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@PeeHaa I thought Git issues stay even when the user is deleted, the user just defaults to that ghost one.
also does anyone know who Melvin is? O_o
reading internals and this Sara Goleman sounds like a real whiny defensive bitch
I love PHP internals, it's like a mini reality TV show with so much drama =o)
@crypticツ yeah seems odd indeed
@crypticツ she's really not
I read not as hot, I'm out...
@webarto I did too =oP
1 hour later…
Can someone please help me here: stackoverflow.com/questions/21518433/…
@We'reAllMadHere Why do you want to know that? It might totally change depending on a lot of factors.
Like which mysql version you're using.
1 hour later…
Good morning
Improve all the things!
@cryptic How is moving backlog to Arya going?
@Orangepill was pretty quick
code is up on Github for the new backlog, and a test one is live at dev.cv-pls.com/backlog
not much working in regards to fetching the data yet, since I have not tied them together yet, but working on it =oP
looks snazzy.
It uses config files now, so it's not tied to the PHP tag or the PHP chatroom. Anyone can grab the source edit config to their chatroom of choice and specify tags they want to match, maybe the JS room will pick up on it =oP
I hear they have a lot of crap jQuery questions always in need of being closed
I can only imagine.
javascript has an even lower barrier for entry then php
jquery doubly so
I might change the domain to php.cv-pls.com for this room. So other rooms if they want to jump onboard can get thier own like javascript.cv-pls.com or cpp.cv-pls.com etc
the main site will then be for documentation, the plugin, and whatever else
that's a good idea..
My goal is to create an army of close voters to wage war against crap content. Blood may be spilled... *evil laugh*
I need to be better about spending my votes... but since I discovered the chat room I rarely go to the main site anymore
I do tend to cv stuff that has been posted here though.
I'd use the review queue more if it wasn't so crappy
Anyone got a good SMTP resource for sending A LOT (8+ Million) emails
Customer wants me to carpet bomb their entire customer base.
For gordon's RFC to pass it needs 2/3 right?
@Orangepill yep
I know! I want it too.
@Orangepill Have you ever attempted to do something like that before? You've got a high risk of getting a domain blacklisted for spam sending that many emails. You might want to look into aws.amazon.com/ses
@Danack similar but not to quite that scale (quarterly mailings of just shy of 1 Million). Having the server black listed is why I would go with an external smtp provider. Is there a danger of having a whole domain blacklisted? I was under the impression that it was servers that where blacklisted.
@Orangepill I meant if enough people click 'this is spam' in gmail, then emails when be marked as spam, rather than the servers themselves being blacklisted. 8 million is a lot...
@Danack gotcha... But I don't see a way around it... it's a legit mailing to announce a new membership benefit. The 8 MM would be for the rollout of the new feature then there would be monthly new member emails. Maybe I can talk them into a phased rollout
hi all, I have problem with url rewrite in php.
@DanLugg can you help me?
@Orangepill how solid is the unsubscribe button in the email? If you are going to send them on a regular basis then you may need to use mailchimp.com which will get really expensive.
@Muhammad please read the room description, top right of page under the word PHP
@danack remailing to the same individual wouldn't be in the cards... just one shot to each member existing then new.
@crypticツ you mean the problem is not relevant to this room
@Orangepill Just realised mailchimp also do 1 shot emails for $1/1000.
@Muhammad READ the description and follow the instructions on it
@Danack cool... I'll throw that in the hat with the proposal...
@crypticツ where can I discuss this? I have problem in my php code.
@Muhammad Think she is referring to this in particular.... basically just ask the question
^ that
Saying you have a problem without actually asking a question with the neccesary info is useless.
Randomly pinging someone if they can help is also useless
They have nothing to go on
@Muhammad Why not post your question on stack and send us a link of it?
sorry. new here.
