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QueueWalker QueueTraverser QueueHandler QueueItemInstaller
daily reminder that i still have no clue about naming
QueueQueue::cue(Queue $queue)
@Jeeves what should i cook?
@WesStark You can cook?
i'm offended
@Alesana if you grow some mustache you'll look like jon snow :B
sorry, can't think of anything else :B
/me googles Jon Snow
Oh, GoT :P
I have something of a mustache now
But I don't think I look like that, who knows maybe I do though
@WesStark for that use case, definitely. But for the gneric one, I disagree
got this, caprese salad. tomato mozzarella black pepper basil olive oil salt
You just made that?
Bocconcini, tomatoes, basil, pepper and olive oil. these people know how to live.
took the photo from web
lol you literally listed the ingredients, and I failed
your mozz shape is weird
47 secs ago, by Félix Gagnon-Grenier
lol you literally listed the ingredients, and I failed
bocconcini = cow milk
mozzarella = buffalo milk
in reality @wes is just taking alternating bites of a tomato and a block of cheese
mozzarella isn't great tbh
@WesStark as simple as that? around here bocconcini's come in some liquid, in ball shaped wabbly stuff, whereas mozzarella comes in bricks (something like that)
inb4 quebec doesn't know cheese
Google tells me...
Bocconcini are small mozzarella cheeses the size of an egg
well there are many that mix the words, even us italians. mozzarella is technically buffalo milk only. the cow milk mozzarella is called "fiordilatte"
i don't know why i know this
I've seen them in different sizes, from small bird egg shape to bigger (yet still small) somewhat chicken-sized-ish egg
@WesStark becuz ur italien
bocconcini is the size of a mozzarella... translates to "single-bite mozzarella"
though bocconcini is mostly used for fiordilatte :B
Huh that's interesting
I can't argue about food because, even though I'm half Italian, I've never been to Italy
screw all that, i'm sticking with calling everything mozzarella
you're mozzarella
it's ok
@FélixGagnon-Grenier say that to my mozzarella, mozzarella
legatissimo, mi amor
@WesStark Legatissimo^^ does that mean something? I know it's from an italian word, and it has a clear meaning in music, but do you use it, sometimes?
!!translete legatissimo english
I think that the issim part makes it really something
Really legato in this case
dude @Jeeves where you at?
!!translate legato
@Alesana Sorry, I don't speak legato
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Home.
!!translate legato english
@FélixGagnon-Grenier will answer you later
@Alesana Sorry, I don't speak legato
Aw :(
!!translate english legatissimo
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Sorry, I don't speak english
yes, legato is the U under two notes
!!translate italian legatissimo
@Alesana Sorry, I don't speak italian
is it sunday night
is it
I think Jeeves had some head trauma
is it GoT timwe!!!!!!!!??????
is it
anyway, google says "bound" for legato, which is... somewhat related to how we play it...
wow, I profoundly suck. I've played all those musical terms all my life, and can't say what most of them actually mean.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I think it is
why do I pick GoT time to program
paradoxal state of mind makes for good abstract thinking?
this just happens to be the time I can be arsed to read a book
Hi guys!
How to query date column which has no value?
I tried datecol = NULL or datecol =''
but the output is incorrect date value
yeah, mysql notably need the IS NULL form to work with them
will changed it now
to test
the equal empty string should work though (column='')
HAHA! Thank you! Column='' returns incorrect date value tho
ty @FélixGagnon-Grenier :)
not saying anything
I knew, when I saw the (1) on the tab, that it was you
What do you call a sketchy Italian neighbour hood? The Spaghetto
@Jeeves neighborhood is one word
@PaulCrovella Sorry, did I offend you?
@Jeeves you bad boy.
@Linus I'm a girl, silly.
@PaulCrovella did you watch it yet
@WesStark no
@WesStark holy. shit.
other room
hmm lost the link.

A Game of Threads

Warning: Game of Thrones S7 SPOILERS
@PaulCrovella watch it fast
yeah like, faster than time
hello everyone!
my client already has his own cms from previous company (it has many files)
I want to separate his files from my own files.

here's what I plan
1) get all his files into "src" folder
2) create my own "dev" folder (with my own modifications, extensions, etc, for his cms)
3) merge all those into another folder "deploy" ready for dispatch to his server.

