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Apparently everything is a candidate, no ordering :(
Well, marriage is the leading cause of divorce, after all.
@kbok It's not logical, it's just plain stupidity
template<typename..., typename...> and template<int, int..., typename...> works-ish.
@kbok FWIW there are species with courting rituals, where the (thereafter) surviving mate of a pair never courts again.
@LucDanton TIL :)
Don't know why the behaviour or absence of behaviour of a duck would matter though.
It's just that using "natural" as a synonym to "defined by a bunch of angry prudes a few thousand years ago" is kinda stupid.
(I'm not saying the Bible is stupid, only some interpretations of it are)
@EtiennedeMartel s/some/pretty much all/
The term 'natural' is grossly overloaded anyway, and most of the methods raise exceptions.
Oh, look, an angry atheist. So original.
Oh look, an atheist vs. non-atheist argument. How classy.
People treating the Bible as an encyclopedia are stupid.
"Respect my lack of faith in some God, and I shall tell you how stupid you are for believing in one".
If that wasn't clear, I'm an atheist.
@kbok Can't find a source on the Internet for the species I was thinking of. FTR I read it in La Hulotte.
I keep my faith like I keep my penis: Hidden to all but a very select few, and very close to me at all times.
People treating an encyclopedia as a bible are pretty stupid too.
@EtiennedeMartel You appear to lack a certain level of assholishness to be one.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fanaticism does not require religious beliefs.
I amuse myself.
Q: Why isn't object returned by std::move destroyed immediately

Pony279I tested the following code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class foo{ public: foo() {cout<<"foo()"<<endl;} ~foo() {cout<<"~foo()"<<endl;} }; int main() { foo f; move(f); cout<<"statement \"move(f);\" done."<<end...

@EtiennedeMartel I think that is a large generalization of atheists. Just like christians, it's only the roudy atheists that get heard
@LucDanton Just don't do it too much, or you'll get hairy palms.
I've seen atheists profess blind faith in Science (yes, with a capital S), and at the same time dismiss faith in God.
blind faith of any description is somewhat stupid
Also I just noticed "right value"
science was supposed to fix my feet
Science doesn't require faith :3 unless it's new-fangled
but failed
Oh, look, a cynic. So original.
faith in science, lost
Oh look, sarcastic comments about other people. So original.
@Ell Yes it does.
science->contains(faith) == humanity->contains(faith)
@EtiennedeMartel not much
@ScottW I'm not original.
You're boring.
@Ell How are you going to prove your hypothesis if you don't have faith in it?
most scientific models are pretty well reasoned imho, suggest one to me which is not (a mainstream one please :P )
You have to believe that you are right before you can actually prove it. Otherwise, why bother?
@EtiennedeMartel Confirmation bias?
@ShotgunNinja That's one of the consequences, yes.
@Ell So you already disproved your original statement?
for science
@R.MartinhoFernandes I didn't have much faith, see ;)
For science, you monster.
@EtiennedeMartel I've actually come across a fact that I had absolutely no faith in, but I was forced to admit it was so based on scientific evidence.
Actually, that happens quite a lot in the hard sciences.
@ShotgunNinja That's not what I meant.
A: Why isn't object returned by std::move destroyed immediately

Daniel FreyBecause in the general case, the move could happen in another translation unit. This means that the caller will not know if the object was moved or not, all he knows is, that there is an object and that it has to call the destructor of that object.

