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does stopOnFailure|error="true" even do something in phpunit?
it works on the command line tho
is there some kind of code smell rule of thumb about css code, classes and styling stuff? I see the sass compilation time go up, the css files becoming humongous, number of classes per element going up but have no cue if I have to intervene with the person writing it.
something like "table based layout is no good", that kind of things but applied to css
I guess there's always the "mind your own damn business you" approach too..
i usually go with:
"is it a mess to read?" -> yes -> rewrite it
                 +-------> no -> rewrite it
How can I earn 5k rep in 2 days?
with a time travel machine?
I'm serious -- how?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier can i see the css?
@Wes it's literally ten thousand lines
there are like 20 or so sass files
at some point I think the goal was to make separate stylesheet for different sections of the site
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier even transpillers make the life easier, they itself are a smell too if you don't know plain CSS in the firsthand, too.
Btw, you name it yourself: class count per element is generally a good smell, regardless of plain CSS or sass etc.
And 20 sass files sounds like a lot of overhead.
These 20 files must be very well modularized to make sense.
I am a bit bewildered because the visual result is actually good and fairly solid cross-browser wise, as far as I can tell through browserstack.
@hakre a part of them were designed to actually be partials to other ones, to share common classes and stuff. at some point it seems they just started to be the same file shared in more then one
i like not using sass. sometimes i miss not having a "preprocessor", but not having it makes me more meticulous about the design
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Haxoring in the lab phplab.io/lab/hNHwp
Can anyway explain to me how the #<number> works in var_dump?

$a = new \Ds\Vector();
$b = $a->filter();
$c = $a->filter(function(){});

var_dump($a, $b, $c);
object(Ds\Vector)#1 (0) {
object(Ds\Vector)#2 (0) {
object(Ds\Vector)#4 (0) {
Where is #3 ?!
I might be wrong, but I think a Callable object function(){}will be #3
but not Callable class as I said, but a Closure
Hi good day. Anyone here knows how to use javascript and ajax on WordPress plugin?
posted on July 19, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@bwoebi I don't have permission to push a v2 branch to amp. Could you add all the amp repos to the core team?
Happy Tuesday
@EsonRoxas yeah, we know two of those things
@FélixGagnon-Grenier got some questions though, how can I load a php script when a button is clicked using an js file.
tempted to edit ^
can't even begin to make sense of stuff
mornin Felix,Gordon
can someone tell me why this code is not working

add_action( 'wp_footer', function(){
echo "Hello from the footer!";
@rtheunissen What Servey wrote.
@EsonRoxas by doing an ajax request, through a click event listener.
Thanks @hakre
@lovetolearn Either output buffering is loosing it or wp_footer action is not called.
use trigger_error and write errors to file (or some other kind of log) to really check whether that part of the code is called or not.
// @FélixGagnon-Grenier here's what I got so far:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#load_data').click(function() {
    var selected_option = $('#dropdown_orders').val();
    if (selected_option != '') {
        url: ajaxurl,
        method: "POST",
        data: {
          orderID: selected_option
        dataType: "text",
        success: function(data) {
            'display': 'block'
          console.log("success " + selected_option);
my new headphones really are performant
@EsonRoxas Please link larger code-fragements.
how can I link?
@hakre how can I do that?
well there's paste bin, for starters. or gist
or codepen.io and similars (wow, so much options, the internets, amazing)
ok please don't edit that message again (@EsonRoxas, that is)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier http://pastebin.com/CTPvhkeH

That's what I got so far. How can I replace the url: to my php file.
what is the url to your php file?
Anybody any experience with embedding a Google Analytics report into a 3rd-party website?
Or maybe just make the original Analytics report available to everybody?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it's within the wordpress plugin directory inside includes folder
(not on a 3rd party website then).
Good morning
Wow, one of the projects in my company uses an HTTP-request for authentication purposes and it would have been vulnerable to httproxy (full authentication as any user you chose) if it weren't using ancient version of guzzle (namely 3.8)
@Trowski Added amphp/amp now… will add the others soon
Strange, the question asks "i want to know the actual use of '@'.", but the title asks when is the best time to use it.
With the question, those answers aren't really on-point.
I know, bit daft really
@Jimbo It's a dupe. I think I have an answer somewhere, but I doubt I will find it
Q: What is the use of the @ symbol in PHP?

sv_inI have seen uses of @ in front of certain functions, like the following: $fileHandle = @fopen($fileName, $writeAttributes); What is the use of this symbol?

