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I get 500.
¬_¬ I really should sort out cancelling that UK credit card. damn £27 'stamp duty'
Does this work for you? github.com/explore
@rightfold that doesn't no, but the main site seems to
It is part of the main site. :v
there unicorns must have got tired
@rightfold At least they've made it somewhat "fun" by adding some parallax effects.
They do that on 404 too.
^ The fun way to ruin their day.
@rightfold actually, 'there, '
> Looks like something went wrong!
@MarkGarcia sent. :P
With a screenshot!
@rightfold Might be good for me to join the fun. :)
so, with git, if you created a branch to do something (say a big a feature) and then merge that branch into master... what's the done thing with this old branch? the feature is done, so you really don't want to worrying about that branch again, any bug fixes will be done directly on master now. For the sake of argument, let's consider both where master has had changes made and where it has not changed whilst work was done on the branch.
You can delete the branch or continue working with it.
@thecoshman Simple: you'll sure get conflicts. Messy conflicts.
I avoid working on two branches at the same time.
If you delete a branch, that stops you using it any more, though I assume you can recreate it. Does it still track the fact that those change sets where made on the branch? Or is it more like a fork?
@MarkGarcia not always possible, especially when working with others, and simply saying "don't use branches" does not get close to dealing with what I asked about.
@thecoshman Sadly, true.
I thought you used ClearCase.
and merging branches is not that big a deal. Depending on what you are doing and how well organised the code and team are, merging can be completely trivial
I am forced to use clearshit at work, I use git and hg for my own stuff, though will probably drop hg at some stage and just focus on getting better with git
oh god, assembla.com is so slow
TIL that Boost is currently migrating to Git. Cool.
Everybody is migrating to Git.
well, I started using git only because I wanted to use github only because bit-bucket have ridiculous access control for wiki and issue tracker
@rightfold Yeah. Then soon Mercurial will be using Git. And everyone will be stuck in Github's "reliable" service.
Unless bitbucket does something to their plans.
What am I doing with my life?
spending it in the Lounge, it would seem
best way to spend your life :)
I suck so bad at being a student. I have spent basically two years studying everything other than why I should study. And have done only 5 exams out of 14 (7 * 2 years)...
virus scanners are overrated
also annoying
@TonyTheLion Just use MSE.
Simple, non-intrusive, and does a hell of a job in protecting. Never have to manually update either.
@thecoshman Yeah, you can just delete the branch (and recreate it if necessary). It won't change what the history looks like on the master branch (it will still show the fork and merge)
git makes a lot more sense when you think of your commit history as a big immutable DAG. A commit always has the same parent(s) once created, and nothing you can do will change that. And the same goes for the parents parents etc, so the entire history is 100% locked in. Every node in the graph is immutable. And branches are really nothing more than pointers or labels pointing to a specific commit: "this commit (and implicitly, its ancestors), now constitute branch 'master'"
if you remove a branch, all you're doing is removing that label. The commit still exists, and looks exactly like it did before. It is just no longer associated with the name of the branch you just deleted
Incorrect. Languages that are called C/C++ do exist. — Johannes Schaub - litb 16 mins ago
We're screwed.
@jalf Um, is the term "Lost Heads" pertaining to deleted branches?
C/C++ is 1, isn't it?
@MarkGarcia "detached head", you mean?
Divide C by C, then increment C. The quotient is 1
(I'll shut up now)
@jalf It's what SmartGit uses.
it kind of is. It means that you have checked out a revision by its actual SHA-1 ID, rather than by a symbolic name (such as a branch name)
@jalf Well, I think they pertain to the same thing.
@jalf Oh.
when you check out a branch, then what you have checked out is master, and the repo has an entry saying that which specific commit master points to. So if you then make a new commit on top of that, Git knows to update the master label to point to the new commit, so it effectively keeps the branch in sync with the changes you're making
But if you've checked out a SHA-1 (call it commit A), then git doesn't know which branch(es) to update when you commit. You asked to check out commit A, and if you then commit something (creating a commit B, which has A as its parent), then, well, you've created a new commit, but you still have A checked out
so you have no easy way to find the commit you just created
TBH detached head hardly connects with git for me.
Q: How to create a type list (for variadic templates) that contains n-times the same type?

Markus MayrI would like my class template <class T, unsigned int n> class X; to create a std::tuple that contains n times the type T. Is there a particularly neat way for this? Is there also a nice way to do this for arbitrary variadic template classes? This is what I did first: #include <tuple> templ...

