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I still have to test some graphs and write a report
@MooingDuck that's true. But in this case taking the side of one of my friends means leaving the side of another. If I had to choose I know who would I choose, but what's really fucked up is that I have to decide over something that I really don't care about...
@Pawnguy7 for a circular dependency, there'd have to be two classes involved.
@Jueecy oh, you didn't mention leaving the side of another
Don't make circular dependencies
@Jueecy just back off. Tell them you aren't getting involved.
C++ needs 'enemy' classes.
@MooingDuck, the one that is asking me that is the one I probably care more about, but I know the other for my entire life (literally) and I'm not ready to let any of them go, which sucks.
Backing off usually alienates both sides.
And finding a common target is very easy for once-enemies.
@MooingDuck I can't because when they asked me what I thought about it, back then, I was trying to prove that it was not completely the other one (the one I would let go)'s fault (which everybody were going against to) and they took it as "you are defending him".
@Jueecy you were defending him
@MartinJames those are declared with 'private'
like they don't want anything to do with other classes
@MooingDuck, no, I was trying to move the other's point of view to his point of view to see that it was not completely his fault. I don't want to defend either of them, because they both made different mistakes and it's stupid to judge them.
@Telkitty Oh... is the Jueecy thing an actual thing?
I was just taking the side of the weaker one because I hate it when people can't see every body's point of view and just blindly mock people down...
@MartinJames any class is an enemy by default (structs are friends by default)
@MartinJames huh?
@sehe any class is an enemy loner by default (structs are friends by default)
Oh shit. I thought the 'friends' thing was just software.
@Jueecy you again
no such thing as "methods"
just sayin'
you again
You know what's really sad of all this? That a bunch of strangers in a chat gave me smarter answers than all my "real" friends combined.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh good you had me so confused
Q: need html form disappear

user1401624I am having a problem with a PHP page that the action is to post to itself. The form is populated from a database and has a submit button. What I am trying to accomplish is that the administrator is assigning tasks to a specific user. The form is repeat region and when the form is submitted th...

^ glad I don't have to fuck about with this any more
@MooingDuck yeah sorry about that. you confused me too, as you can see. but it isn't difficult to do at this time of night
@sehe but classes can have children by themselves, the prevalence of single parents :p
Fuck it, who cares, 'methods' = 'member functions'
@MartinJames I care, obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up. Dumbass...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Why does it matter?
eh looking for a new laptop, the one I'm currencly on has no more a screen ...
It doesn't, he's just sperging or trolling or both
@LightnessRacesinOrbit nor the rule of three, value semantics, universal references, perfect forwarding...
@DogPlusPlus You're on a roll. Take it easy on the people with actual chat cred, though
You're on a roll, for a troll
@MartinJames No reason, Patrick.
Hey. Bad publicity is also publicity. So, any cred is...
@MooingDuck, @CatPlusPlus, thank you for listening and answering me. I've really appreciated it. :)
In object-oriented programming, a method is a subroutine (or procedure) associated with a class. Methods define the behavior to be exhibited by instances of the associated class at program run time. Methods have the special property that at runtime, they have access to data stored in an instance of the class (or class instance or class object or object) they are associated with and are thereby able to control the state of the instance. The association between class and method is called binding. A method associated with a class is said to be bound to the class. Methods can be bound to a c...
Imagine the Lounge as a beautiful green meadow... Here's how Telkitty fits into that picture.
For me, at least.
Chicks dig it
aw man
I got 1-hit by a wolf.
@MartinJames In this case, he had gone out of his way to "correct" member functions to methods, which is a backwards step. So it's not as if I just stepped in out of the blue to tell him off for "method". I was combatting his assertion that the more incorrect one was in fact more correct.
@DeadMG I read through your "recent posts" but I can't figure out what you're referring to there
@DogPlusPlus Oh you are cheating on me with all those other chicks! I am so heart broken.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ah
@LightnessRacesinOrbit, it was functions not member function, just sayin'
@Telkitty Maybe we should spend some time apart. Leave the Lounge, I'll understand.
Maybe I should just go to sleep. Fucking about in the lounge is just too dangerous after beer. 'night all!
@MartinJames 'night!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit There's a point there
@MartinJames but wait ... this is the time we can trick you into doing stupid stuff ... don't leave!!
Telkitty, who was the culprit who told you about this room?
Gone man, solid gone...
@DogPlusPlus how about you leave the lounge, it works both ways ;)
I was called back as the Prime Minister of Cockistry.
