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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Oh, right, it's a double
@QuolonelQuestions Try var_dump. You'll likely see float() there
@QuolonelQuestions Time to upgrade to PHP 7!
Anybody great with Laravel here? I'm having a routing issue...
@Martin feel free to just ask, rather than asking to ask. But also, there usually isn't any Laravel people here.
Ok I have this code snippet in my routes.php. The aim is to have certain domains (as specified in $domainList) to be processed as defined in the group, and other requests will go through the rules following this code snippet
Right now all requests go through that code block, rather than only domains in $domainList
Not sure if this is a good way to do this honestly
A useful collection of free Springer-Verlag books on mathematics - gist.github.com/bishboria/8326b17bbd652f34566a
Actually that Route::group call isn't working at all.. If I set it, all requests go through that group regardless of if they match or not...
1 hour later…
anyone here?
@SagarNaliyapara Good Morning
Very good morning...:-)
how's winter going on there??
and about xmas??
@Sean You're the last person who has said mercurial in this room, therefore you are now the designated mercurial expert. I want to grab just the latest version of some repo as fast as possible, as it's being used by travis-CI. With git I'd use shallow clone, or with github grab a tarball directly. Do you know if that's possible for a given hg repo like hg.code.sf.net/p/graphicsmagick/code
hello @Danack
Q: Two left join with same table with addselect() in laravel ORM

Sagar NaliyaparaController: $warehouse_transfer = WarehouseTransfer::mySelect(array('date', 'from_warehouse_id', 'to_warehouse_id')) ->where('warehouse_transfer.id', $id) ->first(); Model: public function scopeMySelect($q, $columns = array()) { $q->addSelect("warehouse_tra...

@SagarNaliyapara i don't know laravel
no problem @AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0
if anyone knows please help me
    hello every 1
    Is there a way to submenu to another submenu?
    Something like

  add_submenu_page('cpm_projects', __('QuickBook', 'cpm'), __('QuickBook', 'cpm'), 'manage_options', 'quickbook', array($this, 'quickbook_menu'));
   add_submenu_page('quickbook', __('QuickBook Settings', 'cpm'), __('QuickBook Settings', 'cpm'), 'manage_options', 'quickbook_settings', array($this, 'quickbook_menu'));
morning tereško
@tereško have you read Code Geass?
I have heard a lot of good things about it
but never got around to reading/watching it
(also, I tend to stick with mangafox.me, because it has a way for registered users to track the new released of mangas that you have read .. bookmark system, reald-later stuff, etc.)
So coooooold
@Epodax, what the hell are you doing. It's like 7AM in central europe.
go back to sleep
I'm at work.
And it's cold outside, my hands are numb
yeah, it's like -10°C in LV
0/10 would not go outside again :_:
.. the extended autumn was kinda nice, yeah, but it's over now
it's 33 celcsius here
I can just hope it'll stop being so windy before I have to walk home
@tereško Besides, you're not much better being up at this point yourself :)
I wish I could've taken some vacation between Christmas and New year, but I only have 3.5 days left of it, and I need to conserve them like a squirrel trying to hide it's nuts.
10 week old puppy vs giant, gentle, clumsy oaf ... https://t.co/WSP1XsB0t7
@JoeWatkins so sweet
they appear to get on really well at the moment ...
not so much with little jack (russell) ... jack isn't sure what to make of him, and won't play with him ...
I stopped at 2 dogs
we're stopping at three ...
also, two are tiny terriers ... between them, even when puppy is fully grown, they won't eat as much as the big dog does on his own ...
we buy the dog food in germany, it's much cheaper than what we find in France
and for better stuff in it
the big dog will eat literally anything, even vegetables, raw ... but we had a really hard time finding something that really agreed with him, made him regular and whatever ... we buy Wagg and Winalot, but buy it in such bulk that it's pretty cheap really, only a few pounds a month more than really cheap no-brand stuff
@JoeWatkins heh, my dogs are the same
only veggie they don't like is salad
the only kind of salad you get in my house, is "salad" accompanying burgers, he'll eat that, one whole burger at a time ...
doesn't chew on stuff, or eat things that aren't food, but got the appetite of ten men ...
Is that a Mastiff @JoeWatkins ?
