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To only show offers to devices that the offer is intended for
okay then
does strict_types in anyway affect performance?
@Wes your rfc is at 7:7 :-(
@bwoebi eh, it's not a tragedy. i personally don't care how as long we fix the inconsistency. if this fails i'm gonna propose the deprecation of
PDOException::getCode() in favor of the to-be-introduced PDOException::getPDOCode():string
and eventually (php 8?) change PDOException::getCode() to always return 0 and force getCode() to actually be int
btw, i'm writing another unrelated rfc :B just now...
about what?
reflection additions. nothing too massive i think...
$reflectionMethod->isCallableFrom(CallContext::CLASS); and $reflectionProperty->isAccessibleFrom(ReferencerContext::CLASS); @bwoebi
basically an improved is_callable() that works for props too and that doesn't fail when __call is defined
opinions about this?
Just commit itâ„¢
means that's actually super simple?
i've seen at least 3 times (one's mine :B) the visibility logic implemented in userland because the visibility against something else can't be determined from reflection/php bundle
Hey @Wes, you busy? Wanna do some free work for me?
@DaveRandom i'm such a nice guy that i always say "yes i'll do it" to everybody, but i'm also a motherfucker because i never actually do it... this is the standard warning now
I need some red/amber/green circle images on transparent to use in a GUI app (just little status indicators) and I can't find any that are both free and non-horrid
you are asking me to draw 3 circles? :B
there must be something else...
I feel slightly embarrassed to ask for something like that but my graphical skills are laughably weak
i mean, solid colors?
@Wes yes. yes I am. ideally with some subtle raise/sunken effect
I will fully understand and not be upset if you tell me to fuck off, btw
free for personal use or you need commercial?
want to know how actually hard it is to find 3 circles :B
Well you really only need one then you can just alter the color
omg I am such an idiot
@DaveRandom also peek of where they will be used?
Well, I am confused on why you even need one when you can just do it in GIMP
You clearly do not understand how weak my image manipulation skills are
however even I can deal with color changes
I would hope so :O
@Wes it's for work, although for an app that about 4 people will ever use
But I have been bollocked for lifting images from the web before now
Haha imagine suing someone for stealing your amber circle that you were selling for commercial use
However I did find one suitable free image and for some reason I forgot that color manipulation is a thing
I should probably go to bed
I copyrighted a circle with that color code
@DaveRandom sleep well ;o)
:B \o gn
damn reflection is ugly @bwoebi
@Wes yes.
since now i'm fully used (:B) to the rfc process, i should propose some improvements...
Is there a way to array_init with stack allocation?
Found a segfault in signal handling
Hello, everyone!
Hello @LeoWilson
Could any of you date a girl who was closer to your brother than she was to you?
Why not?
i need to get a brother first
then i'll let you know
@adsr stack allocation of which part?
the ht or the data array?
you can alloc the ht on the stack, but not the data array
Hey @NikiC
Yeah I'm not sure how to refactor this...
Even if we make the siginfo array an executor global or something, it will still allocate
@adsr that's something new, right?
There was an rfc for it a few months ago
which branch is this in?
but yeah, alloc is not async signal safe for sure...
Affects anything after 7.1
Err 7.1 or after
weird code ... for some reason it copies the array
My pal fixed the same type of bug a year or so ago hehe
@adsr shouldn't be so hard to fix
just store (a copy of) the siginfo in php_pcntl_pending_signal and create the array when the signal is dispatched
The dispatch happens synchronously, so no problem there
However ... ABI compatibility
God I hate that we have so damn many exported headers
Bug fixes are blocked on ABI way too often
We might have to kill the feature in 7.1 and implement it properly in master
Though in this case we can probably get away with appending a member to the end of the struct
OK I will take a shot
You mean adding a siginfo_t member (not siginfo_t*) to the struct
@adsr yes
siginfo_t looks mostly scalars so should be ok
A few void pointers but they are just memory addresses
@NikiC That worked, good idea
sorry for the night ping @bwoebi do you have any info / update on what to do or not to do with unset($obj->declaredProperty)
is that still allowed? will it change in the future? is something planned in regard?
@Wes I do not plan to ever disallow that
how about typed properties? weren't you guys discussing about changing it to set the property to null, rather than removing it entirely
