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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

@Eugene was that a trap?
what will I do with my life. @Nikic was disappoint. omg
@NikiC is call_user_func wrong? Or just not optimal for this use case?
call_user_func is horribly slow
@Eugene I mean, honestly, all use of call_user_func and call_user_func_array should be abandoned in favor of Callable type hints and ... (i.e. Splat operator), respectively. Since those have been available since 5.3 and 5.6, respectively.
I was unable to call as @NikiC suggested when class name was in class property. $this->property::$method( 'blah' );
{$this->property} hopes
Depends on which version of PHP.
Sry. Language leve in IDE 5.6
@Eugene You'll have to copy the string into a variable: $className = $this->property; $className::$method('blah');
@salathe You wouldn't happen to have access to pecl.php.net box would you? Seems to be down ATM.
@PaulCrovella Why is it that only the last guy seems like a reasonable person?
The rest were unreasonable?
@Sherif that is very not the concern here
or well, maybe, but the point is, dude, this guy
shit, I got drawn in a flame war with an obvious troll, already
I am getting really aggressive right now
@FélixGagnon-Grenier This is not a discussion forum. If you would like to start a chat room, please do so. — Anthony Rutledge 1 min ago
takes deep breathes
Lawyers being contacted.
I believe you are mistaken, I am not 8 years old, that lawyer line will not work anymore
I also created a very special room for you and me to chat in, you interested? chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/136053/…
dafuq is happening
@AnthonyRutledge thinks their laravel question was unjustly closed, pings 12 random people, think they can explain to me what the review system is
@FélixGagnon-Grenier don't bother engaging people like that, nothing useful will ever come of it
yeah.. I realize... yeah. shit. But... but!
!!xkcd 386
you must be new here
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Morning all
Happy Sunday all
1 hour later…
moin ekin
Hello i need to make a custom post type in my website and let everyone to publish post and upload featured image for the post and i want to know is it secure or not?
Can someone help me understand this?
Not all dates are larger.. so why do they show up :|
@Schoening try this
`start_date` >= '2017-02-19'
you may need >> select `start_date`
@AdilIlhan Hey thx. That worked :)
I want to create an app that user can send an image to server and the server broadcast it to all another user
how can i achieve it
should i have to use push notification
or there is another ways to do it
Do you want to do this in php?
no in ruby on rails
but i want to get the idea
You could use push notifications for it or etc
clients connected via websockets
or even ugly polling based
@AndroidDev What you're describing is classic for NodeJS
can client check it using ajax
It's like, 20 lines of code.
what do u mean about websockets @RonniSkansing
do u mean ajax request
ajax request (polling a command channel)
websocket would listen to the command channel or notifications/events pushed out by the server "real time"
why u said pulling base is ugly
actually just listen to @MadaraUchiha =) he knows what he is talking bout
@AndroidDev What makes more sense in your mind? Telling the server "I'm waiting for images" and having the server tell you when images arrive? Or repeatedly asking the server "Are there images yet?" "Are there images yet?" "Are there images yet?" "Are there images yet?"
of course the first one
Aside from what makes more sense: For this case, websockets are: 1. faster, images arrive as soon as the server knows about them, and 2. Less expensive, as you don't need tons of HTTP requests, network traffic is expensive, you know.
im waitting for image mR sever
@AndroidDev The first one is websockets, the second is polling with AJAX
That's why polling is "ugly"
i get confused websocket is push notification
@AndroidDev Websocket is often used for push notifications, yes.
Websocket is a 2 way connection
The client can send data to the server, but the server can also send information to the client at any time
(As opposed to "client asks for info, and only then server replies")
got it thanks
That means that the server can push messages to the client
That's why they're called "push" notifications, because they're pushed to you, rather than you pulling them from the server.
Hello room11, I have a conundrum for you. A riddle, if you will
Is it clean to write static methods for model classes ?
e.g.: UserModel::getUser($id) ?
Dont think so
And I dont think a "Model" encapsulate the getting/setting of a user?
By Model I meant the classes that interact with the DB
Maybe you would have a service or a repository or something that does that
Well you cant just attach a word to a action or layer (your not the common php framework are you =) ) =p
but yea I knew what you meant
no I dont think it's clean
Why would you make it a static method? [=
Because you just get some data from the database, right?
It's pretty much stateless
sure, but I think static == global and not stateless
In that case, why is it a bad thing to have a global DB connection class?
Well replace DB connection class with X
why is it bad thing to have global X?
It can imo be all very context dependent. But if you are using static calls, you hard wiring specific class use into your code
Well in some cases, it is useful, isn't it?
For example: configuration
all kinds of dependency injection or inversion of contorl becomes unnatural
sure in some cases it might be useful, but is it really that useful?