Morning all.
posted on December 29, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by 360km */

@Epodax yeah, cross shar pei
Sweet :)
Java is dope
@Feeds That is some hunger games level trap right there
@Epodax that's him ^
@JoeWatkins Both yours?
@JoeWatkins What a cutie, makes you want to pet him.
I love big dogs
@JoeWatkins Nice dog :-)
he's great in the house ... he's actually my misses dog, but she can't walk him because he's pulled her over once, and into the road once ... she's physically incapable of dominating him, he's immensely strong .... sometimes he'll decide to lunge for a dog (female usually, he's intact), and I find it difficult to control him too ...
Oh yeah, I can imagine if he suddenly "makes his move" it's tough to keep him in line.
Big dogs can be crazy strong.
yeah, also, leads and whatever are ineffective on him because his skin can move so much, you can't tug him one way or that if he decides to stop and sniff even ...
haven't found a solution to that problem yet, probably just time, he is getting better at doing what he's told ...
that's jack ... he's much different, just sits right there waiting for a chance to lick my face, but will tear the head off anything outside that moves, even things many times his bodyweight (which is about one ounce) ...
You wouldn't say by looking at him.
He looks so peaceful.
@JoeWatkins My dog is pretty strong, and if caught by surprise, she can probably pull me a fair bit
But we trained her not to. We don't dominate her physically, we dominate her mentally.
Unless we give her the signal, she won't chase other dogs or cats or whatever. She will let us know that she spotted something though
@MadaraUchiha Wow, took a lot of training probably?
@Oldskool It took being strict with her when she was young and cute. That's the hardest part.
we didn't have him then :(
@JoeWatkins Yeah, that's why I like getting them young, it's a lot easier to condition them at that age.
Jack is peaceful, even outside, so long as there are no dogs, cats, humans with high visibility clothing on, funny shaped clouds, dustbins, or noisy weather ...
My dog will mercilessly attack other dogs, even in their own territory.
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, if you can discipline them from a young age they probably don't know any better. Although there's still instinct that can kick in :) But it's the ideal situation, your dog not making any moves without your say so.
Being the strongest and baddest will do that.
But she knows her place very well around humans. I wouldn't worry leaving her with a small child for example, she loves kids
I would worry very much however, about leaving her with (even a very young) dog.
the big dog is completely uninterested in humans, unless they come near the house ...
Most dogs don't have territory problems with pups, but with her, I just can't know.
And make no mistakes, we do let her loose if another dog charges to attack her, and she will royally kick their butt, and then the owner would cry and moan, but you didn't tie your dog up, so don't blame me it got too close to a dog that was. vOv
We had that happen more than once (where we live, dogs are too often left untied and unattended)
@JoeWatkins Speaking of which, are you starting to work towards yours?
You only need 300 more points in
I was working at 10k
but trying to just take little sips at internet at the moment, I'm using mobile broadband ... fibre tomorrow ...
@JoeWatkins Do you have any canonicals you've written?
dunno what that is ?
Q: Enhance moderation ability by encouraging excellent content

Madara UchihaI have a proposal, I've been upholding it for quite a while now, and I'd like to share my efforts with the rest of the high (30k+) reputation users. I found a way to both encourage great content and potentially enhance the number of users contributing to the moderation effort we have. Some of th...

@MadaraUchiha i still didn't understand how you derive excellent content i mean on bases of what you derive ???
@SagarNaliyapara It's all relatively arbitrary. But the main points is that it should be accurate, readable, and covers a relatively wide subject really well.
fuck, I'm bored
@tereško How about you write that canonical you promised me about 2 years ago?
that would involve "effort"
It would also eliminate "boredom"
.. dunno, I probably could
@MarkBaker Yes, that's exactly what I wanted ...!
which cannonical MadaraUchiha i would like to put my effort??
