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It seems like PDO has a destructor but it isn't documented.
Is this on purpose?
it should be documented , because AFAIK, it what does the disconnecting
@LeviMorrison Not sure if this is your 'bag' and it's probably nothing - but I'm seeing a weird link when searching for "spl classexception.html" on php.net. The first result is to www.php.net/~helly/php/ext/spl/classException.html which doesn't exist.
Actually - that link is also the top google result for "php spl classException"
@tereško Which would mean if I were to extend PDO and override __destruct, but not call the parent...?
Or is it final? Can't test, not on my box. That was stupid.
since I think that extending PDO is ill advised activity to begin with , I really don't have enough fucks to give
lol, I never said it was a good idea; I was just curious if the connections would persist. They don't.
class MyPdo extends Pdo { public function __destruct() { } } create one and unset it; sleep after. MySQL shows no active connections.
does anyone here use dnscrypt?
If I use file_get_contents or curl on this url wallpaperswide.com/download/… I get HTML instead of image. But when I paste this url on imgur it fetches images ?
Why is this so. How to resolve this type issue
@BasicBridge have you checked the response headers?
It shows Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
As part of a restriction process, it might be expecting a certain set of user-agents, or other headers in the request.
Try copying the headers from a successful request (using the network panel in Google Chrome dev tools or whatever) into your curl request; see what happens.
it's checking referrers at least
if you try to access the images without referrers it responds differently than if you sent them.
@DanLugg If you visit it by chrome still header is same
@BasicBridge set the referrer header
Yea, I hadn't actually visited the link; wallpaper sites typically are spamtastic.
There's this function "get_search_query()" that loads what the user searched, for example if I search "how to make chocolate" the get_search_query would return "how to make chocolate"... Then it displays the results bellow
I'm trying to make that, if "get_search_query" contains keyword "google", echo "my code" following by the normal search results, for example
well, I suck at explaining.
@LucasB I'm assuming this is Wordpress related?
Did someone barely understood what I meant?
@LucasB stripos() ?
Yes, it is =p
@crypticツ Ok, so this did the job correctly :D
if (stripos(get_search_query(), 'google') !== false) { /* it has google */ }
if (stripos(get_search_query(), 'google') !== false) { /* it has google */ }
echo "my google code";
elseif (stripos(get_search_query(), 'facebook') !== false) { /* it has facebook*/ }
echo "my facebook code";
elseif (stripos(get_search_query(), 'websites') !== false) { /* it has websites*/ }
echo "my websites code"
something like this? lol
I'll have to hardcode my search results
'cause I can't make them efficient the way it has to be with the time I have
Well, if you have several you want to test, you're better off with something more robust.
But essentially, yes; that's what you'd do.
Okay, thanks Dan. Sorry for being a leecher
S'all good.
i'm 20 y/old trying to build a hosting company out of nowhere, with 0 investment and such, lots of bills to pay and time is short, working like a dog. If things go well I'll then hire a good programmer to rebuild all my code
and also I'm brazilian lol, wich makes things a little more difficult...
@LucasB that's how it's done =oP
yeah I know.. But this is out of this world
I mean, I know a lot of hard working ppl
@LucasB how so?
Yea really, alot of porn sites outta Brazil, certainly there's a big market for non-restrictive web hosting?
but I work like hell and I'm broken lol, my bike's battery is dead for months now and I have to go running and jump on it so it starts everytime, it's a shame, but if my project work I can be a millionaire, because I'm building it to be global... it's crazy
just hoping everything goes well and work, there's not much else to do
work hard, improve the product, study the market and such
loop infinite
Oh, to be young and optimistic...
I miss those days =oP
I know, but it will work :) hehe
Oct 23 at 1:57, by cryptic ツ
@NullPoiиteя I once wanted to make my own ISP so I could give myself unlimited internets, but that idea soon faded away =o\
guys, there are people getting millionare everyday, for real
why not us lol
we are internet, millions of users
typically you need money to make money, reason the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
yeah money surely do make things easier
Yea, hardware is cheap, but not that cheap.
@crypticツ In computer science you need ideas that can help little
At the end of the day, you can have a sub-par product, but as long as you market it well, you'll be fine.
@BasicBridge just make sure to patent it before Apple does and then claims they thought of it first.
You just need to bullshit well enough
^^ exactly. (unfortunately)
Look at Zuckerberg... decent php programmer... back stabbing SOB....
@Orangepill they have classes in college for that....it's called Business Administration
@crypticツ I don't have the natural talents to be able to BS worth a damn :)
I'm happy to be a brazilian, I'm happy to not have born rich, this way I see value in many things that usually passes by unseen, opportunities actually
I dtk
maybe I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one :)
I worked with an Indian fellow with a very similar outlook.
I don't think he was born particularly wealthy; they had some money, brother was a lawyer, still breaking out though.
Enough money to go to law school at least.
sorry my net was down
where is he now?
this indian guy
(I don't believe unniversity is the path to success btw)
He's around.
entrepeneuring is :)
My Hypothesis is that an ass load of money wouldn't change me .... but thus far I have not found anyone willing to fund that research project :)
@LucasB Yea, you've got pretty much the same outlook.
@Orangepill I will fund it for animal protection
@Orangepill I'll fund it for a return ;-)
@BridgeBasic Give me bunch of money and I promise I won't kick any puppies :D
