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why the fuck can't people figure out how to properly ask even simplest of questions?
Why the fuck can't Firefox show a notification that it has downloaded updates and wants to apply them, instead of just behaving slowly, badly and only working on some sites?
Firefox works fine for me all the time
On Windows, FF just becomes more and more slow and unreliable when it has downloaded updates. After a while, I recognise 'update syndrome' and close/reopen, whereupon it installs the updates and then runs 'normally'. It's just annoying :(
^Code works as expected. I thought that would never happen again.
@Pawnguy7 is this your game?
you called your game Highscores?
why is the highest score labeled 0
pawnguy is full of mysteries
and what is up with the back button
I'll take mysteries over shit anyday
and all the high scores are 100 - lolwat
Never mind, the code is broken.
hello guys
I have a doubt while programming data structure
suppose i create a node using malloc
while deleting the node , i call deleteNode(node *n) , also i tried deleteNode(node **n),
both worked .
@CodeJack Don't use malloc().
but , as per my knowledge , as we are going to make changes to the node*n , we should pass it by call by reference , hence deleteNode(node **n) should be appropriate but why deleteNode(node *n) also works well ??
@MarkGarcia : Sir , but why ??
malloc is needed for dynamic memory allocation
@CodeJack You're in luck most of the C++ gurus aren't in here now. They'll sure teach you what's proper.
Quick C++11 question: What's the difference between the following two functions?
std::string func(){
    std::string frame = "blah";
    return frame;
std::string&& func(){
    std::string frame = "blah";
    return std::move(frame);
The second one is broken.
@CodeJack If you're using C++, use new and delete instead of malloc() and dealloc().
Pretend I'm asleep.
@R.MartinhoFernandes interesting...
@MarkGarcia : Sir , actually I am using C
@CodeJack Oh. Then you came to the wrong room. Sorry.
@Mysticial It returns a reference to a local. It's as broken as it would be with std::string&, or std::string* as return type (and body adjusted appropriately, of course).
actually , no other room , Sorry , plz accept Sir
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah...
std::move is a named and type inferred cast. It doesn't move anything.
lol. Silly r-values messing up with my mind.
So if I'm doing std::string str = func(); The first function is still the best solution in C++11?
plz help
@Mysticial The only solution perhaps?
Except for heap objects.
@Mysticial You shouldn't return references on local objects.
@Mysticial Yes. Even the first one with return std::move(...) is worse because it inhibits RVO.
std::string&& is still a reference, just like std::string&.
rvalues are confusing
I think it's easier to think of them with something you're familiar to.
That goes for anything really.
@Mysticial IIRC, when returning values from functions, the order is this way: RVO when the "accepting" variable is being initialized, move when object is movable, copy when that's the only option.
Q: Searching a node with balance factor of -2 in an AVL tree

CodeJackI know how to search a node with a particular key into an AVL tree . But I want to know how to search in an AVL tree with a balance factor of -2 Here is the code that I have tried. void searchForUnrequiredBalanceFactor(avlnode *n , avlnode *r) { avlnode *ptr ; ptr = n ; if (ptr==NUL...

No drive-by links plz
is it weird that I am a grown man and I have seen Tangled 12 times?
I have a question. In the C++ tag wiki, isn't "multi-paradigm" and "object-oriented" somewhat redundant?
@MarkGarcia Why?
What do you think "object-oriented" means?
@EtiennedeMartel "object-oriented" is a paradigm, right?
@MarkGarcia Yes. But C++ doesn't just support one paradigm.
@EtiennedeMartel What I meant is that we could omit "object-oriented".
Why is that?
Multi-paradigm doesn't imply OO.
C++ is generic, structured and, since C++11, has some additionnal features normally associated with functional programming.
@EtiennedeMartel But it's already "included" in "multi-paradigm". Just a thought anyway.
@MarkGarcia It isn't.
Why would it be?
OO isn't the only paradigm.
2 mins ago, by Mark Garcia
@EtiennedeMartel "object-oriented" is a paradigm, right?
11 secs ago, by Etienne de Martel
OO isn't the only paradigm.
@nicolagenesin I really like Mezzanine.
@EtiennedeMartel "Multi-paradigm" includes the OO paradigm. Also, we are not mentioning (explicitly, at least) other paradigms supported by C++ such as functional programming and (if I'm correct) TMP. That seems to be a bias (though that bias would be helpful in attracting programmers that are interested in OO), IMHO.
