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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Anyone know of any really good PHP tutorials?
I know they are scarce, but surely some exist?
@LeviMorrison patrick's?
@bwoebi ooh, I'm not sure about NaN
NaN - NaN results in NaN and then ZEND_NORMALIZE_BOOL() probably turns it into 1, 0 or -1
@NikiC a few tests say that needed stack_size usually is between 200-700 (per frame) (yeah, I tested on the chat from @kelunik, which should be considered as real-world)
Also, stack realloc only is rarely called with 4KB as far as I could test.
Apart from that… There's also a few percent in speed advantage.
(yeah, I've set general page size to 4 KB for making my life easier… but that doesn't really matter in test)
especially emalloc() is 70% faster because it doesn't have to allocate a new segment (callgrind stats) … about a 1000 instr less per call from zend_vm_stack_new_page
I think my initial suggestion of 4 KB could be fine.
inflight internet...
you kids don't know,man
I still consider it a victory that I can now listen to music during takeoff without being sneaky about it.
Take that, FAA.
please help me in writing recursive function stackoverflow.com/questions/28899002/…
need all levels of reporting to all parents
trying the mysqli & php way
3 hours later…
My wife ordered a CODE Mechanical Keyboard for my birthday \o/
@LeviMorrison that's cool, congrats BTW :)
@bwoebi @NikiC FYI this is the alternative lexical feedback patch github.com/php/php-src/pull/1158
Advantages compared to the other attempt:

- It's very predictable (no risks of regression)
- It's very configurable and won't impair future language changes
- It can be easily expanded to support classs, traits, namespaces and interfaces names (all we need to do is use "semi_reserved" instead of "T_STRING" on certain places)
- It has an even less noticeable footprint
Would be nice to get some feedback before going through the hard work of porting the ext tokenizer ;)
@LeviMorrison that's a nice thing
@bwoebi okay, go for it
@NikiC couldn't work it out ya know ... I bravely gave up ... will go back to it next week ...
&& morning
&& morning all
@marcio Looks like more robust approach, but will have to look more closely. The %expect 4 part looks pretty suspicious though ;)
also, I had a thought, I'm not sure if it's even necessary change, dead code after an unconditional exit will be optimized away, but who writes code after an unconditional exit, it's still enough to override exit opcode normally perhaps ...
the test I have wouldn't work, but a normal unit test would ...
in fact I think that's what I will try next ... less magic ...
3 hours later…
Hey @Patrick. You have gottten tickets for a festival yet?
@PeeHaa No. I was on the mysterland preorder list, but just realized that their email with the registration link went into my spam folder... ah well :(
@Patrick :P
@PeeHaa oh... they are selling right now and I got through the queue :)
Thanks for the reminder
Are you going @PeeHaa?
I am 99% sure I will be going.
@marcio so, I won't be able to e.g. const PRIVATE = true; even though it conflicts with nothing? Seems pretty arbitrary… mhm…
I'm not sure.
Sure, it's more forward-compatible, but at the same time it involves restrictions…
@rdlowrey what release should I target when I want to get auryn using composer / will there be a v1 release soon?
Maybe @Danack has a more app-centric opinion ^
Where is the guy :(
ohai @JoeWatkins
ohai @PeeHaa
Èverything ok / got rid of the medieval flue yet ?
totally gone yeah
@PeeHaa "soon" is very tensile if you ask @rdlowrey
@kelunik Well lets be perfectly honest you also know me and my "soons" :P
@PeeHaa I know my "soons", but @rdlowrey is worse here. ;-P
@Hbirjand I didn't know joomla was still a thing. Is there still business in there?
brb getting food and stuff
@PeeHaa the latest is the right one to use, so require'ing "rdlowrey/auryn": "^0.14.2" is good. Some needs to give the project a decent name....and right a web site of documentation.
So....I went to that Javascript conference yesterday. Apparently most JS developers don't know what the event loop is.
hi all
i have slight problem using Twitter API
anyone up for help?
Feb 14 at 14:36, by Danack
Hello, I have a problem, but I am too lazy to write the question out until someone says that they will help me. http://sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
Also....if it's that specific - it might be a case where you just need to debug it...
@Danack ty
@Danack hehe
btw Auryn hasn't changed for ages...it's safe to use. The only changes have been bug fixes.
Yeah I know. Somebody (cough @rdlowrey cough) should just release it by now
@Danack I'm pretty sure it can be said about any technology :)
> most x devs don't know about y
Meh - seeing as that bit of tech is at the core of what JS people do all day every day, I would have thought it would be a new concept to them.
Holy fuck. Dat moment your own DI implementation uses the exact same signatures as auryn and you can just swap it :O
@Danack is there a way to define a global injectable instance based on interface name?
$injector->defineParam('Examinr\\Presentation\\Theme\\Loader', $theme);
Seems like that doesn't work
Params are only for scalars. You want:
you mean map an interface to a concrete impl?
Yeah globally
as in, every interface by default will have this impl injected?
and then you override for some specific classes?
wait - coffee failuer.
/me inserts coffee into @Danack and awaits the answer :)
@FlorianMargaine Not every interface. This specific interface
sorry, I mean...
every class using this interface will have this impl injected
yes please :)
and then overriding for some specific cases?
If needed yeah. But it actually is not needed for me
$injector->alias('Examinr\\Presentation\\Theme\\Loader', get_class($theme));
for example all your views are getting a Renderer interface, and you want to pass TwigRenderer to all of them
@Danack Does the share mean it won't crate a fresh instance for it?
@FlorianMargaine Exactly
@PeeHaa yes - it could be spelt singleton.
Yea, Auryn is pretty sweet. I've enjoyed using it
Also dayum @cspray. Dat beard is proper
Sorry @Danack ^
@PeeHaa That's really not a good shot to be honest with you but thanks ;)
It's okay, I know when I've been beat. Mine seems to have stopped growing...
I need to get a good shot right after I've brushed it out
I actually wanna enter some kind of beard competition. Even if I don't place that's kinda what I'm going for atm
@ThW yt?
@beberlei btw the icons at the top right show who is currently in the room.
(with a terrible UX choice of coloured for people present, faded for people who have left.)
@Danack ah ok i thought it means just being idle
> Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Auryn\InjectionException' with message 'Injection definition/implementation required for non-concrete parameter $interface of type RandomLib\Mixer' in
Shouldn't that be the actual param name?
@PeeHaa You need to tell it how to make the interface Mixer.
Yeah I realize that. Was just wondering about the exception message
It tells me about "parameter $interface" instead of the actual parameter name $mixer
Not sure if bug or I just don't agree with the exception message :)
why not both?
Let me open an issue
Meh might as well just write a PR for if it is indeed a bug
@PeeHaa Open a bug....I would have fixed it if it wasn't going to take less than 10 minutes to fix...
the problem is the param name isn't available where the exception message is being generated.
Yeah already writing the bug report and looking to fix it
Also, Mr Lowrey, in an amazing and difficult to believe turn of events, has re-written most of the project, but hasn't gotten around to pushing that work to master.
43 mins ago, by Danack
btw Auryn hasn't changed for ages...it's safe to use. The only changes have been bug fixes.
So basically what you are saying is don't dive into the param thing yet and wait for the push?
@PeeHaa yep. Though what we do need is a better way of displaying errors - in particular sometimes it's confusing as to what is creating what, and having a tree of the dependencies that are being constructed would be useful imo.
o/ @rdlowrey
yeah ...
I was like 99% finished with that rewrite and got sidetracked.
I think the only thing left I wanted to do was to support variadic arguments but TBH I'm not sure it's terribly necessary anyway. The existing version doesn't support them and no one has thus far complained.
@rdlowrey I say give us the goodies and do that in a future .x release
Yeah I think you're right.
@Danack Yeah indeed. If I didn't have a proper understanding of the codebase I would have been confused
something something a variable number of things that must be passed to a constructor, sounds like an oxymoron
Yes that would be weird for constructors.
\o/ swapping the DI thing took me effectively 15 minutes
I will see if I can't finish up that in-progress branch today. I had changed some of the public method names before but to hell with that. BC is important and I don't want to update my own code that uses auryn (ain't nobody got time fo' dat).
I'll keep you guys posted.
scary things when you first pop into room 11 at 9am.... "swapping the DI thing"
@mikedugan It could have been worse. I could have said swapping @rdlowrey's thing :P
@PeeHaa you have permission to diddle my DIC any time you like.
@PeeHaa I think "container" is the replacement for "thing" that you're looking for btw lol
@mikedugan I crafted a commit message specially for you github.com/PeeHaa/examinr/commit/… ;-)
eek, symfony
It's just the request / response thing I use
you might want to take a look at github.com/StyleCI if you're doing code style stuff, he might have some bits you can grab and reuse
@PeeHaa BTW, that error message is corrected to use the right param name in the refactor branch.
@mikedugan Oh nice. Tnx
@rdlowrey yay
@mikedugan For a moment I thought I could stop writing my project, but then I saw the developers name...
@bwoebi I applied the same restrictions as the other patch :) the difference is that now we can remove them if we wish, see wiki.php.net/rfc/context_sensitive_lexer#limitations
Or more specific the framework attached to the name :P
hey hey, no jabs at Laravel!
Too late ;)
although you're spot on about the author, I strongly advise against using that service
@mikedugan +1, let's make it uppercuts instead ;)
@mikedugan I presume you had an "encounter"?
I uncovered a day zero vulnerability that exposed his Pusher, Github, and Database credentials from the environment. It then took over an hour for any action to be taken.
Of course everyone has bugs. But his bug could be reproduced by 404'ing his app -_-
@mikedugan Enabled error reporting in production?
sure did. Had a debug flag set to true and shared his secrets with the world
@Darius.V hey
I am again with nginx problems. Last week I decided to take a break and sit today with calm head
@mikedugan :)
(quite literally, pusher_secret, github_secret, bad puns I know)
hopefull yto fix.. But I am not succesfull
@mikedugan :P
Trying to debug by commenting lot of things in config file.
can you tell me - if the config is
@Darius.V What is your setup?
ah, Comment-Driven-Development, almost as popular as Vardump-Driven-Development :D
then this part of config is not executed, right?
because there is no .php in url
@Darius.V Are you running php-fpm by any chance?
yes I am
or php5-fpm
I am not sure if there is a difference
@Darius.V you shouldn't be visiting /public, that should be part of your document root in your config
A bit outdated but it should help you
Also what @mikedugan just said
@mikedugan - in production its ok, but in developement I like to have one config for all sites
and for some sites like codeigniter index.php is not in public folder
@Darius.V No. What he is saying is that /public should not be part of the url
That opens a world of hurt
but I was having /public all the time on my machine before and worked fine
works fine, but that means I can theoretically access your application without much effort
you can access app on my home computer ?:)
I would like to see it :)
and even if you do, I dont care, because its just test application

