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02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@ircmaxell I wonder how that'd add up (price-wise) with Amazon's EC2 GPU instances...
quite well
can anybody explain what is throttling in context of api requests?
limiting the number of requests that user can make in a given time
for example in foursquare API, they only allow each user to make 1000 requests per hour
but i read somewhere that throttling was used to get around request limits
where did you read that?
oh sorry i was misinterpreting it
but i have 1 more ques
say an api has a throttle limit
now if i use that api on my website then each user using my site would get his own share of that limit
i mean in case of a foursquare app each user wud get 1000 req/hr
is that correct?
2 hours later…
@lovesh in the case of foursquare API, the user is you and your web application, not your website users.
so, every users in your website share the 1000 req/hr limit.
1 hour later…
posted on August 16, 2011 by Stuart Herbert

In my Beyond Frameworks talk, I explained how a component-based architecture can help answer some of the important (i.e. expensive!) questions you might face when creating long-lived apps that rely on a PHP framework. In this series of blog posts, I’m going to look at how to go about creating and working with components. I’m now going under the bonnet of our components, and looking at the diff

i want to display this url "mysite.com/username" in hole site in codeigniter...
any suggestion
@maulikpatel echo "<html><body><h1>mysite.com/username</h1></body></html>" ?
probely missunderstood your question completly
@edorian it is alive
@Gordon It's not that alive, it's mostly kicking
@edorian zombie?
Today's discussion: "When to delete?"
Been writing some stuff for a new system.
When a realized deleting a user completely form DB won't be possible.
'coz each user has a unique token used for accessing account.
and if we delete user, a new user could get the old one's token by mistake
hence being able to access the stuff in the older account.
so much for unique token
@Gordon Exactly...
It is unique as long as it exists :)
Guess the DB could be further normalized into having a whole table for such tokens
user_id => token
So if such a user got deleted, the token would still exist.
sounds broken to me
what exactly?
if you had ON DELETE triggers for User table , then , when deleting user from DB , it would automatically remove all data connected to user
ya know, the whole FOREIGN KEY thing
@teresko Good point there. Though when thinking about foreign keys, I might as well forget that part and user a regular INT column
@ChristianSciberras do it your way then
@Gordon It's not about doing it my way, it's about knowing what you guys think about it.
You said it sounded broken, but you didn't specify what.
Do you delete a user or do you just mark it as deleted?
or perhaps move it entirely elsewhere?
Your token isnt unique. RDBMs have facilities to create unique and auto-incrementing column values. And they have foreign keys. And they have cascading operations. If your unique token gets assigned twice, its a sure sign that your db design is broken.
@Gordon It's an 8-digit random token, not a column ID. I'm well aware of the DB's capabilities. But this is past the point. The question is, would you delete a user or not?
Let's say you have a CMS, would you delete an article permanently when the user says so?
@ChristianSciberras no, its not the point. whether you delete the user with all its data or just mark it as such is completely dependent on how your application works
do your contry have laws, that says you need to remove all personal data if a persson ask for it?
@PugganSe That's a good point actually. Didn't think about it at all...
@ChristianSciberras again: that depends on the application. Is the user supposed to be able undo the operation? No? Then delete it. Yes? Mark it as deleted.
@PugganSe given that you usually do backups of your data such laws are placebos
Don't you think it is a bit short-sighted to just delete data permanently even if you think you don't need it?
in our customer database, we can either delete a persons data, or mark it as blacklisted, the blacklisting prevent the custoemer to me called again, but the laws says we need to remove them if they ask for that, but then they probely get imported a month later, and we call them again
@ChristianSciberras yagni
"You ain't gonna need it" (acronym: YAGNI) is the principle in extreme programming that programmers should not add functionality until it is necessary. Ron Jeffries writes, "Always implement things when you actually need them, never when you just foresee that you need them." Rationale According to those who advocate the YAGNI approach, the temptation to write code that is not necessary at the moment, but might be in the future, has the following disadvantages: * The time spent is taken from adding, testing or improving necessary functionality. * The new features must be debugged, docume...
if there is no requirement for keeping the data, then dont keep it.
I think that pretty much ends the discussion. :)
can i put a list in a mysql-user-var, like: "SELECT @user_list := GROUP_CONCAT(", and then use it in a where like " WHERE user_id IN (@user_list)"?
@Christian hello
@pugganSe hello
Good morning PHP!
@Greg good morning
Greg: Morning :P (7pm here)
i want to display this url "mysite.com/username" in hole site in codeigniter...
any suggestion
is there an API somewhere to get the timezone from users IP - then I can greet everyone with the correct salutation.
Q: Getting location details from IP in PHP

