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@Xeo They don't allow pets.
@LucDanton True. I'm just saying it appears to bother me slightly for the reasons stated (a part of the value of content on SO is the appraisal by others, and the rep of the poster is a part of that. This, is mainly the same argument I made in that 100+ meta post, actually)
@Xeo They run concurrently.
Welp, no lifted functions for C++14, then :P
Unless Richard maybe wants to offer some of his time from CWG
we'll see
Hmm, he appears to be online in #llvm
Or atleast he was half an hour ago
hopefully they will post a sched.
@DeadMG I can't imagine they'll have the time to have one.
... what with all the bike-schedding.
there should be one posted soon
btw robot
send me your list of all the things ranges need
I could attend the SG9 meeting if there's time
teach them something :P
I don't really know what's best.
or just a list of your iterator hates? :P
oatmeal-style comic comparing ranges to iterators would be best
@LucDanton I've decided to ask nicely, once, and then forever hold my peace...
@user2280070 And of course +1, my friend :) [I've reached the conclusion that I should not mind you posting under anonymous accounts "anarchist style". After all, the content is great. However, may I ask you to consider that SO is not just about content, but also about content appraisal, and visible boost-spirit reputation is a means for SO users to discern authority of answers, in low-traffic tags like this. Feel free to ignore this, if I'm out of line. I just wanted to mention it, once.] — sehe 1 min ago
I took "some" care to not link to his former user name (directly), mainly by not linking to the meta post.
@sehe You only linked to the lounge, not to a specific message. Intended?
I suppose if there's only 2 people in a tag, and one goes missing and a new one joins...
@Xeo Yes. I didn't directly want to link to his old user name
Damn, has to be really niche if there's only 2? active people?
has about 3 or 4...
It's hard not to 'stalk' fellow dwellers, don't you think? I mean, you don't stalk Andy or Nicol Bolas, right. But still, you'd know what they contribute
@Mysticial That's comparable, indeed
And of course we all know each other...
@Mysticial There are ~5 maybe, but only 2 are actively monitoring the tag.
@Mysticial You stalker!
Me, Paul R, Stephen Canon, are the ones off the top of my head that frequent the tag.
balls it's cold
scolds his balls
@BartekBanachewicz ... That's an agreement cough?
I'm pretty sure Bartek stalks Nicol Bolas.
there, he said it.
He would probably do it IRL if he could.
That's creepy :|
nah, he just posts good content :/
Often :\
welp, at least I am not writing under his answers "come back 2me bby miss u on SO" :P (jk)
inb4 :–
@BartekBanachewicz That's because he's not gone
it's a coffee break, and I don't require coffee :P
drink it!
make social contacts
gonna go say hello to stephan, I think
And maybe seek out Richard? :D
say hello from C++ Lounge to everyone, lol
@DeadMG What kind of programmer are you?
Also, my stomach is back to rejecting the tasty fluid.
I need snuff.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Change brands
@R.MartinhoFernandes Pizza is an acceptable substitute prop
@R.MartinhoFernandes I dislike coffee.
@sehe Pizza doesn't have caffeine!
Wrong pizza!
Get a Pizza Calzone filled with coffee beans
There's no trait for T C::* -> T right?
Taking all opinions for a name.
(I remember using ClassOf in the past or something)
I have that for T C::* -> C :s
Oh right, I read it wrong.
@LucDanton MemberType?
Considering MemberOf to mirror ClassOf.
I never know when I should have a transformation trait SFINAE or fallback to identity :s
@sehe Not under my control at work.
@LucDanton SFINAE here.
@R.MartinhoFernandes One who creates programs?
Let's see what happens if I make ClassOf SFINAE.
This thing seems quite popular around here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Club-Mate and doesn't taste that bad. Might give it a shot for a week or so.
wtf 78s build
@R.MartinhoFernandes That thing tastes horrible.
@Xeo My opinion may have been influenced by previous ingestion of gin, but it seemed good to me.
But then, you don't like coffee.
Everyone says it tastes horrible, just that you get accustomed to the horrible taste after a while
Speaking of horrible taste...
1521: In Florence, Jacopo attempts to seduce his maid by smearing his penis with crow's brains and honey. He is later charged with sorcery.
k, appears to work. Let's make it all SFINAE-friendly.
honey, I could maybe understand, but crow's brains?
Oh, the medieval times!
@LucDanton With a template<..., class Behaviour = std::enable_if<false>>, you can go SFINAE by default, and the user can supply identity when he wants that behaviour - or the other way around. Right?
I prefer the non-intrusive solution of having meta::computes.
@Xeo That looks ew-ish. Kinda like crow's brains.
and honey!
Honey is not disgusting.
it is when mixed with crow's brains
and I think that adding honey definitely increases the disgustingness of crow's brains
And don't forget that it was smeared on a penis.
1662: In Mexico City, Jaime Viadel is paraded naked, flogged 200 times and enslaved for 10 years - for claiming the Virgin Mary had a penis.
speaking of penises
How the fuck did he get that idea.
I want to perform SFINAE on both an expression and a condition for a template specialization. Not sure how to proceed, and bizarrely I don't recall running into that situation before -- even though I must have.
@DeadMG Maybe it's a typo and he meant Crowe's brain?
@R.MartinhoFernandes probably bought it off a local shaman
@FredOverflow Implying that Crowe has a brain is surely a typo
> Compiling lunatic python on windows
you gotta love this title
@R.MartinhoFernandes He probably thought that "Virgin X" implied X is a male.
@FredOverflow I was talking about the smearing.
Well, how else would you propose to apply crow's brains to your junk? Just stick it right in there?
@FredOverflow TMI
@BartekBanachewicz Seems an apt response. You know, "claiming X has a penis" -> obscene, parading naked -> not obscene
@FredOverflow Do I look like I want to know?
@sehe I'll never get those fanatics
Robots are curious and eager to learn, aren't they?
@BartekBanachewicz ikr, let her have the penis :)
@FredOverflow Actually, why would they be?
The more you know, the better you function? Dunno.
Sometimes I wonder if those accusations were just made up by the Inquisition.
:1: expected 'hello', got true
No one can be stupid enough to think a penis smeared in crow's brains and honey would seduce anyone.
You are overestimating mankind.
> Plese let me know if you need further clarifications. Thanks for your co-operation.
Is he threatening me?
Is std::is_constructible<void, /* stuff */>() always false or is it an error?
@BartekBanachewicz Where's that from?
This is one well-cooked question:
Q: Boost::fusion, Eigen and zip transformation

