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How the.
Moving containers does not invalidate iterators, right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Iterators that are antisocial could never get the right girl to visit them in their mom's basement.
@R.MartinhoFernandes depends
Oh gosh.
Depends on what?
Is it acceptable to use some sort of widget-like design pattern for the web?
I don't like where this is going. :( I need these guarantees :'(
You need a concept.
There is no container concept.
You're coding against fog.
@LucDanton I don't need that much.
But I need the standard containers to match it.
That's different.
I suppose std::array leaves iterators to moved-from elements but I have no idea.
Q: Upload resources get bigger

user2425739First of let me start by saying hello everyone as this is my first post on stackoverflow. Ok so i have been having a hard time figuring out a problem. When i split the file buffer and upload the splitted parts to resources of a file. The file get bigger than the actual file buffer. What i mean...

@LucDanton I can't see how it would be otherwise. Same probably happens with strings (are they containers?) using small string optimization.
> So if anyone have some insight on this problem i whould much aprichiated to get inligtend. Thanks
@JerryCoffin Ye. I didn't bring it up because 'container' is a moving target here. (Also see: there is no container concept.)
Has anybody here made a Windows screensaver before?
@LucDanton Yes -- I was basically just reinforcing that point.
@Pawnguy7 Yes.
Is it better to get the boilerplate working and then write the actual content, or the other way around?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Which is why I would like to use Source as a baggage-less quasiconcept.
I.e. I want to see if I can compose sources to produce traversals
Not sure what you mean by "traversal"
I'm looking into it.
@Pawnguy7 I coded the original "Stars" screensaver.
@Pawnguy7 Grab an exe and change its extension to .scr. Voilà! Instant screensaver :P
That would be find with me, if I could get it to be called on sleep.
Right, I can't just have struct access { template<typename T> auto foo(T& t) -> decltype(( t.foo )) { return t.foo; } }; and have types with a private foo make access their friend. Not sure how to proceed next...
Googled how to make windows screensaver. Found my old question. Sigh.
> find
Too late to edit.
You should feel bad.
@Luc are your ranges meant to be passed by reference?
I feel like I asked this before.
Ye. I've been using perfect forwarding/storing so far, no pain point in particular.
What are your intended copy semantics?
Get an equivalent range, but that's just normal copy semantics ('regular').
Well, I don't understand how your concat_map fulfills that.
I actually feel quite exhausted and reasoning very slowly. Should probably try some video games instead of coding/reading code.
As a disclaimer I got some pretty wild ideas in a torpor-induced haze. I'm investigating those right now.
If you copy a range from concat_map, you get it right back from the start, no?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Result is a source, not a sequence though.
So you get an equivalent source.
(ICBW, has been a long time.)
Damn, access as I've described above is in fact supposed to work.
@LucDanton That sounds non-composable :S
Bah, friend declarations. No complaints about friend class range_access; when I wanted friend class range::range_access; (which I suppose I should just rename access.)
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's where the crazy ideas come in!
Do I want to hear about them?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Looking at your picture makes me wipe my screen...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Too unrefined for now.
> error| no type named 'value_type' in 'struct boost::detail::iterator_traits<
Hmmm. Time for some Dave Brubeck.
Oh right, forgot to update my specialization of std::iterator_traits.
I'm stumped with the approach I was exploring and totally not in the flow so Imma play something.
Uh, I grant friendship from A to B but a friend of B needs access to A -- because it's one of those ADL-only friend operators I suppose that means I must write a static member of B which sole purpose is to forward to A?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good idea.
@ShuklaSannidhya :D
> internal compiler error: in gen_type_die_with_usage, at dwarf2out.c:19591
That's new.
GCC is creepy.
It was just generating a type die! With some instructions on how to use it!
@LucDanton Or it was genetically engineering dwarfs that die when used.
We'll never know.
I think you're right. Time for a video game intermission.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sounds like DF.