BiranchiIs it possible to get the location details from the users IP Address in PHP. Any suggestions ?? Thanks

@maulikpatel echo "mysite.com/username";
@Greg lolz!
i want to same url in hole site
1 min ago, by Gordon
@maulikpatel echo "mysite.com/username";
Hey everyone, quick question: im getting a rnage of values in an array from a checkbox section on my form and ive just tried to apply: $cat = mysql_real_escape_string ($_SESSION['cat']); to sanitise it, but it seems to have stripped all the values from the array and ends up inserting nothing into the database. Is this an expected outcome from using this on an array?
@maulikpatel in hole site ?! Sorry I have no idea how to fix holes or I would have help you.
@Dan why are you looking for a html form value in $_SESSION ?
@Dan you shouldnt be using ext/mysql anymore. Upgrade to ext/mysqli or PDO and use prepared statements
@OmeidHerat Because its posted from a 'preview' page first, hence why ive put the original values from the POST into sessions
@Gordon Hi Gordon, appreciate that but this is my first php/mysql development, so im just trying to get 'this' right, before jumping into new approaches :)
You know the saying about code maintainers might be murderous maniacs? What about code writers?

Just found a comment in some old code;

// You'll die a horrible death if you change anything below this line
// Seriously, don't change anything if you fear for your life.
A: Learning PHP with a Rails/Django/Lift background

Nacereddine For the language, using the PHP manual will be all you need to learn PHP (especially the online version which has also comments and code snippets from other users on almost every topic). Since you have some Python/Ruby background, you can check this reference sheet for differences between the di...

@Dan I don't know if it makes sense or not, but you should sanitization it before the preview page as it should show what you keep!
How do I explain cakephp is evil :(
@Dan that's why I'm telling you to use ext/mysqli. Using ext/mysql in 2011 is doing it wrong.
It just is
Strangest part, I asked the team that wrote the code why they wrote that, and no one recalls writing it(the comment).
@Raynos backwards compatible with PHP4. Does hundreds of queries per page. Inspired by RoR. Oh, and does it have UnitTests by now?
@OmeidHerat Understood. I just wanted to santise right before it went into the database to make sure, rather than leave that gap between preview and insert, Thanks Omeid
It has some
@Raynos - It promises cake. But never delivers. That's sinful enough. What do you think @Gordon? Sounds familiar?
@ChristianSciberras delete the comment.
@ChristianSciberras just use a guid for the token
@Gordon Huh?
and murderous rage if you get two tokens that are the same
@Raynos You won't tell clients to type out a GUID to get into their account :P
@Gordon Thanks Gordon, any suggested references for learning mysqli, or tips? :)
@ChristianSciberras the comment you quoted. delete it. its a code smell. it will lead to code rot because no one will touch the code anymore. write unit tests for the code instead.
@ChristianSciberras ...
@Dan I wanna just say that Do NOT use w3schools.com.
the guid is the id identifier in the database
not the public identifier -.-
I don't have to. The codebase is trashed. I was just looking at how the stuff worked.
@Dan have you tried mysql website?
@OmeidHerat hahahaha, duly noted
@Raynos, @Gordon Portal
@Raynos Hi Raynos, occasionally but as a newbie i don't always find their explanations that clear
@Dan wanna know why ? w3fools.com
@Dan there is lots of examples at docs.php.net/manual/en/book.mysqli.php and it shouldnt be hard to find tutorials for mysqli and PDO on the web
@Dan then buy a book on sql
A: Looking for a good book to learn SQL

akuFor beginner\intermediate SQL programmer I would recommend these 2 books: Learning SQL ISBN: 0596007272 SQL In A Nutshell, 2nd Edition ISBN: 0596004818 For advanced SQL techniques I would recommend books by Joe Celko

