action, and it's going to the unexpected token action (the default action for the state) rather than shift-reducing?
@ircmaxell I looked at that, and apparently both actionChecks fail there
I verified that it goes to the actionDefault in the else branch from that
2:25 PM
> it has a huge list of functions
@NikiC does that imply the actionTable is incorrect (if that code is correct that is)?
shuffles feet nervously
@ircmaxell I'm not sure ... could be any one of those tables
2:29 PM
@Kalle they fit on a screen.......that's hardly any.
I'm sadly only on a QHD monitor here at work, not 4k like at home :/
allow me to reply to lester...... I have things to say. nvm.
First time here, what is Spab ist verboten?
nicht ist verboten. Except German.
but don't go too far off topic when other people are using the room for productive stuff.
Was just reading the PHP chat description and saw that in there didn't know what it meant?
2:33 PM
> Fun is forbidden
apparently a joke.
@Danack He cc'ed the Firebird list, meaning now whenever I reply and its on, a moderator needs to approve the message. That is so annoying
But please, do reply to him
posted on March 22, 2019 by CommitStrip

hm... interbase is suprisingly easy to set up
I always have to fight for one hour to get php mysql and pgsql tests to work
2:54 PM
Y U NO WORK $c instanceof get_class($a)
or $c instanceof $a::CLASS
@Wes is_a()
$c instanceof $a
works. typical php weirdness tho :D
3:32 PM
@NikiC and @bwoebi I found the bug
@NikiC dont tell me that you wanna actually fix interbase now :(
github.com/ircmaxell/FFIMe/blob/ast_parsing/lib/… references ->numNonLeafStates, but the template defines it as ->YYNLSTATES
@ircmaxell loooool
and since both were defined, no notices
3:36 PM
yeah, I used an old version of that
well, if this wasn't a phenomenal waste of time
I'm sorry
The solution, of course, are abstract properties :D
stupid mistakes are always fun
hehehehe, done!
had the properties been typed (which was on my todo list0
this would have been caught, since it would have been an access prior to define
@Kalle I'm trying
I've tried before
And I'm failing in the same way
ibase_drop_db(): lock time-out on wait transaction object
It's a rabbit hole. I think the only reason why interbase kinda works right now is that leaks everything so very thoroughly (say three times just to be sure) that everything else is kinda papered over
4:01 PM
please can i have a ref to php static and non static closure. (.c file)?
4:23 PM
@ircmaxell stupid one, but at least you found it :-)
@Kalle I think I managed to mostly fix it... maybe
4:50 PM
@NikiC would you be willing to maintain it tho if you manage to fix it? Just thinking about the RFC I posted
Fixing once != maintaining, but if it gets fixed it might be easier to find a maintainer?
@Kalle uh yeah definitely not going to maintain this
Good, just asking because I think your much more useful to fix broken things thats actually used on a much larger scale ^^
getting z content in the body response from using curl on a site which indeed shows content when using the browser.. any ideas on what can cause this?
@Kalle Well, most things aren't broken :)
4:56 PM
ops, z = zero
Apart from FPM. FPM is very thoroughly broken.
@LeviMorrison well I'd hoped that by the 3rd round we had the talk about this extension, it would have found a maintainer, which we did, but the person never committed anything afaik
@NikiC FPM is luckily outside of my domain ^^
5:14 PM
@NikiC if someone is going to touch that, or more likely make a new sapi that isn't as broken, there's a lot of magic that could be excluded....e.g. the whole of the magic around header()...
someone here who compiles php on windows?
Probably @Kalle...
I mean, you all should! (And Yes I do)
just wanted to know if the instructions (wiki.php.net/internals/windows/stepbystepbuild_sdk_2) are still valid for php 8
They are up to date yeah, we haven't really done any changes to the Windows build system and nor do I think we have any plans to do so
Alternatively you can find some quick usage instructions on here as well:
5:24 PM
thanks :)
5:41 PM
Just a reminder to not rinse a hot glass plate under cold water. I may have broke a plate in half into my sink. ...
2 hours later…
7:19 PM
@NikiC have you seen the Firebird docs on ext/interbase?
Need to know
Many ibase_ functions cannot accommodate the identifier of a connection, transaction or prepared query. Those functions use the identifier of the last established connection or last started transaction instead of the relevant identifier. Ii is not a recommended practice, especially if your web application can use more than one connection.
This magical connection parameter paradigm is horrific, something that should have died in PHP5
7:58 PM
hm, should i move an RFC under discussion over the weekend? i am so excited about my progress on DOM Living Standard update to ext/dom ;)
@beberlei what are you working on exactly?
@beberlei no problem with doing that
8:15 PM
@NikiC done ^^ :)
hm... is there an option to create a default php.ini file?
8:51 PM
@LeviMorrison \o/
it'll need to be tweaked for your specific use case, but what's wrong with that version?
getenv without params returns keys that aren't accessible with $varname param – #77782
not sure if this was pasted yet
Stand back, I'm going to make a meme about PHP legacy.
9:13 PM
@Tiffany oh... never mind. I just expected that one will be generated in the build folder when compiling the source. didn't have the one in the source in mind shame on me
9:46 PM
getenv affected by auto_globals_jit in fpm-fcgi SAPI – #77783

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