most properties won't be nullable at all
Not going to repeat Javas mistakes
in fact i'm saying unset() should error if the property is not nullable. but if it's nullable unset() should set it to null, rather than removing the property declaration altogether
i don't remember who wanted to make this change... maybe andrea
@Wes you may want to properly deinitialize things without removing the whole object…
that's not an option for me
And anyway, I've see no instances of properties on real objects being unintentionally unset()…
@bwoebi that is strange you know that :B
good night… bedtime …
\o gn
@NikiC I like your approach with the "escape-hatch" regarding RC=1 assertions
@NikiC pr here github.com/php/php-src/pull/2308 thanks!
Also curious if anyone has opinions on github.com/php/php-src/pull/2258
@adsr yeah, looks good :-)
I think joe is waiting for someone else to ok it before merging
@adsr I meant the former one
Ah cool thank you!
@adsr And yeah, as Joe mentioned, this should be done in a loop
iff we want that.
php_stdiop_write is used at tons of places
when you have an user defined SIGINT handler and we're currently attempting a network write
your signal handler won't be triggered
even if the connection is effectively hanging
I think it may be not safe to apply the latter PR thus … @adsr
did i make you upset bob? :B didn't want to start an argument...
@Wes no… just was planning to go and then ended up not going :-D
but now going for real ^^
:P gn again \o
in fact i was just asking for clarifications as i needed it for the rfc i'm writing
guys. 3v4l.org/HMLXJ why is outputting twice. anyway to make it output once?
yeah, __set should definitely not use __set. it's a bug
any function for creating class property?
@ChrysUgwu 3v4l.org/KI97B
i agree it's a bug though... __set shouldn't be called from within itself...
or at least it should error when doing so...
3 hours later…
mailing list is broken again? :B
must be my fault.....
posted on January 15, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@kelunik will this work with your rfc?
interface A{ function bar(int $foo){} }
interface B{ function bar(float $foo){} }
class C implements A, B{ function bar(/*int|float*/ $foo){} }
@kelunik your rfc patch needs updating for the zend_type changes in master
(also, please squash)
1 hour later…
@Wes I guess so.
@JoeWatkins yes, I know
@Wes no
Seems like everyone got these probes. I can see them on externals.io, too.
Did it just unsubscribe everyone?
[ -MASTER/Zend/zend_types.h#127 ] `#define ZEND_TYPE_IS_CLASS(t) `
@Wes It's not a bug... Two properties do not exist. c and count, therefore __set is invoked twice. Recursion is prevented when the non-existent property that triggered __setis assigned to.
And yes, I got some funk from the mailing list last night, bunch of undeliverable warnings for stuff I hadn't tried to send.
@PeeHaa o/
Hello everyone, have a nice Sunday.... I have that code echo "".$row['MAX(corp_resp))'] *100; echo"%"; and the result is: 94.999998807907% and i want round up to 95%
Is it worth of thinking about introducing native modules to PHP? Java will have something called Jigsaw, few PHP frameworks have some module implementations like Zend Module and it's ModuleManager, there are also Bundles in Symfony, there are packages in Composer which are quite similar to modules.
Jigsaw modules are exporting some public api and they describe their requirements. There is also Puli some package manager based on Composer which aims to provide generic modules with simplified resource access.
some ideas how to do that?
I learned yesterday that giving a 4 year old kid a nerf gun results in lots of crying for them and lots of laughing for me
@brzuchal You might want to speak to @LeviMorrison
@ChristopheCosta try echo round($row['....'])
So I'm not the only one fanatic about modules ?
@kelunik THX I'll try
@LeviMorrison you'we got some thoughts about native modules in PHP
Great, I was also talking about Phar's some time ago :)
@kelunik pong
is giving 100 %
and not 95
@PeeHaa You really don't want metrics for Jeeves?
What kind of metrics?
@PeeHaa memory usage, handled events, exception count, uptime measuring, etc.
@ChristopheCosta 3v4l.org/9e178
@kelunik Meh. If I want those I could just do a grep | wc -l
@brzuchal Notice: Undefined index: MAX(corp_resp)) in
@PeeHaa That doesn't show you a long time graph.
@ChristopheCosta Look man, I don't see your code, am only using variables you gave in your example, please debug it to find your value you suppose to put into round as an argument
I gave you link to example which works, and defines your value you gave in example
yes, i understand and apreciate
thank you
last help @brzuchal please: $query = "SELECT MAX(corp_resp)FROM respostas WHERE `id` = '$_SESSION[UtilizadorID]'";
$result = mysql_query($query);