Thanks everyone
ok, finally I can greet everyone at once!
@raynos hello
i want to display same url in hole site in codeigniter... like "mysite.com/username"
@OmeidHerat OK this is embarrasing, the values i'm getting from POST aren't strings, they're numbers (single digit INT's), is they're another way to sanitise them as escape_string obviously fails!
@Dan hello
@maulikpatel Hi Maulik
@Dan $number = (int)$_POST['a number']
@Dan how r u?
@maulikpatel WHY U PING
@ChristianSciberras Thanks Christian
i want to display same url in hole site in codeigniter... like "mysite.com/username"
if you have a hole in your site I'd fix that with duct tape.
@ChristianSciberras Afraid that hasn't worked Christian, no values making it through (it is an array)
Anyone ever got this:
Argument 1 passed to Class::__construct() must be an instance of integer, integer given, called in ...
@maulikpatel either ask a proper question explaining what you are trying to do or stop asking us this question.
i m developing one site in codeigniter, in this site all link should have to display same url in addressbar like mysitename.com/username
@maulikpatel All sites have the same URL?!
@Linus in sites all links have same url
That makes no sense
@maulikpatel you can either replace the real URL on page load via JavaScript or use frames. Both is bad practise because people will no longer be able to bookmark individual pages. URIs are a fundamental building block of the web.
@Gordon i have done via js and frames but it will first display link url and then it will replace it
@maulikpatel it will only first display the real URL when using javascript. When using frames, the url of the frameset will never change. But again: you dont want to do that. Leave them URIs alone. Your users will be annoyed if you mess with their browser.
@Gordon i doesn't understood what u say using frameset
please give me some examples
@maulikpatel then google it. i wont waste my time telling you things that are bad practise
Guys, quick question. Is it very complicated/inefficient to look for a value in an array while already going through a for in an array containing the one you're looking in?
@LuisArmando the correct question should be: does it matter?
@Gordon it matters if it's inefficient because it shouldn't be and complicated, yes because I don't know much php =/
@LuisArmando when you are really concerned about efficieny, profile your application with XDebug and look at the hard numbers. Then go for the low hanging fruits. It's completely pointless to optimize a for loop from .002s to .001s when there is other parts of your application that can be optimized much more. You should always optimize in context of your whole application.
@Gordon ooh :) ok thanks
I know this might sound like a dumb question...but here goes...
would you name an ID variable as "top" or "root"?
The variable holds the topmost/root node's ID.
@ChristianSciberras $top_id
or the other way $id_top depending on other variables naming.
rather than $root_id?
I would, if its the root and all other nodes are its child.
@OmeidHerat root node == top node
but if its only the top element in in appearance or is like the first child of tree, I wouldn't.
My question is, which is the correct terminology, root node or top node?
if its a composite/tree, its root
root -> top? child
        -> child
        -> child
@Gordon It is. Thanks.
@ChristianSciberras out of curiosity, why do you need a separate rootId over just nodeId?
It has nodeId
that wasnt my question
And it uses rootId at initialization for caching.
sounds broken again

public function __construct(){
    $this->rootId = $this->getRootId();
public function do_something(){
    echo $this->rootId;
    // instead of "echo $this->getRootId();"
come to think of it, getRootId() should cache it itself
why do you need rootId at all?
So I believe silex does routing logic in PHP
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it stupid to do routing logic both in PHP and the web server?
@Raynos when you need dynamic routing a lot of people feel its easier to do it in the language or platform they are familiar with.
@Gordon but why not do dynamic routing in apache / nginx
It feels like your reinventing the wheel and increasing points of failure
@Raynos no. its just moving the routing to another place. Also, not everyone can change the webserver config.
But the servers do routing anyway
You still have the web server doing file based routing
Your doing two sets of routing
rather then streamlining the routing into one
it is useful to have a single entry point to your application
Well i rather put application logic in my webserver
like i said: its easier for the developer. its all in one place. all in your application. you dont have to fiddle with nginx or apache. if you are on a cheap host, you might not even have access to them.
and if nothing else then a login status is something that influences routing quite a bit
So basically "server config is hard, i'll take the easy non-optimal route"
My argument is that it is a very very bad idea to start putting application logic in a webserver config
and apart from that I'd say it really just doesn't matter; The only issue there is maintainability and whatever works works
@Gordon That's a bit of a strange question, honestly.
I just need it (lol)
@raynos: plus Apache iirc does not support recursive regex, so routing is easier in php. Not to mention routing in nginx is blocking, so you will get better performance routing in php there...
it's 13:37 now
says 13:36 next to your message :P
huh. server time must be off. my clocks cannot be wrong...
It's 13:20
If a kind soul can help me with this, there's a beer in it for them if they visit my neck of the woods
Q: Imagemagick does not show text but throws no errors either

JohnPI'm using ImageMagick to generate some product badges for products in our system. Product badges are like SO flair, just a few composite images and some text. There is nothing wrong with the script as it runs fine on my development machine which runs Windows. However, on my production system (Cen...