Bixi is a public bicycle sharing system developed in Montreal, Canada. After the 2008 implementation of the system in Montreal, Bixi began expanding around the world. Bixi systems are now found in the cities of Boston, Chattanooga, London, Melbourne, Minneapolis, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Washington, D.C., New York City, and the campuses of Washington State University and Blackberry. History In 2007, the city of Montreal published the "Reinvent Montreal" transportation plan, which featured a bike sharing system as a method of reducing automobile dependence. To design and operate th...
Woa. We're faaaamous.
Oh, Boris Bikes!
time to go back to prolog and finish that shit
@MartinJames Made in Montreal!
@BartekBanachewicz 'The Hipster Hacker from Hell' - LOL!
@MartinJames Pretty accurate description of @rightfold.
@MartinJames Lounge in a nutshell
@EtiennedeMartel You mean 'designed in Montreal, built in China'?
@EtiennedeMartel :)
Also, The "Jeopardy" Champion.
@MartinJames I wasn't aware that Saguenay had been renamed to "China".
But, yeah, not entirely made in Montreal.
'Haskell was so last year' :)
@EtiennedeMartel 'The Ha! Ha! Pyramid' WOT?
@MartinJames It's called that way because there's a river with that name next to it.
@BartekBanachewicz Incomplete -- doesn't seem to include the "Papa Smurf". :-) (No, even though I can remember well before PCs, when VAXen still roamed the earth, I don't qualify as either an Uber-traditionalist or even a Traditionalist -- I certainly don't claim those ancient systems are the right way to fix most problems).
@EtiennedeMartel OK, Googling 'Pyramid River'... :)
@MartinJames No, I meant "Ha! Ha!"
> Attempt to extract a component of a value that is not a structure.
What have I done.
"haha" is a French word that means "unexpected obstacle".
@R.MartinhoFernandes What video game is that?
@LucDanton Erm. :( My... hmm... pride was at stake!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Say it.
@EtiennedeMartel OK, hence "Ha! Ha! 358 linker errors!"
oh, Scala and Akka
I forgot about Akka long time ago
> Haskell is just a less pure and inferior LISP in many ways
@JerryCoffin you know, again, I see how Lounge is really different from the outer world. Sturgeon's Law applies to programmers as well, and I figure you're (we're?) out of any category
At least I can't find a category I could fit into in these 14.
some_vector = std::move(some_other_vector);
some_iterator = std::move(some_iterator_that_used_to_be_from_that_other_vector);
// WTF why does this try to copy a singular iterator?
@BartekBanachewicz Looking back at it, it was probably a strange conclusion, but when I was in school, I usually thought of myself as average or a little below, and just happened to have classmates who were mostly idiots.
@EtiennedeMartel gotta hate facebook
@Jeffrey The API, or the morons?
@R.MartinhoFernandes stackoverflow.com/a/6442829/560648 Note 2 almost forbids that
@JerryCoffin yeah, it was just off :P Well at least I being here see how much I still need to learn etc., but I can also see the gap between me and the rest down there.
I can't find an rvalue ref ctor for std::vector
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what
@BartekBanachewicz yep, star for that one.
@Bartek: in the standard
@BartekBanachewicz hi
It's there in the class synopsis, but there's no entry under
> It's my answer. Of course it's superior.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh come on you for real? I know it could happen but what's the possibility?
Tempted to post this.
@ShuklaSannidhya hi
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Container requirements.
> Descriptions are provided here only for operations on vector that are not described in one of these tables or for operations where there is additional semantic information.
there we go
still, table 100 not clear about supporting moves in any useful way
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hmm, with std::swap(some_vector, some_other_vector) it does the same. WTF
@BartekBanachewicz what?
@R.MartinhoFernandes does "changing" an iterator count as "invalidating" it? I reckon yes
@LightnessRacesinOrbit nvm
@R.MartinhoFernandes possibly a subtle impl bug
Oh lol, just got (supposingly IRL) anegdote from our uni
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Erm, I don't see how that matters. I get the failure when I try to change it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Trying to find a way to let your impl off the hook
@R.MartinhoFernandes If a case can be made that what your impl is doing doesn't count as "invalidating" the iter, then the impl is compliant
> Tutor sent two guys to a professors room. They come in and say "We've come for the asymptote". Professor asks "And why there's two of you?". - "Because we've been told it's heavy".
talk about troll level.