Sean found it
That not tha one I meant, but fine :P
@PeeHaa He's just arguing for the sake of arguing
(the comment)
PHPNE tonight. Woop.
I agree with this answer completely, I see no reason for downvote. It's never okay to use @ to suppress errors. There's no reason to even go into dissecting this statement, if you want to suppress something that went wrong - that's the same as if you don't clean your house, you just sweep garbage under your rug. +1 — Mjh 58 secs ago
What a bloody muppet
> which is cute and all
I hate blanket statements like that
And yes I tend to use them too at times :P
@JayIsTooCommon I am more than willing to give @deceze the benefit of the doubt. He's ok
@JayIsTooCommon LOL (link this in)
what's funny with if (@is_readable())?
Probably just a poor wording of the answer. He is certainly not stupid
@bwoebi Because in his answer (scroll up) he's telling people to never use @
59 secs ago, by PeeHaa
Probably just a poor wording of the answer. He is certainly not stupid
@Jimbo Ehh I don't know enough to comment, all yours :P
Yeah I know, I know, but he knows that as well and he's still arguing it
@Jimbo virtually never != never
@bwoebi "The only legitimate case for using @ is if you're working with 3rd party code" and a comment below: "It's never okay to use @ to suppress errors."
The only use case for them is PHP I/O functions.
^ I take issue with that, only because they're trying to make a stand with it instead of correcting it
@Jimbo no dupe for that questions? :)
@hakre Yeah we're duping it together <3
@bwoebi I think the question was specifically about $id = @$_POST['id']; ... in which case "virtually never" actually mean "yes. really never"
@tereško in that case, yea
@PeeHaa Missed this, yep agreed - pretty sure he answered some of my vamp questions in the past. Just needs editing I guess
I only need to write 59 more answers to get a badge :(
@tereško "What is the [OOP Pattern] Pattern?" repeats for all known patterns
I'll let you take the answers :P
that will cover like 20
Just spotted this in an old ereg call: "%^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|↪([A-Za-z0-9]+))$%
Apparently meant to validate an email's domain, what's with the ↪
Bad copy pasta
Seems like it
Hey. Anybody knows how I can replace the url: of this javascript file to my php script under wordpress plugin directory inside includes folder? I'm trying to develop a plugin here.
@Jimbo did they explain how the unlimited vacation policy works in practice? I am curious to know
@Gordon No, but from what I gather it's that you still get your standard "paid" holiday allowance, but then if you reach that and you want to take another two weeks off unpaid you just can
@Jimbo oh, its unpaid?
@Jimbo dup-deebee-dupe-di-du
@Gordon I don't know, but highly likely LOL, otherwise I'd be going abroad every week
LQL - LOL Query Language
@Jimbo that's what I am wondering, because when I researched that topic, I found lots of articles stating that employees actually take less days off. because of peer pressure.
Leprechaun Query Language
The reason why we don't contribute to #StackOverflow any more (see the comment thread): http://stackoverflow.com/a/38452904/508666 https://t.co/jyppRjpCVx
That's like the first twat in a loooong time :)
@Gordon That's hilarious, they'll have a shock when I turn up
@PeeHaa tl;dr?
Sane people: that's kinda dumb
Stupid kiddy posters: YOU'RE DUMB
@PeeHaa but he is right. as much as I am right about saying GLOBALS ARE EVIL
as a rule of thumb, there is no reason to use error suppression. its always a code smell.
Gees you asked for the tl;dr...
"There's basically no sane situation in which you'd ever want to suppress errors." I strongly disagree with this statement. There are several legitimate reason to use error suppression. E.g. @unlink('/foo/bar'); if (is_file('/foo/bar')) { // couldn't delete the file, handle it } is perfectly valid. — PeeHaa 51 mins ago
@deceze I agree with Jimbo. It's probably unintended because of your wording. Perhaps reword it a bit to make it more clear there are actual valid use cases. Another one I can think if is flushing all output buffers while(@ob_end_flush());PeeHaa 45 mins ago
@PeeHaa I think @Danack said otherwise just the other day.
@Oldskool @Danack is in the third row @ the sane people
We're in good company :)
imo, if you slap an @ anywhere in your code, it should be accompanied with a justifying comment