@EtiennedeMartel Fair enough.
Look at this guy's profile...
Actually, everything I'm saying is sucked straight from an Extra Credits episode (because I have no opinion of my own, I just rehash what others say).
So watch that.
> Since 2002, I am the maintainer of the Boost.Operators library.
> I am currently working on a high-performance, move-aware successor, the df.operators library. I'd be happy if you find it useful and to receive some feedback.
@R.MartinhoFernandes heh, if he is writing a move aware library, he should know what std::move does
I'm currently wondering WTF he is smoking.
Hmm, any opinions about Akamai Technologies?
@wilx They're cool, but they haven't really carved a name for themselves.
oh cloud, it must suck
Plus, on their homepage, the moving "Chat Invitation" box that scrolls left and right.... barf
wtf shotgun the lounge now?!
@R.MartinhoFernandes ?
Also, I learned recently who is the author of the Boost.Array
@CCInc what? he was there long before you IIRC
@CCInc wat?
@BartekBanachewicz Nicolai M. Josuttis?
@BartekBanachewicz I've always been here.
You betrayed the Lounge. Traitor.
@kbok aha!
I swore I won't buy his book before I finish reading Primer
@LucDanton Apparently he's the maintainer of Boost.Operators, and is replacing it with a move-aware library, but... shows a very fuzzy understanding of move semantics.
Being broke helps to keep that
@DogPlusPlus we are bunch of dicks and you can't get help codez here
It happens I guess? I just showed a fuzzy understanding of having lots of function templates with the same name, and yet I write function templates all the time.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nobody's perfect.
@EtiennedeMartel Except perfect forwarding...
@DogPlusPlus Erm, no, not even that.
Isn't the correct answer to the question that move doesn't return a rvalue but a rvalue-reference?
Robot, you need to implement pun heuristics. :(
@bamboon No.
@LucDanton but?
But what?
But stallion.
Butt pirate.
what is the answer then?
A chicken or a hen?
I don't know.
Oh, look, snow.
@bamboon Pete Becker's.
How about a game of checkers?
guys, do you wanna confuse me?
Oh hey.
Another 11 billion euros.
All gone forever, hurray!
I can know one answer is incorrect, but that doesn't mean I know what answer is going to help the OP. If or when I do, I usually write it, too.
Stupid retarded European Union.
It's a disaster.
@Zoidberg Mission accomplished.
No wonder they lack over ten billion dollars.
@kbok Don't you care when children you've never heard of get murdered mercilessly by a cold-blooded killer? Why does "knowing the person" suddenly count?
@bamboon Why?
Don't be shy.
ITT marriage is murder.
Taking it further.
I do kinda care
@R.MartinhoFernandes It used to be that emplace was a functor of type emplace_tag. Such that T t = emplace(foo, bar); would have the same semantics as T t(emplace, foo, bar);. I'd lose that.
I also think Tibet should be free, despite the fact that I don't know any Tibetans; I don't think that means that I'm failing to mind my own business -- I simply have an interest in the way human societies develop
@R.MartinhoFernandes What does Pete Becker's now have to do with it and I didn't understand luc's cryptic behavior?
@DogPlusPlus 'Snow' - yeah, 'dog bites man' news. Soddin' sick of it now :(
@bamboon std::move(x) is an rvalue, which is why it can be moved.
It seems redundant but the author of T has to have an (emplace_tag, tuple, indices<I...>) private constructor anyway.
It's just started here too. Where's my fucking passport?
wah wah wah
come Christmas you'll be "where's my fucking snow?"
wah wah wah
Meh, bad reasoning. Actually it's because T t(emplace(foo, bar)); doesn't look as nice.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit fuck snow
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Because someone is suffering?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I highly doubt it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Are you really comparing gay marriage to child murder?
@bamboon How am I cryptic? You asked if such answer would be correct, and as I've said, it's not. That's the opposite of cryptic.
@kbok No. I'm throwing out the "that you've never even met" part of your argument. As an abstract quantity, both child murder and gay marriage are "the thing that other people are doing that you agree/disagree with". I see no reason at all to constrain what you see as "valid" views to the views of those who know the people involved personally.
Shut up, child killer.
Is there a proposal to turn more tuple constructors constexpr?
This is not my point, but anyway I'm not interested in debating with you.
@TonyTheLion harrooo newww yorrrrrkkk!
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: All the proceedings are proceeded with. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-helpdesk]
@Zoidberg haahahahah
@kbok I'm sorry to hear that. I suggest next time you attack an opinion group you do so with the intent to follow through, rather than running away when your logic is taken apart. Thanks.
No one changes the topic these days.
@R.MartinhoFernandes logical
@Zoidberg and what about in the UK?
UK is in Europe