Q: URL rewriting with php sending value to query

MuhammadI have the following php it works fine, and open the detail.php page with correct id. <a href="contents/details.php?b_id=<?php echo $business["id"]; ?>" style="text-decoration:none; color:#000;"><h1 style="text-transform:capitalize; margin-bottom:5px;"><?php echo $business["name"]; ?></h1></a> ...

@Muhammad Your problem is you have an unescaped security hole in your mysql query.... that should be addressed first before you do anything with rewrites
@Orangepill can you suggest any thing to learn about this,
You should be using prepared queries with either mysqli or pdo.... mysql_* functions are deprecated and they way you are using them here is leaving you wide open for sql injection attacks
@Muhammad to illustrate the problem imagine if I went to contents/details.html?b_id=something-1;drop table tbl_category.html
@orangepill thanks, but at this time I need someway to remove the error, by url rewriting.
@orangepill to protect from sql injection what is the best way?
@Muhammad Use Prepared queries in one of the DB libraries that support them... either PDO or mysqli
@Muhammad the best way to see what your sql looks like is to echo out $selectQuery in your function.
then you will be able to back into your problem.
@Muhammad I've read some of the answers and comments there, your MySQL is generating an error coz of this line region.id=b.region WHERE b.id = ". $business_id;
You need to wrap the $business_id in quotes because it's a string and not an integer
@user007 thanks, let me check.
And yes like @Orangepill said, please use escape functions to clear any invalid input from the GET parameter
If PDO is off the table then at least do mysql_real_escape_string.
@user007 the b.id is not string / character its numeric
but you are passing a string in the URL?
echo the $business_id and see what it prints
Ah, I see you are rewriting, well I'm not into mod_rewrite, did you try the answers posted?
@user007 here is the rule: RewriteRule ^b_id-([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)-([0-9]+).html$ contents/details.php?b_id=$2
@user007 without the RewriteRule the following php : <a href="contents/details.php?b_id=<?php //echo $business["id"]; ?>" style="text-decoration:none; color:#000;"><h1 style="text-transform:capitalize; margin-bottom:5px;"><?php //echo $business["name"]; ?></h1></a>
@user007 generate this url : localhost/sbd/contents/details.php?b_id=62 and there is no problem. but I couldn't manage to include the $business['name'] in URL
@Muhammad FYI sql injection is a plague. Your rewriting rule doesn't weight as much as dumping all your password content on the screen, IMO
@happy you are right but at this time, I need to correct URL. generating error.
@Muhammad what challenge you?
@happy I am writing some friendly URL, all others are ok, but this link is sending a value to the next page.
did you fix sql error on line 1 of your function?
If I get it properly you tried to tie a string to a variable supposed to receive a int which caused your function to dump information on every businesses but it could not because of the way you set your array.
@happy but its ok, when I send only bussiness_id on that link.
@Muhammad what do you mean exactly?
@happy here is the rule: RewriteRule ^b_id-([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)-([0-9]+).html$ contents/details.php?b_id=$2
without the RewriteRule the following php : <a href="contents/details.php?b_id=<?php //echo $business["id"]; ?>" style="text-decoration:none; color:#000;"><h1 style="text-transform:capitalize; margin-bottom:5px;"><?php //echo $business["name"]; ?></h1></a>
@user007 generate this url : localhost/sbd/contents/… and there is no problem. but I couldn't manage to include the $business['name'] in URL
technically speaking your css is hiding your h1 title content
@happy let me check without <h1>
@happy the same problem without <h1>
@happy the code sends both business_name and business_id, and the query on next page need only id. so the following error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'is-name--62' at line 1
morning @Gordon
@crypticツ hello :)
@Gordon Do you think the RFC would have gotten better support if it was being voted on in it's entirety?
@crypticツ maybe. but for the whole thing it would have needed a consensus what should be in it
hi guyz
anyone familiar with php pecl maths stats package?
@Gordon @crypticツ @happy @Muhammad ????