@MarkGarcia "Multi-paradigm" does not include anything.
Oh hey, looks like my ISP decided to provide me with the service I pay it for again.
@EtiennedeMartel OK then. Just expressing my thoughts. :)
Wait. Who reviews tag edits?
Oh. Nevermind.
OO is a paradigm
Hm. Now this is odd.
@Rapptz Engaging psychic powers!
If only it was a C++ error. :P
It's just a process is starting normally in Qt Creator but outside of it I get an error.
@Rapptz Some missing GCC dll?
When I added the DLL in I got this thing
@Rapptz Now that's pretty informative. :)
Don't know what else to say. :P
It's got me confused if anything.
Maybe Qt adds some flags to the exe or something.
Well, shit.
Bit of googling around tells me it's a 32-bit mixing with 64-bit issue and vice versa.
So cold....
In't this summer? :c
risky click
i'm almost bored enough to go rep-whoring
I'm just not in the mood to bend over
I am as busy as hell, yet I waste spend heaps of time on the chat. I suck.
@yiz Yes you do.
pokemon.alexonsager.net - do persian + diglett.
#define sizeof(x) rand()
@Johann That campaign (coding for all) is genocide.
@MarkGarcia so true
not as bad as all the kids who only want to be gamedevs
Game development is good. The hype isn't.
also true
have a star
esp. all the indie hype from minecraft
I know people who think java is good only because minecraft is written in it
Java is good... before.
well it's good, just not great
it's mediocre
I need a slurpee
this song is great
@Johann I like her.
the one question is - how do you get your hair like that?
super glue
when I was a kid, I managed to glue my nose to the mirror
good times
@Johann His parents probably look the same way. Or grandparents. Traits skip a generation sometimes.
erm she a girl
1 hour later…
@Johann If people really knew how Minecraft is written in Java, they'd know it sucks for games like that. I constantly have 2 to 5 sec lags because of the stupid GC
@StackedCrooked GEMA doesn't.
@Xeo a) tune your GC better b) Minecraft is, what I have gathered, really badly written c) yeah, JNI is a real killer and is a big reason why Minecraft has such terrible performance d) the server is also very bad, again as I understand it, as it uses hardly any multi-threading
@Johann The video looks like something from the mid-80's.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh the joys of GEMA
I couldn't listen to it anyway.
Still no headphones?
I have some Bluetooth-y ones paired with my phone. Workstation has no Bluetooth.
Ask your boss to get you some?
@Xeo What for? I already have some.
Okay, whatever
@Xeo ...
I still don't get that feature.
It's, like, fucking useless. :| It doesn't save any character as opposed to trait<T>() and the only reason to use it would be a shortcut to a bool value without relying on the conversion op - but if you actually want that, man, type out those 5 characters for "value".
I don't like trait<T> not being a type. I want code more readable, not less :(
@Xeo There's trait<T>()() as an option for forcing the conversion.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hey, it's trait_c<T>!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh yeah, that thing did get added, huh?
I wouldn't be surprised if not.
After all, it's useful and harmless, i.e., totally against the spirit of all the other shit that was accepted.
Hey, there was some useful stuff there.
I know.
I wonder how the sister forum std-discussion is in terms of sanity.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It has some clarification / change discussions, but also its fair share of idiocy.
@Xeo Meh, looks quite normal.
Kinda boring though.
What's wrong?
You're no fun.
I see nothing.
if we are going down the 'fear of ...' route
is there anyone using OpenMP?
I am sure some one is, but I am certain no one here cares
Konrad used to, but he couldn't wait to get rid of it.
can someone tell me can I use range based for with openmp?
Prolly not, but I have no idea.
@Xeo JVM has incremental and concurrent GC available
@BartekBanachewicz have you started doing audio for minicraft?
Not yet. I don't have much time for it nowadays.
have you looked into it at all?
I was thinking about Fmod
Roll your own.
Oh, wrong interlocutor.
yeah, from what I can tell, your options are free but limited OpenAL, pay for decent FMOD, or roll your own, as Robot says
Write 10 wrappers around OpenAL
Thinking I might play around with rolling my own :P
Oh crap what have i done
FMOD is free for non-commercial use
Robot, you're wreaking havoc in here lately.
But from what I've read on ALSA so far, it is god awful, truly terrible
@CatPlusPlus oh, good to know
Fmod is free for nocommercial
ALSA is not portable
1 min ago, by Cat Plus Plus
FMOD is free for non-commercial use
Gah I have to unplonk cat.l
What? The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture is not portable? What kind of world is this.