And then give me the money.
@DanLugg Back off .... I'm doing important research here
@Orangepill So am I, I'm researching how much cash I can leech crowd-source.
(wait, isn't it morning when you arrive, afternoon when you're here, and night when you leave?)
@DanLugg Generally mid-night when you arrive morning when you leave
I liked my universal greeting ... but @crypticツ found an edge case where it doesn't work.
What's that?
.... i am trying to set wamp server online (access via WAN) for that i have Listen in apache httpd.config and ` Allow from all` in cgi bin now how to Routing the outside web traffic to my web server ? here is one article to do that but modem doesnt have option to fill Public IP/mask
Good day segment name as determined by your angular relationship to the sun.
Nevermind; thought afternoon was in there somewhere.
so do my modem have option to set port forwarding (required for setting up server live) i.sstatic.net/2ZjVf.png ?
should be a nat section in there somewhere... that config screen looks familiar
@Orangepill yup its in NAT section
   |-- Virtual Servers  ---- i am here i.sstatic.net/2ZjVf.png
   |--  Port Triggering
   |--  DMZ Host
I had have mine set up as a virtual server.
where to fill Public IP/mask ( in that setting ?
For a virtual server? I didn't set that.
Is this on a router or a modem?
You shouldn't need to set public ip I wouldn't think... that would be set further upstream
If it's a modem router, the IP would be set by an ISP DNS server
Public IP that is
Yea, you shouldn't need to set anything.
I am way too tired to still be functioning. -_
or even typing emoticons apparently... -_-
Just set the public IP (80, or 8080, or whatever) to your private (8080) and LAN IP.
Protocol = TCP
i have set both TCP and UDP but nothing is working :(
have you tried pinging it?
I'm assuming you set your port range to start and end at 80 (or whatever)
it showing ping request could nt find host ...
Restart your modem
If the fails please do it again?
Have you created a new account? Didn't work? Well do it again! (Healthcare.gov)
lol I'm a bit embarrassed, they outsourced to a Canadian company I believe.
still same couldnt find the host
I can' t see how an English speaking contractor could do that bad of a job
Have you tried rebooting the virtual server?
Restart all the things.
after spending one hours what all i am able to do is access server at :D
Only one hour?
@Orangepill And every now and again, we get fumes creeping up through the cold air return.
It once took me 3 hours to figure out that I didn't need to type HTTP://in the ip address bar of VLC for NAS
Why did it hyperlink in?
@Skylion because of http://
@Skylion although i used to take way too much( immense) more(grrr) time to find html/css bug ...:D
^^ obligatory.
Coding for websites are just annoying period because they don't generate compiler erors
Too many browsers try to fix everything for you.
This is true. I'm not a particular fan of the "everything is valid" nature of web design.
Which is why I favor XHTML over HTML. At least it's strict...er.
Atleast google Apps script won't save it if the compiling error is egregious (one two few brackets or something.
i am able to access it over LAN :(
You don't want to?
I also dislike how all variables AND primitive data types are treated identically. It's really confusing and bad if you want reuse stuff.
@DanLugg i want to access it over WAN ...
Oh, WAN isn't working? Or do you not want both?
Can you ping it from a phone, or something else not on your LAN?
i use net via modem only ... but may be tor browser can make difference
ye its working
well ... Iron Man 3 was fun
yey i am more than stupid then anyone .. since i restarted my modem and didnt change the ip (dammn dynamic ip ) :D
Yep, I can see it.
@tereško I heard it was better than the second, but worse than the first.
If we can see it, we can DDOS it
@DanLugg that would be a fair assessment
thankyou guys ...
So, anyone else ashamed by the number of logical fallacies in Gravity?
well ... all the crashes in the trailer featured an interesting property: sound
@Skylion Haven't seen it; gimme a spoiler alert if you're gonna do that.
It's not a spoiler alert
Or is it not worth seeing?
I haven't seen it either
I don't think it is.
If you have rudimentary understanding of rocket science, it's not.
For one major flaw I saw in the trailer
the fact that the Hubble Space Telescope somehow orbits UNDER the ISS
for the record it doesn't
not to mention the space shuttle
Or the fact she didn't use the emergency jet pack that is mandatory on all space walks...
Or that you can deorbit an object the size of the I.S.S. within 48 hours through a collision.
I'm Canadian. I eat bears and live in a cabin. What's a rocket?
Ever heard of the Canadian Space Arm?
The Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SRMS), also known as the Canadarm (Canadarm 1), is a mechanical arm that was used on the Space Shuttle orbiters to maneuver a payload from the payload bay of the orbiter to its deployment position and then release it. After the destruction of Space Shuttle Columbia during STS-107, NASA began to always pair the Canadarm with the Orbiter Boom Sensor System (OBSS), a boom containing instruments to inspect the exterior of the shuttle for damage to the thermal protection system. Specifications The Canadarm is long, and diameter with six degrees of fr...
Nah, the Russians made that; named it after us because of the way we hand-fish for salmon.
@DanLugg Bear is a little dry for my taste :)
@Orangepill It's hella gamey.
You are thinking of Strella
that is the one used on the ISS
disclaimer: I have pedestrian knowledge of space technology and was just kidding, I'm aware of Canadarm
@Dan Lugg you could have even written a more accurate screen play than the one used in Gravity
honestly, the movie had the physics of a Die Hard movie
lol, I watched Die Hard With A Vengeance the other day.
Did you take your site offline Null Pointer?
I think he did. Wait, no. Wait yea; lol cache.
it was denied =o(
Status: Declined: The implementation was creating too much need for maintenance etc. Don't duplicate that proposal without a better implementation. RFC
Any reason this code is outputing "Array" ?