@jalf I guess it's just a bit annoying the way github visualises the history of a repo, if you make a fork, change stuff, then merge it to master (with out having made changes to master) when you view it 'network' tab, the fact those changes where made on a branch is not shown. But I guess that is not really a concern, more interesting is who is the parent of those commits, like you said.
so is it better to think of branches as just a bit of data for 'what is the last commit that I am basing my current work on'
Why would it show merged branches?
After you merge, the changes are part of the branch you merged into
git doesn't keep branch names on commits like hg
@CatPlusPlus yeah, that is what I am just getting to grips with :P
Also SourceTree is cool
Also Internet Archive is cool
@CatPlusPlus SmartGit is cooler. :P
Counterpoint: it costs money
@CatPlusPlus It doesn't. You'll just use the free non-commercial version.
Or license.
Unless you'll use it for commercial products.
I'll just use SourceTree
@CatPlusPlus wait... that matters to you?
VCS tool costing money is hilariously silly
I don't know. I can pay for something that will make me more productive or will simply be convenient
anyway browsing Internet from 2000 is a nice experience. People didn't care about Web 2.0 back then
'web 2.0' didn't kick of till about 2005 IIRC
and that's good
No Share to Facebook shit. Just pure, good content.
Web was always crap
It was just different kind of crap
same goes for your opinions
@BartekBanachewicz I seriously hate that share thing.
@BartekBanachewicz Ditto
Share on fb, share on twitter, share on this, share on that ... fuck off already.
@Tuntuni Ghostery
¬_¬ I can't believe I am looking a GPU with as much ram as my current computers has for system ram
@thecoshman yeah, basically. It's just a named reseatable reference to a commit. So it can be created and destroyed and recreated and copied and renamed as you see fit, and all you're doing is messing with references/pointers, never touching the underlying data (the commits)
@thecoshman so 560? :) or something bigger?
@BartekBanachewicz 640
Q: Comma operator precedence while used with ? : operator

AliI have no idea why the result of the two sub programs below are different: int a , b; a = 13, b=12; (a > b)? (a++,b--):(a--,b++); // Now a is 14 and b is 11 a = 13, b=12; (a > b)? a++,b-- : a--,b++; // Now a is 14 but b is 12 However for these cases, the results are ide...

