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in C#, yesterday, by Caprica Six
@Vap0r https://i.sstatic.net/3xqGt.jpg
maybe google will answer my question
it just seems a little too obscure to find through google
try ask me :B
are you familiar with C#?
not really, but i am great at googling
in C#, 8 mins ago, by Tiffany
My apologies for what's possibly a silly question. I am following C# Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners video from Microsoft's Virtual Academy. In the first video, the instructor wants to do a "Hello, World!" type program using Console Application. I'm presuming he's using an older version of VS because in my project templates, for Console Application, I have options for .NET Core and .NET Framework.
> Does it matter which I use? The video does not specify if it uses .NET Framework or .NET Core, and I don't know much about either other than some developer-friends are optimistic about .NET Core.
it does not matter, afaik core is the one that runs also on linux
I'm going to shovel down some food then work these videos...
not the video
i just found out that i broke the internet even more than i thought
do you watch game of thrones?
off and on
I can't binge drama shows like I want
I need lighthearted stuff to mix it up
Korean dramas are an exception though... but they're not as serious...
ah there is no lightheart stuff in GOT :B
It is a good show, don't get me wrong, but I can only watch it in small bursts before it starts affecting me emotionally/psychologically
Hello, I have a problem with php and Json, is this a good place to ask for help ?
> Don't ask to ask, just ask.
If someone can help, they will.
posted on March 31, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

I did ask on stackoverflow panel, but it just got me into more trouble. Should I post the link here ? Okay I wont even ask : stackoverflow.com/questions/49593626/…
Here is my problem:
I am getting Undefined variable: item in add_cart.php , after using the code Pedro corrected
in dev tools or php error?
in dev tools
tip: use __DIR__ . /../path/to/file.php when using require_once
I am sorry, If I use my code I don't get this error but instead : Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function lastInsertId()
I am guessing I am doing it wrong with PDO
before I go debugging... which I probably won't be successful at... have you tried googling the errors?
I am trying now, thank you :D
> $query = $veza->prepare("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = '{$product_id}'");
this doesn't look right
$item = array();
$item[] = array (
   'id'      => $product_id,
   'size'    => $size,
   'quantity'   => $quantity,

wat ^ you don't need to define the array twice ...
$cart_id = $veza>lastInsertId();
is the probelm
$item = array(
  'id'        => $product_id,
  'size'      => $size,
  'quantity'  => $quantity,
god damn you spacing
on a different note, for the love of... readable code... read Clean Code
Only if I click twice on add to cart I get the 'product' was added to the cart, but still nothing inside the database, anyways I am trying to figure out that fatal error
3 hours later…
Who uses Symfony?
This framework is cancer
Since 2013 I keep installing it to learn the framework but always something breaks during the install phase, I can't get past it. Just tried it tonight and it crushed trying to clear the cache ...
note to anyone who wants to use this crap, it will make you miserable ... it's not worth it
@Tiffany what's your favorite take away from Clean Code for the moment?
shavie Scot. a trick or prank.
I hate jokes about german sausages They're the wurst
@JoeWatkins I am unable to understand, how this is suppose to work, check line 13 and 19 github.com/krakjoe/cmark-visitors/blob/…
got it
If someone tell me "you catch on quick", does it mean I'm clever to her?
yeah, kind of.
ok good
@JoeWatkins I made a PR, please check if it is sufficient.
What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho Cheese
!!urban PR
[ pr ] An acronym for "public relations" office slang
@Shafizadeh Pull Request
@MadaraUchiha ah
@mega6382 you made a Pull Request? You mean you executed something like $ git pull origin master ?
that's it?
@Shafizadeh A pull request is saying "I made a change in my fork, please pull my changes to you"
Essentially a proposal for updating the code. This is how you contribute code to open source projects.
oh I see .. good to know
@Shafizadeh What @MadaraUchiha said.
however, I guess it is "Pull Push Request". It makes more sense
@Shafizadeh It's not
It's me (the contributor) asking you (the project maintainer) to pull my changes to you.
@MadaraUchiha you know, pushing is when you update the repository
I don't need your permission to push changes to my fork.
