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Yeah well turn that into a knowledge of the market you hope to enter into and an ability to pitch your ideas to local investors, even family maybe doesn't matter who, and you are set to go ...
If you are afraid of failure just give up now
but first you need to learn how to analyze your market and all the things I just mentioned ...
I guess I worded that wrong. I am not afraid of failure, I just haven't done this stuff before and I can't rely on abandoning everything else (school etc.) and just going head-on with this thing.
On another note, what do you guys think about Snapchat and WhatsApp?
There are really two things that I am mainly interested in: Web and mobile apps.
Do something useful :)
The little girl is crying yet again:
@PeeHaa埽 You could have corrected me, instead of downvoting or voting to del my posts. — php NoOb 1 min ago
@PeeHaa埽 Don't insult little girls :P
just about anything you can imagine, and most of the thing you can't, I can program, in pretty much whatever language you fancy ... it counts for fuck all, I am involved in (employed as the sole programmer for) a few big projects, one of which is on the list of top 500 domain name sales of all time, pretty close to the top of that list ...
the money made of the back of my skills makes me weep, I'm a fully grown man with rent to pay and two children to feed, I cannot afford to stop and take courses now, I am stuck where I am for the rest of my days as a programmer ... I implore you, if you really want to be successful, then listen to me, learn about marketing, learn all about it, the rest will come or you can pay someone else to do for you ...
@webarto Not a day goes by without that chick whining somewhere to someone
@PeeHaa埽 I'm not even sure what's he doing in that answer comments.
Bitching as usual in a totally stupid place
Would anyone here be willing to offer advise on my musical piece?
@JoeWatkins Tell us more :)
soundcloud link @CCInc?
I'm not saying give up programming, I'm saying that is something you can do whenever, while you are young enough to engross yourself in education make sure you are learning things that are actually useful in real like
Finally this movie is finished. That really sucked
@PeeHaa埽 Please. I already have that user on my tiny avatar list. Don't go around my ignore preferences to subject me to that nonsense :)
"The grey" <-- no need to add that to your "to watch" list
You guys still didn't give me your thoughts on SnapChat and WhatsApp.
OMG that movie sucked. I could've warned you.
it really sucks
@JoeWatkins I wish you courage.
Two hours of your life you'll never get back.
@JoeWatkins I'd say, common mistake is that some young people only concentrate on passing exams, and they eventually finish college, and expect that someone will serve job on a plate, before it comes from your ass to your brain, you're too old.
@DemCodeLines I don't use snapchat and almost never what'sapp :p
@DemCodeLines don't know snapchat, and whatsapp is useful, but crap (security wise)
Well both of them became crazy popular, for literally no reason.
First time uploading to SOundCloud
A: php count the number of strings after exploded

Daryl Gill<?php $string = 'a|b|c|d|e|f'; $tags = explode('|' , $string); foreach($tags as $i =>$key) { $i >0; echo $i.' '.$key .'</br>'; } ?> Try using: echo count($tags); // Output of 6 Arrays start with a key of 0, not one. So when using anything else apart from count, you will constantly...

@webarto obviously, I'm limited in what I can say, that's about it really ... I can say that almost every day I regret throwing away the chance of an education, being young enough to have no worries and immerse yourself in the things that matter I am in envy of, massive envy ...
@PeeHaa埽 le wild $i > 0 appears?
@JoeWatkins so what you are saying is I should focus on marketing?
But I don't even have a product to market!
and if you had a product, it would never see the light of day because you've no idea how to market it ...
I am saying that marketing is so much more important than programming
@webarto Better drink my own piss add some wild $i > 0 in ma codez
engross yourself in the concepts involved in marketing, do programming still, keep practicing, but while you are young enough to focus your efforts like you can at 18 years old, focus on the things that are important, that you cannot learn anytime ...
> while you are young enough to focus your efforts
@JoeWatkins Friend that has hosting business says that economics (college) would have been much more helpful to him than engineering (on which he spent 6 years of life on).