Learn topography you noob.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit When their logic is taken apart by child murder, people tend to run away.
^^ lol
@TonyTheLion lol nope
no not really
politically yes but socially no
@BartekBanachewicz oh gawd
the Anglophone "America"/"Europe" dichotomy is totally false
> Go home, @user2136769. You're drunk. – Shadur 8 hours ago
@TonyTheLion UK is an island where weird people live
Go to Africa.
@BartekBanachewicz lol
That is, UK citizens do not identify as being "in Europe", though the country is "part of the EU".
then I'm a weird person
we all are, no?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I know that, and I find that silly
@BartekBanachewicz No.
Hello from the weird...
@Zoidberg that's new.
@TonyTheLion Learn to distinguish between social constructs and political ones. When you say "America", presumably you don't mean the entirety of both continents.
I finally got the long needed haircut today
That's the best reply you could have used.
I am not getting a haircut.
@TonyTheLion so… you will be speaking to people?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, not New Jersey, obviously.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Who?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I mean USA this case, perhaps I should have been clearer
I need to buy Programming in Lua though.
@TonyTheLion Perhaps!
@TonyTheLion Yeah. Next time say Merkinia.
Today I realized: programmers have long hair because they're too shy to go to the barber's.
@BartekBanachewicz OGL, Lua..what's wrong with you :p
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@Zoidberg Speak for yourself
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's "Merka", get it right.
@Zoidberg I'm not shy, merely lazy
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I have long hair.
@Zoidberg I have long hair because I like having long hair
Its Murika
@LightnessRacesinOrbit In any case, he said "Murica", which clearly does not refer to any continents.
@Zoidberg Yes, I know. That's why I said "speak for yourself".
I know that too.
I have short hair, because it's sexy.
@Zoidberg Then what the fuck
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't think anyone is entitled to a debate each time someone drops a political-related message here. Sorry.
I have long hair 'cos the parking fees near the barber are excessive.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nothing.
@kbok good answer (not being sarcastic)
@melak47 what do you mean?
I thought long hair would be cool, but it gets itchy
@kbok Likewise with religious and sexual-orientation debates.
and I wake up at night because itches
so fuck it
@ShotgunNinja I am religiously sexually-oriented. How about you?
@TonyTheLion have you tried showering
@TonyTheLion s/use /use b/
@TonyTheLion Um, dude. You have nits. Or simply haven't washed in three months...
@melak47 yes
hehe, I'm subtle like that.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I am sexually religiously-affiliated.
Or religiously sexual.
@melak47 Yeah - works for me. I will get hair cut when snow stops, maybe in a couple months.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I wash every day.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What does that mean? Nuns are not sexy?
and my hair every other day
I don't know where I would get nits from... unless a coworker has them
Oh look how Facebook's pile of poo smiley looks.
@TonyTheLion ?? How do you prevent your hair being washed on alternate days? Shopping bag over head?
user image
It has eyes!
@MartinJames do I seriously have to answer that?
@TonyTheLion yes, I'm interested too.
@TonyTheLion FFS no!
@TonyTheLion I'm honestly curious.
Fuck your curiousity
@Zoidberg should be unicode
@Zoidberg wat. 💩
wait, it is unicode?
Ah, the Facebook poop.
Facebook smileys are not Unicode.
They are PNGs.
..says bananaman.
Dammit Chrome.
Firefox on Ubuntu too (boxes)
@BartekBanachewicz so it must be linux' fault! windows reigns supreme :p
FF on windows - hexbox.
@Zoidberg what else would I install on my professional-grade workstation?
fuck this shit
@BartekBanachewicz Red Hat
@BartekBanachewicz Missing font.
@BartekBanachewicz Arch Linux or Gentoo.
@BartekBanachewicz Windows anything Professional, obviously :p
@Zoidberg Thank you, I want to use the system not configure it.
I too want to use the system, not being annoyed by bad GUIs.
So I use Arch Linux with xmonad and Z shell.
you're nuts anyway :)
The standard Windows GUI system seems to work quite well.
Gnome 3 works nicely too.
@BartekBanachewicz 💩💩💩💩💩
@melak47 you still haven't responded to what's wrong with liking OpenGL and Lua
oh um, GCC rejects struct foo: ns::foo { using ns::foo::foo; }; complaining that the declaration names a constructor -- presumably that of foo, not of ns::foo.
apparently my manager doesn't know memes
Oh look - five hexboxes. Is that a bunch of bananas?
I have to enlighten him :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok, let's get this straight. std::move casts from lvalue-ref to rvalue-ref, how can it then return a rvalue? Or do you mean a rvalue of rvalue-ref?
@bamboon 'return an rvalue' is imprecise language.
    template <typename T, typename... U, typename V>
    void f(V);