@CatPlusPlus no shit
@BartekBanachewicz (yeah, I just did too)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know right
MySQL 6 will have renamed utf8 to utf8mb3.
Trying to sort out some insanity or what?
"Rolling your own" means using ALSA on Linux, XAudio on Windows and Core Audio on OSX
OpenAL looked nice though. I've played with it for a while (pun intended) and save from being C, it's k
@Xeo Being incompetent as usual
@CatPlusPlus you mean I would have to use platform specific libraries if I rolled my own platform abstraction?
@BartekBanachewicz from what I've read, it is good to start with, probably easier then Fmod, but is limited in the long run.
I will just take a shower. Bb
@Xeo They currently have utf8, which is "some sort of UTF-8 that only goes up to three bytes because god fucking knows why", and utf8mb4 which is "UTF-8".
Saving space~
@CatPlusPlus What.
4 byte characters take too much space!
morning scrubs
@CatPlusPlus They don't take any if you don't support them.
Yeah, saving space
It is a bad joke shut up
yeah... but isn't MySql old enough to have be born in a age where a few gigs is actually a good chunk of space?
@thecoshman That's irrelevant. No such thing as UTF-8 in that age.
MySQL appeared around the same time PHP did
And it's just as good
@CatPlusPlus Wait. Now I realised how even more ridiculous that argument is.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, so when did they introduce UTF-8
MongoDB appeared around the same time as Node.JS. Does the same logic apply?
@Nican that everything is shit?
@Nican Yes
If you want to save space... UCS-2 uses two-thirds of space for the same code space.
what's wrong with ASCII?
troll ¬_¬
@thecoshman First presented 1993 or something, but part of Unicode only years later.
@thecoshman: It is not sufficient even for plain English.
@Nican if you think that one is shitty, you will also probably think the same about the other. I am not bashing node, but I can't help but notice its users are mostly 17yo javascript hipsters
@thecoshman It can't do your favorite smiley.
You know guys, I was thinking about Ada - C++
@BartekBanachewicz cough
@BartekBanachewicz cough
let's drop node for a while; you know how ada has features like integers with ranges on them, right?
These can be created with more or less effort in C++ metaprogramming.
You mean more or more.
And the end result is a fucking mess.
Just saying.
I was going to state point 2., Lua - Smalltalk
Consider int<1,10> + int<1,10>.
I have a confession to make; I used Node.JS to connect my arduino that is controlling my massage chair to my server through serial port. So I can have a web interface, and control the chair from my android.
@rightfold (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ can't a man be not taken seriously
And now consider int<1,10> * int<1,10>.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it should produce non-limited value.
@Nican ಠ_ಠ
@BartekBanachewicz Ah, so sucky?
Yeah, that doesn't require a lot of effort.
Yeah, yeah, but it works.
Does it bring benefits?
What do you need those types for if you throw them away at first operation?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes, but not at the time of +. At the time of =
wrapping_int<1,10> a = b + c;
What's the gain if decltype(b+c) is int?
A runtime failure?
oh wait.
are you really saying that we should fail compilation basing on possible numerical runtime values?
the gain is that at any point of time, I am guaranteed a,b and c are in range<1,10> if they are valid.
No, I am asking what's the benefit of encoding that information in the types if you are tossing it away at the drop of a hat and making no compile-time use of it.
@BartekBanachewicz No, you are not.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Care to elaborate?
@BartekBanachewicz wrapping_int<1,10> b = 10, c = 10; wrapping_int<1,10> a = b + c;.
That makes sense
well... that would make sense for a clamped_int<min, max>
I am not sure what it should be then.
which IMO is more semantic then 'ranged_int' or 'wrapping_int'
Something with some meaningful algebra.
Ada range types are not clamped, they raise errors on out-of-range
Throwing an exception is the only logical thing.
It isn't. It's just the easiest.
which makes sense, but I would make the distinction between ranges that clamp and ranges that throw an exception
@rightfold not always
You could infer the result to be wrapping_int<2, 20>
Then wrapping_int<1,10> a = b + c would be compile-time out-of-range error
@R.MartinhoFernandes if you throw or clamp, you are going to have to check for out of range, and what you do in that case is just as easy to do
9 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
And the end result is a fucking mess.
I was thinking more about it.
That doesn't speak well about C++.
@thecoshman No. If you throw, everything is over. If you don't throw, stuff still works normally. If you clamp you get weird arithmetics.