@JoeWatkins Just a question: what's better to do: create some threads which get the tasks from one stackable (unshift) ... or create a worker and put stackables into it?
@PeeHaa埽 It looks like we're too old to be able to focus on anything useful. We should just give up.
you don't need tuition from a professor of computer science in order to program, but you do need the expertise of someone qualified in business, take full advantage of that ...
@PeeHaa埽 @rdlowrey oldfags :P
@rdlowrey Man. I gave up once I first came into this room ;)
You guys just mumble some shit about RFC and HTTP specs.
Ah nice Arachnophobia. That has been a while :P
Go play chess and feed pigeons or something.
So you're saying I should change my major from computer science to marketing, now?
If you name-drop an RFC every now and then people just assume you know what you're talking about.
RFC == Instaleet
RFC 1337 ... the only RFC that really matters.
TIME-WAIT Assassination Hazards in TCP
lol ... "TIME-WAIT Assassination Hazards in TCP"
The IETF really dropped the ball on that one. RFC 1337 should've been something AWESOME.
Open up RFC to change RFC #1337 ?
Besides, you can prevent TIME-WAIT assassination by just setting SO_LINGER to 0 and telling TCP connections to shove it.
@DemCodeLines once real life starts, you are committed, you have children, a wife/whatever, your parents become dependent on your income, you have to loan money to family ... once real life starts there is no going back ... I wouldn't presume to tell you to make such a decision, I can only give you the benefit of my observations, you have to make the decisions ... how hard do you find programming, what are you more interested in ... what do you most want ...
I never understood how 1337 could ever be a magic number... why not 1449 for example?
And my daily amount of seriousness is gone...
if what you want is for others to get rich of your back while you do okay, then be an excellent programmer, invent me a new language to complain about ... but if you are interested in becoming a successful business, then start there, obviously ...
@bwoebi 1337 = leet = elite ... you're not leet enough to understand that.
@bwoebi You just aren't leet enough.
Don't bring your math into the leet-speak discussion :)
@JoeWatkins All my life I have wanted to build something that people would interesting and use. That people would say "this guy built it" and I could feel good about it. That has yet to happen and as time passes, my belief keeps going down that I will ever do something like this.
@webarto you think you are "leet" enough to think that it should really mean "leet"...
I'll tell you who's leet: @Lusitanian's mom. What a lady.
@bwoebi sorry, distracted, only unshift from a stackable if all tasks are to be manipulated >1 contexts, if they are only to be manipulated (after execution) by the context that created them then just [] onto a normal array and stack ...
Facebook is f4c3b00k no more :(
@JoeWatkins The question is more about: when use workers + stackables and when using thread__s__ + 1 stackable
I'm going to compile a website of funny error messages; what should the name be?
@DemCodeLines Don't get down, I wanted to create my own website for years and I still haven't done it :p
#blueBar{background-color:#3b5998;border-bottom:1px solid # 1337 83;min-width:981px;position:relative;z-index:300}
people should stop translating letters to numbers. I hate reading this alphanumeric mix...
Oh, facebook u so leet.
@rdlowrey :D
The reason it is cut off is cause I work on a section at a time. Comments are much appriciated
@CCInc isn't there one already ? :P bash/
Is there? :(
@DemCodeLines I bet @JoeWatkins feels good about pthreads, and he should :)
@HamZaDzCyberDeV Well I started it in the hopes that people in my school would actually adapt it and I would be known as that guy who created it. But getting limelight is not goal. My goal is to build something people will want to use. I don't expect to build the next Facebook, Microsoft, Apple or Google, but I just want to build something that people will use. Till now, its pretty much always been failure (hasn't taken off).
@bwoebi you should normally prefer worker+stackables to threads, what is the nature of the task ?
why d0 y0u h4t3 1t @bwoebi d035 1t r34lly 80th3r y0u ?