the step 3 is where I'm stuck. Or is my whole idea really terrible? what are your suggestions? I don't know what keyword to search. basically it's like merging 2 folders to another folder.
@Earlee to be honest, it would seem you are really just trying to have version control system without version control system. Can you learn git?
I know that, but he has way too many files. I don't wanna ruin it.
as of now, I have been using git, but his files are very confusing. I guess, I'll have to stick with this.
What do you mean, confusing? There are includes everywhere?
Hi Good Morning GUys
Example code error – #75008
Jul 24 at 14:08, by PeeHaa
@Jeeves Just kill translations. Please
@PaulCrovella You don't understand.
Jul 8 at 18:19, by PeeHaa
Pllleeeaaasse kill translations
Jun 14 at 19:43, by PeeHaa
Just fucking kill translations. Please
PC has been a non-stop bollocake so far :P
morning Joe
Morning all, I'm trying to send emails based on similar words from two fields in two different mysql tables. any suggestions of that most effective way of doing this?
I have no idea what you are doing ...
I want to email users.
thanks for clearing that up
!!docs mail
[ Mail ] Mail book
users can apply for jobs on the site, and I'm saving the jobs they have applied for in a table. I just want to send emails of similar positions that they applied for before.
you establish the relationship when the job is inserted, not when it is time to send out emails ...
you want to establish those relationships once, not once for every email sent to every user ...
@JoeWatkins How do you establish the relationship before?
I don't have enough information to answer that question ... you should have though ...
Ooooh ok, I got it
you categorize them based on whatever categories you have, and the words of the advert ... but I'm sure that's not what you're asking because it seems so obvious :)
@JoeWatkins Yeah, just had a brain fart. Thanks
@bob that's remarkable ... did it come out of your ears, nose, or mouth ?
T'was indeed! I suppose if it wasn't a metaphor, it wouldn't be able to get to you nose or mouth. So out of the ears. :)
mine come out of my fingers somehow
i should try gloves
@PaulCrovella Does it smell? XD
...are you asking to smell my finger?
@PaulCrovella No, i'm asking you to smell your finger after a brain fart. XD
can we please not engage newcomers in this kind of conversations :B
@WesStark what, help? that was joe's fault. i had no part in it
@WesStark and you're assuming I'm a newcomer...
yeah, he was here long enough to get a small avatar at some point. shouldn't make assumptions.
mornin all
Today is my first day at work after the holiday :( I'm gonna get used to it, but it's hard
How to use for each to transfer value to another array? i really confused in using for each.
$src = [1,22,333];
foreach ($src as $k => $v) {
    $dst[$k] = $v;
or without key association don't use $k
ty @brzuchal :)
@EarvinNillCastillo you're welcome
@Andrea actually i was thinking about having any type as array key, including floats
today my $age++;
Happy Birthday @Linus
happy birthday!
thanks @JoeWatkins,@WesStark :)
happy birthday @Linus
@Vamsi thanks :)
http_response_code() fails on nonstandard error code – #75009
Happy Birtday @Linus
@brzuchal thanks :)
having hard time again trying to get xdebug working for a cli app. it was just working yesterday :|
What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire Frostbite
@Linus more like $ttl--, my condolences
ah, that's linus.
also, you are a cunt :B
@tereško thanks for condolences :D
@WesStark :P
Good morning all o/
@DaveRandom check your PMs
@DaveRandom thanks a lot
How do you send emails using phpmailer for each row of one table, but using data from another table as the content of the email?
Morning All o/
Happy birthday ! @Linus
@Akshay thanks .
@Linus Happy Birthday!!
@Linus Happy Birthday :)
@JayIsTooCommon @Jimbo thanks :)
@Linus What they said :P
:P thanks + what i said
I am using a custom file based session handler which supports lock timeouts

