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4 episodes and i still have no idea what's it about
gods I need to watch that
can skip to season 2 directly
hmm... why? I've been told it's quite good, yes?
@Tiffany yeah that's the thing. It'd be great if it were not in any specific programming language, rather in plain logic
finally something is happening
what a mess tho
they tried to be too clever probably
2 hours later…
@FélixGagnon-Grenier is there a universal pseudocode system though?
other than the quirks of Javascript, I'd almost argue learning programming logic while learning a programming language is better, you're learning two at once. The only issue being is that not all languages are alike, and there will be idiosyncrasies between them.
I bought a lightly sweetened sparkling water drink... that tastes vaguely like dimetapp
Better Documentation Description - ArrayIterator Class – #76250
@Tiffany universal as in shared rules as to what pseudocode should be? Not that I really know of...
I've got an NFC value in zval with "unknown type" anybody knows what is that?
hey @DaveRandom you wanna add decimal32/64/128 types to your pack thingy?
1 hour later…
I am using CodeIgniter-Ratchet for creating chat application but before this I have to run one command like php server.php but this one is on local machine what if I put my application on host server how would I run my chat app ? or it works automatically ?
get_headers halt without any warning on unresolved hosts – #76251
Hello all, ltns. Quick and an out. Between PHP 7.1 and 7.2 we experienced some duplicate queries happening on what should've been locked tables. Maybe they weren't locked properly. Either way when generating a list of items from a scheduled task it would sometimes create duplicate lists with duplicate items. We have since found some incorrect types we declared in our pdo statements. Passing a int as a string for instance.
Are there any potential changes between the versions that might have caused our queries to not function the same as 7.1?
hello team
i m looking for prestashop developer
facing bit complex issue
So I hit 250k rep and will get new swag. Nice. Thanks.
Falstaffian of, relating to, or having the qualities of Falstaff, especially his robust, bawdy humor, good-natured rascality, and brazen braggadocio: Falstaffian wit.
What's the best thing about Switzerland? I don't know, but the flag is a big plus.
@Patrick ^
@Gordon I'll just beg for it again and get it :D
Out of interest what do you get?
Is there a way to use reflection on a variable to retrieve it's ReflectionType?
@Jimbo had to fill in a google form where I could request things this time. So I guess I get a water bottle, an ink pen and a shirt and some additional swag for my colleagues. Basically, what the form suggested I could ask for.
When I'm comparing ReflectionFunction > ReflectionParameter > ReflectionType->getName it's inconsistent with gettype because reflection returns int and gettype returns integer :/
@PaulCrovella would need to be coupled to some sort of userland type
I assume there is some sort of standard representation of decimals in terms of memory layout?
@Gordon tryhard
is that the Die Hard prequel?
Incrementing microseconds work funny – #76252
@DaveRandom ieee754 section 3.5
Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France? There was nothing left but de Brie
@MadaraUchiha how does the progression on that work? 100, 250, 500, 1m?
You get swag on 100K too?
@mega6382 IDK if you will get swag at 100k. I did.
teachers pet.
@mega6382 Yup
Great, just a couple of years till i get there. :P
Hi @Ocramius, I wanted to ask, if you may know what is the reason for ZF2/ZF3 being configuration over convention and not the other way round?
dude, it's like, way monday ...
1 hour later…
didn't know that had a name
@Gordon Doesn't seem so bad youtube.com/watch?v=U4cwKsM_Mv8
I've... always done that
the question is misleading though since most people apparently understood how can 8+5 result in 10 while they are really asking how to do the breakdown
I guess once you understood that it's about adding up to 10 it makes more sense
OK sure, for 2nd grader it might be hard. But at a bit higher level, this shouldn't be a problem
then why did it take two days before someone in here could explain it ;)
Cause we previously didn't know what the heck this was, and now we do so it makes a slight sense now :B
@Leigh me too, in fact i was taught in school about that, but it didn't have a name
it was just a trick :B
I've learned the splat operator just now and it has really made me laugh! I'm forgetting the word "Impossible" :D I have a curiosity here, is this the operator used by fetchObject method when we pass an infinite/arbitrary number of dependencies in its second argument?
I don't remember specifically being taught it, but I've always borrowed from other numbers to make it easier
yeah, i think it's natural doing that
@Gordon that should be taught in first grade
maybe kindergarten even?! :P
not every kid goes to the kindergarden
@Simon.B You can think about it in the same way, but internally they work differently AFAIK
But if every kid did, you'd recommend it?
@pmmaga Thx 0/
well ... ok, let me revise that, @mega6382: this should have been taught at age 6 ... or maybe early-7
Yeah, whatever everyone hates math anyway :)
@mega6382 why would anyone go with convention over configuration anyway? It's a good recipe for implicit/hidden BC breaks, as well as a lot of magic to be known to get things to work.
conventions are "made up rules". Work with the constraints of the language, not with made up rules.
@Ocramius Thanks, its just most of frameworks are convention over configuration. And I was recently arguing about ZF2 with someone and they mentioned it and I didn't have any response to why this is.
google chrome is displayed in english.... but it's actually displayed in italian
which is a step forward nevertheless, since it was in turkish after the update yesterday
how the fuck did they figured i wanted it in turkish...