@PeeHaa this legitimate use case is based on language limitation
@SergeyTelshevsky Yes which is exactly what I said
@Mjh which is cute and all. But that's simply utterly wrong and a moronic blanket statement. It is simply not possible to always prevent it due to the way PHP works. — PeeHaa 46 mins ago
You can do as many checks as you want before making that file_get_contents() call, like a head request, etc etc, but there will always be the possibility that something could go wrong and a warning would be generate. That's why you'd always use @ in this instance... imho
in php7 this should throw an exception, right?
also, you can completely avoid using error suppression by supplying your own error handling function and selectively handling errors. obviously, that is more effort that shortcutting with @
Jul 13 at 15:09, by Danack
And yes, error suppression is totally appropriate sometimes - particularly for when cases like this.
@Oldskool uh sorry I meant second row
@Gordon agree
I just can't count
@Jimbo I disagree. especially if you took the many checks before you want to know that something happened.
@PeeHaa LOL
@Gordon And ignoring it at some other place
@Gordon Thing is, it returns false when it fails, that's fine... but it also gives that warning... I just want the false
Error handlers are for handling errors imo
@PeeHaa it's not magic. you are coding in a central place instead of littering it all over your code
@Gordon It's not littering over all your code
It's exactly where it should be
How do I know what codebase x does in those cases?
I don't. I have to good look into the error handler
@PeeHaa yes. do so
iirc I always used is_writable before unlink() to make sure it won't raise warnings
No thanks
@SergeyTelshevsky The problem just is that you cannot be sure whether unlink will spit out warnings
@PeeHaa example?
and again: I am not saying this is an absolute rule, but a rule of thumb. You can use @ but then you should justify it because its usage in general is a code smell.
@EsonRoxas probably you want to use the WP builtin finctionality for JS/Ajax, something like this pastie.org/10911493
@SergeyTelshevsky For one. the permissions for unlink are different
Hey is anyone deeply aware of changes to how arrays are handled re: copying/references/returns in v7 vs 5.x ?
@Gordon I agree. I just fucking hate blanket statements like the commenters
@PeeHaa also; race condition
Also that
@kodeart will do that thing. thank you. :)
I'm seeing an issue that presents in v7 not v5.6 but its proving difficult to reduce to a simple case
@PeeHaa but why wouldn't you want to know when it gives a warning?
you can't prevent another thread from doing the same thing at the same time unless you're locking. And you cannot lock things that don't exist so @mkdir will always be reqd
@EsonRoxas also if you go deep down the WP rabbit hole, start with their bloaded codex and obsolete docs :) good luck with that
@Gordon Sometimes I don't have any other way while (@ob_end_flush()); and sometime I do care and check chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/31780946#31780946
@kodeart haha. will do so. been having a hard time reading those stuffs.
BTW scratch that I need to know whether it was successful, I am not interested the warnings it throws in my error log
@PeeHaa that doesnt answer my question. why do you want to ignore that instead of having it logged?
Because ob_end_flush() telling me there are no open streams any more is useless
@Sjon how often do you face race condition problems in development OR warnings enabled in production?
@SergeyTelshevsky for example; if you have a dynamic css / js populate-script, multi-threaded i/o conflicts will occur in dev
@PeeHaa but that's apparently sloppy coding. second comment in the manual suggests to use while (ob_get_level() > 0) { ob_end_flush(); }
@SergeyTelshevsky also; while I even have notices enabled in production (to syslog) I care little about mkdir conflicts
Why would it be sloppy coding?
@PeeHaa because @Jimbo's mother wrote it?
@DaveRandom Oh you absolute slag
proud of it
@PeeHaa because you can get around PHP telling you there is no more open buffers by asking it PHP how many buffers there are instead of just letting PHP run into that issue
What issue?
5 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Because ob_end_flush() telling me there are no open streams any more is useless
