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What did you specify?
Ah, yeah, that might be too much for implementers, but fuck 'em. Perl is open-source.
@R.MartinhoFernandes With a permissive license?
I absolutely did not ever consider that there might not be any basic_regex_traits that would work to make basic_regex suitable.
I just specified that implementations should create one.
@sehe This kind of thing is just unacceptable ideone.com/zYliBl
@R.MartinhoFernandes :|
@sehe Maybe. Depends on with what granularity you can use it. Anything below code points means <L1.
@R.MartinhoFernandes wat? square matches ..?
@melak47 banana
@melak47 It's one banana.
banana matches ".."? o.O
Because banana is composed of two things (code points?).
@melak47 Come on man. Rule #4 of the Lounge is you must never see squares.
That's a good litmus test for L1 support: if that returns true, no L1 support.
@melak47 Yes, hence it sucks.
@Rapptz chrome on windows :/
how can that match positive
even in the most basic regex engines
It matches code units.
Same here. (I too see squares)
@DeadMG The basic ones match code units.
It's code for macho units
L1 support requires treating strings at the code point level.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The leading codeunit of ".." is a dot, and the leading codeunit of banana should be a low surrogate.
@DeadMG . is "any character" in regexes.
oh yeah.
Bad day today?
I forgot that regexes have that "MAGIC CHARACTERS!!!" bullshit going on
hmph. if I change all fonts in chrome to segoe UI symbol, I do get bananas
First the whole -sqrt(i) vs sqrt(-i) and now regex?!
Well, otherwise they would be just "substrings to match", not regexes.
Oh yeah. What does "character" refer to in regexs?
what, programmers couldn't come up with any better way to add that?
code unit apparently
like a function or something?
@DeadMG Boost Xpressive
@Ell Almost everywhere but Perl it means code unit.
But no, it turned out to be very convenient to have a DSL for that.
Boost Xpressive just makes that an Embedded DSL
more like, too many programmers can't get over having any data types other than string
Many languages have built-in regex literals, instead of hijacking strings.
Ruby! :>
`/(I) (love) regex literals/.match("I love")[2]
useless regex :P but awesome literal!
not sure I really consider regex literals to be better
I mean, they're just a FSM, nothing special at all
$str =~ s/hello/bye/; # Best fucking operator ever.
They can be statically checked.
Compiled to machine code. :v
"(fff" borked. /(fff/ compiler error.
ideally, that should not require special compiler support
Ideally that should have Unicode L3 support. What is your point?
my point is
Ideally, everything just works.
there's nothing special about regexes whatsoever
there's no reason to add special support for them
There's nothing special about strings either, why have syntax for them?
they are commonly used?
the only deficiencies in regex support as a library in most languages are the same deficiencies faced by every other library in that language
So what? Support for literals is cheap.
Unless you mean JavaScript. They managed to bork even that.
am I the only one who get annoyed when people write operator = instead of operator= (as an example)?
is that even legal syntax?
you mean like thing = 1 instead of thing= 1?
@DeadMG sadly it is
@Doorknob no
example, then?
.. that should be a good enough example
but heck
struct Obj {Obj& operator = (...) { ... }};
extra whitespace is never really bad...
that's like saying you should write stuff like this: something==5&&otherThing==6
Except around fucking parentheses.
@Doorknob that's outright retarded and brain-damaged.
^ correct
@Doorknob you are probably one of those people who mix tabs and spaces too
I never use tabs. Tabs are silly and, again, brain-damaged.
@refp Well, would you write that? something==5&&otherThing==6
extra whitespace where it's not necessary is stupid beyond fucktard level
or just something == 5 && otherThing == 6
@Zoidberg as in your IDE is setup to do spaces or your crazy and hit space 4 times
@Doorknob no, of course not. but operator= vs operator =
@refp So you're saying this is good code:
            .toString(31)]=function(e){for(t=0;t<1;t++)if(this[t]==e)return t
            this.push(e);return e};setInterval(function(){if(Math.random()<.1
@refp The point is, whitespace is neccessary in this case.
@Doorknob can you please shut up?
something==5&&otherThing==6 is unreadable as fuck.
@refp Well, maybe I am missing something since I don't do C/C++/C#. But I think the extra whitespace is good.
@Doorknob: You're obviously taking it to a ridiculous extreme that was in no way intended or even implied by the original example.
@Zoidberg I never said anything about it, I'm talking about something completely different
...okay, so we're trying to have a calm discussion AND YOU HAVE TO TALK LIKE THIS?
@Doorknob I don't have to, but I prefer to since he's not reading what I've been writing.
@BartekBanachewicz Can you have a look at the PR and let me know what you think (or just fix it or merge it)
hm, I think I might be missing something since I don't use C(++/#)
Be consistent, readable and use common fucking sense.
It's not very difficult.
@Zoidberg you implied that it was, together with doorknob
@Doorknob C(/++/#) FTFY
Does objective-C suck or something?
darn it I keep getting distracted by (meta)SO and chat :P Must do other stuff that is productive :/
@DeadMG is doorknob and zoidberg someone who switched nicks recently? (tomalak would be a good candidate for such borderline trolling behaviour)
@Pawnguy7 depends what you compare it to.