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

// Print out result
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
	echo round($row['MAX(corp_resp))']*100), '%';

that is code
i use MAX
Not sure if that's really uselful for jeeves considering the codebase isn't really stable. Perhaps it's more useful once @DaveRandom rewrites the plugin system,
in the query and in the echo for giving the result
that is very simple, i don´t understand why is not working
so far
@ChristopheCosta you're using two closing brackets in $row as a key, please name your select field like MAX(corp_resp) as some_value then you'll have $row['some_value'] key in a $row or use same name as in sql like $row['MAX(corp_resp)'] instead of ))` in key
@ChristopheCosta you're using two closing brackets in $row as a key, please name your select field like MAX(corp_resp) as some_value then you'll have $row['some_value'] key in a $row or use same name as in sql like $row['MAX(corp_resp)'] instead of ))` in key
/me got some connection problems
thanks man
is working now. :)
was a simple thing and i don´t remember about
2 heads are better then one to think.
@ChristopheCosta you're welcome
You awake yet @Ekin?
I was thinking about gitamp and wanted to throw something at you and see what you think
What if we allow people to connect whatever they want to it?
if we clean up the interfaces it shoudl be easy to make it generic I think
Or do you consider that out of scope?
We could, although I'm thinking what else people would connect to it
/me needs to top off coffee, back in 2min
how are you doing today btw?
@Ekin people could connect their GItLabs for eg. their company GitLab or other repo, maybe some Jenkins, or other build system
Meybe some dangerous sound for crashes
Oh if you meant other event sources indeed, that was what I had in mind as well
Morning. Now for real and you had your coffee :)
@PeeHaa Kinda same, kinda better :-)
Morning ^^
Yeah it'd be nice if we would allow other sources, and yes it wouldn't be hard for us to make it generic I think as well
Events are already a separate thing from Github ones I believe
Yeah. What at the very least needs to be done is:
I knew my laziness was coming back to bite me in the ass :P
Shall I put milestone v2 on the different sources so we can release a v1 soon?
Yes please
Btw, yesterday I didn't restart it, not even once
yay \o/ I didn't make it worse
Seems like, yeah :-)
Whart are valid protocol name chars available at php.net/manual/en/function.stream-wrapper-register.php ??
hmmm you understand github's milestones @e?
There is nothing in the docs, as I cannot find
It says due date is optional but it won't let me clear it
Was checking that now
It doesn't seem...optional? :P
That's stupid
@brzuchal Isn't it uri based?
uri/urn whatever it's called
@PeeHaa it raises warning in here github.com/php/php-src/blob/…
was trying to register some protocol with : inside
uhhhm yeah makes sense
http:s:// would be harder to parse :)
No idea how it's actually implemented though
I cannot find right now but I saw somewhere protocoil with : inside
Try lxr?
or is it down again?
@e v1 next sunday? And hoping that @DaveRandom guy fixes dns?
kk sounds good to me
@DaveRandom .
@DaveRandom ..
@DaveRandom fix it fix it fix it
Did you take a look yourself btw @PeeHaa?
Nope. Only thing I did was add the exit in there so it automatically restarts
the most effective way to get @DaveRandom to fix something is to get @PeeHaa to fix it first
That's true :D
it's alphanum + +, - and .
+ O.o
yeah like ssh+git:// for eg
ah yes
@PeeHaa we need some sorta logging also
Yeah agreed
ah you just wrote the same on the issue
yeah , any better?
Dunno :)
evening all
What do prisoners use to call each other? Cell phones
Prediction, people will be more angry than reasonable about mbstring.func_overload being deprecated.
@Danack I'd vote twice for that one if I could.
Is there any tutorial video about PHP7 ?
@Danack You mean because it's only being deprecated and not removed right away? (:P)
Nah - unfortunately.
More people like Tony whatisname accusing you of deliberately breaking apps for "no reason".
Does anyone have any experience with storing Jenkins config under source control/backup or have any recommendation for a similar build tool that plays nicely with version control - because hacks like this or this smell like flaky crap.
@Duikboot please don't link to that guy..... he is caustic as fuck.
Oh I just was reading my twitter feed and shared it here :s
What's the reasoning on the no vote?
Jan 8 at 15:39, by Danack
How about, "because it doesn't sound like obviously the right thing to do." - yeah the current situation isn't great, but having a change to something that also isn't great, isn't going to improve the situation. There's a philosophy in Linux development to allow old bugs/hacks to stay there, until the situation can definitely be improved, rather than just making changes that don't solve the situation.
which also probably applies to the __construct discussion.
@Wes Also is that really considered a bug?
@Sean nah
Thought not,it's been a thing since I can remember
@Danack Ah, I see
@Danack Still seems reasonable given the situation. Though a restriction to int|string might be preferable there
Getting started with nginx, any pointers / pitfalls to watch out for?
@Sean rewrite_log on; is your friend. Also.....you can't always map an Apache config to nginx, they are conceptually different (at least a little bit), particularly around the fact that nginx doesn't allow 'variables' in a lot of places that apache allows variables.
The fact that rewrite_log is a thing is making me happy already.
aka generating your nginx config files from a template, rather than editing them by hand is the correct approach to use to solve some problems.
@NikiC why nah?
also, evenings
@Sean oh, the big gotcha - try_files does an internal rewrite and reprocess of all the things it's trying, except for the last item.
@Leigh hum... dunno about that...
@Duikboot lol, funnily he posted that immediately after i followed him... i think he did that on purpose :B
haha :D
omg the deprecations are so sexy. deprecate all the things \o/
We plan to deprecate @Wes in our next version of the PHP SO chat.
/me hides and cries
hey joe \o
/me done almost nothing this weekend, feels strange
kinda same here
walking yet ?
bit faster :-)
still painful, but at least much lesser
excellent, I think we don't have to destroy you :D
there's still wires everywhere in here ... I very hate it ...
@JoeWatkins I don't fully understand why we have Worker::collector? It just seems like a less flexible version of Worker::collect. Why not instead call the isGarbage method directly when a collector hasn't been passed to Worker::collect, rather than going through Worker::collector first? Or am I missing something?
is default implementation of collect callback is all
dammit. that mod in rust is hunting my head @PeeHaa ...
@JoeWatkins So it doesn't really have any real use as part of the Worker API?
@Wes makes me feel a little better ...
@tpunt yeah it does, because if you are providing the worker for some client code, you can also provide a default collector, and the client code can just call Pool/Worker::collect as it normally would (without callback), but you can implement your own still ...
@JoeWatkins Do you have a quick example anywhere? Code usually makes more sense to me than words ^^
well it wouldn't be very nice code, but an object can be in the garbage queue before it is really consumed ... so in that case you need some other collector to allow collection only when consumed
but if you are providing the API for something else, you don't want to have to say call Worker::collect with a special function, with special logic, you want to hide it away from the user of the API ...
@Ekin :D
Sadly I'm not there to help you right now. I'm just about to leave for dinner :(
@kelunik That property maps UV events to Watcher objects. UV events for streams may be one-to-many, having multiple Watchers for a single stream, while timers and signals will always be one-to-one.
@PeeHaa that's okay, but I won't be able to defend the base meanwhile I hunt him ^^
Yo ..!
class DelayedCollectionObject extends Threaded {