@JoeWatkins the tasks are callbacks to some static methods of a class
1 SaY l337 sP33k F0r 7h3 w1n 8a8Y
pastebin me a pseudo of both ways for clarity ?
@CCInc unreadable.
@DemCodeLines do you have an idea what you would like to build ?
perfeC7Ly re4d48Le 1F J00 5PE4K lEe7 @bwoebi
f0r607 480u7 7h3 53v3n @CCInc :P
@webarto some days ... hugely misunderstood right now ... almost every conversation I have come across that I wasn't involved in has been negative ...
              A:::A              SS:::::::::::::::S     CCC::::::::::::CI::::::::II::::::::I
             A:::::A            S:::::SSSSSS::::::S   CC:::::::::::::::CI::::::::II::::::::I
            A:::::::A           S:::::S     SSSSSSS  C:::::CCCCCCCC::::CII::::::IIII::::::II
           A:::::::::A          S:::::S             C:::::C       CCCCCC  I::::I    I::::I
          A:::::A:::::A         S:::::S            C:::::C                I::::I    I::::I
@k͜͜͡͡a͜͜͡͡ᵠ n00000 N07 73H 53v3n!
@JoeWatkins Internets these days...
@CCInc L000L w3'r3 d01n6 r3v3r54l5 n0w :P
@JoeWatkins What do people have against it?
lol @HamZaDzCyberDeV nice ascii art got starred as... A.. SS..
@k͜͜͡͡a͜͜͡͡ᵠ WE ARe ju57 5HOW1n' off oUR LEE7 ep1CNEE2
@kaᵠ hahaha
the same thing people had against night time before we understood how the sun works ... they don't understand it, its evil ...
@JoeWatkins Is there any way to notify the main context of an async function result as soon as its execution completes without having to join and block execution in the main context?
so that's why regex is evil... thanx @JoeWatkins
I'm talking about in pthreads, of course.
@rdlowrey yes, wait/notify
@HamZaDzCyberDeV I initially had my focus towards operating systems. But I scratched the development as soon as I started it because I realized I would first need to spend years mastering the concepts and then it would take too long to build such a thing. Then my focus shifted towards websites. I built a simple flash gaming website, then a fantasy sports website, then a sports news website and now a social networking-type website. I also have some interest in mobile apps like iOS and Android.
@JoeWatkins K, thanks. I've just been bungling my way through the repo getting a feel for things :)
@DemCodeLines can we see them?
grammer nazzi
5P33K1n9 1n l33T 12 fUn
@JoeWatkins I think my initial frustrations with the library are as much from lack of understanding as anything. Personally I prefer an actor model to threaded concurrency but again, that might just be because my pea-brain has a hard time with threads.
@DemCodeLines lol you achieved more than me :p
@CCInc VB OS has nothing to do with this and no you cannot see them because the websites were fun projects of mine that I ultimately put down because it took a lot of maintenance and really wasn't getting anywhere.
@HamZaDzCyberDeV It doesn't matter if I achieved more or less than you, I haven't built that product yet that I dream, so I haven't gotten anywhere. :(
le wild $i >0; appears. — HamZa DzCyberDeV 18 secs ago
@DemCodeLines where are you stuck on at the moment ?
this is 99% my code I use for this, little modifications for more clarification
@CCInc I event don't try to read it...
@JoeWatkins I'm just asking if it would be better to change it to workers + stackables
@Terry yo
@JoeWatkins Thanks for the example (and your work on the extension). I'll keep plugging away with it.
@JoeWatkins why not gist.github.com? :)
@HamZaDzCyberDeV In the midst of the current social networking-type of website that I am working on. In fact, I am stuck on storing user information because I am concerned about the security since I am on a free server. Sometimes, I also think about building a mobile app instead, but I have no idea, so I work on the website. I have high doubts the site will get anywhere though.
@DemCodeLines I see ... Well check out OWASP a great resource about websecurity
@webarto dunno, tend to use gist for things I intend to keep, mostly patches there right now ... force of habbit I guess ...