@CatPlusPlus you can't always detect that at compile time though, but if you can, it should compile time error sure.
@BartekBanachewicz Yay, I guess I'm a 17yo javascript hipster
@thecoshman a + 1 > a stops being a tautology under clamping semantics.
@jalf we all know you are.
@CatPlusPlus What if b and c are just 2 and 3?
just add "bla bla Cloud".
@thecoshman Under throwing semantics a + 1 > a is either true or not valid (i.e. throws)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I am still considering clamping to be a desirable mechanic under certain situations, one where you know you want clamping and expect such behaviour.
@thecoshman I never said otherwise. I just showed you how clamping isn't easy.
@Xeo The maximum range stays the same
seriously though, if the alternative is junk like Apache, IIS, PHP and ASP, sign me up for Node any time.
If you want to take values in mind then you need dependent typing and C++ can't do that :v:
5 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Something with some meaningful algebra.
Basically this. You cannot just ad hoc maths.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, it is the easiest option, but only makes sense if that is the behaviour you want. you know that clamped_int<1,10> a = a + b will NEVER fail
well... with in reason :P
4 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
It isn't. It's just the easiest.
That's what I said :P
> I just showed you how clamping isn't easy.
you also said that :P
@thecoshman Because it's true.
oh oh oh, shut up every one. GIFT?!
@thecoshman I will pick it up later.
and good god I nearly said what sort of things it is
ok i'm going to leave bed
@ScottW Have fun.
sleep tight
I command you to!
@BartekBanachewicz For Java developers the architecture of that fence is way too simple.
Not enough layers.
@rightfold for Java developers, the treat is on the same side of the fence as them
> I know a guy who had his colon removed. He now has a semicolon but can still eat carets.
> China Elevator Beheads Woman
I have just realized I've been listening to Pavarotti for past 20 minutes
@Xeo Sounds like something off of Sankaku.
It is
Oh wait... aha...
@Xeo That's not unheard of, actually.
I'm lurking mainly.
So, -fvisibility-inlines-hidden. When to use it? Pros and cons.
Q: C++ standard way to check if type has function with specific signature

FelicsThis question is related to: Check if a class has a member function of a given signature Is this functionality implemented by C++11 standard or do I need to use custom implementation?

@R.MartinhoFernandes Good luck
@Xeo I am done there.
lol, "You are right, but my case is special for no particular reason".
Thanks for too-localising the question.
I see someone here has been begging in the PHP room
@Xeo Btw, do you get why it isn't a dupe of the linked question?
@R.MartinhoFernandes The other question isn't for C++11 !!!!
@Xeo I just made it so.
ha, lol, just realised I have a downvote on the linked question.
one downside of having lots of Wide types correspond to LLVM types so you can take them, return them, and pass them around, is that the resulting IR is full of gunk.
A "sticky or greasy residue"?
@wilx It might even be slimy
On a different note. Has anybody seen any good "mind" youtube series?
For my next job, I want to work at a place where our customers are competent
the hoops we have to jump through...
hi everybody. i found this piece of code in a old software patent : s10.postimg.org/vkdqtpnsp/sss.jpg does anybody have an idea which language it could be ? i think its COBOL but not sure about it...
i mean are you serious
@yiz DO J=0 TO JBOUNCE; doesn't sound very much like asm to me.
> Emergency doors are locked and cannot be opened during flights.
@jalf I think you're asking a lot there.
@jalf unicorns would be a more realistic expectation
My family noted I was getting gray hairs.
I think that must be an inevitable consequence of writing C++.
@tigrou Looks like BASIC to me
@TonyTheLion nah, your just old and need replacing
thanks for being so honest :|
@tigrou: Could that not be DCL? The VMS thing?
@wilx : DCL thats what i was looking at just right now. it was supposed to run on a TMS1000 chip (first TI processor)
-1 in 2's complement is 111...11, right?
Fuck I have to convince my roommate to terminate the lease...
And if I don't succeed we will be forced to stay there for 5 more years... together...
hei everyone
@thecoshman sadly...
@TonyTheLion you also smell :P
@DeadMG traditionally
yeah, I figured
LLVM decided to implement ~x as x ^ -1
@DeadMG: Does it actually result into xorl in assembly or is it just in intermediate representation?
@thecoshman lol
Isn't it void the return type for constructors?
@thecosh ok, I have to admit that was awesome.
@Jeffrey constructors don't return a thing
not even void

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