@MadaraUchiha ah got it ..
No, it is sometimes referred to as Merge Request or Pull request. Essentially meaning Pull my changes or merge my changes to your code.
So, just think of it as a Merge Request, that will help you understand it better.
yeah got it
guys, non of you don't want a junior PHP programmer to join you on a repository?!
@mega6382 I have about 1 hour free time per 2-days .. I like to earn the experience of working with a non-Iranian-team
@Shafizadeh if you are talking about open source, you don't have to join a team. Just go through the open issues and start fixing bugs (and don't forget the tests) :)
@Shafizadeh Just find some opensource library you like, fork the code, make some improvements and make a PR to the library's maintainers to merge those changes.
@Patrick seems like a good idea
@mega6382 ok .. also, "fork" is "clone", right?
Yeah, kind of.
It is more like a clone on server-side.
for distributed version control, for creating a fork it is required to clone first.
@mega6382 so fork a code doesn't mean "making it locally (downloading it)"?
@hakre oh .. so apparently they are two different things
no, you clone to get a fork.
you know, google.translate says "fork" is a tool for eating (something like spoon) .. :-(
clone is the operation (verb) and fork is what you get from it (noun)
@hakre ah
Yes, it's an image that has one end on the one side and multiple ends on the other side.
@Shafizadeh this might shed some light: stackoverflow.com/a/6295785/367456
How to combine these two into one.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM enrollments";
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(studentid) AS sid, COUNT(batchid) AS bid FROM enrollments";
any idea.
@hakre thank you .. I will take a look at
$sql = "SELECT *, COUNT(studentid) AS sid, COUNT(batchid) AS bid FROM enrollments";
@mega6382 i tried that
the * will be in a loop and i want to display all the rows.
$sql = "SELECT e.*, COUNT(studentid) AS sid, COUNT(batchid) AS bid FROM enrollments e";
@Shafizadeh its the same output as the one @mega6382 wrote
yes, what's wrong?
SELECT * FROM enrollments. this will output all the rows.
SELECT COUNT(studentid) AS sid, COUNT(batchid) AS bid FROM enrollments. this output only the count. i want to merge both
@Beekeeper "all rows" refers to WHERE clause. Otherwise you should say "all columns"
@Beekeeper then you should mention to needed columns one by one in the SELECT statement
can you explain.
not sure what you want to do exactly, but if you want to select only specific column of your table, you should write your query like this:
SELECT COUNT(studentid) AS sid, COUNT(batchid) AS bid, column_name_1, column_name_2 FROM enrollments
and if you want to select all columns of your table but specific filter your rows, then something like this:
SELECT *, COUNT(studentid) AS sid, COUNT(batchid) AS bid  FROM enrollments WHERE <your_condition>
If I may chime in and leave a hint: If you run into a problem with a SQL SELECT query and it still contains a star *, replace it with the names you mean. That is breaking your problem down (only exception to that rule is COUNT(*) IIRC).
Noted that, you should use GROUP BY when you're using COUNT()
ok let me try.
guys, months ago when I had less-experience about functional-coding, I created a project which isn't readable and doesn't have a clean-structure. It made of some long php files.
Now I need to develop that project
do you think is it better I devote a time and make it functional (MVC), or just develop it like what it currently is ?
A positive PHP article on the hackernews front page... Must be an april's fool
ah, shit
it's "april fools" today
so, basically internet is fucked for the entire day
also, I would like to note, that it's april and outside it's still -2°C
@Shafizadeh how much time have you invested into that project?
4 months
also, how april and internet are related?