I can't leave now.
You can.
@Jueecy I'm pretty sure I saw the exact same boring discussion yesterday
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'd say method > function though.
@MooingDuck No shit. We couldn't tell. However, in the light of standard C++ your opinion cannot be supported...
You don't have to leave the Lounge. We'd just appreciate if you resigned on your post as the ambassador of RetardLand.
ok ordered a laptop with an i7, Gforce (YEAH!) and 8gb ram
33 eur / mo, not bad.
FTR. I don't mind 'method'. The term becomes of interest when references to standards formulations are being intended. When it's just about software design, I'll happily use the most comfortable words
@DogPlusPlus The ambassador, more aptly.
Method is really just a freeform short hand.
@DogPlusPlus To me it is. Not to a Smalltalk programmer, I suppose
Cannot implicitly convert type XSharp.Parser<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic‌​.IEnumerable<char>>> to XSharp.Parser<T>
True, true.
We have a couple of cats, a couple of dogs and two duck. Then we have a bunch of kids with anime avatars. This lounge should be renamed 'farmside kindergarten'
Mono, y u no tell me WTF T is.
@BartekBanachewicz I like it.
@Zoidberg it doesn't matter. This is not C++ templates. T is a placeholder and only the type constraints matter to the compiler
@Zoidberg Maybe it's not infered?
@Telkitty I'll have you know I'm a city wasp.
@JerryCoffin can't tell the difference, you can not convince me you are indeed from the city
@sehe, yeah it was just a lame discussion. Like 128 comments all saying that I was wrong and shit. The only one that made me realize I was wrong was the one saying to go look for "method" in the C++ standard, which I did, leading to the removal of my erroneous comment. Then @LightnessRacesinOrbit came, saying that I've ruined the flow of that beautiful discussion...
@Zoidberg IOW: there will never be any userdefined (implicit) conversion for generic type arguments
@Telkitty The kids with anime avatars have more cranial capacity than your entire family combined, individually.
Then what does it mean by T?
Now, give it a rest. Plx.
@DogPlusPlus My entire family from my dad's side used to teach in university, ty
@Jueecy Just forget it. If you weren't quoting the standard or feigning authority, it's just irrelevant. Pedants gonna pedant.
@Telkitty What did he teach? Annoying People 101. He's excellent.
@Zoidberg It's the generic type parameter to the Parser<> class
@DogPlusPlus ...
1 min ago, by Dog Plus Plus
Now, give it a rest. Plx.
@JerryCoffin Jerry, this lounge is where people bin their kids after uni, but then bins attract trolls and patient professionals like yourself
@Telkitty I can only tell you the truth. If you choose to believe falsehoods anyway, that's your problem.
@Telkitty Patient? Professional? Such delightfully understated humor!
@Zoidberg it'll also point to the offending line. Which is usually enough, unless your formatting sucks :0
@DogPlusPlus My grandpa taught political economics, my dad and aunty taught Computer/Electrical engineering, My other aunty taught marine logistic/or Librarian ... not sure
All diagnostics are on the same line.
@Zoidberg Is all the code on the same line ? :)
@ScottW whoa
@sehe no, only the one line I showed.
That was... Unexpected.
@Zoidberg Which one was that, perhaps?
I'll split that over multiple lines.
Instastar, of course.
@sehe, yeah I was providing my defense on that issue. I don't even know why I've mentioned you while 90% of the message (all except for the first sentence) was directed to @LightnessRacesinOrbit. :)
var list = Bind(openingParen, _ => Bind(SepBy(identifier, spaces), xs => xs.ToParser()));
@Zoidberg You know, you didn't post that before
@Jueecy True. Thanks for reposting my own screenshot.
lol xD
@Zoidberg You'll have to post more. Is there an up to date gist?
@Zoidberg Haskellishness is one with this strong.
ITT Zoidberg cannot even get C# code working.
@Zoidberg Y U NO commit to the same gist?
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@R.MartinhoFernandes <3
Wait what.
More like C#kell.
@R.MartinhoFernandes he hasn't finished inventing C# yet, is why...
You are writing a monadic parser in C# without query syntax?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit G'night.
Hello, sorry to interrupt. Are there any moderators in here? My approved edit to this answer has a small mistake. content: '\➺;' should be content: '\➺'; -- I can't edit again, as it's just one character. Can someone kindly do this for me?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well yes. :v
@TheoneManis Fixed.
