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@animaacija I don't like wordpress, but I thought you were negatively saying I was a wordpress developer because I was defending the use of jquery, lol
I don't like wordpress because it uses a bad design pattern and also it has security problems, but I understand many devs make a living working with it....
regarding jquery, this sums up my opinion on it: "at a certain point, depending on the size and scope of the application,
you will either end up with a lot of spaghetti code, or you will essentially have your own library made up of your own versions of the things jquery already does, whether they're all under the same namespace, or each as their own module. Now, when you bring in a new developer, they have to learn your library. If you were instead using jQuery (or some other popular library), which likely will accomplish a lot of the same goals, there would be less of a learning curve."
@DavidGraham ouh, ^^ . That carat (^) ment somewhere before in chat or smth. Just combination of thoes two words "Wordpress Developer" just smashes!! lol
yeah lol, you saw that right?
thought you were taking a jab at me
agreed with argument about learning curve. I bet jquery is grown to ideal enough during these years.
As well as internet and computing speed, so only if ur realy pedantic coder, you could take jQuery lib, customize it by striping out unneeded for this wapp and minify again. But really, in novadays we can afford a lot of resources, so no need actually but to gain better developer sleep and self-esteem by well done clean job
2 hours later…
Because the new zend_string API caches the hash for HT lookups I assume I should avoid extra hashes by using constants instead of string literals in array keys when possible, right? /cc @NikiC @bwoebi
e.g. if I have a function that accepts an options array as its final parameter I should do the following, right?
$watcher->isEnabled = $options["enable"] ?? true; // replace me
// preferable because the zend_string will have its HT hash cached after the first lookup
$watcher->isEnabled = $options[self::OP_ENABLE] ?? true;
i just noticed something weird. exception's $file and $line are respective to the "new Exception" rather than the file/line having the "throw"
and what's worse is the backtrace that does the same
function __construct($message, $code, $previous){
	parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
	$this->traceAlternative = debug_backtrace();
this shows the correct trace instead
same goes for file/line
sometimes i really don't get php :P
i bet that using $this->actualTrace = debug_backtrace(); would kill my application xD
2 hours later…
I am using CodeIgniter(2.2.1) , i need to get the total running time of video,is there any built in function,extension other than id3 in php ,do anyone knows better option?
what kind of video. there are gillions of formats
@Worf .mp4 ,.3gp.,avi
use the command line tool from php using exec()
@Worf let me check it .
ping @NikiC 'elp
life turned into a mini nightmare over the last day, I think my pc is one more power down from failure
far as I can tell, mobo is cooked, and probably took the cpu with it :(
@JoeWatkins As long as the disk is safe
they are good, and either the ram is good, or both sticks are broken
How do you fetch an associative array in MySQLi Prepared Statements?
good meurning!
@rdlowrey Huh, what? The hash will be cached in any case
also "enabled" will be interned
Ah, I get what you mean now - you want the call-site and your check to use the same string
But yeah, same answer, as long as it's a literal string it will be interned, so it'll end up being the same string
@JoeWatkins pong
@NikiC I'm getting a really strange result when trying to apply the anon classes changes, I just started again, but can I ping you later for a look ... I'm probably going to end up in the same place ...
well, my branch is out of date with master
so I need to pull in master changes before I can merge
merge where?
I cant see what has changed that would cause a different result, or require anything different ...
am I not making sense ?
I've left you a few comments on github.com/php/php-src/pull/1118 and dmitry needs to review this before it's merged
@JoeWatkins so merging master worked fine, the code just doesn't work afterward?
yeah with a few changes, but afterward I get class not found
I don't remember anything changing in the compiler that should particularly affect you
I'll review your comments, I hadn't seen those before ...
some of it seems maybe related ...
@marcio Given that the end goal is to prevent having symbols in class scope which collide with typehints, I think it's reasonable to disallow the last segment only, being the "minimal" restriction you have to do. I don't really have a problem with doing it for all segments either, but that sounds like having to ask on internals first, which I am not interested in ^^
$injector->define('\mysqli', [
    ':host' => $databaseConfiguration['host'],
    ':username' => $databaseConfiguration['username'],
    ':passwd' => $databaseConfiguration['password'],
    ':dbname' => $databaseConfiguration['database'],
Guys, is that right for Auryn?
I am trying to create a MySQLi Object, but it says DB is not selected. :/
@HassanAlthaf Try :database instead of :dbname
And :password instead of :passwd
And :user instead of :username ...
Thanks @NikiC
In the documentation it says this:
mysqli::__construct ([ string $host = ini_get("mysqli.default_host") [, string $username = ini_get("mysqli.default_user") [, string $passwd = ini_get("mysqli.default_pw") [, string $dbname = "" [, int $port = ini_get("mysqli.default_port") [, string $socket = ini_get("mysqli.default_socket") ]]]]]] )
Yes, well, you gave you that weird idea that the documentation is ever right
Is there any way to like offer them an edit?
There we go.
Done it.
done what ?
@HassanAlthaf btw handy to login as someone we can recognize if you want changes committed
saving in the editor does not commit changes, you need someone @php.net to do that ...
I am anonymous
I am legion
i do not forgive i do not forgive
expect me
I just CBF to login man Joe
I committed that change ... but for next time, don't be anonymous ;)
there's 40 people logged in as anonymous XXXXXXX
difficult to find you if you don't have a name ... as you might expect :D
public function authenticateLoginDetails($username, $rawPassword)
    $query = $this->database->prepare("SELECT password FROM users WHERE username=?");
    $query->bind_param("s", $username);
    while($query->fetch()) {
        if(password_verify($rawPassword, $databasePassword) == true) {
            return true;
        return false;
@JoeWatkins Alright, no problem. I'll create an account there later.
you can login with SO or Facebook or twitter or linkdin, or a few other things ...
Guys, do you see something I'm doin' wrong? password_verify returns false on the right password.
no need to create anything ;)
password_hash('test123', PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
the result of it is what is in the database
@HassanAlthaf This is a place where using delegation rather than auto-wiring might be better.
$createMySQLi = function () use ($databaseConfiguration) {
	return new \mysqli(