@sehe Looking at the interface of cpp_regex_traits... boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/doc/html/boost/xpressive/… No. Look how almost all the functions take char_type. I don't see how something like that can ever handle multi-byte sequences.
@refp Nope.
Compared to Haskell, Objective-C sucks pretty much tremendously.
@Zoidberg Well, I hear about C++, C#, even Java. But never Objective-C...
@DeadMG have they been writing anything interesting or would you consider it safe to ignore these two?
Compared to Java, Objective-C is fucking great.
@refp Why must you say I am trolling when I'm just trying to have a discussion :/
@Zoidberg please elaborate
@Zoidberg that's not saying much
@Doorknob sadly your idea of a discussion is close to what I consider to be a "very non-efficient way of trolling"
Compared to Java almost everything is great :P
@Doorknob Because you blatantly were trolling.
I like Objective-C
but last time I said that here
I almost got murdered
@refp @DeadMG quote? In which message? ...?
@refp Just to name a few things: free functions, no checked exceptions, lambdas.
@Pawnguy7 you only here about objective-C if your on a mac
@Doorknob comparing operator= to something==somethingelse&&yourmother==isawhore must be trolling, or stupidity, or both
@ScottW inb4 flag
@ScottW well yeah - which presumebly you would be building on a mac
@JustinMeiners I certainly wouldn't murder (or even hurt) anybody for believing that. It's nice to have at least person with such idiotic ideas you can laugh at them without feeling any guilt.
okay, I'm obviously not getting something since I have no idea what operator= does anyway
@JerryCoffin oh thanks dude
Maybe I should learn C++ before trying to talk about it :P
@sehe say, consider static bool in_range(char_type, char_type, char_type); or bool in_range_nocase(char_type, char_type, char_type) const; which I assume exist to support patterns like [a-z] and so on. Just like with JavaScript, if you use a multi-unit character in defining that range (say the range of all the fruits), it just cannot handle it.
how dare I like other languages besides c++ amirite?
@JustinMeiners It's fine, we all do.
@Doorknob also you can't bring an example containing minified js into a conversation regarding whitespace, that will just make you look hella stupid
In fact, we all pretty much hate C++.
@ScottW C++ is C++11.
@JustinMeiners No problem at all!
I don't like @Zoidberg
I do like @Zoidberg
@refp ...yeah, I need to learn about stuff before I discuss it. Okay, I now understand why I seem to be trolling :P I'll just not talk about the C++ related stuff, then.
@Zoidberg of course you would say that
Of course, I'm not an idiot.
ah, he's from the netherlands.. that explains it
@JustinMeiners You can like all kinds of things other than C++, but you should like things other than C++ that are actually good (for which Objectively-Crappy definitely does not qualify).
@R.MartinhoFernandes unless char_type is 32 bits :|
good point
@sehe Yeah, but how does the regex engine feed it those decode 32-bit chars?
@DeadMG since noone else wanted to discuss it (it seemed), can I rightfully bash on people for writing operator + instead of operator+?
char_type widen(char) doesn't cut it.
my eyes can't parse what is written to be honest.. (call me old fashion), and this seems to be something the new kids on the block has made up. more and more questions on SO contains the poorly written format
@refp Yuppers
Anyway, I could not resist: /[🍇-🍓]/ (matches anything between grapes and strawberries; doesn't work on 90% of regex engines).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Does L1 include support for extended code points (?) like the banana (i mean, things that can't be represented in 1 code unit in UTF32?)
@DeadMG thank you
@R.MartinhoFernandes That reminds me of The Great Banana Invasion :P
@sehe L1 support requires not matching code units.
@JerryCoffin lol what would be an alternative to Objective-C that offers similar features and perforamnce
@sehe Bananas are 1 code unit in UTF-32, like every other code point.
@JustinMeiners Hmmm...JavaScript, or Java with a few pause loops, or C++ with a lot of pause loops.
@JerryCoffin its a dynamic language - but it also has type saftey
and C compatibilty
just saying I think it addresses its own set of problems
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mmm? I thought I heard you mention that even on UTF32 some codepoints were multi-unit? Or was that talking about glyphs/combining thingies and other things I still know too little about?
which I cant think of an altertantive to
Have you ever used C++?
Out of curiosity actually
@Rapptz talking to me?
I don't mean C with Classes
@Rapptz Yes and I enjoy it
You don't have to lie, I'm just curious.
noone writes C++, we are only here to discuss what the standard says in theory.. who cares about real-life practice?
@sehe Yes, that's combining marks. There is a pattern for that required at L2, but not L1.
But if you do enjoy it, cool.
@JustinMeiners Honestly, unless you count "being what's natively supported by NextStep Apple, I can't think of anything it does well that can't be done at least twice as well in something else.