Don't put logic in your webroot yo!

Dec 16 '13 at 22:05, 2 minutes total – 16 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Dec 16 '13 at 22:12 by PeeHaa

has anybody worked in cakephp here?
I like the pascal or delphi times where there were no nginx :(
just write the code and it works
anyone has any experience in cakephp
@mikedugan - I will try it
let me know if you need any other configuration stuff and I'll put up examples, but that (with proper paths and such) is what I use on my personal site
I hope it will work if I change www.test.com to localhost
I'm a strong advocate of not running a web server on your host/dev machine
I mean I run it on vagrant
virtual machine
@Darius.V yeah, "works"
except vulnerable to all sort of attacks, but yeah, "works"
you mean localhost name is vulnerable to attacks?
ah, in that case take a look @ Vaprobash. I use it with pretty much all projects, and it takes care of setting up the stack + extra goodies for me
nginx: [emerg] open() "/etc/nginx/fastcgi.conf" failed (2: No such file or directory) in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default:17
I can comment out this line?
not recommended since it sets all the fastcgi vars, but you can try
and get 502 bad gateway
dugan.io/c/fastcgi.txt if you want it
this is why I don't set up my own vagrant boxes anymore :D
@mynameisbutt yes, we have experience with it, which is why nobody here uses it
I wish nginx would just run without any configuration
@tereško lel
@tereško are you being sarcastic ?
@Darius.V I'll again reiterate "use vaproabash"...in the time you've been troubleshooting this you could have nuked it/git reset-ed and had a working vagrant box up
sarcastic about what ?
cakePHP is a piece of shit
@mynameisbutt technically, no, he was being derogatory. Just like that^^
@Darius.V with php you can do php -S and test locally, you know
looks like these are in /etc/ngginx/fastcgi_params
no need for nginx or stuff
@Danack I think he is not "he"
or if it's laravel... php artistan serve
@Danack I think she is not "he"
sheesh, cake still isn't using composer
php -S - this is lot of what to read
what does it do in short?
A: Python SimpleHTTPServer with PHP

GordonThe reason why the Python Webserver sends your PHP files to the brower is likely because it is not configured or able to handle PHP files. See http://serverfault.com/questions/338394/how-to-run-php-with-simplehttpserver PHP 5.4 has a built-in webserver. You can call it from the command line like...