@HamZaDzCyberDeV this? owasp.org/index.php/…
@bwoebi looking now ... get tingle when I see php threading and I didn't write it ... sexy ....
@bwoebi seems acceptable, I can't really guess what the rest is and what functions you are calling but you should know what you're doing with regard to all that stuff now ... I'd probably have started off using the standard pattern, but if this works as you expect/want I don't really see any problem with it ..
@JoeWatkins do you mean with the standard pattern the stackables and workers?
ok guys, I'm off laterz ....
@JoeWatkins True, they are painful to delete.
you raised a good point with regard to wasting objects ... I guess you are avoiding that here
It works, but I don't know if it would perhaps have a really better performance with "the standard pattern"...
Exactly this was my goal: avoiding to instantiate XYZ objects and even more
this was my big problem with the stackables in workers
@HamZa DzCyberDeV hi & bye? Sorry i didnt reply earlier, was having some trouble.
gNight from Lisbon
perhaps you should be simply able to pass a callback with parameters to some Worker method; could be faster...
(a method you write in C)
sigh too late... Well, bye everyone.
yeah, I got that ... problem is with solving it at the level of pthreads is, this is I think you'll agree harder to comprehend than the default pattern, the way I see it, pthreads should implement one, robust way of doing things that leaves as many doors open as possible, if you want to open up a single file and spin off what was a long running cronjob or whatever then it's much easier if you stick to the established pattern ....
once you know what you are doing and have observed what you actually need to avoid you can come up with patterns like this .... which wouldn't be possible if something more conservative were the default ...
I don't understand where the difference between static methods and passing a Stackable is. The only point is, that you have in a Stackable automatically a $this pointer which you need to create first when needed, but if not, a Stackable is only a big overhead?
yeah like I said, its a good idea, there's a thin line between complex and impossible, even if it's a bit wasteful, it is easy and uniform, kind of expected once you have read a bit about it ... it wouldn't be much more efficient for me to do in C what you are doing in PHP, only you would have no control, the implementation would be more complex, the documentation even harder to follow, and additional decisions that need to be made ....
I don't say that this shouldn't be the default, but I think with this pattern your Worker and Stackable concept is unnecessary... I mean there should simply be some additional api for callback
well in your case, but you don't want a future for your tasks
if you want to know what happened to the task, independant of what happened to the thread that executed it, then you need a container for that future, which the stackable serves as by default
what should happen to a task (when it's stable code already)
you're working with submit and forget kind of tasks, but thats not the norm, in most cases you will want to know Task::isRunning/$task->data specifically ...
yeah, if my task has to leave some message, the task itself decides what to do; it doesn't return anything. If I wait for returning, it's worth nothing... I want something of an asynchronous API here.
when you write $task = fetchTask(); $worker->stack($task); ... $task->join(); /* or something similar */; there is no sense, then you could also let the task run in the same thread...
and for detecting if there is something wrong, you check if the task executor terminates (by register_shutdown_function) and handle it appropriately, independently from the task passing context.
I just think it's better that the door is open for you to come up with inventive solutions ... to implement this in C, I still have to construct the same objects as you would in PHP in order to use the stackable/worker and recieve callbacks, the thread executes objects and there's not much I can (or should) do to change that ...
so if Worker::stack(Closure $f) were possible it would still be creating the same objects as the standard pattern does now, all that would be different is ^^ all the negative stuff I mentioned there ...
Okay; I thought it would be less complex in C ... ^^
but then perhaps add it to your concurrent repository?
sure write up something generic and documented like b4
you submitted code before ?
ah ok, but why call you it b4?
lazy fingers ...
oh… you mean before....
As said, I hate letters translated to alphanumeric xD
@JoeWatkins and make your concurrent repository more popular, so that also people who don't browse randomly though your repository list may detect it?^^
and now… good night… it's already 3 hours in the night here...