@Gordon Hello
php --ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc
Loaded Configuration File:         (none)
Scan for additional .ini files in: (none)
Additional .ini files parsed:      (none)
where the f*ck is the ini file ? (:
there isn't any
php -r "echo ini_get('memory_limit').PHP_EOL;"
from where does this come then?
there are built in defaults
specifically ...
good, thanks guys
btw, @MadaraUchiha, I am not so sure that I could actually write a "canonical" answer describing data mapper pattern. I no longer believe that there is a "single right way" to implement it. I know of at least 3 different approaches an each has it's benefits and caters to different (and somewhat incompatible) styles of architecture
@tereško porque no los dos?
actually it's odd that "ini_get" works without any ini file (:
I don't think "this is how I do it" is a good enough reason to .. and I am not too good at describing the other approaches (especially the way of DDD cult)
@tereško <3
@tereško I don't mind you answering with the way you know of doing things
If you want to be really OK, mention that there are other methods and include links for reference.
@MadaraUchiha I appreciate the idea. It wouldn't make me be more active though and it wouldn't change the amount of debug-my-code questions or dupes that we mostly see nowadays in new questions.
@Gordon More people with higher rep = more people with moderation ability = more crap cleanup.
Also, more canonicals = more good content
It's a situation where everyone wins.
@MadaraUchiha I don't see that happening tbh
just because someone got high rep doesnt mean s/he is also willing to clean up the crap
the motivation for contributing content is a different one than for cleaning up. at least for me.
@Gordon Well, there are four options here
They have/haven't enough rep and they do/don't care about the site.
This takes care of the have/haven't enough rep, not about caring.
But it does solve the case where people caring don't have enough rep.
In short, it can only make things better, almost never worse.
@MadaraUchiha Yes, or they could just answer until they have 10k.
@Gordon Yes, that is a shortcut towards that goal.
A shortcut I'm willing to give to users who put the time and effort into writing a great answer.
@MadaraUchiha you are free to put up bounties on whatever you like.
@Gordon Yup
And that post urges others to do the same.
Whether they actually do it or not, is up to them.
It's not a policy change, and I'm not forcing anyone to do it.
I think I haven't participated in the main site for almost a year now
I have designed a business-card for myself. May please someone tell me its English is correct? ^^
the language is bad (I do not know the terminology for printing and advertising, but those are not the right terms) .. and your choices of colours are terrible (pure white, green, red, violet ... WHY?!)
@lovelight your name and that sun-glass on your ayes (in your avatar) are like a paradox ..!
also, looks like scrap paper, okay for pirate, not okay for advertising company ...
@Shafizadeh I think he has Vishal as his role-model
@Shafizadeh my name premprakash rawat
is that like american native thing? Like: "George, the Charging Chipmunk"
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 the guy on the car: youtube.com/watch?v=VnhAwkH9eZA
lol those are common in south indians movies
how you came across this video??
the magic of internet (somebody linked somewhere)
Good evening
morning @PeeHaa
@tereško Ok I will improve it :-) thanks. And about colors I have to say that looks great in Iran :P
@PeeHaa your mornings do start awfully late the last couple of days, got time off for the holidays? :-)
Yeah I've taken up my hobby of drinking again :-)
@Oldskool I think "skool" is typo ..! You have to write it like this: "school"
@PeeHaa LOL
@Shafizadeh It's a nickname, not a spelling bee ;-)
ah, so you knew it .. ok :-)
@Shafizadeh Yeah, I do :-) It's commonly used with a k as a kind of slang (some examples on UrbanDictionary). But thanks for thinking along.
Just like the way it looks with a K better ;-)
..how I hate when co-workers ask googlable questions..
@SergeyTelshevsky there is another level above that: they ask googlable question and the argue with you, when you answer
@Shafizadeh I am talking about that terrible white-with-shadow "your advertising with us" text at the top and those coloured bullet-points at the bottom
and I dont even want to touch the "too many fonts" and "silly icons in 3 different styles" parts
Ah I see ..! eemm yeah maybe that shadow makes it ugly.
there is one rule of design that I as a developer remember very well: never use #000 of #FFF in anything
pure white and pure black clashes/conflicts with everything
Agreed, they hock the eyes in the first look
#666 is the best colour
it should be used in everything
@tereško where is your goddamn cv :P
@Sean yes, apple-website :-)
Hope everyone had a wonderful xmas!
@Sean where are you from?