@prashu132 don't randomly ping people
If someones wants to reply and help they will
@prashu132 what @crypticツ said
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, Jan 30 at 15:14, by Some Guy
@PatsyIssa When I was on a flight once, this woman next to me got really scared when she found out I was a Muslim. I laughed so hard that my grenades nearly fell out of my pockets.
@Wes lol
@happy this function is called on next page: public function getBusiness($business_id) { // If business id null then this function returns whole businesses.
$selectQuery = "SELECT b.name, b.description, b.address_1, b.address_2, b.location, b.ph_office, b.ph_cell, b.fax, b.email, b.website, b.image, b.image_1, b.image_2, b.image_3, b.contact_person, city.name as city, cat.name as category, country.name as country_name, region.name as region_name FROM tbl_business as b INNER JOIN tbl_city as city ON city.id = b.location INNER JOIN tbl_category as cat ON cat.id = b.category_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
@Wes haha Islamaphobia =oP
@Muhammad What is with all the string replacements of ^?
@cryptic don't know someone else work on it.
@cryptic this function require $business_id, but we want some friendly URL, so the link also send business_name.
@Muhammad ok, that still does not explain all the sting replacements of ^
@cryptic @happy here is the link: <?php $seo_name = preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9]+/', '-', strtolower( $business["name"] ) ) ?>

<a href="contents/details.html?b_id=<?php echo $seo_name; ?>-<?php echo $business["id"]; ?>" style="text-decoration:none; color:#000;"><?php echo $business["name"]; ?></a>
@cryptic these replacements only to replace ^ and single quotes.
@Muhammad please format your code: chat.stackoverflow.com/faq#formatting
good night
@Muhammad to replace ^ with '? But why?
Why is ^ even part of the string?
@Muhammad those aren’t quotes, they are backticks `
@crypic is this formatted now?
@Muhammad just use pastebin.com
2 messages moved to Trash can
@cryptic ok
make sure you check PHP as language so it syntax highlights so easier for us to read it.
morning patrons of room 11 :)
oh still morning there?
here is morning 11.35am
@crypticツ are you going to sunshinephp?
Morning Joe
@Gordon It's still in Miami, that's a 6hr drive. I can't afford the conference or the trip. Not to mention I sadly can't ever go on vacation because my pets would die otherwise. I know, I need to stop adopting animals.
but cats! =oD
moin @RonniSkansing
My coworker is sick today... seems it will be a solo from bed today.. me bakes
good morning (cannot sleep, too much caffeine)
monring @Ocramius
(/me wonders if the word morning will even exist in +100 years)
@JoeWatkins lol
Life good Joe?
I still need to understand outlook's stupid security policies
web access locked from 9 PM to 8 AM...
^ agh )=/
@Ocramius I like to use 7z to bypass attachment restriction. It has a nice *.7z extension Microsoft doesn't understand
seems like someone didn't understand the internets while designing security rules here...
@cryptic please check this pastebin.com/QFeinTjC some detail info about the problem.
Morning all
@Fabien ping
@Muhammad looks pretty dangerous, does the data get sanitized?
I have to save base64 encoded 15 mb image into database
the code which worked for small image sizes is now throwing error
@udaysagar that is sad, maybe it's time for refactoring ;)
Connect Error (0)
@Muhammad Why are you creating an SEO string to just end up putting it into a non-SEO link?
yea @happy
but where to do that refactoring exactly is my question?
i used longtext column name
do i need to change this to hold such a long string?
@RonniSkansing not bad, body clk gone strange, keep waking up at 1am and 4am every morning, so pretty dang tired most the time, adjusting I guess ... urself ?
@cryptic couldn't understand?
@Muhammad look at line 6
Also an SQL syntax means two things, your query is wrong, or you are not properly sanitizing the values supplied to it
@udaysagar I don't know what is long string. Anyway, you store large data in BLOB and, in perfect world, you don't save big data in db at all.
