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@webarto ...47 AKs you?
Land moved a bit, lot's of buried weapons got to surface, heh, including several thousands planted mines.
@rdlowrey I guess you are having some time away from your computer because you actually have some self control/a life, but when you return I would appreciate access to Aerys if possible, I have a cunning plan...
@webarto That's some dark shit. Although I would assume that an earthquake would set most of them off rather than just landing them on the suface.
Also there's an argument that they're mush safer on the surface than they are just under the surface where you can't see them...
Not an earthquake, land slides, rain washed the top layer of dirt and moved 'em.
That pic is just from rain damage? :-S
Yes, yes... some dude found a field and shot them from distance.
/me wonders why this is not making international news in a bigger way
Pretty much no one got unaffected.
By whom, the ones that bombed the countries in question? :P
UK, yay.
Guess I'm not too paranoid, got everything insured, at least it'll cover material costs.
@JoeWatkins move to my place :D
@DaveRandom Care to share?
Maybe over in Two Crowns?
@webarto Actually unable to visit that page, I blocked dailymail.co.uk on the grounds that it is basically raw sewage poured straight on to the internet and my sister used to insist on reading it and I won't have that shit in my house
Still better than CNN and BBC...
@JoeWatkins company gave $5000 to Red Cross.
Also @JoeWatkins, if you need $, I think you can get advanced payment.
@webarto I do rt, it's surprisingly good
Short, mostly objective, to the point...
Where they intersect, there's the truth :D
So what you're saying is... there is no truth?
Is there a German word for when you've left a branch sit too long without being merged back and now it's going to be more work to do the merge, than it would be to redo the code?
git merge master, regularly...
I was out of the loop for 2 weeks from main work, concentrated on specific feature, when I updated, took me 2 days to get stuff working again.
hi farty!
Can anyone advise on a mysql query real quick?
Morning @all
anyone want a laugh at some comments in a question? if so check out stackoverflow.com/questions/23796697/…
@GoldenJoe what's your problem? :)
should I replace it with $array? — user3654967 23 mins ago
@reikyoushin just couldn't answer that question, it was too much for me :)
@reikyoushin and now I fell bad for laughing at it, I like to help people but sometimes....
@dops usually i like to help people, but it depends if i feel like they are worth it (because sometimes i feel like they didn't exert any effort)
I know what you mean. It feels like it cheapens the hard work people have put into learning how program.

I did go back and start answer explaining how to understand the error message though but the question was closed before I finished typing :)
1 hour later…
Can anyone help me to solve this stackoverflow.com/questions/23782987/…
@Jenz surely if you load the english array first any other languages will overwrite when they have a message and not when they don't. Isn't the solution to just load english before any language changes?
how can i do this
@Leri Hi, I did a make test when phpng was just announced, so that was kind of expected :) //cc: @NikiC
Q: Sort array based on value ascending or descending php

Steve Balsmy array is Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 2 [3] => 3 [4] => 4 [5] => 5 [6] => 6 ) start value is = 3 Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => 4 [2] => 5 [3] => 6 [4] => 0 [5] => 1 [6] => 2 ) any idea friends..