April Fools' Day (sometimes called All Fools' Day) is an annual celebration in some European and Western countries commemorated on April 1 by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. The jokes and their victims are called April fools. People playing April Fool jokes often expose their prank by shouting "April fool" at the unfortunate victim(s). Some newspapers, magazines and other published media report fake stories, which are usually explained the next day or below the news section in smaller letters. Although popular since the 19th century, the day is not a public holiday in any country...
anyway, I would recommend for you to start refactoring it slowly
alright .. then start telling joke :-)
it's not about jokes but about hoaxes
@tereško sounds like a nightmare ... specially because of bad-functions-naming
@tereško "hoaxes" means "making each other fun" ?
depends on the state the code really is in, but if I go by what I usually have seen, then the fist step would be introduction of templating
A hoax is a falsehood deliberately fabricated to masquerade as the truth. It is distinguishable from errors in observation or judgment, rumors, urban legends, pseudosciences, and April Fools' Day events that are passed along in good faith by believers or as jokes. == History == Although practical jokes have likely existed for thousands of years, one of the earliest recorded hoaxes in history was the drummer of Tedworth in 1661. The communication of hoaxes can be accomplished in almost any manner that a fictional story can be communicated: in person, via word of mouth, via words printed on paper...
Excited to announce the return of PHP 6.0! Unicode support has been a long time coming, but it's finally happening. https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/95f2db24596ec7453e3a5fda329cf35aeb604b72/main/php_version.h https://t.co/hseKhqa369
anyway, the code
@tereško hit-or-miss I want thinking of it .. why we don't make template for our code? it would make expanding pretty much faster. I want to write an article about it
lack of experience :D
I would recommend going with Twig
it's available on composer, it has nice caching options for performance and it is extremely stable
@tereško you mean "Timber"?
@tereško I don't want to use symfony framework
it's not a framework
for fuck sake
/me facepalm
it's a standalone component, that just happens to be developed by some of the people, who also work on symfony
@Shafizadeh It is for template rendering
oh, it is something like Blade ?
and it has one dependency - a multibyte-string extension replacement (that has no other dependencies), in case ext/php-mbstring is not installed on your system
having few dependencies for a component is a good thing?
it means that it is "standalone"
installing it will not download 100 other packages
yes, it is good then
are you already using composer?
but wait
I don't understand twig
yeeees ?
what does it mean?
{{ var }}
{{ var|escape }}
{{ var|e }}
whats "|e" ?
prose are "pipes"
kinda the same way as in linux
you have a variable named "var", and before rendering it, that variable gets passed through filter escape()
in this particular case, it's for XSS protection
I see, I see .. good
apparently loops are look like python-syntax in twig
{% for user in users %}
the point is: you separate your HTML from your PHP code
is it a good thing?
you can do that simply by using <?php ?>
when you have HTML and PHP code in the same file, it make is when chaotic, and there is no way to reuse parts of it
yes, but what does twig do for that?
you have used Laravel's Blade, right?
(at least blade doesn't do anything about that)
@tereško I did
so, why are you asking me to explain the point of templating?
36 secs ago, by Shafizadeh
(at least blade doesn't do anything about that)
I'm asking what you mean by "reuse parts of it" ?
afternoon ...
Lala and I, fell asleep watching television last night ...
@tereško ah I see
@Shafizadeh you can put the commonly reused fragments, like navigation in the {% include %}
and you can use block fragments, to override parts of the "parent template"
@JoeWatkins xD, who took the pic?
wife, on her shitty phone ...
so, first step is introducing templating - that will clean up your php files and make the a lot more readable
then you should start seeing some commonly repeating parts of PHP code, that can be moved off to a separate class
@tereško yes it would be nice.. But I guess I have to spend some more time to learn the syntax of it
when you've figured out the combination issue, probably can merge it ...
was testing with
|: Left |: Center :| Right    :|
|--A--  |  ^^B^^   |      ++C++|
|D      |  ~~E~~   |          F|
@Shafizadeh it should take you about a day or even less
but there is something wrong with the way nodes are edited ... I don't really want to work on code today, but might come back to it tomorrow ...
@tereško ah ok
it's worthy then
uhhhmmm do you people also get a cert error on ssllabs?
worse, looks down to me ...
ah now it times out for me too
@JoeWatkins Sure
@Shafizadeh you really only need top understand how for loops work there (specifically, the index) and the rest is grasping the extends and block syntax
other parts are basically the same as in standard php
there ARE advanced features too
like writing your own filters and making your own "tags", but that's not something you will initially need or even feel as required
@JoeWatkins OK, no problem. I will do my best to resolve this issue. I was also thinking for the tweet visitor, if it would be good to include the text node which contains the tweet url along with the [text](tweet-url) node thats already, implemented?