so instead of @ob_end_flush, you first check if there are any buffers, then flush them, if there are
bah, that's just bad PHP API design :-D
Even with that there is no guarantee it's there
@PeeHaa and then you want to know and log it
But you can't
while (ob_get_level()) ob_end_flush();
/me is searching my repos repos with the issue
Jul 13 at 15:09, by Danack
And yes, error suppression is totally appropriate sometimes - particularly for when cases like this.
Jul 13 at 15:11, by Danack
Yeah......and if the choice is between something that is unreliable, or using a slightly unusual, but valid in certain circumstances operator, I'd go for the reliable version each time.
That exactly
Also github code search is worse than chat search :(
@Jimbo - I apologize for my offensive words, had you wrote that to me I'd consider it as just another guy yapping around :) I also stand by my that it's never okay to use @. That does not mean you must never use it, it doesn't exist for no reason, and the reason I upvoted this answer is because it clearly states: virtually never. — Mjh 59 secs ago
Makes perfect sense.
> I also stand by my that it's never okay to use @
> That does not mean you must never use it
How do you code search on user on github?
/me gives up
go to the base site. Search at the top, select code on the left menu from results.
@PeeHaa user:bwoebi modifier in search?
oh on user, -_-
No results
screw that...
brb smoke 'n coffee
smoking is bad, m'kay.
@PeeHaa Any idea how well opengrok works with PHP code?
No idea at all, however the idea to test it out crossed my mind this weekend when I had the same problem with github search
@Fabor I bet you don't say the same thing about @Jimbo's mom who is smoking hot
@DaveRandom look at the run-tests.php in lxr and judge yourself…
@PeeHaa Sure we do…
because the only hot thing about smoking is the ash…
@bwoebi I am sure @Jimbo's mom has a nice ash
She's proper not getting any slack today
Btw @Gordon any chance you are coming to phpnw?
Who's been incredibly sad like me and playing Pokemon Go?
@bwoebi Terrible code is not a fair test (I haven't looked at it but it's a safe bet)
@PeeHaa that's in the non-eu territory, right? I'll pass then
Hopefully it's still in at that point :p
@Jimbo regarding stackoverflow.com/a/38452998/208809 why not just convert regular errors to exceptions then? you can then catch and continue.
That's what I mentioned few minutes ago (about converting) but then removed
@Jimbo I think it's gone too far... your.asda.com/news-and-blogs/pokemon-in-store
@zerkms I noticed the comment was gone :(
@Gordon On that same wave, PHP 7 sorts all this out for us doesn't it :)
since technically you can use error_get_last
and it would be the same
(or not)
@Jimbo yes, but before 7.
@Gordon I've never actually put that setting on you know
@zerkms yes
@Gordon In fairness, you would get a lot for your money over here atm
(in relative terms)
@DaveRandom I am married and have a kid. I dont have money anymore.
!!? queens pound to euro
Search for "queens pound to euro" (https://www.google.com/search?q=queens+pound+to+euro&lr=lang_en)
• BoJo's Brexit and the Queen's pound - FT.com - On the edge: Cost of protecting against swings in the value of the pound versus the euro is at a r… (http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/3f472420-d95b-11e5-98fd-06d75973fe09.html)
• Today's GBP/EUR, GBP/USD Exchange Rates Rally Fur… - British pound to euro rate extends rally despite big drop in UK retail sales as EU … With GBP sent… (http://www.exchangerates.org.uk/news/15217/gbp-eur-usd-pound-euro-us-dollar-exchange-rate-news-and-outlook.html)
meh it's climbing back already
By the time I get there you guys are expensive like hell again
@DaveRandom its not so much a matter of me not wanting to go but rather with the expenses. I'd need flight, hotel and food and that will still likely be 300€+
I still need to get a hotel. Willing to spoon :P
Yeh I know, it's cool, there's a reason I don't do a lot of confs
@PeeHaa /cc @Jimbo
@DaveRandom I haven't bought my ticket yet, I probably should do
Oh no sorry he is a spoon, there's a difference
Although I don't know if I'm speaking yet, still waiting to hear :)
@Jimbo what did you submit?
@DaveRandom "Leaving the UK for the sunny island of Majorca in the EU"
@DaveRandom One on websockets + torrents (that old project), and another on BDD / Functional testing with Behat
Oh, and what @Gordon said, if you didn't already know ;)
Hii guys :)