How much system RAM you have, 2GB?
@CatPlusPlus :'(
@CatPlusPlus yeah. The first card with 3GB was GTX Titan
@CatPlusPlus hmm?
@Tuntuni It blocks all this crap
@CatPlusPlus Oh.
@BartekBanachewicz My brother is using a GTX 560 Ti
You can't be on Web without ABP + Ghostery
I think x60 series are best wrt value/price
@thecoshman Seriously how does this thing even run
70 and above is going into high end and they are kinda pricey
My browser takes 1.5GB typically
40 and less tend to make shitty cuts.
@CatPlusPlus 1.5GB of RAM? Which browser do you use lol
@CatPlusPlus you probably haven't been able to tell, but I never game and browse... as much as I would like to.
Chrome usually takes even more
ok... so if GPU says it require 350w PSU and CPU is 69 Thermal watts... I figure look for a 500w psu should be about right... right?/
4.4GB used right now and I barely have anything running
@LucDanton I don't plan to do anything special to support functions with side-effects.
@CatPlusPlus Chrome is using roughly 525MB over here.
@CatPlusPlus my work laptop has only 4GB :/
My laptop has 4 too
I hate working on it
I'm going to say all my algorithms expect all function objects to be referentially transparent (which doesn't mean I will call them repeatedly with abandon; it only means I can do so if I want to)
Makes sense.
Lookit concise! At least compared to the old ways. I'll probably remove the dereference with offset, too, I already have a default for that.
Firefox Peak Working Set: 702,852K. 15 tabs open.
My PC has 4GB of RAM and it works just fine lol.
I have closer to 150 in several groups on two windows
Firefox is not that bad at memory usage
(I think "referentially transparent" is a better choice than "pure" here: from the POV of algorithms it's ok if your function messes other stuff that doesn't affect its result; you reap what you sow)
Is it me or are the Apache projects all nearly unmaintained?
Ya I got that.
Chrome would probably be taking like 10GB with that much things
@CatPlusPlus Meh - the cat has half the net open.
I'd like to use Chrome because Firefox has shitty JS engine, but fuck their design decisions forever
I did try Chrome at one time. There was some problem with it - I can't remember. Anyway, I went back to FF.
@LucDanton Oh, a GC would solve so much trouble here. Don't get me started.
@CatPlusPlus well, if I get the system I am currently looking to put together, I will have 8 gig, which I think will be a slight improvement
16 minimum
@wilx Which ones?
People don't value RAM enough, it seems.
Everything related to C or C++? (Except HTTPd, I guess.)
This time Axis C++ and Axis2/C projects.
Previously log4cxx.
Last release of Axis2/C was in 2009.
@R.MartinhoFernandes in terms of getting enough in their computers, or writing code that uses too much?
WTF Google. "Mitesser" is "Blackhead"? WTF is that.
@thecoshman Former.
Anyone actually uses log4cxx?
Well, I don't. In my previous job, we would have used it if it were maintained. We have gone to log4cpp instead and then changed that to log4cplus. I would use log4cplus for anything now, since I am maintaining it. :)
But log4cxx was usable before it stopped being maintained and improved.
> Apache Axis2/C is a Web services engine implemented in the C programming language.
@CatPlusPlus The interesting part is that paid VCS tend to be the crappiest one can get stuck with.
No wonder it's abandoned
@R.MartinhoFernandes leo agrees on that translation.
Maintainers probably went insane
@CatPlusPlus I would use pretty much anything for SOAP that is not gSOAP and that interoperates with C++.
@bamboon I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant as "A plug of sebum in a hair follicle, darkened by oxidation." nor as "An infectious disease of turkeys producing discoloration of the head, caused by a protozoan."
Anyway ASF is enormous, sure you're gonna find projects that are dead or near dead
I think it was meant as "someone you eat with", i.e. not sebum, nor diseases.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :'(
It surprises me for though. :(
SOAP is common, right?
@wilx Are you consuming SOAP (heh) or publishing it (don't)
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, you are questing what a black head is?
Why is there no nice SOAP supporting library?
Because SOAP is shit
gSOAP works but it is terrible.
@thecoshman What is it?
@wilx more common than it should be
@CatPlusPlus The CA Technologies runs its business on SOAP web services. We are using it both internally and for customers to use.
Soap is a good thing, guys.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think it is rarely use in that context, where did you find it?
If you're publishing services, use something REST-based
Don't publish SOAP
Stop the cancer
@bamboon E-mail. 'wenn jemand mal mit <new cook> in Kontakt treten muß (zusätzliche "Mitesser" oder dergleichen), hier seine E-Mail Adresse:'
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's one of those spots you get, usually on the face, say over the noses. They are not swelled up like a normal spot, rather flat. Have a dark spot, more or less the only thin you see of them
@thecoshman Right. I wouldn't need to contact a cook for that.
Or if you really insist on crappy protocols that use XML, there's thousand times simpler XML-RPC
@R.MartinhoFernandes no... not an edible thing at all
@CatPlusPlus What would you have us use for REST services? I need something that is easy to use. Hand coding everything would be bad. I need stuff that can help with both client side and server side. Supports HTTP based authentication, NTLM authentication, Kerberos.
Integrates with IIS and Apache HTTPd on server side.
gSOAP is nice that it supports most of this.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The guy obviously wasn't sure about the name, too. :)
WCF is not-that-bad
Also, we need to support Windows and Linux on the server side and Linux, Windows, Solaris, HP-UX on the client side.
@wilx What do you mean? You don't need anything other than the ability to parse the incoming URI and distinguish between GET and POST messages, basically. The entire point in REST is that it is simple. By far the easiest approach I've found is to just use something simple like JSON messages. Screw big bloated SOAP libraries with XML configuration files and layers and layers of magic abstractions
If I can't use a command line tool like cURL (or the browser's javascript console) to connect to your service, then I don't consider it REST.
Well, using REST could be possible. But we still need to hook the server side into IIS and Apache HTTPd.
The problem is that this is enterprise software. There will always be oodles of useless abstraction and configurations.
Publishing REST doesn't require that much plumbing either
@wilx Yes. Can IIS and Apache handle HTTP requests? Then they are hooked up to handle REST
I think Mono has WCF implemented to some degree
Or you can roll a dice and pick any technology and it'll have something to do REST plumbing vOv
@jalf Probably unrelated, but I feel like ranting about it. I hate sites that serve you blank pages and a bunch of JavaScript that loads the page afterwards.
Yeah, unrelated
I already have a browser, thank you very much.
@wilx we use a fcgid module written in C++ for that. Apache passes the request to that module, we run it through a fairly simple REST frontend which looks at the URI, determines where to send the request, extracts parameters from the URL path, and passes it to the registered handler. All in our C++ code, running behind an Apache
(Or you could be insane and do web things in C++)
But tbh you don't even need the apache. Anything that can listen to http requests will do. I'm sure there are lots of C++ libs which can do that
You'll probably end up running frontend Apache/nginx at some point anyway
Well, I think I like the REST approach with pure JSON requests. As long as I can have some nice library on the server side to parse and manipulate the JSON.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but AJAX and web 2.0 :O
so what is the difference between REST and SOAP?
Ok, what is there to manipulate JSON that is worth using and is portable?
lol what?
I found your high expectations funny, that's all.
I have to start with high expectations to have where to fall back, right?
@TonyTheLion One is a clever use of existing technology and the other is a piece of shit designed by morons who never wrote a line of code in their entire life
@wilx For C++ or what?
@CatPlusPlus: Which one is which now?
@wilx Take a guess
@CatPlusPlus For C++, yes.
Yeah because I was going to mention Aeson.
Why are you people insist on doing web stuff in C++ ugh
@TonyTheLion You shower with soap and then you take a rest.
Q: What's the best C++ JSON parser?