BenCThis question is a spin-off of another question I had concerning boost::fusion. The idea is to use boost::fusion to iterate over a large C-style struct containing N-dimension arrays. Computation on these arrays is done by Eigen. By using boost::fusion, one can apply simple arithmetic operations o...

@BartekBanachewicz Never attribute to malice...
@R.MartinhoFernandes The judges seemed to think that :|
I could probably reify LazyConditional<meta::computes<foo<bar>>, foo<bar>, fallback> into something.
I really like fusion but I have to admit that I'm a bit lost sometimes
InvokeOr<foo<bar>, fallback> perhaps.
@kbok I feel more than "a bit"
@LucDanton Is computes a nicely named has_type_member?
I think Visual Studio is crashing on me.
mostof the SGs want only half a day in the middle of the week to meet
Could be worse. For second I read "I think Visual Studio is crushing on me" :)
@kbok hint: it's just zipping sequences
Is he zipping the data members or the array elements?
Lol, this new sweet green merge button is 5 days old
Or both? Mixing all in a heterogeneous collection? Is that even possible?
and herb arrives
@DeadMG all hail the technovi... oh wait
And the error is? I think this is the 4th or 5th time I've said this today and it's only 10:49am. — sftrabbit 10 mins ago
static_if dropped, it seems
thank goodness

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