$injector->delegate('\mysqli', $createMySQLi);
@Danack I did use it for my previous project, but I prefer the other method.
@rdlowrey interned strings all share the same pointer… so we can immediately return on comparison… and we also have the hash cached for these all at once.
My client is broke.. he can't pay me till 3 weeks. LMAO
A: What is the equivalent of bind_result on PDO

Your Common SenseYou do not need an ugly bind_result with PDO at all. Yet you don't need to count either. Please, avoid unnecessary actions - they only bloat and obfuscate your code for no reason. Think first, what you need from the query? Do you really need to count? No. What you actually need is just a flag -...

Also I suggest to use LIMIT 1
Yup, i will switch to PDO.
Client requested MySQLi
Oh sorry. I thought you were using PDO :)
posted on April 03, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Thib */

So, a quick count says that 29 out of 45 RFCs that were accepted for PHP 7 are room 11 RFCs :)
And 3 out of 12 of the declined RFCs were room 11
Have anyone used openfire server before ?
@NikiC uh… 45 RFC… that's a lot :o)
How can I trigger a reference with refcount 1 to loose it's internal reference status?
@bwoebi ZVAL_UNREF
@NikiC no, in PHP
uh, context?
which ops force an unref in vm?
I'm trying to test watchpoints when they are unreferenced
@NikiC they're hard to find because the macro isn't used directly in vm
@NikiC Are we collectively getting in the credits as "room 11" now? :)
Good morning all
Hello, I had a question about PHP... suppose a user loads my site in his window and that sends a request to my PHP page, where my php accepts some data and processes it. so, while it is processing, if the user closes the window(i.e my site), will the processing stop? or it will execute till the end?
@Keval I think it depends on how you're using PHP. If you're using it with apache, it can get interrupted (unless you configure it not to php.net/manual/en/function.ignore-user-abort.php). I think for PHP-FPM it may just continue.
Yes, I use Apache
thanks for the insight
hello Ranjith
@Keval I am trying to Stackoverflow Ask Question its getting on
You have reached your question limit
Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more.
@Keval this problem before 3 month till now continues ?
Any one Help Me?????
@Ranjith You may have so many negative votes on your questions as well as answers, this will remain as it is untill the total upvote=== total negative votes ,that means there is no solution other than improving your previous questions as well as answers.
I second what Gopal said
@Ranjith The links gives you all the information you need. The fact that you failed to read it makes me think the question ban is totally justified
Something something, don't use a sock-puppet account to vote up your own questions.
@PeeHaa Yah man you are correct.
thanks for your advices ...
Happy fryyyydai 4evar!
@RonniSkansing happy almost weekend!
hey i have one question..i want to develop one php script which can tweet 1 message per min. total message are 50 ...and i want to schedule this service to run 3 times in a day
any idea how i can achieve that with out performance isssue
@Swap-IOS-Android if you have a linux env then use cron jobs
And if you have Windows use a 'scheduled task'.
i was thinking to use cron
and i have one loop which post message so is it okay to put loop on sleep(60);
so in this way i post in 1min of gap
@Swap-IOS-Android Nope.avi
but i guess this will block php interpreter
@Swap-IOS-Android Don't do that. If it crashes no more messages will be sent.
then which is best way to do it
Cron job, they said
You create a script for one tweet and launch a cronjob for every minute
Have a small task that runs to generate the messages to send, at the time you want to send them. And then separately have a task that runs every minute of the day, checks for messages to send, marks them as being processed, and then sends them.
Hey everyone :)