@SergeyTelshevsky I missed the "application window". When you told me about it, it was the last day ... and I had just bought HOTAS X .. of course I didn't actually read the ad for two days, and by then it was already over
@Shafizadeh yes, but not in a good way.
who cares, there are always positions available
Can please someone add this tag on SO? and-sql-operator
@Shafizadeh UK
btw, @Shafizadeh, did you finish that second audiobook?
Not finished, but I'm in the middle of that (middle more near to the end)
Also that book is good :-)
May please someone ping me? (I want to close this chatroom, because I need to create a notification)
@Shafizadeh ping
Wonder how Facebook creates toasts without even being on their site
didn't know you could do that with notifications
@Sean all hail html5...
9 hours ago, by Danack
@Sean You're the last person who has said mercurial in this room, therefore you are now the designated mercurial expert. I want to grab just the latest version of some repo as fast as possible, as it's being used by travis-CI. With git I'd use shallow clone, or with github grab a tarball directly. Do you know if that's possible for a given hg repo like http://hg.code.sf.net/p/graphicsmagick/code
@Danack I'll go ahead and vote of no-confidence myself out of that role :P
Been using mercurial for half a year now, but haven't needed to pull down just the source without the VC overhead. Afraid I don't know, but you might have figured it out since you asked :p
The github.com/nikic/FastRoute is great. I use smth similar to github.com/nikic/FastRoute/issues/66 to generate the URL but it is not quite handy to use patterns. As nikic said "I wouldn't know how to integrate URL generation into the project as it currently is. We'd at least need named routes for that to reasonably work.". It is not about to change in near future. What are your suggestions? Stick to the method? Other router?
I have a question to the guys using dependency injection, it's in this paste: https://ideone.com/wRgeI1
can someone suggest something?
am I overthinking?
@Sean not yet, though apparently it's less important than I thought, as the project it's needed for is actually sane, and testing against their dev branch isn't required, unlike ImageMagick where I've been picking up errors that they have missed.
@SergeyTelshevsky imo, that's fine as it is, for most applications. There's no 'behaviour' involved and it's fine to couple constants across an application.
At least as far as DI goes. From a domain driven development perspective, why do you have a generic setStatus method?
If you separated it into changeStatusToX(), changeStatusToY(), changeStatusToZ() methods, and internally used the constant, it would have clearer meaning where you're using it, and hide the implementation details.
s/set/change/ because of clearer semantics.
Yeah, I'd go with Danack's solution. Otherwise I (as an outside coder) have to go look up a status code every time I want to change status
and that's not really dependency injection
@Andrea You're really fighting for having slow enums? :-(
Like, we won't be able to inline enum objects and always need to do slow class fetches etc.
@Danack same goes from other perspectives too :P
@SergeyTelshevsky the class constants are better only used internally
but you are missing something: you dont need to use the classname to access the constant 3v4l.org/QeUXb
@Danack yeah, I didn't want to bloat the class with excess methods. As to setStatus methods - just as an example.
and, if your class has like 20 statuses, having a generic setStatus() method would probably be a more pragmatic approach
"I didn't want to bloat the class with excess methods." - you're implying that 'more than the bare minimum' is bloat.
@tereško really.. I have totally forgot about that..
@Danack not everyone brings burnt offerings to the altar of DDD
@tereško fyi, I really don't appreciate it when anyone makes snarky comments like that.
yesterday, by Danack
@thEth I need to write a blog post on this, but the short version is if you need to be able to refer to routes by name, because you are using abstract plugins, then you will need to use some sort of RouteManager. If you aren't, then you should "Just use some functions"™.
Are you writing plugins that need to be able to refer to routes by name? If not, just use functions.
@Danack correct me if I'm wrong but isn't writing an additional method with the only purpose to avoid using a hardcoded string a bit too much? using a class constant seems like a good practice, but defining a method that itself should use a constant..
@Danack what can you say about @tereško's suggestion 3v4l.org/QeUXb ?
@SergeyTelshevsky It depends on your exact use case - but generally no. As you're finding it means that you don't have to worry about that coupling and can just get on with your life.
@Danack post would be nice :) not at the moment. Yes, I am using the function that refers to route by pattern but it feels a bit overkill to remember the precise pattern for every route.
@SergeyTelshevsky It's a bit stupid. The coupling is still there, it's just been pushed down a level so that it's harder to see and/or reason about. Either have the coupling there, but in a simple way (i.e. directly using the constant), or remove the coupling by using more methods with specific names.