@BartekBanachewicz um..
Fuck it. I'll eat something and go to sleep.
user image
> std::vector<std::string> words1 {"the", "frogurt", "is", "also", "cursed"};
@Rapptz ..and lesbians, presumably.
@Rapptz Wow I thought I was the only one who got distracted by tanktops...
@Rapptz BTW, that' s a great way to say hello...
@MartinJames Sounds sexist. Straight women could undoubtedly be distracted by scantily clad men. Obviously, only blind people can drive safely!
Also I think I'll betray all that's holy and buy an acoustic guitar.
@BartekBanachewicz I have one...
I am thinking about this one.
It's from carbon fiber.
@BartekBanachewicz Are you Polish?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Thanks a lot for changing that picture...
@ShuklaSannidhya ;-)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit May god bless you...
that escalated quickly
I don't remember shit from what I wrote last night
@BartekBanachewicz Don't write shit, then you don't have to remember shit from what you wrote.
@BartekBanachewicz use transcript...
@ShuklaSannidhya I mean in my code.
@JerryCoffin it's in Prolog.
@BartekBanachewicz what do you mean by "escalated"?
@ShuklaSannidhya that's a meme
std::pair isn't an aggregate, right?
@MartinJames you seem to have answered it yourself :)
I don't know, I've never supported the "Facebook idea"...
Nothing personal, it's just that it doesn't add anything. It was shitty like MySpace or Netlog was...
@Jeffrey But it's a huge savings to tax-payers -- instead of governments paying spies to learn about people's private lives, they can just go on Facebook and people will voluntarily tell them (at least) twice as much as their spies would ever have found.
Yeah and you provide info to commercial companies as well ... for free!
@Jeffrey Yup, that too.
I don't think I care that much if companies knows if I like icecreams or not. It's just stupid to give that information away for free, since they pay for it anyway...
Aw yeah. /cc @EtiennedeMartel
Another Smooth
@JerryCoffin No government would ever care to deploy a spy on someone who uses Facebook... Not because they use facebook but because people about who a government wants to know about would not be the one using facebook... You are unlikely to find Maulana Al-Ashfaq ur-Rehman's profile on Faecbook.
Ugh I hate children acting like adults on adverts
I wanna play TP now.
@Ell Ahem...
@Ell Who are you talking about?
@Xeo Not my favorite song on the soundtrack, but yeah.
@Rapptz I played that game for 4 days straight when it came out - totally hogging my firend's Wii.
It was a good game.
I'm an idiot.
The final battle is so good that even @ThePhD confuses it for OoT
@Rapptz A very good game.
@Rapptz lol
When I first played it, I thought less of it, but the more I think about it, the more I realize it's quite excellent.
@Rapptz Not my fault. I swear, Zelda shot light arrows at Ganon in OoT at some point.
@rightfold I've been telling you the same thing for over 2 days...
@ThePhD No. You're thinking about Wind Waker.
OoT Zelda was useless in the last battle.
Just admit it.
Also, I wanna play Skyward Sword...
@Xeo Play it, and think carefully about which Zelda is best Zelda.
Zelda spent the last battle trapped in a crystal, and then cheering from the sidelines.
Me too. But I need Wii motion plus
Just, soak it all in.
I desperately want to play another Zelda. :<
@ThePhD SS Zelda is best Zelda.
@Rapptz Quiet, you. Don't poison his opinions!
FWIW, I like the dark-themed Zelda games more.
Does a game publisher sell x copies to a store or do they get a % per sale?
@Xeo Dark link FTW.
WW was an interesting case: Zelda was super badass as Terra, and the exact second she discovers her true identity, she becomes nigh useless.
@Ell Game stores purchase games at x price and sell at y price
It's like princesses have to suck in the Zelda universe.

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