<?php $search_excerpt = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT post_excerpt FROM {$wpdb->posts}" ); ?>
<?php echo $search_excerpt ?>
That sucks.
Well, it was expected.
Ah darn, ran out of 30 delv already =(
@LucasB Because $wpdb->get_result returns an array
@crypticツ Well, that's not bad news, just do-it-again news.
tried with get_col too, no luck
@LucasB you've been to the Wordpress codex right?
With a different enough implementation, will the 6-month rule have to be observed?
@LucasB that one returns a different array :)
Or is it strictly the RFC that needs to change drastically enough?
This is post_excerpt content by the way:
@DanLugg We're talking about pixie dust magic implementation though.
@Jack Sorry, don't follow. As in, not gonna happen?
@LucasB Try print_r($search_excerpt); so you can see what you are getting
@DanLugg I think they pretty much all agree it would be great to have if the implementation is easier to maintain.
My knowledge of the lexer is fairly ... poor. However, how would it have been a maintenance problem if the lexer is (AFAIK) only ever touched to change the grammar?
well, a shit load of code lol, including all excerpts.. Sure there's something wrong...
but we're getting there lol
Also, the oft cited reason for not changing to a different lexing/parsing implementation is loss of the optimizations. While this is understandable, has anyone proven this with a toy implementation and some empirical evidence?
I think I've found my bug
I know even a toy would be a huge workload, but I'm just wondering if its even been attempted; if all the discussion is purely theoretical.
<?php $search_excerpt = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT post_excerpt FROM wp_posts" ); ?>
The problem with "toy implementation" is that it takes a lot of work to get there :)
clearly it's missing a WHERE statement
but it should be dynamic... :s
They have attempted AST at some point I believe.
Lemon, no?
Ah that's right, sorry. Lemon.
I thought it was abanndoned before any real work was done?
Hmm, don't answer
I think I might solve it.
Not sure ...
Hmm, will have to look into it.
@NikiC probably knows more about that.
Last time I saw it discussed was with the php 6 thread :)
Apparently there's an rfc.
lol, oh ok, so ETA March, 2034
Anywho, I'm out; goin home.
Night :) May return.
still no luck actually... This is what I tried:

<?php $post_ID = $ID; ?>
<?php $search_excerpt = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT post_excerpt FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_id = %d ", $post_id ); ?>
<?php print_r($search_excerpt); ?>
is this somehow the right path? (The array returns empty)
So $ID must not be a valid post_id
replaced it for
<?php $post_ID = the_ID(); ?>
This is what it returns:
2616 Array ( )

I think it's echoing the ID then printing it and still returning an empty array
Where to %d get his data from?
Just to keep updated. Removing $post_id and replacing for it causes the same output mentioned above

<?php $search_excerpt = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT post_excerpt FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_id = %d ", the_ID() ); ?>
(And honestly, is it annoying to discuss this stuff in the chat?)
@LucasB did you even go to the link I posted to you? You know the documentation where you can learn about what you are doing instead of just trying this and that hoping it will work.
it gives all the methods, their inputs, their returns etc
even has examples
I've been there, this is how I'm trying basically
@LucasB but did you read it?
or was it tl;dr; ?
I must confess I jumped straight to the codes and started trying hoping it would work. There's much to be done and way too few time...
@LucasB yeah, that's not how you do it. You will end up doing it wrong, spent all this time trying to get something to work like now, when if you read the documentation you would learn it and be on your way.
I know absoltely nothing of PHP, I just know where to close tags and how because Notepad++ tells me, I'm great at building CSS and HTML, I can build an entire website from the scratch only coding without ever looking for the page, and when I refresh it's done, but I just can't get along with PHP
But you are right, I know.
duplicate GROUP BY, any one want to help?
@SethCodes Whatcha got
can i link you?
Q: Listing issue, GROUP mysql

SethCodesHere is a mock-up example of Mysql table: | ID | Country | City | ________________________________ | 1 | Sweden | Stockholm | | 2 | Sweden | Stockholm | | 3 | Sweden | Lund | | 4 | Sweden | Lund | | 5 | Germany | Berlin | | 6 | Germany | Be...

@SethCodes the answer on deck there now looks sane
<?php $search_excerpt = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT post_excerpt FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = $post->ID"); ?>
<?php print_r($search_excerpt); ?>


Array ( [0] => My excerpt content )

but with

<?php print($search_excerpt); ?> OR
<?php echo $search_excerpt ?>


It is almost working...
Why it is returning Array instead of post_excerpt?
@Orangepill still no luck.
tried get_col and get_results as well, same output
@LucasB you need to read the PHP manual
this is what happens when you don't know the difference between echo and print_r() and how PHP arrays work.
Just for funs ....
probably nsfw
@Orangepill yeah it's not =oP
Thanks for the link @crypticツ, I'll take a look
I bet it's something like this
<?php echo $search_excerpt['post_excerpt']; ?>
@LucasB you SHOULD start from the beginning otherwise you will end up getting stuck all the time and never understand what you are doing. But for this specific question you can read php.net/manual/pt_BR/language.types.array.php but it may be hard still without reading the first sections.
@LucasB uh...kinda, but not
your array is not associative, so it has no string indexes
<?php echo $search_excerpt[0]; ?>
And it works.
I understood the logic of it
0, wich is the first array (as seen in print_r)
@LucasB no
damn :p
read the docs, can't stress it anymore >.<
Anyone want to help? at all?
Yeah haha. Well, I'm sorry bro, and thanks for your help!
I'll leave y'all with this:
beattles + dub
did the PHP site just go down?
Hi all, is there a change that if maximum session capacity is over, the site will get logged out?
and if you like it try listen to Blues, most ppl don't know, but it's gold.
yup, the PHP site just went down
@zneak no
it's offline here too
working for me
would you check mb_strlen for me please? :P
I just need to know what it initializes the last parameter to by default
I think it's something like mb_internal_encoding.
static.php.net is down though
Anybody please replay, is there a change that if maximum session capacity is over, the site will get logged out?
sigh. just as I was going to add a meaningful note to DOMText::splitText...
@zneak encoding is last param and it's null by default
I'm almost certain it's not null by default but anyways it's not really useful now
How you doing?
@zneak PhpStorm says it null
from Google cache: int mb_strlen ( string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ] )
@Sectus morning
@sectus Saw this and thought of you.
:^ )
@zneak which is null until your set it right?
I know we're talking about php, but I'd expect there's a difference between performing a function call to populate a default value and reading a constant
on my machine, mb_internal_encoding() returns iso-8859-1 if I don't set it
@zneak but is it being set in php.ini?
no idea, do you think phpstorm looks at it?
@zneak I mean PhpStorm could be wrong, it's been in the past
You're running PHP 5.3.8 so I can just imagine how secure the site is... — cryptic ツ 49 secs ago
OP insists that everything is secure >.< ooh.reaally?
I have a question regarding php plz can anyone help ? stackoverflow.com/questions/19585032/…
I've helped by upvoting it, I don't know how to solve that.
Seems like the output quality setting is automatic.
@Jack u there?
is there anyway to set two column as primary key

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