I am just bu
That way, any crash is limited in the damage it can do.
Off-topic: what do you guys/girls think about selfies?
@Danack okay but i guess i have to manage two cron task
@HamZa Humans gonna human.
one for 3 times to lunch tweet in day
@Swap-IOS-Android yes. Which is nice. You can stop either of them independently.
and another for post N number of tweet
any tutorial for cron?
how to install and schedule
@ChiefORZ butyl?
@Swap-IOS-Android google it
@HamZa Nope, I hate selfies cause fellow humans have spammed too much selfies of theirs and now I get bored of em
@Keval hehe
PS: I do participate in group selfies
I am just building a REST Router for my Backbone Frontend...
and i was wondering how to protect it from directly Calling the URL and modified headers...

i had no clue how to google far that particular question^^
@ChiefORZ You mean protect the REST API from other calls than your backbone frontend?
@HamZa right. i couldn't think of any way how to acomplish that
Anyone experienced with cURL ?
@anonxss just ask your question, and if people have time, they wil reply to you :)
@ChiefORZ IMHO there's no way since they could just view the source of your frontpage and simulate the same mechanism
but I might be wrong. So a thorough search is required :P
well i tried cURL on few webpages, simpler one works fine. But with some webpages it says page have been moved and returns back a link. Did those websites have security against crawling ?
otherwise inspect their pages. Sometimes they use tokens, sometimes JS... There are different techniques...
Most of the times I would see if they provide an API, if it's even legal to crawl them, if it's worth it to crawl :P
@anonxss link?
Guys, what is a challenge password for SSL?
could the answer to my backbone - REST connection be a simple check if a SESSION isset and if this Session is not older than x Minutes??
Do you think that could work?
Arghhh crap
@PeeHaa like there is a site called gaana.com and i have written curl code .. here i pass the link along with it.. devutkarsh.com/bypass.php?url=https://www.gaana.com
@HamZa no there is no API for this :p FOLLOWLOCATION is TRUE also i have configure curl_opt's for Browser client and all.
@anonxss Most likely it sets the referer
Nope not even
Just enable following of redirects and it works ™
@NikiC Okay thanks, I wasn't sure if the string literal was interned in that case.
@rdlowrey I interned your mother last night o/
errr I mean morning @rdlowrey ;)
honest typo
I think I hurt his feelings :(
@ChiefORZ you shouldn't use sessions with REST apis, as they are stateless by definition. use a known HTTP authentication system, like basic/digest/oauth etc where you authenticate your request via headers.
@PeeHaa lol morning
@PeeHaa haha no I just went to start some laundry
@rdlowrey :-)
do you mind asking a question? :-) I've hit a dead end a while now...
If it is a bit on topic and doesn't involve going through a wall of non debugged code sure
It doesn't need code inspection... just info sharing mostly...
Ok here I go... I have a PHP-MSSQL app
@Dennis Just ask. If nobody feels like helping you they just wont :)
@Dennis eeeeeeeew mssql
some basic string insertions in a nvarchar field
and then a select based on user's input
so recently I encountered a problem with non latin chars
they correctly are saved in db (MSSQL studio displays them correctly)
and I can even retrieve the correct row if I use where clause
but for partial match (WHERE xx LIKE) I get nothing
@Dennis You may have a different character set in use for your storage vs the client you're using to connect to the DB.
the thing is the normal where is return data
Also look at the encoding of the page
It might be the ini_set('mssql.charset', 'UTF-8'); or whatever character set you're using setting.
Q: UTF-8 all the way through