@Ocramius I remember making this argument once but I am not sure if it is valid chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/41243357#41243357
profile corrupted
@mega6382 symfony is also not convention-based. Yes, there is a convention about a few file locations, but it's also configuration-based.
@mega6382 I like @Patrick's response:
Feb 14 at 10:26, by Patrick
@Jimbo also known as magic :D
@MadaraUchiha Why was this deleted? stackoverflow.com/questions/234075/…
@mega6382 No idea, deleted by community mod
(i.e. staff)
hmm, but it was so old.. why now?
People actually say "convention over configuration" - I just hear magic first
@mega6382 because it was as old as the jokes and not funny anymore?
Yeah, could be :B
There are disadvantages to configuration-based frameworks though
Namely, configuration is a DSL that can't easily be extended should the need arise
Did someone say eXtensible Markup Language?
go wash your mouth out with SOAP
ssshhh… you'll wake up that annoying @Jimbo YAML kid
What would be the best way to perform searches on my database tables(MySQL) to add a spell tolerance level.For example to type "treško" that it queries "tereško".I could make something with 'SOUNDS LIKE' but it's way to slow, also I could make something with 'similar_text'.What would you use?Thanks
Hi humans
@MikeM. no.
@Ocramius ok ok... and mario.
@DaAmidza elastic search
@PeeHaa if we take in count that I need to finish it asap, I haven't configured the project at the beginning to support some stuff now it's haunting me.
So start fixing it instead of piling up more workarounds
Sounds like a project I am working on at this moment.

Trying to convince the manager to fix problems instead of piling up dogshit on it was a hard time but eventually, he got convinced,
Passed the deadline for 2months so I need to make some quick fixes before I get into real trouble.We will maintain it so I planned to fix some stuff while we maintain the project(s).Anyway you are right better to fix it than to make walkarounds
> Hi Chris, After looking at the server, I can conclude that the shutdown was caused by an Unknown CPU issue. Hope this helps, Tom.
oddly enough, it doesn't
Which "hosting" are you using?
@Gordon does instana use a PHP ext for tracing/profiling?
@Leigh yes. for tracing. we are not a profiler though.
Does it use gettimeofday a lot?
i.e. on function enter/exit to measure time spent there
@mega6382 that's the external support company regarding on of our on-site servers, which BSOD'd in the middle of the night on Saturday
(and did you notice a significant performance hit after meltdown patches are applied)
We're having some issues with new relic because of it, wondering if you were using a similar approach and noticed anything
@Leigh depends on platform
Linux (obviously)
4.x kernel, not sure on revision
we use gettimeofday for the initial timestamp and then use clock_gettime monotonic when available to calculate offsets which are then postprocessed to timestamps in the agent.
I am not aware of any performance issues due to meltdown patches
so no, we dont use it very often
Seriously Symfony … global $kernel; $kernel->getContainer()->get("...")->someMethod() :-/
Also: I love magic code wiring ... not.
@PeeHaa pls add taylor to wiki so he can save us from our sins. it's our only hope. I count on you!
Although playground karma would make sense :P
@PeeHaa I.. what?
@PeeHaa If he gets all his laravel karma revoked in return, maybe
@MadaraUchiha What? What?
You don't understand?
Dumb fag
though, playground is still a public branch, do we want to even see that?
The link leads to an empty comment though
@bwoebi Maybe a special fork? Playground for the special needed
@MadaraUchiha Oh he removed it
What's with all the hebrew ? :P
What change did count() undergo?
the rest of the thread is entertaining as it is anyway :P
@PeeHaa Default language when I'm logged out based on geolocation I'm guessing
@MadaraUchiha Only allows count on countable stuff
I find it hilarious that only like 20% is translated.
@PeeHaa How is "countable" defined?
Ah, there's an interface
@MadaraUchiha yeah, array and the interface
So he's whining about an added warning?
and C classes that come with a count_handler IIRC
@MadaraUchiha Added warning on borken code
It's not even a proper BC break
Jesus where do these people crawl out of?
Laravel fricking fanboys. What did you expect from them?
Wait so people actually do count("string") ?
Reminds me of the Jehovah's Witness guy who claimed that removing a vendor prefixed CSS property broke "hundreds" of his sites.
I think I actually remember that one
Was it on mozilla's bug tracker?
/ chromiums
@PeeHaa I was
Looking for it
It was golden
@mega6382 Yes!
That one
@PeeHaa ^
aaah yes
Member that
You see, I am good at googling, probably the only reason I've still got a job. :B
@mega6382 What'd you search for?
"removing a vendor prefixed CSS property broke "hundreds" sites"
1st result
why, what did you try?
"bugzilla moz css break" and the like
Should have been more straightforward and more specific.
yup :D
> Certainly my thinking represents a myriad of small time web page builders that never imagined their handwritten - image by image, table by table code, would be suddenly rendered obsolete.