@tereško making my own tags? you mean non-standard HTML tags? I read somewhere "don't do that"
@mega6382 unsure what you mean ?
@Shafizadeh no, I was thinking of making {% thing %}
but I don't think that has been documented anywhere
also, I'm going outside, it's sunny ...
@JoeWatkins Currently it works something like this [tweet](https://twitter.com/official_php/status/903310416549339136), I was thinking if it should be allowed to work only if the text is like https://twitter.com/official_php/status/903310416549339136?
@JoeWatkins have I told you I hate you :(
@tereško because you're country is cold?
because the spring is late
ha ...
Its sunny out here too, but its too damn sunny, it would probably burn my skin, its so hot.
it's not that hot, 24 degrees only ...
I probably will just order pizza and sit indoors
@MadaraUchiha this the 1 from the hackernews, right?
@mega6382 yeah that would be okay, it would be better if we didn't have to make the api request at all, and just generated some acceptable markup for the tweet ... and what it replaces should probably be configurable ...
someone posted on my help request that they're working on better way of doing it, that would be very acceptable ...
perhaps get in touch with that person also ...
OK, sure
I just realized they're not phpunit tests ...
Did that guy just mansplain me?
yay, pizza has been ordered
@mega6382 I've committed a base of unit tests, work from there ...
@tereško This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
@JoeWatkins OK
now I really am going outside ...
@MadaraUchiha now, whenever I hear that phrase, I will have a slight spasm
This is amazing lol
also, imagine being the poor fucker, who made that video
I don't think even excessive drinking would help with that
I found an Argentinian GF .. She is really good in English .. I am Happy :)
@Ekin if that was a real ad it would be a great ad
I guess :)
yeah, ads are usually so bland :P
@Ekin lol @ the chroma SSJ
@MadaraUchiha kill me now
@tereško With my chicken?
> 1571
@Patrick I think he was being an even bigger twat than that after looking up en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenspun%27s_tenth_rule
not sure i should click any link today
@Trowski can you add amp websocket to packagist please
what's a good webservice/site for generating graphs from csv ?
@JoeWatkins Please, check the new PR, see if the tests are acceptable.
@JoeWatkins plot.ly/create
that's nice ...
@hakre haven't read the whole thing yet, but the author takes care in keeping the chapters concise and provides examples where needed or helpful. I thought it would be over my head, but so far what I've read has been fine.
omg, both of my cats, one after the other... attention whores
walking around all over my desk, rubbing their body on my face, tail getting in the way, then sitting on my mousepad -_-
@JoeWatkins Did you have a look at the PR.
not in detail yet, will in an hour or two ... cooking dinner ...
Just kidding.
...sad but true
not related to programming, but someone might know.
I have a water fountain for my cats, the "stainless steel" bowl has some kind of white residue around the edge of the bowl. I'm concerned that it's unsafe for my cats. What is it? Can it be removed?
Do you cats get a lot of phonecalls after which they are suddenly gone?
Do you get a lot of weird people at the door?
and after typing that, I figured out something to google
lol, I wasn't sure what you were talking about at first
took me a few seconds
I guess it's a calcium deposit from the water, vinegar might get rid of it
@Danack 4 1s is this some April fools day thing?
@mega6382 yes I think... reading it more and more, it's looking real... but I think it's half true/half false
@Tiffany limestone
it's safe in small quantities
@Wes limestone or the calcium deposits? I guess it is real o_O
@Tiffany same thing, ish
limestone is mostly calcium afaik
calcium carbonate, so it breaks the calcium down somehow
through chemistry
vinegar worked pretty well, though
consider that cats drink from standing water in potholes
i doubt a bit of calcium is a bad thing :B
when they purify tap water they add calcium on purpose in it, in case it's not enough
@Wes ...that's no reason to give cats potentially harmful water
humans drink from dirty water
yes but calcium is an essential nutrient... i doubt it's different for cats
when you're desperate, you'll do almost anything
after a bit of reading, you're right in that the calcium is mostly harmless, but it attracts bacteria, which isn't harmless
so better to get rid of it, if possible
yeah, but without getting obsessed about it :P
I'm not?