when I use a "readonly" session handler for some requests in parallel, do I need shared-read locks or will it work to just fopen+stream_get_contents() without locks?
my writing threads have a Exclusive lock but my readers dont use locks ATM... will this work consistently or is it prone to race conditions?
do you find these things poorly readable or they are ok?
$this->lastInstalled === null ?: $this->lastInstalled->uninstall();
Seems ok to me, just a less widely known syntax compared to if {}
i hate trivial code that takes a lot of space visually (i.e. visual debt :B)
Good morning to all of you :)
I hate the senseless pursuit to compress code into it's smallest form, where the only justification you can find is that it is a smaller form ...
meh, just gzip it
if it's detrimental to readability I agree, but I don't think $this->lastInstalled === null ?: $this->lastInstalled->uninstall(); is any less readable than a standard statement
if (not-expr) {
if you don't think that is more readable, you are fucking reading it wrong ...
If only this were like in Silicon Valley and your webserver could read compressed PHP
@JoeWatkins that I do, but that's an early return.
use shared read lock
@JayIsTooCommon I was interrupted ... I was going to say everything in moderation; if I look at a method and it has endless short operators rather than proper statements, that will annoy me to the point I'd make you change it (if I were reviewing that code) ... if I open a method and it has one short statement rather than the verbose form, I'll still question why you done that because the long form ^^ is objectively more readable, but I wouldn't twist your arm to change it ...
@JoeWatkins yeah, I see your point
@staabm your exclusive lock doesn't mean anything for readers, because they are free to read part way through a write operation because they are not acquiring a lock ... text book race conditions are looming ...
@Andrea The bikeshedding on your json exception proposal is becoming really ridiculous...
Also makes me regret not voting no on the stupid class naming RFC
@NikiC Do I want to know?
@FlorianMargaine np
@NikiC this is waiting to be merged, or was ... can't find the will power ...
WTF, did that pass?
stupid 50/50 votes
we should have fixed that requirement, but it just got complicated so quickly ... I lost confidence that an amendment would be able to pass whatever form it took ...
Why is there an SE mobile app and also an SO mobile app? Couldn't they just give you the option on the SE mobile app to limit it to one community?
> Final result: 17 9
you're not kidding
Oh boy, just found out everyone's personal drive is actually accessible by anyone else in the company.
Can finally put the gpg encrypt tool to good use.
wait, am I stupid or is that a fail ?
Can't you just employ a competent sysadmin?
Which rfc?
why does it say accepted, I don't get it ?
@JoeWatkins if it was 2/3 it would've failed by missing one yes vote.. but it was 50/50
50%+1 would need 19 yes to pass with 9 no votes
wait, I'm doing it wrong
yeah, lol
damn it
still tempted to put forward a "all votes must require 2/3" rfc and make it a 50%+1 just to prove the point
tbh I'm not clear on why that RFC matters in any way? Doesn't look like it affects anything in a meaningful way, and it keeps that guy busy so he's not doing something more harmful
Joe Bloggs writes an extension or SAPI wrapping or exposing Mary Doe's libawsum, it is quickly adopted by the community and later proposed for inclusion ... we are now obliged to force the author to change the symbols in their code to conform to a completely irrelevant (to them) coding standard ...
what is the fucking sense in that ...
Hi all, I'm having some difficulty understanding routing.. I've been following along some git tutorial (i'm trying not to use frameworks) First I make a simple dispatcher and add some routes:
Probably easier to put it into a Gist :)
@JoeWatkins yes but assuming they followed the existing rules (i.e. there are no underscores in any of the names) that doesn't actually affect anything. Had I actually seen the RFC before now I would have voted no, but it doesn't seem to break anything and that sort of thing distracts the people adenoid problems so everyone else can get on with doing useful stuff in peace
@JoeWatkins what's nice is that the way around an rfc is with another rfc, so as long as the naming is included in the rfc for Joe Bloggs's thingy then that's all that matters
gist.github.com/samtozer96/4e5ddb3cb05d25c99bbb7b8849ca6709 so yah I'm trying to look at routing... my code, $routeInfo is an empty array so I'm guessing it should be setting the status code to 404?? But why is it empty? as i've added some routes. Confuzzled.
it's pretty ridiculous to impose a standard on name casing in an environment where names are case-insensitive, but whatever, it doesn't affect me. I'll continue to drive people nuts by insisting on capitalising abbreviations in my code.
@Daruchini var_dump($request->getMethod(), $request->getPath())?
Output: string(3) "GET" string(16) "/sandbox/public/"
@DaveRandom I like to mix it up depending on whether it's an acronym or an initialism
@Daruchini OK, well you didn't define a route for that...?
@PaulCrovella I meant acronyms but I don't have enough adenoid problems to get it right
@DaveRandom for /sandbox/public/ ?
that's totally not true, I am one of the most irritatingly anal people on earth
@Daruchini yes
you only defined /hello-world and /another-route
so anything else will result in NOT_FOUND
Fair enough. But, even if i navigate too: /sandbox/public/hello-world I'm getting 'Object not found!'
That's because you defined /hello-world, not /sandbox/public/hello-world
It's based on the full URI
Just added the full path and still getting the same object not found :(
@Daruchini are you trying to make this work in a kind of sub-directory?
$r->addRoute('GET', '/sandbox/public/hello-world', function () {
        echo 'Hello World';
@DaveRandom I've just been following this: github.com/PatrickLouys/no-framework-tutorial/blob/master/…
OK, and you definitely navigated to /sandbox/public/hello-world and not /sandbox/public/hello-world/?
i.e. it won't permit a trailing slash, the way you have done it
tbh it would probably make your life easier if you drop the /sandbox/public component
Is there any best example for PHP threads easy to start. I'm totally new for PHP Thread :'(
Step 1. Avoid threads in PHP
which webserver are you using? I assume you are doing that because only hgave a single host container and you are trying to put this in a sub-path?
@DaveRandom using Xampp
@Akshay I'm joking
(but not really)
@Daruchini Well I have at this point almost entirely forgotten how to configure Apache. Have you set up any virtual host containers in it yet/do you know how to do that?
@MadaraUchiha lol literally I opened up google for alternate way :D
@Akshay What are you trying to do?
I want to call 3 different functions one by one not simultaneously!
Hey Hi guys, I seek little help. I used to code in core php till now but as many good frameworks are now available i want to try them out. My two choices are mainly Laravel & CodeIgniter. Which one is to choose and how to get started with it.
@Akshay then why do you need threads?
Or do you mean the other way round?
Just because I read somewhere that for synchronous function call need to go with Threads
It would be great if I can got through other way to do the same thing @DaveRandom
3 things done synchronously...
@ParthGoswami there is no such thing as "core php" - it's just called "php"
who do I blame for this "core" thing anyway? microsoft?
Runing PHP script with Task Scheduler gives Interactive console running – #75010
@PaulCrovella yeah php coding without framework i mean to say that
@Akshay or do you mean you want them executed asynchronously?
in fact, back up a bit: what are the 3 things you are trying to do?
@DaveRandom yah i've set up virtual host on the project
Just set the server name
@Daruchini OK, well it is my view that you should just create a new vhost for every single little thing you do. You can them name them (by creating entries in your hosts file) and then you don't need to mess about with folder structures
so you can go to http://sandbox.local/hello-world

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