Q: Making a private method public to unit test it...good idea?

dormisherI occasionaly find myself needing to make a private method in a class public just to write some unit tests for it. Usually this would be because the method contains logic shared between other methods in the class and it's tidier to test the logic on it's own, or another reason could be possible ...

It's the right answer
@edorian which one ?
A: PhpUnit private method testing

edorianUsually you just don't test or mock the private & protected methods directy. What you want to test is the public API of your class. Everything else is an implementation detail for your class and show not "break" your tests if you change it. That also helps you when you notice that you "can'...

A: Best practices to test protected methods with PHPUnit (on abstract classes)

edorianSince you are asking for a 'best practice' I'll take a different approach to answer: Don't test protected and private methods Just because you can doesn't mean you should. You want to test that a class works. That means that all the functions you can call on it (everything public) return the ...

Only test the public api, for gods sake don't test private methods
A: Overide parent function in stub

edorian I'm trying to test a protected method [...] DON'T It's as simple as that. Just don't. Protected methods are not part of the classes public API and therefore you should not make assumptions on how they work when trying to make sure your class works. You should be able to change your code (...

The last one seems to be my best take on the matter (content per words)
will flag all three questions now to have them merged into one ;P
Is it possible to get a dump of stackoverflow ?
I mean a copy of the DB.
@OmeidHerat Huh?
Find a big enough SQL injection in their code.
Or even RCE or something
Depending on their SQL system and permissions, you can get such a dump with varying degrees of success.
@omeid data.stackexchange.com

Did that not post?
Yeah it did. And you just need a privilege escalation vulnerability. (I have seen it personally)
@edorian I wonder what @KamilTomsk thinks about this.
@ircmaxell How would you rate their security system?
Very good. They fix vulnerabilities very fast..
Building a stating system finally
@ircmaxell Tehehe :)
is an Excavator :)
@salathe huh?
@salathe finally an appropriate badge for you ;)
i got one of those too
me too. Can you earn them more than once?
I don't think so
doesn't really care.
all you have to do is dig out an old post and edit it?
This is interesting:
After some thought...I came to the conclusion that all of them suck in their own ways.
So, at this point, either suck it up and choose one, or BYASL - build yet another scripting language.
Hmm, there's another option; my mum's advise: resign form my workplace and start working at McD (or some other restaurant).
@salathe :)
@salathe can I use the PHP logo in slides?
thinks we should get a designer to upgrade the logos.
Hello, I`m pretty new to php. I trying to figure out about passing variables between php and other aplications. If I use a post to send my variables, do I necessary have to use POST to get them again? or I can use POST and GET ?
@massaki You can use both. But it depends on the receiver.
you mean mixed? like post to send and get to get?
@massaki POST is for stuff that changes something on the server, GET is for the rest. So getting your stuff back can be an index.php?get=myStuffBack
thank you
by the way, someone have any idea how to pass variables from autoit to a PHP ?
posted on August 16, 2011 by Henri Bergius

We hosted a full-day Symfony2 workshop for some of the Finnish Midgard developer community today. As I've written before, Midgard is now transitioning to Symfony2 as our PHP web framework of choice, and this workshop was organized to support that. Symfony2 for Midgard Developers View more presentations from Henri Bergius Subjects discussed included: Symfony2 as a central PHP e