@cryptic I just want a url like domainname/business_name/business_id
@cryptic before that its ok with domainname/business_id=12
@udaysagar IMO: use a image path instead of storing the image in the db
@JoeWatkins well not much. Company is running on low throttle these days. Spending some of my time on learning a couple new things.. So okay.. The winter sometimes make my body clk go strange. Hope it sorts itself out, i had sleep deprivation some years ago, like months with no sleep at night and hardly a couple in the days... dunno, the best thing for me back then was to try and just enjoy the time i was awake even if i "should" be sleeping =]
@cryptic this link goes ok. pastebin.com/VtvzEV9R
@Leri I don't think the world we are living is perfect! (just kidding)
@RonniSkansing I think it's because I'm trying to stick to 9-5 hours, I haven't done that for years and years ... if I can't adjust in another couple of weeks I'll just have to change my hours to something more suitable I guess ...
@udaysagar That's not my business unless I'll have to maintain that project (which I highly doubt). ;)
Seriously, save encoded data in file system and in database store pointer to it.
@JoeWatkins perhaps a flex times would be in order. Much better for "not A" humans (like me). I guess it just is not everywhere such a thing would be possible
Studies also show that our brains still need time to wakeup on early "regular" hours and postponing could have a positive sideeffect (especially thinking about children and school)
@ronniskansing we have to manage time, some time for family, some for others, some for play , pray ...
@ronniskansing the employer want our full time
@Muhammad I am my own employter.. =] but i get you.
SELECT * FROM foo, bar WHERE foo.id = 1
So I'm trying to check if an object instance is serializable by doing a simple check such as var_dump(unserialize(serialize($this->backlog)) == $this->backlog); this returns boolean true, now if I do var_dump(unserialize(serialize($this->backlog)) === $this->backlog); note the type comparison, it returns boolean false. Why would the type change?
How do you refer to that syntax?
@ronniskansing in my country its common, opening time is 8am but no closing time.
@Muhammad so you get in at 8am and work until ?
@Leri Yes I am about to do that. But generally what is the datatype to hold large encoded image data
@ronniskansing I am freelancer...
@ronniskansing so resigned. this is unknown may be 6pm, may be 10pm
@crypticツ eval.in/97445 woops, early ...
they are not physically the same object, which is the comparison you request on objects with ===
Can anyone here assist in installing php-mysqlnd on centos?
@udaysagar BLOB
@Muhammad oh okay. I looked into freelancing before, but have not really tried it out. Like whenever i look at the jobs, it is always low pay for a job with a 100% feature creep after completion.
btw i hate customers who feature creep.. but maybe freelancing is not so bad when you been at it for a while?
I mistakenly removed php-mysql from my server and naturally my entire website is down.
@JoeWatkins oooh. So I'm safe to assume this object is being reliably serialized then of the == is true?
SELECT * FROM foo, bar WHERE foo.id=1 <-- this is a left join?
@ronniskansing you are right but, need to do for living...
@m59 no, this is inner join
good morning room
head explodes
@ajon that caused me wake up Oo
I just read that mysql doesn't support inner joins =D
@crypticツ yep
inner join is join, when both tables have corresponding entries.
@AlmaDo does that mean you can help?
that's why WHERE clause is equal to inner join
@ajon You should tell us how you made that mistake, so we don't mistakenly do it as well. =oP
@Leri used longblog
So, is there a name for that syntax?
but couldn't hold 15 mb file
seeing "Connect Error (0)"
and nm about what I read, I think it was outer join
I've read php 5.4 comes with mysqlnd installed and set as the default mysql driver.
@m59 which?