	public function run() {
		$this->result = mt_rand(1, 42);

	public function isConsumed() {
		return $this->synchronized(function(){
			return $this->consumed;

	public function consume() {
		return $this->synchronized(function(){
			$this->consumed = true;

			return $this->result;

	private $consumed;
	private $result;

class DelayedCollectionWorker extends Worker {

	public function collector(Collectable $object) {
sorry for wall-o-code
@tpunt something like that ...
@$i++ :-D
lol, yeah lazy
It just amused me :-D
@Joe fyi, I updated typed_ref_properties to use Dmitrys newest zend_type instead
excellent stuff
20k line diffs are a little scary
@JoeWatkins A lot is tests and vm_execute.h though
yeah, very true
@NikiC regarding assert with string arg, shouldn't we instead just interpret it as boolean (and thus result in truth)? That way things won't break anyway. Instead of deprecating?
@JoeWatkins Awesome, thanks for the example!
@bwoebi What's the advantage?
@JoeWatkins Also, is there anything else from pthreads v2 -> v3 that I may be missing in here?
@kelunik It won't emit E_DEPRECATED
@bwoebi Why is that an advantage?
> The Pool::collect() method now returns the number of tasks to be collected, and the collector callback is now optional. If a collector callback is not use, the default Threaded::isGarbage() method is used.
you know how to correct that because of previous discussion ;)
@bwoebi Would an E_DEPRECATED not be better, since it would actually warn users that their assertions are no longer actually asserting said code (just silently passing it)?
@JoeWatkins Yep :)
nothing springs to mind, other than those couple of isGarbage corrections, lgtm
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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