mercutioI'm setting up a new server, and want to support UTF-8 fully in my web application. I have tried in the past on existing servers and always seem to end up having to fall back to ISO-8859-1. Where exactly do I need to set the encoding/charsets? I'm aware that I need to configure Apache, MySQL and...

check at this:
but your statement could be wrong too
SELECT *FROM entities WHERE first_name LIKE N'%ή‡ή¬ή†ήͺήή¦ήˆή§ήή¬ήˆή¨ήŠή¦ή‡ή¨ήˆή§%';

SELECT *FROM entities WHERE first_name = N'ή‡ή¬ή†ήͺήή¦ήˆή§ήή¬ήˆή¨ήŠή¦ή‡ή¨ήˆή§';
the first returns nothing, the second returns correctly the row
> SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('Collation') as ServerCollation
> SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('DatabaseNameGoeshere', 'Collation') DatabaseCollation;
Or the same for character set.
your LIKE statement need to be enclosed

"SELECT *FROM entities WHERE first_name = 'N'ή‡ή¬ή†ήͺήή¦ήˆή§ήή¬ήˆή¨ήŠή¦ή‡ή¨ήˆή§' ";
"SELECT *FROM entities WHERE first_name LIKE 'N'%ή‡ή¬ή†ήͺήή¦ήˆή§ήή¬ήˆή¨ήŠή¦ή‡ή¨ήˆή§%' ";
@ChiefORZ That's a command character - stackoverflow.com/questions/5263293/…
N for nunicode.
@ChiefORZ both of the statements are enclosed, this was a copy-paste error
Hey guys
Anyone has any idea about this:
[Fri Apr 03 08:49:08.343996 2015] [ssl:warn] [pid 18824] AH01909: localhost:80:$
[Fri Apr 03 08:49:08.344581 2015] [ssl:warn] [pid 18824] AH01909: localhost:443$
[Fri Apr 03 08:49:08.344698 2015] [ssl:emerg] [pid 18824] AH02569: Illegal atte$
AH00016: Configuration Failed
I'm guessing the configuration failed.
@Danack I get NULL db collation, is this a problem?
@Dennis for the serverproperty or the table?
for the databaseproperty
oh wait
Possibly not, it might be using a default from somwhere else.
had error in my query
my db collation is Latin1_General_CI_AS
Argh, ssl certificates are impossible to install
@HassanAlthaf What kind of server?
I've found Apache to be pretty easy to work with. IIS, not so much
Can anybody help with the cross domain messaging in ie8
Ubuntu, Apache with openSSL
I have used window.postmessage which working well in chrome and firefox
@sumitsouda Not even God can help you with IE8 at this point
When Microsoft wants to burninate the Internet Explorer name you've got problems
@sumitsouda jsonp?
No other workarounds to get this done
How with jsonp
@HassanAlthaf Got a pastebin with your domain config?
Oh god why microsoft made ie with all these kind of headache:)
@Machavity which config is that?
So you have domain.com defined somewhere. Apache uses XML so would be like
<VirtualHost yourIPhere:443> ServerName domain.com
Somewhere in there should be SSLCertificateFile /path/to/file
Oh yh
Port must be wrong I guess.
The most common mistake I've found is you can have your private key and certificate in the same file or separate files. But you have to have the right syntax for each
Next would be the wrong CA chain file
omg atlast
I cant believe it
how to force https protocol
@HassanAlthaf Disable http :P
@tereško morning
@tereško o/
I am on the countryside for the holidays
lol @PeeHaa
so the internet sucks here
Can add a directive for your site in Apache to handle it
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName domain.com Redirect 301 / https:\//domain.com/ </VirtualHost>
some 20Mbps thing =(
@tereško Wait ... are you telling me that 20mbps is bad internet?!
@tereško faster than mine dude
What is that Machavitiy
@NikiC yes
@NikiC yeah, everything under 50 is too slow.
@tereško Well, let me tell you that I have 4mbps here and that's the normal state of things :/
Take the \ out of that btw
my condolences
4mbps by definition is bad
I tried this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.hassanalthaf.com.com/$1 [R,L]
@NikiC in Germany I have 25 MBit/s It's not enough IMO…
What I posted will do the same thing on the Apache level
@bwoebi for downloading
@NikiC that was the normal state of thing here (in boonies) around 2005th