Sam BakerI've seen the C++ JSON links on the official JSON site and would like some feedback on which parser people prefer - for reliability, speed and ease of use.

@CatPlusPlus: This is not "web stuff". We just need some kind of access to remote machines through existing infrastructure.
Why do you people insist on doing stuff in C++ ugh
Why are I can't spell
@CatPlusPlus This is 5 years old. I do not consider that relevant to 2013.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ahaha
There really is not much to write in a JSON parser
sooo... what do people make of this mix up of stuff for a computer? Any ideas on better options, or parts that just will not work? Please leave me feedback as comments. Don't worry too much about finding the same part cheaper, would rather not order each part for a separate site :P
These kinds of projects quickly go into "done" state and stay there
@CatPlusPlus: For the very same reasons I do not consider log4cxx relevant today.
Because last release was about a year ago? :laffo:
another Clang idiosyncrasy which seems purely designed to irritate me
@CatPlusPlus: No. Because what was good or the best then might be good or the best now.
Jesus pick a thing that works and be done with it
It's a goddamn JSON parser
@thecoshman Too many links; didn't click
There's a list on json.org
@CatPlusPlus: I am not the one who does the picking. I can only give facts supported recommendations. If the bosses decide to go with SOAP then I will have to code/cope with SOAP.
@thecoshman Anyway, as I said, on a desktop I would downloadmoreram.com
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Slowly migrating to dot net [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-helpdesk]
Hence my attempts to pick the best (for me) and still usable (for the product) solution.
@R.MartinhoFernandes would you rather I presented you a wall of ever possible stat?
@wilx You're fucked
Good luck
@R.MartinhoFernandes you would suggest I push for more then 8gig... your probably right...
@CatPlusPlus: I know that. :)
@CatPlusPlus: I am also married and have two children and third coming in August. Still, I am trying to make the best of the situation I am in. :)
Shame on you robot
@LucDanton: Why not just template<class L, class... R> using DependOn = L;? Also, you use DependOn<T, Ints>... while DependOn takes types only.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oooh :P
@Xeo Too tired to fix.
I took a nap some 5 hours ago, so I'm fine.
Also ISTR GCC has trouble digesting the former, but I'm not sure.
@thecoshman Don't press it. I really don't want to go on about it. Should just delete.
@thecoshman: I would have never gone for Intel based board + CPU.
Robot, you're getting stranger - not the first time you make some joke and a second later delete it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes don't worry, I still got a peak into your sick mind
Soon the transformation will be complete and deleting will cease
@wilx I did... i5
Pick Intel if you want ~performance~ pick AMD if you want something cheaper
@CatPlusPlus wavy arm performance? I like the sound of that :P
might swap out for an AMD
would mean I can afford the 16gig ram easier
Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tubemen
would rather not break the €500 mark
@CatPlusPlus indeed :)
Pentium III.
@rightfold ¬_¬ I also want to be able to use it
@Xeo I don't remember what the other ones were about, but there's nothing strange about this one. It was a terrible joke and it was about something I don't want to be laughing at because a friend of mine is having trouble with her pregancy.
Oh, I see
@R.MartinhoFernandes laughter eases pain... unless you have a broken rib or something like that
@thecoshman Yeah, I have noticed. Hence my comment. :)
@wilx derp 'never gone'
this just in: Wide code-generates two different representations for a type, depending on whether or not you passed it to Clang.
A: Implementing the soundcloud player

kamal houssiankkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...