The query I wrote ^
however it seems to be incompatible with centos 6.4 natively.
you need to realize what JOIN is
@udaysagar dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/blob.html And you are not about to store data in file system. :)
morning @AlmaDo
It's an inner join, but how would I refer to that way of writing one rather than the other way (with INNER JOIN)
so when I tried to install php-mysqlnd IT didn't work, so I think i did yum remove php-mysql
and why SELECT from two tables with WHERE clause is equal to INNER join
morning, @JoeWatkins
Whatever the case, I no longer have a php driver installed and my website is down.
n @Leri morning u ... morning all [case I missed any more ppl arrive :)]
A guy is fighting with me any saying that PHP 5.4 is unstable you should use PHP 5.3 instead. What should I answer him
@ajon just re-install mysql again ...
Morning, @JoeWatkins
@ajon could you revert your system to a previous state? Do you have a system backup?
@ajon So why don't you do the opposite of that?
when I do yum install php-mysql I get the same errors:
Error: Package: php-5.4.24-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Requires: libcrypto.so.10(libcrypto.so.10)(64bit)
Error: Package: php-cli-5.4.24-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Requires: libcrypto.so.10(libcrypto.so.10)(64bit)
Error: Package: php-cli-5.4.24-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Requires: libssl.so.10(libssl.so.10)(64bit)
Error: Package: php-5.4.24-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Requires: libcrypto.so.10(OPENSSL_1.0.1)(64bit)
Error: Package: php-cli-5.4.24-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
^ ooops
@BasicBridge answer him with a link to the stable version of PHP 5.4
disable the remi repo temporarily
assuming you are using php from centos and not remi
it doesn't matter what we set as default, the package maintainers are responsible for the defaults for their operating systems, they don't go by what we do and never really have ...the fastest thing to do is put the package back ... if you want to look at using mysqlnd then don't do it on a live website !!!
(sheepishly) I am kinda ignorant to some of this stuff... I am using rhel6 but I don't know what that means. I understand that is different than remi repo.
@ajon centos is like the free version of paid red hat
nano /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo
change enabled = 0
@JoeWatkins I know, rookie mistake right?! How can I reinstall php-mysql
yum install php-mysql
@BasicBridge that's still 5.3. my1.php.net/downloads.php.
@andho Yes but they have encouraged to use php 5.4 in that link, also saying that php 5.3 has end of life cycle
@JoeWatkins I still get:
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: php-5.4.24-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Requires: libcrypto.so.10(libcrypto.so.10)(64bit)
Error: Package: php-cli-5.4.24-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Requires: libcrypto.so.10(libcrypto.so.10)(64bit)
Error: Package: php-cli-5.4.24-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Requires: libssl.so.10(libssl.so.10)(64bit)
Error: Package: php-5.4.24-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Requires: libcrypto.so.10(OPENSSL_1.0.1)(64bit)
Error: Package: php-cli-5.4.24-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo
@BasicBridge oooh (Y)
name=Les RPM de remi pour Enterprise Linux 6 - $basearch

name=Les RPM de remi de PHP 5.5 pour Enterprise Linux 6 - $basearch
# WARNING: If you enable this repository, you must also enable "remi"
line 5
change all those lines that read enabled=1 to read enabled=0 to be sure (I don't use remi in particular, I build my own) you must disable it to use the default cent repository ...
unless you know what you are doing, don't use rhel repos in centos
they are no the same ...
Oops you're right sorry... I just changed it to 0 and tried again. and got the same output.
from what I understand Centos 6.4 comes with openssl 1.0.0 and these packages seem to require openssl 1.0.1.
you are using php54 from centos and want to install php-mysqlnd from remi
that's wrong
@JoeWatkins Given my experience the last 2 hours I would say you are right, but can you explain?
btw I REALLY appreciate the help.
@crypticツ still working in Arya?
@RonniSkansing working with yes
@ajon I tried explaining, disable that remi repository and yum will use the default cent repositories and you will be able to install the package you removed ...
@crypticツ got any gists of your provisions (the $provider->define|alias|make) stuff?