good moanings
@Jack it's that idiot who thinks he can speak franch again :)
@Jenz I've added a comment to your question
@dops it's frensch
@khaverim lol :)
booking.com runs on Perl ... who would've thought :)
a lot of stuff in .co.uk runs on perl too
anyone have an idea why this jquery-generated form is closing prematurely on me? stackoverflow.com/questions/23798248/…
hi good morning everyone....
I have a query in magento. can anybody help me?
The problem is
I want to add two newsletter in my magento site. one is in header and other is in footer. can anybody tell me how to do that?
can anybody help me?
@J0eWatkins poor guy (in the news article)
da fak
jquery and magento .. did I enter the wrong room ?
morning I have a general question?My pal insists that nodejs is better than php.In terms of handling asynchronous requests,multithreading etc. Is this really true?
hello. Can anyone help me with a SQL statement?
@GoldenJoe shoot maybe I can
pretty terrible yeah
@GotalovePHP Okay, here's the situation. I have two tables: ORDERS, which has userID, mediaID, and timePlaced. The second table is SKIPPEDMEDIA which contains userID and mediaID
@GotalovePHP node is single threaded (meaning, it doesn't multithread, at all)
@GoldenJoe ok
@JoeWatkins does that mean it uses less resources per request?
from my only experience I can tell that nodejs was crashing a lot , but that was like 4 years ago and node was new
you are asking meaningless questions to be honest ....
@GotalovePHP The goal is to retrieve the mediaID from ORDERS that does not have a userID matching the $userID variable that will be passed to it, and also does not have an entry in the SKIPPEDMEDIA table (combination of skippedmedia.userID matching $userID and skippedmedia.mediaID matching orders.mediaID)
@tereško havent used it myself but I've seen him use it and its seems to run quite smoothly
So basically, grab all the orders that a user has not already skipped or placed himself.
i was helped! hoorah! always put a <form> OUTSIDE of a <table>, for general reference. good morning and good night
@GotalovePHP try it out, see what you think. Also maybe you would like youtube.com/watch?v=CN0jTnSROsk
Some things are good for some stuff
there is no one language, but node is surrounded by hype .... your friend prefers it because he doesn't know how it works ... as a matter of fact, 8 cores downloading and processing information is faster than one doing it in a non-blocking way, because there's nothing stopping 8 cores downloading content non blocking and processing it asynchronously in php, something that node cannot even do ...
@RonniSkansing For a moment I thought you had shared the video that states "if you use node, you're an idiot" ;-)
I saw it yesterday
Made me giggle
@RonniSkansing will do but am still learning vb.net
@JoeWatkins am gona jus copy paste your argument :-P
Well do not worry about it then. =] I use NodeJS quite alot but it is mostly for tasks locally
Any idea, goat?
@GoldenJoe let me see
I guess there's promises actually, but I'm not sure of their implementation details, JavaScript is meant to be single threaded and node is single threaded, not sure how or if futures get around that, they probably do not .... a javascript stack can behave much like co-operative threads do, it's probably that ...
how about select mediaid from orders inner join skipped media on skippedmedia.userid = order.userid where userid <> "userid"
disclaimer: I don't see the point in node, writing server side applications in javascript will never ever make any sense to me ...
is that it?
@JoeWatkins - JavaScript futures/promises are just a nice flow control rather than using callbacks. Single threaded, yes, but you can ask things to run out-of-order.
hehehe you a true php die hard @JoeWatkins
no, I know other languages and know when to use them ...
@JeremyJStarcher yeah I thought so, is a normal js stack ...
Bookmarking your link @RonniSkansing
Its a nice video, some js ranting, some Reactor pattern ranting and finally some module ranting =]
@GoldenJoe is that wat you meant?
Lemme try...
you know, it's not just javascript that it doesn't really make sense to write server side applications in ...
I could probably write a server in CSS.
if i have my way, and I'm setting out to design a new system, I don't use php for serious server side stuff, php is very good at some things, but I have better options available if we are thinking about writing complex system services to support websites ...
No dice
php is good at websites ... but that's about it ... websites can be of great complexity. but you don't build systems from websites, you build them from servers and infrastructure and design websites around it ...
@Jack no way thats possible
@JoeWatkins whats your progrmming 'poison'?
@GoldenJoe u mean it dint work?
@GotalovePHP no clue what that means ...
It didn't...I'm not sure a join works here since I'm trying to use the second table to exclude results from the first
If I do this:
SELECT mediaID from orders
WHERE userID != '1331618577'
@JoeWatkins I mean what prog language you prefer for building systems?
it depends on the system doesn't it ... there is no one language ...
it gives me all the possible mediaID from orders. I just need to remove the mediaIDs that are also part of a mediaID/userID pair in the other table
Which I get with
SELECT mediaID from skippedmedia
WHERE userID = '1331618577'
also, it's pretty rare that one of those would be one language, in the end ... every language has limits
what if you use a left join
I tried a left join like this:
SELECT * FROM orders
INNER JOIN skippedmedia
ON orders.userID != skippedmedia.userID
WHERE orders.mediaID != skippedmedia.mediaID
AND '1331618577' = skippedmedia.userID
AND '1331618577' != orders.userID
But it doesn't work
Er, wait
@GoldenJoe thats innerjoin
Yeah I pasted the wrong one
replace inner with left join
SELECT * FROM orders
LEFT OUTER JOIN skippedmedia
ON orders.userID != skippedmedia.userID
WHERE orders.mediaID != skippedmedia.mediaID
AND '1331618577' = skippedmedia.userID
AND '1331618577' != orders.userID
ORDER BY orders.timeplaced ASC
consider setting up a sqlfiddle
@GoldenJoe what @RonniSkansing said
Oh neat. Yes, I'll set that up. One sec
you build systems you tend to push those limits before expanding your budget, so for example if I'm doing something in java and I find it to be awkward/slow/unreliable, I might know of a solution in C, or know how to write it myself, but since JNI is so awkward I'll move a part of the system to a C solution, another service or whatever ... similarly if I'm writing in C# and there is a nicer solution in a dll somewhere I might use PInvoke to invoke that native functionality ...
@JoeWatkins how many languages are you good at dude?You sound quite confident in your skills
or switch to some C++ ... you shouldn't go into a project thinking "I'm going to do this in ____"
@JoeWatkins your now speaking some native tongue am still basic hope to get there eventually
@JoeWatkins Yeah, we've had some major issues with JNI as well.
The correct output for user 1331618577 should be the row orders.orderID = 4
@JoeWatkins I understand what you are saying, but man can that make bringing another coder onto a project difficult.
it's the worst ... it's never worth it ...
@JeremyJStarcher that's not my problem, I am a programmer, I program ... someone else does human things and hires people, their problem ...
find the right people ...
we tried to write a Java wrapper around a C++ project, but when C++ code crashes inside JNI it tends to take down the whole stack =(
you cannot setup exception handling ?
or you mean faults ?
@GoldenJoe SO YOU WANA INSERT That as userid.forgive the caps not shouting
well, it deals with video codecs that can be somewhat unstable at times it seemed
dbg your shit ... but yeah, it's incredibly difficult to really use ... it all looks good on paper ...
ah well then move it out ...
No, I have a script which will take a userID as input...in this case 1331618577
I think I've used it about two times successfully to call extremely simple code ...
Yeah, I wrote a wrapper in C++ and designed a simple API that Java could talk to.
That script should output all the orders which that user did not place himself, and that he has not already skipped
every other attempt taught me not to bother trying ...
In that table, there are two orders not placed by that user: orderIDs 2 and 4
@JoeWatkins Btw, how long did it take you to become proficient in php-src internals?
That user has also skipped one order: mediaID 720677288214522527_1331618577 which corresponds to orderID 2
So the only record that should be output by the query is order 4
Maybe something with WHERE NOT EXISTS?
well I already knew C when I started looking, and I was looking since day one of use ... so to know my way around like any other project took me a couple of weeks ...
ok so with this select * from orders where userid !=1331618577 what you have is all orders not used by the user ryt?
not getting this @GoldenJoe
That user has also skipped one order: mediaID 720677288214522527_1331618577 which corresponds to orderID 2
So the only record that should be output by the query is order 4
to write RFC's though is another thing altogether, we can do whatever we like in extensions and internal patches, but RFC's are a different thing, I don't know that I am very good at that and so don't try ... I'll just do code, others are better at the design (and human interaction that follows) aspect so I defer to them ...
SELECT mediaID from orders
WHERE userID != '1331618577'