@Danack sure it always depends on the circumstances, but if there are 20 'status' variations, 20 methods to only set status value hurts readability
@Danack where's the coupling? the only downside I see is that you can't be sure it's there even if you code using an interface
@SergeyTelshevsky No.......the problem there is that you have 20 different statuses. Again, that is the readability problem. Having just a single method kind of hides the problem - but it doesn't really make the code easier to read.
@SergeyTelshevsky there is one problem that I have with status-constants: you always have to look for them. The best option is not have they public API interacting with them at all. From academic point of view, those statuses signify the internal state, which you are leaking to the outside.
@SergeyTelshevsky "$test = new Foo;" - right there. But because it's being done at a different level (either app config or the higher code) it's harder to see.
@Danack that was an example, if you pass $test via __construct to the consumer then that will be decoupled
@Danack that is not "tight coupling". It's a concession to make to code functional. In a real-world situation it would be injected by DIC
@SergeyTelshevsky It will be decoupled inside. It would still be coupled wherever you are creating the instance, which might be hidden away in your app config.
> The coupling is still there, it's just been pushed down a level so that it's harder to see and/or reason about.
@Danack but of course you can't decouple everything
@Danack it's "coupled" to the public API
.. for lack of better description
@SergeyTelshevsky as I said:
> Either have the coupling there, but in a simple way (i.e. directly using the constant), or remove the coupling by using more methods with specific names.
Farting about and moving the coupling around to a different layer is just hiding it to make yourself feel better about your code - but doesn't actually improve the code imo.
.. that would make it "coupled to the function name", same way as th previous code was "coupled to name of the constant"
bottom line°is this: this has nothing to do with coupling
@tereško "coupled to the function name" is coding to the public API represented by an interface
yeah, and the constant is public too
@sitilge yeah - don't do that. Just use functions - 3v4l.org/Fa7mv
yeah, I agree it's a much better way
@tereško public constant as in "publicly available" and interface methods as in "suggested way of using" are different things :)
@SergeyTelshevsky my main point was some lines above: doing manual fucking about with statuses kinda leaks the containment of the object. If you can avoid it, leave the status as "only internal" state. If not .. well, having a constant of or function does not really make a huge difference.
Well I figured out something, those notifications which are unread on SO have a pale-blue background color. And I figured out that background color will be hide when you just open list of notifications (not open exactly that notification)
yeah, I understood your points, thanks for the discussion
though having a nice separate function might be good if you like to sprinkle some functional programming style in your code
so is it a bug? ^^ because for example all unread Emails also have a gray background color and that background color never hide except you open the Email
@tereško as some sort of conclusion I come up with: in terms of readability the constants are better and in terms of usability a method, two evils again
in the end, you probably should pick what works better with your IDE's autocomplete
@tereško nice point, I have just thought about setStatus($status) method there, it would be filled with if's if I would add some behavior to the setting process of some statuses
@Danack ehh, it may happen that i have to write a new method for every route (which is kind-of-sad :| when will the post be available? :)
@SergeyTelshevsky setters with side-effects?
aren't they there for side-effects in the first place? validate/mutate/log/etc?
@sitilge "which is kind-of-sad" why? Having a single function that encapsulates a bit of functionality is exactly what functions were designed for....
@sitilge Why do you need it in that project instead of a project which use fastroute?
posted on December 29, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by nullset2 */

anyone know what the 'correct' thing to put in a .travis file is for testing against PHP 7?
    - 7.0
seems to be slower as "7.0 is not pre-installed; installing"
@Danack That should work.
@Oldskool it works - but it's not installed by default aka it sounds like Travis thinks I've asked for something unusual.
@JoeWatkins Fiber?
@JoeWatkins that's quite respectable.
very nice indeed
the upload/ping kinda sucks
also, I just plugged it in, it's bound to improve ... not meant to be connected until tomorrow
yeah ping felt long too
it won't improve that much, I think 80meg is max in theory ...
@Danack Yeah, it does that for my builds too, not too sure why they haven't deployed it as default version yet.
/me has a symmetric 100Mbps
Welcome to my country.