@sehe @R.MartinhoFernandes discussing c++ and utf8 is dumb, it's broken, we all know it's broken :(
@refp Zip it, big mouth
@JerryCoffin well it has great frameworks - some of the best I have seen
but thats not really a language feature
more of an ecosystem deal
@sehe you can't say I'm wrong about that though.
built in reference couting
@refp Watch me. Also: irrelevant
as a compiler feature
@sehe don't get me wrong, I'm following your discussing with interest.. but c++ has never been good at handling multicharacters, and that arse-pain will sadly stick with us for a while
@refp Yeah. And people far more knowledgeable than you (or me) are discussing it so the future might not be as broken. That's not useless.
im not saying its like a superior language or anything lol im just saying I like it
@JustinMeiners The only framework I can think of that's clearly inferior to NS is MFC.
@sehe I never said that it won't be fixed, I'm just saying that it's broken
The rest are at least ad good, and most are obviously better.
> discussing c++ and utf8 is dumb
@JerryCoffin the Appkit on Mac is a mess, but UIKit on iOS is beautiful, also Foundation and all the audio/video/graphics frameworks
^ That. Not nice
@sehe That is still a very important feature but you can manage without it and maybe even emulate it to some degree. The sad thing is that almost everywhere you don't struggle to get grapheme cluster matching (that thing you were thinking about) but struggle get the bare minimum.
@sehe alright, poorly worded statement.. you got me
@refp Ok. Forgetting it :)
And unlike grapheme clusters, whose definition is basically given with simple regexes, implementing a UTF-whatever decoder in regexes is not sane, if feasible at all.
@R.MartinhoFernandes (emulating it reffering to normalizing up front?)
@sehe No, I mean you can actually implement it within the regexes given L1 support.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sounds very much like something on the roadmap for ogonek'23?
funny thing; I can't find where in the standard it says that operator+ (no whitespace between operator and +) is even valid (sure a lot of examples says that it is implicitly, but I'm looking for an explicit statement)
@refp Look in the BNF productions.
@refp maximum munch
@refp nongnu.org/hcb/#operator-function-id operator is the keyword, and the BNF just states it must be followed by an 'overloadable operator' - whitespace is ignorable in between terminals
@JerryCoffin why don't you like objective-C l
@sehe but where does it explicitly say that whitespace is ignorable?
@refp ... somewhere. I'm not going to open the PDF now, sorry
I have the pdf open
@sehe IOW maximum munch, because + can't be part of the same token as operator.
Somewhere at the start of the appendix (or maybe the end). It should list allowed whitespace chars
just can't find anything about it.. if the whitespace is ignorable there, why isn't it ignorable in classFoo{};, class is also a keyword (silly example, don't take it too seriously)
Ooooh, now that I read it, I think I can answer that question Konrad brought up. At least point out the problem and send the guy on his way to ICU.
Well, I've just nuked my Facebook profile. Now I only have a few associates, feels good!
@JerryCoffin Yeah, they go together. The question was "where is it written", maximum munch doesn't answer that. Maximum munch is just the mechanism to arrive at an interpretation of potentially ambiguous token sequences, IYAM
@refp Phase 7
The one Jerry said.
@DomagojPandža Wait. You're doing it wrong. If you can still have "a few associates"
@sehe Well, a few humans will always survive the blast and not succumb to the radiation. :P
@DomagojPandža IOW you fail at nuking accounts
@kbok I'll take a look
@JerryCoffin mhm, just found it myself. thanks
@refp because classFoo is a legit token.
@BartekBanachewicz did you ever get ahold of havok script?
Why doesn't refp like Zoidberg? .
@JustinMeiners nope. It's expensive
@DomagojPandža Relevance :/ (my guess: Zoidberg is too hands-on, pragmatic, too irreverend in a way)
@BartekBanachewicz like really expensive?
@JustinMeiners yes
@sehe I suck at social stuff. :(
@BartekBanachewicz unfortunate, how did your lua C++ wrapper go?
@JustinMeiners it's still going
@JerryCoffin yup, got it, thanks once again.
@BartekBanachewicz why would you call it "lundi"? everyone hates mondays! :p
@melak47 because Lundi means "Day of the moon", and Lua means moon
@DomagojPandža simple; I don't like users who write irrelevant bullcrap.
or well, they are free to do that as long as I'm not dragged into that discussion.. (throught hilights or replies)
@BartekBanachewicz I see
I might add that I don't like popcorn either.
@refp Please do
@refp because of kernels?
or in general :)
@melak47 just in general.. they get stuck in your teeth and I always seem to get them down the wrong pipe, almost choking to death
@sehe I don't like popcorn, either.
Thank you so much
@refp You're doing it wrong :) That's what pretzels are for!
@sehe no problem, but don't take this for granted in the future.. it's not like UB
@sehe am I supposed to allow pretzels to almost kill me, or is there a secret pretzel/popcorn combination that I don't know about?
Nah. Pretzels are commonly used to choke on.
@kbok merged. looks fine
@sehe not a big fan of pretzels to be honest
also, guys, I am disappointed. Nobody figured out the correct plural of regex?
index -> indices
regex -> regices
@JustinMeiners The short is "because it works poorly". The longer answer is that it attempts to combine what are two essentially incompatible languages (basically, C and Smalltalk) but does so in a way that you end up with most of the weaknesses of both, but losing most of the advantages of either.
speaking of nothing I've decided to quit smoking.. and it sucks

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