Hum, right
I'm not familiar with the depedency injection and IoC concepts
is it possible to zip a bunch of files and output/download it on the fly
i.e. using file streams or something
@RonniSkansing Yup, I'm literally doing it right now, I'm on the 11th chapter
nice @Trucy
But he barely skims those concepts though :(
@Petah =) you can do that with JS in the client
how so?
Try searching on interwebs "zip files with javascript"
but the files are on the server
oh, well yes then
This time you can/could have searched "zip files with php"
try a prayer then
i understand how to zip files, but i want to do it dynamically, using streams (so i dont run out of memory), and without putting it on the hard drive first (so it doesn't timeout)
(I gotta say, Patrick's tutorial isn't easy to follow)
@Petah did you try searching? I dunno maybe this fits on what you are thinking about stackoverflow.com/questions/3078266/zip-stream-in-php
@Trucy I wouldnt actually call it "a tutorial"
yes i did search before i asked found a few answers, all of which said pretty much you cant do it
but yea i guess i could just passthru('zip ...') seems kinda hacky though
and not very portable
@tereško What is it then?
posted on February 19, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

yay burger time!
@jeeves you okay bro?
typical php program
Is this possible? example.com?hello instead of example.com?word=hello
How would a get query work to get the parameter?
@PeeHaa I'll be making arrangements next month ... probably 3 or 4 days only
@TheCodesee Extract it from $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] for eg. $param = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; in your case
You can extract any information from raw query string using this variable
brilliant thanks
do i need a server to work with google cloud messaging
in the app
@TheCodesee It would be set to an empty string.
(Or at least, I think it would)
hola all
@JoeWatkins kk
║ [12 seconds] without an accident ║
║   since [2017-02-19 14:50:31]    ║
[ Jeeves ] [ 0798a8c ] Merge pull request #167 from Nessworthy/imdb-fixes Imdb Tweaks - Commited by: Pieter Hordijk on 17.02.2017 22:16
@Sean ^ ty
evening room
@PeeHaa No probs
!!imdb Mortal Combat
Looking for 'Mortal Combat' for you…
Sorry, I couldn't find anything like what you asked for.
Nice job :P
chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/35734255#35734255 It works, but I'm fairly sure there's at least one film called Mortal Combat
Oh no I suck
!!imdb Mortal Kombat
• Mortal Kombat (1995) [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113855/ ] - Three unknowing martial artists are summoned to a mysterious island to comp… [♥ 5.8 | 🍅 4.4]
• Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997) [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119707/ ] - A group of martial arts warriors have only six days to save the Earth from… [♥ 3.7 | 🍅 2.4]
• Mortal Kombat: Legacy (2011) [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1842127/ ] - The first season of Mortal Kombat: Legacy is a prequel to the original game… [♥ 7.7 | 🍅 6.5]
oh lol
didn't even notice it :P
!!imdb resident evil
• Resident Evil (2002) [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120804/ ] - A special military unit fights a powerful, out-of-control supercomputer and… [♥ 6.7 | 🍅 4.5]
• Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0318627/ ] - Alice awakes in Raccoon City, only to find it has become infested with zomb… [♥ 6.2 | 🍅 3.9]
• Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0432021/ ] - Survivors of the Raccoon City catastrophe travel across the Nevada desert,… [♥ 6.3 | 🍅 4.3]
Much success
Hey guys! I am trying to get the href of "GET IT" button on top of this page with DomXPath. What is wrong with the query below???
$nodes = $xpath->query("//div[contains(@class,'info')]/div[contains(@class,'actions')]/a[‌​contains(@class,'button') and contains(@class, 'orangeSolidColor')]");
There is nothing about "GET IT" in the query?
I gave that information to let you find the button on the front end. I do not need the "GET IT" text. I need the href attribute of that button.
Ooops sorry, I forgot to share the target page: producthunt.com/posts/typing-bolt
Did you debug your query?
Starting from the first element
Any idea?
I'm trying to edit a code built by someone else. I don't know how to debug :/
Well in that case you are pretty much doomed anyway
Hahaha, thanks! :D
@PeeHaa you going phpserbia ?
@JoeWatkins Considering it
cool, I think you should ...
Somebody needs to keep you in check. And considering I am pretty responsible...
all true facts
@ircmaxell hai !!!11!! :)
How did I not know about this place until now?
we keep it a secret
fair enough, lol
did you tweet at me ?
I did
so what is it you're interested in doing ?
I mean PHP stuff, or you have a hankering to work on documentation (XML stuff), or you want some inspiration or what ?
Tbh need some inspiration / guidance
okay then
sorry, brb a bit
k, ping me when you return (@JoeWatkins)
@JoeWatkins Yo! What's going on?!?!?!
