I'd hate to ask this question, since a lot of my questions are rather dumb. But is there a way to emulate PHP7 argument typehints using classes or something so for 'int' make a class called 'int', etc. So that migrating code that uses scalar typehints from <7 to 7 is as simple as removing those classes. or do I just have to add them all in when the time comes?
CakePHP is discussing using it to do what I'm trying to do, but they say it could cause problems with error handlers. I don't use error handlers so I think I'm safe.
For phpunit.de/manual/5.0/en/… if the test covers more than one method do I make two separate @covers annotations or is it comma or whatever separated? I don't see an example of multi-method test use even thought it uses the phrase 'methods(s)'.
@Abe not necessarily - it's possible for all kinds of shit to execute during a test that you're not actually making assertions against the results of, and without @covers you'll get faulty coverage information
I'm having a problem with my date cause it is set to timestamp and on update current_timestamp. I bought an item yesterday and yeterday is 09/30/2015. And it updated the time this day to 10/01/2015. Any help please? thanks
Hi guys, can anyone tell me how to print utf8_unicode_ci database table data? in PHP I am getting ???????? in output. What I need to set.. I am Java Dev.
I have a field (date_ordered). it is set to timestamp on update current_timestamp. my problem is when I ordered yesterday (09/30/2015) or last week. It updates the time by this date (10/01/2015). I dont want it to be updated. If I ordered on that date, I don't want that to update to this date.
question: I have a php web app deployed using codeigniter. then I reinstalled wamp server, when I enter localhost on my browser it says I don't have permission to access my web app. what could possibly went wrong here?
uopz for PHP7 has a new toy ... https://github.com/krakjoe/uopz/blob/seven/disassembler.md #php #php7 #scaryThingsMightHappen ... tests will come ... sometime ..
Is that even possible to use your pthread out of CLI? directly using in our code and run it when user send any request or something like that — user22790452 hours ago
I haven't escaped the problem I wanted to escape ...
grrrr ...
@JoeWatkins uzop needs a php newbie-friendly guide/intro
I have a field (date_ordered). it is set to timestamp on update current_timestamp. my problem is when I ordered yesterday (09/30/2015) or last week. It updates the time by this date (10/01/2015). I dont want it to be updated. If I ordered on that date, I don't want that to update to this date. any idea? help please thanks
Is there a reason to not put this option on? PHP also allows for short open tag <? (which is discouraged since it is only available if enabled using the short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option).
Haha, will be good :) Hopefully we're all rooting for each other and we don't get a complete bell-end like at the PHPSC conference that heckled @Danack ;)
@FlorianMargaine repeat action - check error log - now getting a beep load of PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 2 of 55 bytes in /var/www/fgmuga/includes/bootstrap.inc
@EquinoxMatt You could use a decorator for your logging. Think about it. Your classes have no business of knowing about logging if they can avoid it. Decorate your objects that require logging
Yep, so decorator is a good pattern for that... just name it well. That's how AOP does it, it's just automatic decorating after reading an annotation that requires logging. Problem with this approach is you only log the outputs of those method calls
If you need to log half way through your code executing, you should consider the observer - your object sends data to anything observing it, doesn't care if it doesn't have anything observing it, and you can add / remove an observer (logger) at any time
@MikeM. AJAX is a developers dream, because you can:
Update a web page without reloading the page
Request data from a server - after the page has loaded
Receive data from a server - after the page has loaded
Send data to a server - in the background
@Sajad ajax isnt developers dream bro... you got fucked up when you have to make hundreds of ajax request (i.e. B2B application) and manage other things according to them
I use google translate to write something funny in English and then have it translated to Russian and then spoken out loud, it's what I spend my Friday evenings on.