hey guys, I'm sending an SMS via @txt.att.net and was wondering if there is a setting to prevent message cut off after a certain amount of characters
3 messages moved to bin
3 messages moved to bin
Hey, anyone interested in joining in on flaming the C++ chatroom?
@ChristianSciberras y?
@ChristianSciberras Oooh. Flaming!
@Neal It's all their fault I got to do C++ from 8am till 5am last Saturday. C++ should just die.
@ChristianSciberras ummm you work backward in time?
@Neal No. It's Saturday's 8am till Sunday's 5am
@ChristianSciberras well that is not what u said :-P lol
2 messages moved to bin
@Neal That's what I meant.
2 messages moved to bin
@Gordon can u stop moving msgs? those might have been relevant...
@ChristianSciberras what is?
C++ is hell bent to make life miserable. Then there's @Gordon shouting at me about using statics. My thought? statics ain't so bad after all...
@Neal i only removed @maulikpatel's spam messages and responses to it
@Gordon nm. ddnt realize it was spam, sorry ^_^
@Neal Not real spam, just very insistent, this guy.
@LinusKleen and repetitive. repetitive. repetitive.
has read that in Balmer voice
@Neal @LinusKleen Clicking that link for already five minutes...
@NikiC Dont't give up. There's gold at the end of that loop.
@LinusKleen mmmm recursive gold. the gold that just keeps on giving ^_^ (or does it?)
that could end badly
i think you get the point.
@Neal broke SO!
4 messages moved to bin
:1260276 AAARGH
@ircmaxell hey... :-(
whyd u do that?
@Neal (Note to self: stop sharing links. It ends bad.)
@ChristianSciberras Sorry, but you suck. Just going into the C++ chat room to troll there, that's bad.
@NikiC Bye
@LinusKleen Bye?
bye bye bye.... (ahhh the 90's)
@NikiC N/M I misread.
@Charles: blog.ircmaxell.com/2011/08/rainbow-table-is-dead.html <-- The blog post I spoke of yesterday
@ircmaxell lol > Larry Page: — I need a new phone, can someone buy me Motorola? Employee: — Done. Larry Page: — Great, which model? Employee: — Model..?
Nice, the old 'IBM <-> Antivir' joke again. I really liked that one; Good thing someone ported it over to 2011
@NikiC I loved that when I saw it
Larry Page: — I need a new phone, can someone buy me Motorola? Employee: — Done. Larry Page: — Great, which model? Employee: — Model..?
ah, one can include tweets in here directly, nice
17 secs ago, by edorian
@NikiC Yeah, the autoboxing is quite nice here
@ircmaxell We had one open discussion topic irrc but i can't figure out what it was
Ah, mapping directories to namespaces
Ahh yes, I'll have to blog about that (after my xkcd post later in the week)
But I think I've come to terms with the fact that this will be how php application folder layout will be done for next years and while I don't have a non-trivial project that does it better I'll just wait and see
damn and blast, does anyone in here use eclipse / zend studio ? My PHP/Project explorer has suddenly removed all projects and i cant seem to recreate them as apparently 'the project already exists'
@edorian Huh? What about ns->dir mapping?
@ircmaxell I don't have any solid arguments for it i guess (backed up by practice)
@edorian I don't have any solid arguments for it, just anecdotal once...
@NikiC I don't like the namespace->dir mapping as i think it makes for ether bad namespaces or bad folder layout and you can't move stuff around on the disk without changing pretty much every single file in your application
@edorian How would you do it instead?
@NikiC It was only done so people could use the PSR-0 Style autoloading which is another bad idea imho (array lookup autoloading >> psr-0)
I would group stuff as it makes sense for the application and i know I'm going to get it wrong for the first and second time
@edorian Array lookup autoloading? You mean an array of classes -> files?
Yeah, the thing that PHPAB can build for one
@edorian @ircmaxell @NikiC Font Shadow in Slides: ok or ko?
@edorian I disagree there as well. Dynamic autoloading is better for memory usage, and with a opcode cache, there's no performance benefit over psr-0
@Gordon I'm not a designer, I have no idea
@ircmaxell i ask specifically because you are not a designer
@ircmaxell I don't see any memory difference between array based and psr-0. Can you elaborate?
@edorian I don't like the idea of having an 150-element array if there is a simple programmatic solution
Accessing the file system to see if stuff exists multiple times is, for me, not a simple programmatic solution.
@edorian is_file($file) && require_once $file; not simple enough?
./buildArray.sh in the deploy stage/dev it not that hard
@edorian If you have 100 classes, you have a 100 element array to load on every page view
@NikiC It's a file access in production, depending on how the autoloaders work together it can be ~10
(cheaper than loading all 100 classes, but not free)
@ircmaxell Well you mentioned opcode cache :)
But ok, I'll give you that
@edorian Well, you don't necessairly need the is_file call, and the require_once should normally not result in an fs access, as it is cached
@NikiC If you don't do the is_file you can only have one autoloader for all your libs or you will get errors
Which would mean that everyone would have to use one instance of an autoloader and atm. i don't see that happening in PHP
@edorian At least in my autoloaders I do a prefix check before autoloading ;) The Universal Class Loader does the same.
02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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