@ircmaxell :) :) :)
same old, same old ... only you weren't here ... as I'm sure you noticed ...
I did notice
what you been up too then, other than the 8 bit coolness ?
were you talking at sunphp (I think) or attending ? and how did that go ?
@JoeWatkins back,
wife smashed a bottle of cooking oil, all over the floor, lovely
@MarkR pffft, wives ... bunch of dicks ... so anyway, what I'd like to see get some attention is bugsnet, it sucks like the mid 90's ... we could come up with a wishlist of things we would want to see work, but first of all, I'd suggest you checkout source code and try to get it up and running locally, if that's even possible
sure thing
it may be tricky, I can get hold of database schemas and what not (slowly, most likely) ... I've never tried it because I'm not allowed to do front end stuff
@JoeWatkins I just attended, and gave a uncon talk about the 8-bit computer
am I right to assume it's this repo - github.com/php/web-bugs
@JoeWatkins not too much, keeping busy with projects, still looking for a full time gig. Taking some contracting in the mean time
prepping for the wedding as well :D
@ircmaxell orly, no gig still ... surprising ... got any interesting offers on the table at all ?
yeah gratz man, I love that you found somebody <3
@JoeWatkins no. Kinda stalled at the moment. Thinking about shifting what I'm looking for a bit
where do you think you're headed then ?
not quite sure
that's the problem :/
@bwoebi ping
@Saitama pong
I see ... so you're thinking about shifting away from web stuff in general, or just away from php, or something else ? or no clue at all ?
i get some weird error in aerys..
@JoeWatkins no. I mean I'm searching for a Vice President of Engineering, or CTO gig. I'm debating shifting away from that level of leadership
@ircmaxell oh I see ... so more code less people I guess ?
@JoeWatkins nah, more architecture less people. Some code, but mostly bigger picture items
it occurs when I try to use a POST method, with a file...
I also moved away from code ... I spend my days doing code reviews and people stuff now ... enjoying it ... miss coding a little, but I get more done this way ... much much more
@JoeWatkins yup, which is why I code at home
Hii,ircmaxell :) long time
writing the code I want to write
hey @ircmaxell
@ircmaxell I like your 8-bit computer project :)
how's it going @NikiC
also: I was shocked by your reply to the session guy on internals, but really happy about it :)
thanks! It's been a shit-ton of fun
@ircmaxell we all loved that
I am wiring the keyboard input for the computer now :)
of course, it didn't really work, still proposing crazy shit, and saying Hi Nikita at the start of every mail
well, that was the only post I've read on internals in like a year
@ircmaxell Heh... I'm afraid my patience is wearing somewhat thin these days
@NikiC yeah, that was the weirdest part, it seemed so out of character for you. But trust me, I understand that
somebody had to say something, I'm glad it was nikita ... I don't think it will be the last time someone looses their shit with Y.
@ircmaxell I've had some fun this semester implementing arithmetic curcuits in VHDL (think fast multipliers etc). Turned out to be surprisingly complicated. Can't imagine actually wiring that ^^
@NikiC that's why it's 8-bit, and not 16
I'm limiting myself to technology that was there in 1979, but for now am using a few more modern parts (arduino display controller, etc)
so far, the fastest I've gotten it to run stabily is 500htz, which is faster than my display controller can keep up with
I have so much capacitance in the breadboards that it's likely I won't get past 1khz
What's your critical path?
@Saitama oh
Ah sorry, missed that last part
@Saitama fixed in dev-master
in theory, I'm limited by the 150ns access time of the control ROM. which limits me to about 3mhz (control rom is accessed only on clock low)
everything else I've built I've used that number as my design constraint
but the boards have so much capacitance, that it's really impossible to get a stable signal that high
if I wanted to go with PCBs and solder, I can improve it a lot. But I like the charm of breadboards, even if they are woefully unstable
so no plan to move to pcbs at any point then ? don't you want to see how close you can get to those theoretical limits ?
no plan
I plan on framing the breadboards behind glass, with the keyboard connector output :)
hmm, this is gonna be fun, getting parse errors in MDB2 installed from pear
oh that's just as cool as a newly etched board I guess
@bwoebi thanks! What was the issue tho?
@MarkR probably have to use some ancient version of php ... or alternatively, patch it, and I'll hassle people to upgrade php on bugsnet machine
@Saitama look at the commit diff, passed the deferred instead of the promise
yeah, seeing bugsnet is on 5.6, so will install that and give it a shot
@JoeWatkins yeah, I want to be able to see the modules clearly defined. I could do a PCB for each module, but nah
LOL https://t.co/XWvOV3YYRi
@bwoebi ah!