@JABFreeware yeah… and 5 for Upload.
does https work for you guys?
ssl works but I get redirected to a 404
dw bout that
javascript isue
idk why
@NikiC it could be worse, you could be paying for a 20mbps that actually runs at 4mbps. like me. :headdesk:
i pay for 40mbps
get 8 mbps
what I would like is a 1gbps uplink speed
@HassanAlthaf BTW not sure whether you care about broken clients but with your currentcyphers some browser will not work
which will not work?
In US all sites must use HTTPS within 2 years
thats insane
@StefanoTorresi The second job I had we had a partial T1. Every afternoon it slowed to a crawl. After a couple of months they trusted me with the Windows server and I found that the server had been hacked and someone in France was using it for their own private FTP server, which is why the connection sucked
@HassanAlthaf lol, where did you get that?
@HassanAlthaf I don't know where you got that from, but it is bollocks
anonymous.com if i rmember right @NikiC
I mean, a reasonable requirement, but that should already tell you that it isn't true ;)
wait i dont remember link
let me check my phone
is the web
Question ... would it be a terrible idea to expose the internal integer object pool ID to userland?
For resources this is possible by (int) $resource
But there's no way AFAIK to see this number for objects except if you var_dump($theObject);
I meant my actual DSL link is capped at 4mbps because of the distance from the DSLAM, but the contract is for a "maximum 20mbps" line. plus I have voip, so the line slows down a bit each time i'm on the phone.
so if I someone had hacked my lan, he would probably kill himself.
@rdlowrey I was going to chime in on the serialize discussion....I think one of the things that would be need to be done to allow people to do serialization properly in userland would be to expose that, wouldn't it?
@HassanAlthaf HTTPS is no more secure than HTTP if its not configured right, so such a law would be stupid anyway
@rdlowrey What for?
Imho the fact that such a number happens to exists is an implementation detail and ought not be exposed.
I suppose for fast addressing in arrays
you can use spl_object_id for that
Yes. SplObjectStorage/spl_object_id is slow by comparison to integer array lookups.
I've had other times where I wanted this functionality as well but I don't remember what they are right now :)
Also, I'm trying to work around the problem where you get a fatal error if you instigate garbage collection of a closure from inside that closure and I was thinking about keeping a list of "in-progress" callbacks so that if one of those callbacks exists in the list at the time I call cancel() I can use manual scheduled garbage collection.
@rdlowrey why not just use php 7?
@NikiC Does php 7 fix that?
as far as I know, yes
If so then I don't really care about accessing the object ID :)
@NikiC is PHP7 even released? lol
I will rip out my protections for that problem and see if it works.
rdlowrey!! Didn't you create Auryn?
Hi guys, can anyone tell what sort of data is it? It's not json I guess

@HassanAlthaf nope. but the people around here have no scruples with running nightlies in production :P
Anybody happen to have a link to the bug report concerning closure garbage collection and fatal errors handy?
@Rizwan I think it is some mess.
@Rizwan it is serialized
@RonniSkansing can I decode it ?
hllo @RonniSkansing
Long time no see?
@NikiC awesome, thank you for the link :)
@HassanAlthaf hi, busy with work, how are you?
@RonniSkansing thanks
@RonniSkansing Good, just finished installing SSL certificate on my site
it was so harddd
congrats =] I have never tried setting ssl up, so I have no idea what is envolved in the process
I had spare bucks in my paypal
i bought it for 2 years
just to taste how much trouble it takes to install it
and it took me more than an hour
Guys, how do I hide my webserver IP and protect it from DDoS attacks?
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