@bwoebi the only other logical conclusion is that I assign an alphanumeric name to everyone I meet online .... I'm not crazy !!
@JoeWatkins You aren't? ... Ooookay...
Hi my PHP code needs to load a page any ideas?
I have some php code that activates when a user clicks a login button. it uses an if statement and in the if else part I need to load a page
header("Location: {the page you need to load's address}");
ok thanks
@tereško you here?
@DemCodeLines that doesn't work... I get the following error
You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.
I am using easyphp
Well, that error is generally associated with .htaccess
@ChrisBennett ^
Backup your htaccess and try deleting it. Check if it works then.
still not working :/
same error
this is the URL
I can't really access that since that is on your personal server.
nah I know I just thought I'd post that in case there was something wrong with how I was giving it the location
"Admin Control Panel.php" has spaces. Maybe that is the reason?
yh I will try taking them out in a minute
google chrome usually replaces them with 20%
remember that giving cool names to files such as "fancy-admin-control-panel-dashboard.php" brings bad luck, next time try "probable-failing-attempt.php"
haha wes :P
that's kind of ironic considering this is my assignment ;)
can anybody tell me whats wrong with this query ( UPDATE apps SET appid='1232312', api='asdsddssd' WHERE id = '1' )
hi malik
i have table called apps and two column (appid,api)
should 1 should the back ticks?
I'm no expert but I don't think it needs it
UPDATE apps SET appid='1232312', api='asdsddssd' WHERE appid = '1'
@MalikUsman You need to reference both tables after UPDATE
*1 have the
never mind
try using AND instead of commas, see if it makes a difference
well how its should be then :O
yay got it working :)
forgot that I put _ instead of space in an attempt to get it working just now :)
@ChrisBennett did you rename the file to "probable-failing-attempt.php" ?
haha nah :D
now all I gotta do is set up a form for someone to fill out an order, write errors to a text file and get sessions working :)
luckily though my teacher isn't bothered about whether it looks pretty :)
night all
its still not working guys can you fix it for me please :'(
( UPDATE apps SET appid='1232312', api='asdsddssd' WHERE id = '1' )
@MalikUsman what are you trying to do
UPDATE apps SET appid='1232312', api='asdsddssd' WHERE appid = '1'
@Malik what error are you seeing?
no error comes up
in Lounge<C++>, 1 min ago, by Johann
well, I want to start up a website, how do I register my domain?
and if you run a SELECT with those conditions?
SELECT * FROM apps WHERE appid = '1'
Do you get any result?
let me test
Question if anyone has a hint on how to do: I'm wanting to add pages to a list, and I wanted to use the url like so: example.com/2 (for page 2), but still using the index somehow?
not working actually i have table called apps and 2 column appid,api
I want to update that
So no result showing you mean?
yeah no error comes up
and no data updating
UPDATE apps SET appid='1232312', api='asdsddssd' WHERE appid = '1'");
What about "SHOW TABLES FROM dbname" ?
and what type is appid
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

UPDATE apps SET appid='1232312', api='asdsddssd' WHERE appid = '1'");

But when you run the select, no data is return?
@cheese here is my whole script lol
and if you run this query in your sql explorer directly?
well i want to do it using php because i'll put cron job on it if i get empty error my appid and api will automatically updated
for now i am just testing it
But updating rows script is not working as i am not good php developer lol
using cron for a php script....
My point being, if no data exist, then the update has nothing to update
but there is data i insert some random appid and api
and now i am trying to replace it to its working or not :D
so if as a test, you run SELECT * FROM apps WHERE appid = '1' in your sql console, does it return you any data?
On a personal note, I would just use a bash script for that (a lot faster and less complicated than running a php file). Anyhow, do you have error reporting on?