In view
<sometag subtitle="{{time.start}} - {{time.end}}"> </sometag>
First its loading fine now i want to update it
so in controller after an http request i am using

$scope.time.start = time1;$scope.time.start = time2; but its not updating value
Its in angularjs
@Jimbo is that a secret? I can still delete
@Gordon Nah screw it, it's fine now
@Jimbo I heard. Can't say I blame you.
@PeeHaa Motel One was the best I could find, not sure if they have any rooms left though
I really like Motel Ones
I can't bring myself to congratulate you due to petty jealousy.
@JayIsTooCommon I probably should just spend some proper time tonight to book flight + hotel
It's usually not a good weekend for hotels
@PeeHaa do it, do it, do it
@DaveRandom Why? Save a few hundred, grab some cheap flights over with your missus + kid when you have hols, you'll be more than welcome at mine any time. Same goes for Gordon and PenisHaa
I'm having errors like this one when I try to load a php file from plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) : XMLHttpRequest cannot load file.

what does this mean?
@Jimbo thanks. btw do you get special conditions with booking now? that was another thing I was wondering about them. whether they offer that to employees.
I also would like to go to a man united match, but it's at 16:00 sadly
@Gordon I didn't ask as I thought it would be cheeky but I'll find out because if I do, epic winning for you guys
Meh, football
It's not just football. It's also drinking
Even that terrible "beer"
@DaveRandom Your tweet is on the phpnw main conf website :)
And overpriced
@Jimbo I wonder if that's curated by humans?
brb spamming the twatter feed
@Jimbo awesome :-)
@Jimbo I don't have @PeeHaa's, I have @DaveRandom's though
? :)
!!? :)
@DaveRandom Did you know? That :)... doesn't exist in the world! Cuz' GOOGLE can't find it :P
@DaveRandom wow. bad google
I'm guessing more like bad request
@Gordon trying to avoid the error operator for things like that results in race conditions in your code.
Same on google proper
> The error suppression operator serves a useful purpose. It allows calling code to collaborate with the code it is calling, and tell it "If an error occurs, and you're able to continue, please ignore the error". When used with a error handler, set through set_error_handler, that converts all unsuppressed errors to exceptions,
> it allows people using PHP to control on a line-by-line basis i) What errors are acceptable conditions, and execution should continue, ii) What errors are not acceptable conditions, and so an exception should be thrown.
@FlorianMargaine I don't tweet :)
I will propose this (minus the convert crap), when 7.1 is out. So maybe we can have it for 8.0
That hilarious moment when Laravel suggests having a "models" directory tells professionals everything they need to know about it #php
I used to have a models directory. I was very, very junior.
I have a "models" directory. I keep pictures of Lego in it.
@PeeHaa wtfh did you then even engage in that comment discussion?
ssssshhhh :P
@Danack Is that "out"... as in a Guardian reader would understand it?
Calling a fly a fly is pretty lazy if you think about it.
It's like they were under time constraints from the PM.
I have done mailer using "PHP Attachment Mailer Class".. downloaded the code from web-development-blog.com/php-attachment-mailer-class. But it is not working in PHP5
attachment mailer is working fine in other server PHP4
> attachment mailer is working fine in other server PHP4
that is the scariest thing I've heard today
wtf do you still have a server running php4?
it was working in PHP4 when i tries earlier
that's what i meant
when I tried the same code now in PHP5, it seems not working
@Nuju What error are you getting?
@Fabor I absolutely don't know what this is about, or how to respond to it. Are you high? That's high talk
@Nuju why are you trying your code in php4? php4 is dead for years now.
No, just there is a fly buzzing around the office and it got me thinking.
no error showing. Mailer is not working
wtf fap xD
@Jimbo hint hint spanish fly probably
when I remove the function $this->build_message(), mailer is working
1 hour ago, by Fabor
smoking is bad, m'kay.
@JayIsTooCommon ah, so that was irony
@Gordon : yes i need to work it in PHP5 only, not PHP4
but the attachment mailer code is not working in PHP5
!!urban spanish fly
[ spanish fly ] Aphrodesiacal elixr made from the crushed body parts of the blister beetles Cantharis vesicatoria or Lytta vesicatoria. Purported to arouse those that ingest it. Toxic in large quantities. Any arousal stemming from Spanish Fly is mild and not at all like the Beastie Boys would have you believe.
for reference. I always forget you guys have been born in the 90s and dont know these things
in PHP Version 5.5.31
@Jeeves Absolutely no clue Jeeves.

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