@Darius.V php --help | grep '\-S'
but srsly, if you're using Laravel, just php artisan serve as it bootstraps everything for you
I will need not only laravel
but I can try
Laravel development server started on localhost:8000
hmm default port should be 80
so now my browser does not know
why ?
are you incapable of adding :8000 to the localhost?
it was redirecting to port 80 I thinl
it's running the php's built in server , it is not meant to be run in production environment
no, when you run it on :8080, the web server is listening on 8080. there is no redirect
I think vagrant has something to do
when 8080 is redirected to 80
in ubuntu
or forwarded
that has nothing to do with Laravel's test server
maybe wrong word redirected
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
I quit
@tereško ikr?
@Darius.V you need to go googling and do some reading. You don't understand how vagrant works, how nginx works, or how the framework you are trying to use works. Generally speaking, that's not a good combination.
yea, I now that I do not understand how nginx works, but I am php developer, I want to program with php, not spend time with nginx
for example in times when I was programing with pascal, I just write pascal code and did not need to care how compilator works
pascal is not php. quit trying to compare them.
yea, I know, its still a programming language
I just want to program, not configure :)
then I suggest you use write CLI apps
side note: how do you do the tag things in chats?
@mikedugan ^^
@rdlowrey nifty, thanks
ok, it looks like I will not find that quickly on my own
thanks, I need to go
so today while attempting to learn bits of the php source, I've come to the realization that nothing is what you think it is and everything is a macro
@mikedugan lololololol yes. Exactly.
sounds like I'm off to a rocking start then
also, whoever prefixed everything with Z/ZEND never read Uncle Bob's rants on gratuitous context -_-
@NikiC yes I noticed the conflicts rise but hadn't tried to reduce them yet, and it was caused by guess what... the trait adaptation ambiguous method reference syntax :D
room: interesting -> medium.com/@MrJamesFisher/…
@marcio Also:
hmmm...they call arguments gonads in golang eh?
Aaaaaand we're back to the DIC jokes.
does anyone actually read the stuff make test emails off for failures?
g2 isp question
@mikedugan I've never once said yes to that prompt ...
Also, I don't actually ever run make test ...
I generally run the test script directly for whichever thing I need to test so it doesn't take forever. For example:
$ run-tests.php -p /path/to/the/binary/i/just/built/php ext/openssl/tests
well, nice to know i don't have to run the full set of suites every time
Another tip: unless you specifically want to test extension things it will massively speed up both your build times and your test runs by passing --disable-all to your configure script.
So often my configure line looks like this:
$ ./configure --disable-all --with-readline --with-openssl --enable-debug
so that would give me php core + openssl, correct?
And no other extensions.
ok lookie, I found the infamous spl-thats-written-in-c
Just a bare CLI with openssl
I always enable readline because it's needed for php -a
standard/ the home for php functions?
mostly ext/standard, yes.
I generally don't try to remember where anything is. Instead, just use lxr.php.net
I don't think it would actually be possible for anybody to do anything in php-src without lxr
yeah it's quickly looking like a moot point trying to figure out a logical order to where things are
@rdlowrey You'd use git grep … I've done that at times when having no internet connection. But it really isn't that comfortable…
@rdlowrey I have ctags...
I just use lxr when I want to share something with someone
@rdlowrey If one just does ext specific things (as you do)… yes. But when we change something in the engine… ;-) Then the weirdest tests in some dubious ext may help find you a bug.
@bwoebi true
Also, how are the RFCs coming? @rdlowrey
I got a little sidetracked working on some auryn stuff so far this morning. Don't worry, the RFC updates will happen today :)
Sorry about that :)
@rdlowrey I don't see any commit?
pushing in 30 seconds :)
Sorry @rdlowrey quick question...
$injector = new Provider();

// setup user
$injector->alias('Examinr\\Auth\\User', get_class($user));
> Cannot share class examinr\auth\user, it has already been aliased to Examinr\Auth\User
$injector->alias('Examinr\\Presentation\\Theme\\Loader', get_class($theme));
works just fine TM
@PeeHaa you don't have another alias for Examinr\Auth\User?
Nope my code is just like above. I do that right after creating the auryn instance
The way you are asking this gives me the feeling I am doing something stupid for some reason :P
@PeeHaa is Examinr\Auth\User an interface or a concrete class?
Concrete thing
That not allowed?
concrete are injected without any help
No, it's allowed, but why are you bothering to alias it?
Uhhhhmm good question
49 secs ago, by PeeHaa
The way you are asking this gives me the feeling I am doing something stupid for some reason :P
You should only need to alias something if it's an interface or abstract class that you want to associate with a concrete implementation
ahum yeah
Thanks both :)
auryn is smart enough to inject the right class if it's concrete
I mean, auryn's developer was smart enough to think about that. hehe
Thanks again both support hotline
@PeeHaa not really...
@FlorianMargaine Which one? The problem part or the stupid part :P
@PeeHaa both
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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