@ircmaxell yeah I think it probably would loose some of it's charm as pcbs ... looks crazy, in a good way ...
yup :)
it's probably the most complex project I've heard of anyone undertaking ... I know I don't have the knowledge to do it myself, and doubt I'll ever find the time ... plan to keep reading about it though, very interesting stuff
there's an instructable
just going to skip the doing part ...
how many hours do you estimate it has taken up to now ?
oh god
too many
morning @ircmaxell o/
I'm about 1.5 months in
and many hours per day (some none, some all)
sup @kelunik
in the order of hundreds ?
@JoeWatkins at a minimum, yes
maybe if Amazon and Facebook go to war, and somehow I find myself a prisoner of war at an amazon depot, and they happen to have everything I need, and I happen to find someone who is good at digging tunnels and distracting amazonian guards, I'll be able to find the time ... seems like a long shot ...
reading will have to do :D
it's something I've always wanted to do
@ircmaxell I've seen you've written unit tests for it … but how hard is debugging it actually?
insanely hard
which is why I wrote as many tests as I did
for example, I'm 1/2 way through building my keyboard decoder, and am testing it right now
so, you're basically debugging by testing?
@bwoebi @Trowski Regarding async-interop/promise: The issue clue has is that we're the only ones profiting, while React still needs an adapter. The interop spec is only a one-way adapter.
well, that's an inherent issue to interoperability if you want your own extended API
For example, I am testing my keyboard decoded now. I realized I forgot to connect a wire in the middle of testing. If I didn't test, it would be a nightmare to find said wire...
@ircmaxell I imagine it must already be quite hard to even find the wire given the failing tests.
@bwoebi In fact, we could just go with A+ and use done() for coroutines.
@kelunik meh… well… we can pack the logic of then() and such into an Amp trait and use done() in our code where we implement our own promise
@bwoebi maybe not ... if you're testing all the time and some test fails, then you have a limited number of lanes that could be broken I think ... if you leave testing until the whole thing is written you have many more potential candidates ... I think that's the point of testing everything you do
@JoeWatkins yes, sure, you can localize the unit, but within the unit you still need to debug
@bwoebi sometimes yes, and sometimes no. Sometimes like this it's dead obvious. Sometimed, especially with serial data, it can be a nightmare. That's where my oscilloscope comes in :)
possible solution ... you tie in the middle of every wire a monopoly piece (old ones are heavy), when something goes wrong, invert the device and the monopoly piece will fall to the ground ... I just invented inversion by monopoly testing ... feel free to use ... you're welcome ...
my current test
PS/2 keyboard decoder on the left, oscilloscope on the right
awww the oscilloscope is so cute
I also have a USB one, but I don't like that one as much even though it's more powerful
is it some kind of arduino based thing ?
ah I see ... that is cool
I didn't even know they came like that ... when you said oscilloscope, I imagined a large desktop device, the only ones I've ever seen
I would kill for one of them
too expensive tho
and too big
@Trowski @bwoebi Regarding the event loop their mostly focus getting a v1.0 of every base library out currently and are rather not keen on changing concepts for it like introducing a global accessor. (clue's view speaking for him, not the project itself)
@NikiC how's school going in general?
@ircmaxell they are that ... you used to be able to get them from hospitals in the UK, they used to be standard kit for equipment maintenance, which must be replaced every few years, but they have plenty of life left in them ... probably much different now, or there ...
yeah, you can get cheap if you go used, but I don't want to spend the time searching
this little one does the job
I never imagined you'd be able to hold one in your hand, there's a bunch of handheld ones ... even ones that look like multimeter (and or are multimeters) ...
yup :)
it's not insanely powerful or accurate, but for the size it's awesome
Oh hi, long time no see @ircmaxell
and it looks super cool in the clear case too :D
ahoy hoy!
yeah, they have a covered case for it, but I wanted the clear
looks too awesome :D
@ircmaxell there's a server in my cupboard at home, you can use it for stuff ... [email protected]
@ircmaxell going good :) I've finished my CS bachelor last semester. Now writing bachelor thesis for physics.
this is probably going to result in much googling of words, but what is subject of thesis ?
@JoeWatkins Basically spinorial formulation of Lanczos potential of the conformal curvature
ha ... basically ...
so much googling
oh, our aspiring processor maker has arrived :D
mornin, @ircmaxell
@NikiC nice!
also: I just burned out a chip :/
sup @tereško
@NikiC I remember you were trying to approach it using the NP / GHP formalism and hating the publications because they had typos everywhere
Hopefully it got better since then
(Also evenings)
e'nin ekin
Hey Joe ♫ :-)
now the song filled my head and all the googling I done has gone ... now I'm back to the subject of @NikiC thesis is "physics magic" ...
^^ sorry about that
probably for the best :D
hehehe :D
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

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