> table by table
I'm dying XD
\o/ the iOS app I've been working on has been approved for testing through Testflight, one step down, like a million to go.
Now I can focus on working on something else for a while.
\o/ gratz
So if I read it correctly on that bugzilla thingy, we can blame developers of a widely used product if there new update broke a developer his barely used product?

Git Blame PHP7.* "Messed up a product source code of the company I work for" \n
Annnnnnd my computer gives the the black loading screen of death again...
@MikeM. it depends, is it a matter of refactoring your code for the update?
or is there an actual bug in PHP 7 that is causing an issue?
Refectoring :-)
Just think of it like Python 2 and Python 3. Things have now changed with PHP 7, live with it, cause its for the better hopefully
I'm bad at picking up jokes/sarcasm. Poe's law and all.
@MikeM. It depends
I would definitely blame PHP if between 7.2 and 7.3 totally reasonable code that relies only on documented language features breaks down.
When did the ereg method got deprecated?
But if I use internal functions that PHP exposes because of implementation details, that are either not documented or explicitly documented as "experimental" or "deprecated"? That's totally on my head.
5.2 or something
what doc tool would you use to document everything that will be done in a workshop/training?
in a team
@tereško got a mid game scary crash again, but I notice something this time, space bar, that normally boots the computer, has no effect anymore. I believe that is taken in charge by the mobo, is it safe to assume the mobo was fried / shaken by something?
@Ekin dunno if your team has that, but since we already use it to document projects, I'd go with confluence, or the usual documentation tool
@FélixGagnon-Grenier are you sure you are not hitting some safety-temps?
Possibly, last time it took a few days before booting back up
after the crash my first action would be to access bios and looks at current CPU/mobo temps
Yeah, unbootable device and all
No bios
you can open the cover and check the side of CPU's heatsink by hand
@mega6382 the past six weeks or so is a testament to that. By comparison, it took me four days to get the android app ready for testing.
Interesting point: I was busy reloading various xcom2 saves, like a dozen load actions in a few minutes
@FélixGagnon-Grenier this is non-work, planning an entry level workshop and we have a few members to document all the installations, project that will be built at the event etc etc
if it's not caused by overheating (which seems to be the most likely case) then the next culprit would be the Mobo
@FélixGagnon-Grenier if only this could serve as a ticketing software as well :X
and the "revival" could be explained by BIOS battery
I saw gitbook, looks like it could serve
Not sure what happens with memory during those, but I wonder if some strange conflict could happen
well, there are tools for checking memory
but not for memory temps
> I was busy reloading various xcom2 saves
Yep that sure sounds like xcom to me :D
@tereško yeah, you seem pretty close, fiddling with bios battery was what seemed to bring it back last time
btw, how's the weather, @FélixGagnon-Grenier ?
@PeeHaa I made the glorious mistake of installing xcom2 long war 2
@tereško spring is there, and people are getting crazy
30°C? more?
@tereško it was ~22C yesterday, supposed to get up to 24C, but it's 11C right now
what's your setup for cooling?
maybe the cooler is just shit and that causes overheating even at livable ambient temps
Well, you see, since the computer was already completed and all, I never took the time to install that huge ass be quiet fan
This now might be my last cue before frying the mobo for real
being lazy is an expensive pastime
So, there is no fan on cpu at all?
............ lol, just realized you were talking about computer temp.... I'm going to hide my head in embarrassment now
I think has a stock fan
Oh, yes, there is!
Yes, stock
those tiny ones?
@Tiffany I really wonder what you were imagining...
Well, "only" four inches
@mega6382 only non-shit stock fans are for high-end Ryzen chips ... and that's not what he has
@FélixGagnon-Grenier weather
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Which cooling system do you plan on installing btw?
@tereško hrmmm... Yes, it is? Mid end Ryzen? 5 1600
It's just that gpu is yuuuge
@mega6382 a be quiet! fan
the Ryzen 7 have different coolers
but anyway, they are intended for "office workloads"
Hmmm gtg work, thanks for the advice, laters
you really need to swap to a better one
and make sure you have a thermal compound
and all the necessary bits for cleaning off the old layer
@tereško doesn't that come with the fan?
@mega6382 depends. If it is pre-applied, then it's most likely shit.
if it comes in a separate "tube thing", then it might be ... emm ... a bit better than shit
I always recommend people to get a custom one
@tereško Yeah, I was planning on adding "Gelid Solutions GC-Extreme" in the list, but many people said that noctua coolers come with a very good thermal compound. So, I didn't.
you should still get it
if noctua provides a good compound, it's fin to try using
but what if you fuck up while assembling ?
Yeah, and that is most likely to happen.
if you have a spare, there is a lot less stress
Thanks, will add it back to the list. :)
@samayo You'll probably like this guy, he has as much hate for symfony as you reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/8eawjh/…
@PeeHaa is it me or every laravel post looks like a blow job to taylor
"i hate this in php" ........... "i wonder if it's taylor's fault, because i don't think so he's fantastic"
yeah, so true
Not all of them. Just more than other posts :)
that thread is totally legit right

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