I can take a look at
I saw there was still one remi section that had enabled = 1. so I changed all of them to enabled = 0 then did yum install php-mysql and it said that I needed php 5.3.3 but instead had php 5.4 so I tried yum install php-mysqlnd and it seemed to work.
then I restarted apache and I am still getting the same error.
know how to install ssh keys ? (I'll fix it for you, if you want)
I don't know how...
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA45RF960ogFP77/Iwt6vADnTWb+0neWSaC7j0XWVT1Q4ETSC0temlWIJK70lNqQxT2QV79hDh3MDE7HE5a89mPp8MPJCazYsq+x7glUZp65QWIYIi2/I+kVRomPzDOezCwjzWn7OuK7olw4tRcAuYKQ6zMKMrAVhQc0vjOgsYJ5s= joe@fiji
@Leri why am i unable to insert even using longblob?
any idea?
there's my public key, create or append to the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
@RonniSkansing huh? All my Arya code is here and here and some in here
@crypticツ thanks
Other than that, have not used it anywhere else
it would be extremely bad advice for you to this normally, don't install peoples ssh keys ... but I'm me ... and you can trust me :)
HAHA, I am clearly a little hesitant to do this.
would you be willing to do a join.me meeting with me so you can take control of my ssh shell and I can watch what you are doing?
you should be, it feels wrong ... I can probably fix it in a few minutes, or I can spend another half hour frustrating you and then would have to ditch you to do the school run ...
dunno what that is ...
it is a browser based remote desktop tool
We need magicians in the room!
@ajon i would consider it a huge honour if Joe got on my server and fixed anything. I can understand it feels wrong when you do not know him, but if you did I am sure you would do it
morning everyone
morning ^
sure we can do it your way, so long as it doesn't depend on windows :)
moin @Patrick
sure doesn't... go to: secure.join.me/787-040-120
@ajon Oo .. you're hesitating.. holysh*t :p You should be grateful that @JoeWatkins himself wants to login to your server and fix your problem - it's a rare thing if someone like him has time to spend on such things :p
hi, @Patrick
I think you will have to install something to take control of my computer.
please help me
@raman asp.net != php
@raman really.. 1 min ago and already linked to chat? Oo .. have some patience
@raman if i remember right facebook is not allowd in a iframe..
not working
you have enough people vouching for you... lets do it your way.
@raman you should see something like this in the console log of the browser "Refused to display document because display forbidden by X-Frame-Options."
Seriously, @udaysagar LONGBLOB can hold up to 2^32 - 1 bytes. This is all I can say. How do you think I could know what's going on in your environment?
@joeWatkins ssh installed
hostname ?
@RonniSkansing can you please ellaborate so that i can understand what you want to say
@raman yes
@ajon not using keys
You can not put Facebook in a iframe
write the password in a notepad on your screen, I can see it and it's secure, right ?
change it after ...
is there any way to put it by hook and crook @RonniSkansing
@ajon Your site seems to be broken =oP
username and password for the server?
@happy what you want to say?
you mean to say, i need to go for javascript login button?
@raman use fb api and use javascript to access fb authentication for your site
@ajon the username has to be root [this feels horrible] I need to use yum, and doubt you have the wheel group setup properly, so set a password and gimme that
@joeWatkins can you see that?
will it work for iframes also
[email protected]'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
morning @PeeHaa
@raman no
@joeWatkins Are you viewing my computer?
it looked like you had control...
@Joewatkins is it possible that it isn't allowed to log in as root?
root login could be disabled
should I create a user for you and give you sudo access
root access need to be explicitly written in the config file for joe to have access to it trough ssh
the config file should be in /etc/init.d/ssh
yeah you could do that ...
#PermitRootLogin yes
remove the hash
ok, sorry, I just created a user for you called joe with the same password I showed you before and added you to the sudoers file.
@Gordon Have you seen @MadaraUchiha i need his help? thanks and sorry to bother.
@JoeWatkins, are you in?
Good monday everyone,
For those who are maybe interested; some nice vids I think about last weekend: youtube.com/…

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