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
@cheesemacfly i did not run but i can see data in mysql i did it manaully
manually* so i want to update
appid api
12312 qweqwew
this iswhat i have in my apps table in appid and api
not i want to replace it with new data using php because i have to do it automatically once my apps will remove or api will stop working so it will replace automatically using cron job
again, do you have error reporting on?
no error was given?
no error showing about mysql or any query error
well i am going to sleep now :'( its 4 o'clock
we will work on it tomorrow InshAllah
Question if anyone has a hint on how to do: I'm wanting to add pages to a list, and I wanted to use the url like so: example.com/2 (for page 2), but still using the index somehow?
<announcement>OMFG!!!!11 PHALCON PHP FRAMEWORK IS SO FREAKING STUPID.</announcement>
aha, figured it out finally
url rewriting :D
mornings. someone knows what is the best way to match (with capture) all number-strings regex101.com/r/pT5jO7 there, instead of only one and four?
do you have more example sttrings?
morning... any repeating pattern separated by some certain character... like /xxx (blah)(?:@(blah))* xxx/ with string xxx blah@blah@blah@blah xxx
thing that i don't understand is that even if i specify the exact length of "optionals" i always get the last match only regex101.com/r/eF3uC3
yeah, I'm having the same problem
@crypticツ regular-expressions.info/captureall.html let's see if that does the trick
not working for me unles I'm doing it wrong. /xxx !(?:([a-z]+),? )+!xxx/
yeah it didn't work also for me :(
oh crap
@Wes just delete it
@crypticツ i don't want it deleted 8D
BD <- normal guy with sunglassess 8D <- ozzy osbourne
i think i need some sleep
I just got serial downvoted =o( and I'm sure I know who it is
the stalking guy you was talking yesterday with gordon? what a loser lol
brb need some coffee
no, this guy stackoverflow.com/users/464744/blender it's because I downvoted his post here stackoverflow.com/questions/16504028/php-header-and-variables/… which is a dupe of many if not blatant RTFM
oh well
@Wes you should delete it, otherwise it will be closed as too localized
@crypticツ too localized? i mean seriously, i made it simplest possible, it could be useful to many... i also fixed the title, and i didn't find any duplicate
damn you close voters!!!!
@Wes hey now, I'm fresh out of votes.
you might have to just do a callback and break it up at the commas
they linked me the question that kaᵠ made and that he tried to say me that i was going to need it 8D
@Wes you should just wait for him to come online and ask him, lol
or go ask in the regex chat =oP
anyways I'm outta here, heading to bed, nite
night :P
@crypticツ i didn't understand what he was saying with that question until some moments ago. lol
@Hiroto , nope, i wasn't
1 hour later…
morning from Lisbon
@NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC wake up :D
@k͜͜͡͡a͜͜͡͡ᵠ: It makes no sense to tag a regex question language-agnostic. The is no language agnostic flavor of regex.
Q: Collapse and Capture a Repeating Pattern in a Single Regex Expression

k͜͜͡͡a͜͜͡͡ᵠI keep bumping into situations where I need to capture a number of tokens from a string and after countless tries I couldn't find a way to simplify the process. So let's say the text is: start:test-test-lorem-ipsum-sir-doloret-etc-etc-something:end This example has 8 items inside, but say ...

does no compute ^ :)
morning @kaᵠ x_o
morning @hakre :P
@hakre it's meant to be generic and non-flavor specific (i was actually looking for a regex that works in as many regex flavors as possible)
@Wes your problem should be solved via Divide And Conquer since you're in php, you shouldn't need to use the big-ugly regex
i actually needed that for places where user is given a regex option and no programming
lol yeah i've already done that
for all intents and purposes PCRE is language agnostic ...
@JoeWatkins yes, but it is a flavor
@crypticツ Welcome to the club
aaaand.. i'm out for about 2.5 hours
stop talking nerd, it's sunday
yeah.. can't help it now :PPP
not really, the way you quote strings might differ, but a lot of languages actually link against libpcre
lol @Wes
@NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC @NikiC wake up #2 :D
@k͜͜͡͡a͜͜͡͡ᵠ it's probably too early :p
shouldn't be
i have faith in him

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