There was a discussion about what would continue to be the stable build of 7, and what would be the nightly build....I think I'll ask travis support...
@sitilge well, I am using the cheapest available :P
@JoeWatkins impressed... I have been using gprs for a month
I had to upgrade from 50Mbps to 100Mbps because the 50-ish was discontinued
@Danack There is a specific "nightly" target, so it would seem obivous that that is the nightly build. 7.0 should be the latest stable version, now that it's officially released and all.
nightly is master @Danack
7.1 currently ...
as a side note: your are third latvian in the chatroom, @sitilge
@tereško yeah, I was laughing about it :D
free hint: inviting people to private chats is kinda frowned upon
@PeeHaa did not get this one "Why do you need it in that project instead of a project which use fastroute?"
also, if you need people with FastRoute expertise, you probably would get better results in the current room
@tereško thank you, strange that this functionality even exists then
@sitilge I didn't carefully read the issue, but why do you want to turn the library into something it isn't and as far as I can tell should rather be a layer on top of it?
Or am I missing something?
lol stuxnet sure did it's job :P
really unfair ^
@PeeHaa it was not my intention to do it.
My actual question is: is what you want to do possible by making use of fastroute?
@Shafizadeh Wow... I think my 128k modem back in 2000 was faster than that xD
I feel your pain...
@sitilge correct me if I'm wrong, but all you want is URL generation, right?
He is going on deepweb
@PeeHaa request routing and URL generation
@tereško exactly :)
then the logical question is: do you really need it?
because in my experience, the URL's do not really change with one template
the router-generator combo is only useful, if "changing URL scheme" is common task in project's maintenance (which, TBH, is kinda rare)
@bwoebi the speed hardly matters, I just don't want another primitive type, we have too many already
@bwoebi if you are determined to do this the wrong way, you could use a resource :)
in everyday cases the "URL for editing document" is not really subject to change
@tereško well, if i have pattern like /posts and would like to change it to /news, then I all have to do is change the pattern to /news leaving the route name intact.
but that is not everyday subject, true
well, then you cannot use FastRoute
it does not come with that type of functionality
@tereško may I ask what do you suggest? I may implement the solution @Danack wrote chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/27803003#27803003
@Shafizadeh I have 120/50 on my phone :P
@sitilge it would let you get that functionality, while still using FastRoute. Kinda hack'ish solution, but it would work.
@PeeHaa Yeah but we Dutchies are lucky. We're sitting right on top of some major internet backbone infrastructure, so our lines are privileged :-)
@tereško ok, thank you once again. Probably that is what I am about to use :)
@PeeHaa Good for you ...! Where are you from? You know - Some of my hair got white just for the speed of my internet ..!
1 min ago, by Oldskool
@PeeHaa Yeah but we Dutchies are lucky. We're sitting right on top of some major internet backbone infrastructure, so our lines are privileged :-)
@sitilge Either such an implementation or some other wheel
@sitilge if I would have to implement something like this, I would have used my own routing library (it's a bit different design) and created a separate Generator library, where Router and Generator libs would share a common configuration file ... but it's a time-consuming solution
Bonus points for putting up on github
@PeeHaa still about me?
@PeeHaa who did you aim it at?
Staph ninja posting @tereško and it will be clear :P
... and now I am confused
you probably can feel proud about it now
Everything was directed at @sitilge, but you kept posting in between my message ;)
Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) is an open source network stress testing and denial-of-service attack application, written in C#. LOIC was initially developed by Praetox Technologies, but was later released into the public domain, and now is hosted on several open source platforms. == Use == LOIC performs a denial-of-service (DoS) attack (or when used by multiple individuals, a DDoS attack) on a target site by flooding the server with TCP or UDP packets with the intention of disrupting the service of a particular host. People have used LOIC to join voluntary botnets. The software inspired the creation...
awesome project title
skiddy's tool since 2010
"I want to use of something" or "I want to use something" ?
@Shafizadeh Otherwise it would be "I want to make use of something.". The make is important there. :)
in past few days CCC has been publishing lectures: youtube.com/user/CCCen/videos
I am interested in watching this lecture in particular: youtube.com/watch?v=TfK5tf3ScR4 //cc @ircmaxell
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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