This returns all the orders not placed by the user. These are all potentially records that we want to show
SELECT mediaID from skippedmedia
WHERE userID = '1331618577'
@GoldenJoe yea and ...?
This returns all the orders that have been skipped by the user. We need to remove any orders with a matching mediaID from the previous query
The idea is to return the records of:
SELECT mediaID from orders
WHERE userID != '1331618577'

but without any of the orders that have been skipped.
Hi there, can anyone please tell me how to make a PHP MySQL mechanism that displays related posts from a table
oh @GoldenJoe now I get ok
Like youtube shows related vids.
And some blogs have related posts...
But, I don't want to plainly match tags on posts... I mean, an article might be tagged as "js" and another one as "javascript", so they are related...
any ideas?
Another example - "php" and "server-side script" and "mysql" should be related...
"mysql" and "mysqli" should be related
@GoldenJoe I may solve it but will be slow
I appreciate it. I'm also still working on it. I will let you know if I figure it out
I think a subquery is the key...I never did them before
Chatroom dont's - 6. Tell us your problem is urgent. It's not going to motivate anyone to help you any faster. Ok, my problem is not urgent...
@AwalGarg What you are describing is hardly trivial.
There are entire systems designed to make good related content, it's not something you can just solve simply and automatically with a mysql table.
@SecondRikudo So how do those systems work?
well ...
someone that's better at maths jump in with the formula, but you can deduce the relationship between tags by their relative frequencies in the database ... that would be one way to do it, right ?
Good mornings All
I have an issue with wordpress/ajax call
can anyone please take a look
here is the thread
@themarchoftheblackqueen Morning, remember, you are here to help others, I am an other...
@AwalGarg no doubt, but i can ask for help as well, as an other, can't i?
@themarchoftheblackqueen I asked first. try to get up early in the morning...
and i think my issue is explained cllear enogh
Ou sorry :)) @AwalGarg
@themarchoftheblackqueen You already have 3 answers. Please...
@AwalGarg Seriously, stop.

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