    f<int, double>(1.0); // U = {} or { double }?
    f<int, double>(std::vector<int>()); // will at least this one work?
@BartekBanachewicz stop liking what I don't like :)
@bamboon Expressions are rvalues. Functions don't return expressions.
@R.MartinhoFernandes My casual testing suggests {} for the former.
That's a tad annoying.
In my case it's actually a big help :s
@melak47 That's too bad. Use whatever you wish.
I wonder if <typename T, typename... U, unspeakable X = unspeakable::value, typename V> would fix it.
@Xeo What's wrong with VC's variadics?
@kbok s/vari/buggy/
I declare <typename... U> foo(U&&...), template<typename T, typename... Ts, typename... U> foo(U&&...) and template<int I, int... Is, typename... U> foo(U&&...). The function template 'closes over' the explicit arguments, in a sense.
> // it has to be noted that you will lose two points of humanity if you ever understand how this macro works
its one ugly macro
@TonyTheLion Awesome comment.
@TonyTheLion s/hum/s
from here bottom of page
@R.MartinhoFernandes huh?
@R.MartinhoFernandes what
y not 0?
What's so surprising?
what is in U[0] ?
so what is in V?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I understood you wrong because I didn't know the exact correct wording, thanks for correcting me there. Also thanks /cc @LucDanton
@BartekBanachewicz double?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I can't C++.
I honestly think it makes the most sense.
(And coincidentally, it's what I need :P)
God the amount of knowledge I lack is so depressing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes heh, pass one explicit argument
"The more I know, the less I know" is true as fuck.
@LucDanton I get two zeros. As expected!
I want only explicits in the variadic pack.
Hmm, is there anything that efficiently removes items from std::vector instance that are also in a second std::vector instance?
@wilx removing from middle of vector is inneficient in general
@BartekBanachewicz s/know[1]/learn
@BartekBanachewicz: Not really, if you do not care about the order. :)
@wilx I would probably go easy on memory and construct a set from second vector
@wilx so make sets from both
@wilx There's one in Java, hyuk hyuk
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wait so everything is fine then?
Q: ¿Por que no puedo entrar en el Action?

GustavoI'm doing a login, in index.jsp I have a button that opens a form, and send the user to save the session. login.jsp <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%> <s:form action="lo...

@LucDanton Yeah.
gah, got confused when getting out of the flow
I had template <typename T, typename V> wrapped<...> wrap_range(V); and now I want to add typename... Tags so that wrapped can carry the tags along.
Why OP only translate half the post?
@MartinJames debuguear?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Okay so we're doing the same thing. Remember when I was talking about closing over explicit arguments? Let's share notes!
@ShotgunNinja Yeah - surely that did not come from Google translate. I'm sure it's not Spanish either!

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