@wilx Was trying to use vim.
alignment is a surprising bitch
well, it doesn't seem to be native to LLVM's type system (for types which are aligned more than their natural alignment- like say, aligned_storage<X, Y>::type)
so I have to manually insert padding arrays and stuff everywhere
youd think llvm would do that
Erm, that's not enough, is it?
Just making your type bigger doesn't solve the issue.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I also have to specify alignment on allocation.
I don't know the reason for alignment anyway :3
struct over_aligned_int_except_not { int x; char dummy[4]; };
I suck.
Ugh. What is this. Every tag on SO sucks.
so the long and short is that I had simply assumed that LLVM took care of alignment
but where you need more alignment than is obvious, you have to do it manually
@TonyTheLion REST: a fancy word for http requests: you want to retrieve a resource: send a HTTP GET request. You want to push one to the server: send a HTTP POST. How the resource is actually described (XML, JSON, some binary format, whatever) is completely up to you. So you use the HTTP protocol to describe what you want to do, and just have to store the associated data in the payload. SOAP is a hugely overengineered and self-contained XML format where everything is in the actual XML message
@R.MartinhoFernandes I had to star it, your MTBF is higher than everyone else in this room
I open the tag and am immediately bombarded with questions about "parse error on input".
Fuck SO.
I mean
I'll have to introduce primitive arrays to Wide even to describe padding.
@jalf I like it when you return a bool with SOAP.
A padding intrinsic type
1 bit of information, neatly packed in a 2 kB message.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Don't forget the WSDL
Hahaha SOAP
Shitty Object Access Protocol
It's right there in the name
Meh, I will not be actively browsing SO questions in the near future.
Needs too many mental filters.
I have to lower my meta rep down a little bit:
Q: What about a @reply syntax for targeting downvoters

JeffreyWe have this problem of people down voting without providing a comment. It's not a problem per se because sometimes the reason for down voting is either obvious or doesn't matter to the receiver. Sometimes though someone can down vote wrongly or misread the question/answer and most of the time we...

does AMD have some sort of problem working pcie3? non of these mobos I am looking seem to support it
Maybe you're looking at wrong price range :v:
@jalf oh that makes sense.
@CatPlusPlus intel mobos supports pcie3 for like €50, I'm looking at AMD boards for over 100 that don't have it
@thecoshman AMD is dead and gone in the desktop CPU game, it's pretty much just Intel now.
@thecoshman: It appears you are right. They do seem to have some problems with it and other features.
@wilx yeah, looks like it's Intel after all
nevermind, duplicate
AMD graphics cards however are very much alive on the desktop
@Jeffrey Waffles!
And amd CPUs aren't so bad for over clocking I've heard :3
Coincidentally Intel is worse at GPUs than AMD
@TonyTheLion also, SOAP relies heavily on generated code, produced from endless XML configuration files
Mostly because AMD bought a decent GPU vendor
nVidia still the best
@jalf I wrote WSDL manually once
oh I see
Hasswell's graphics are going to be a lot better
@CatPlusPlus Wow, no wonder you're so bitter ;)
Than current gen
@Ell AFAIK, these days Intel's GPU problem is with shitty drivers, rather than hardware.
so, slight revised list here now gonig for 16gig ram and a mobo that supports ram at the full speed... though last time I thought I sorted that out, computer was not stable with out ram speed being nurfed
Currently looking at €508 inc postage
I never paid attention to memory speed
memory speed isn't worth it
@CatPlusPlus well, this mobo turned out to be slightly cheaper too
I have not overclocked since my first Athlon.
the highest-speed RAM does not deliver any significant performance improvements at all
in fact, I think the last time I checked, benchmarks couldn't show any performance improvements.
Yeah it's lots of spergin about nothin
@DeadMG I got this ram because it was 16 gig
higher quantity is worth paying for
They support opengl 4 now
higher speed isn't
For mobos look at max memory capacity
If you're getting 16GB then get a mobo that supports 32+

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