just saying
think he means don't need to wash it everyday. Having it build up for a week just adds 'character' to the dish. and tbh, the scale only allows bacteria to breed if it's continually wet. which the top of the bowl won't likely be.
unlike my kitchen sink, where the tap leaks onto the sink surface, where I am currently breeding a colony of weird scum.
ah i forgot that you guys don't drink tap water.. or do you?
because we drink tap water, and there's plenty of that white stuff in the tap. but we simply don't care about it. it's natural
What do you mean "you guys" ?
@Wes I don't drink it directly, it tastes like crap, in my opinion
I usually filter it
if I'm desperate, I'll drink it
@Danack I wash it maybe once every couple of months... when it gets too much fur buildup for the motor to handle...
well, it doesn't get in the motor, there's a guard, but fur covers the guard and the motor makes noises
is the tap water actually safe for drinking there?
because if they add too much chlorine it could be dangerous for cats
@Tiffany if their point about privacy is true, then this might really be something worth looking into
@Wes usually yes. sometimes something happens, and a boil order will be issued for an area. I can't think of an example of what the something would be, but basically tap water is considered harmful to drink, and it's recommended to boil it before using it.
@Wes funny, I discussed the same thing yesterday triggered by recent findings about micro-plastics in bottled water.
it depends on the municipality, some have excellent water (Seattle, for example), others have ...undrinkable water (Flint)
We use tap water for tea, cooking, etc, but purchase bottled sparkling water for drinking - just a preference.
yeah. I used to buy bottled water, but I bought a filtered water bottle a while back. I also have a filtered water jug, but I don't use it that often anymore
I might donate it...
if it's rain water then it's probably not safe to drink, but water that comes from a water treatment complex is actually more pure than mineral water... but it's not as nutrient for your organism
@Wes depends on how they treat it though...
Not being able to use the tap water sounds so 3rd world
with the purification process they remove everything but the water
in fact they have to add back stuff like calcium, fluorine, etc
but they often don't, because that would be expensive
what I mean is, if they don't treat it well enough, it won't matter. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint_water_crisis#Synopsis
lead pipes
that's bad
This may be a dump question, but has anyone ever installed Symfony and get it to work without pulling out your hair?
agreed. Filtered municipal water is one thing but the quality of the water that comes out of your pipes is a different thing. I you live in an old condo.. you can smell it.
so maybe you water is good to drink, but the infrastructure is contaminating it
This is the first time I am in a SO chat room.
Do I still get updates when I close this window?
yo phomies
if someone mentions you with your handle like @wp78de
ping @kelunik
Bigass deploy button prototype works pretty well! imgur.com/a/w0w09
Only thing missing is the key switch then I can start building a nice box for shove everything in
what's it do?
run like git push?
github.com/Nessworthy/deploy-away crappy code inside. It creates a deployment using DeployHQ's API, to fetch the latest branch revision, the latest deployed revision, and then passing them through as a new deployment. The main part is here
Since the POC is working, I need to go back and clean it up a bit more
Ok guys, lets talk about something .. Sleep looses me
today is the best day on internals because you can pretend your hopelessly embarrassingly bad ideas for PHP were actually a joke
@Sean you don't need to do this github.com/Nessworthy/deploy-away/commit/…
How come? Can you refer to $this inside anonymous functions?
You don't even have to import the context, because this will be available just fine inside the closure
openssl extension fails to build with LibreSSL 2.7 – #76174
My god, you're right
Who would have thought I can be right? :P
$this is bound automatically
you can also redefine it if you like
@PeeHaa what framework is it?
Updated - cheers @PeeHaa :D
anyone about who can remind me of what I need to do to merge my PR into master (aside from just merging it?) Do I just need to add my change to NEWS and squash that change into the commit I'm merging and that's it?
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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