I have no idea how I would do that with LINQ.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thanks! And sorry for the trouble. (I'd be more careful next time.) :)
@Zoidberg from x in y is do x <- y, and SelectMany is bind.
Okay. You're fucking awesome.
I am trying my earnest to not comment on robot's avatar
@JerryCoffin I said "kids" ;)
Oo u r still here .. wanna join my conversation on Robot's avatar?
@TheoneManis good job with caring enough to ask :)
@Telkitty time travel. i'm actually going to bed in about one minute. i'll say "night kids". scroll up and you'll see it, if it works :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Still a kid at heart (or would be if I wasn't heartless and cruel, at least according to my kids!)
hey, does anyone know if there's any #DEFINE I can use to detect whether a file is being compiled with SSE2? (gcc)
@JerryCoffin uhh huh ;p
i can't autoconf
@Telkitty I believe it's called a monologue.
But, hey. I'm just a stray dog. What do I know?
@DogPlusPlus wanna join my conversation on Robot's avatar?
@R.MartinhoFernandes but what about the overload of SelectMany that takes three arguments?
what's the address of @StackedCrooked's online compiler?
@R.MartinhoFernandes query syntax sucks. (except maybe for let and join)
@DogPlusPlus thanks
@Zoidberg It's not needed I think. It's simple enough anyway.
@sehe Agreed.
@sehe You think deeply nested bind calls are better?
Does your projects folder look like mine?
@R.MartinhoFernandes TBH I think this code is twisted beyond repair :) I'd have to fire up windows/R# to make any sense of that error. Vim didn't really cut it for me since I'm not about to manually track the actual type of all expressions involved
@Pawnguy7 Three guesses
@sehe What?
Two guesses left.
how do you update your ogl headers to your graphics card version..?
my gpu says it's at 4.0, but i'm not seeing any functions newer than 1.6
@Pawnguy7 More like this:
@metredigm Find a loader library or make a dummy context, query platform-specific extensions for a context creation function which yields an option to select a desired core profile, create a new context. Now, query desired extensions, load functions, use. Enjoy with salad.
@Zoidberg Spelling it out, makes it work. Figure it out from there. It seems like some kind of "nondeducible context" thing for C#:
So my problem is normal?
        Parser<IEnumerable<IEnumerable<char>>> sepBy = SepBy(identifier, spaces);
        Func<IEnumerable<IEnumerable<char>>, Parser<IEnumerable<IEnumerable<char>>>> func = xs => xs.ToParser();
        Parser<IEnumerable<IEnumerable<char>>> parser = Bind(sepBy, func);
        var list = Bind(openingParen, _ => parser);
@Pawnguy7 not even a problem xD
I'll show you what a problem is:
@Pawnguy7 There's pills for that, these days. Your doctor may be able to give you a prescription
That's intense.
current "state" of my "laptop"
Ah :D
that;s why I just ordered a new one ; >
How do you ever finish projects?
@Pawnguy7 not O_O
GL3W.. my life is complete
02:50:36 rmf@tethys ~/dev
$ ls
fire  ogonek  wheels
what did you do to the poor laptop
This is what my project folder looks like.
@metredigm screen was burned, so I took it from the laptop
var list = from _  in openingParen
           from xs in SepBy(identifier, spaces)
           from __ in closingParen
           select xs;

var items = list("(foo bar baz)").Item1;
foreach (var item in items) {
    Console.WriteLine("{0}", new string(item.ToArray()));
no need to lift broken stuff lol
how does one.. burn their screen
well, first it went black, so then I took it apart, sis some checking
turned the laptop on
and there you go
@Zoidberg the type for 'fun' in Bind(SepBy(identifier, spaces), func) is not being deduced, because it depends on the type deduced for the first argument, but only partly (i.e. in a generic type argument to the type being deduced)
I was shocked, thought my laptop won't turn on ;o
and most important, MY HDD
it still works
@Zoidberg Regardless, it seems there are a number of ... potential problems with multiple enumerations of (lazy?) enumerables
@Zoidberg Just like do-notation, with some weird look!
@R.MartinhoFernandes uploading a 1 gig pic or what?
2 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
02:50:36 rmf@tethys ~/dev
$ ls
fire  ogonek  wheels
a person i know spent ~$2000 on a new computer, and the motherboard exploded as he plugged it in.
2 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
02:50:36 rmf@tethys ~/dev
$ ls
fire  ogonek  wheels
i can only imagine how he felt.
fire ogonek wheels <- this.
@DogPlusPlus a xD
@metredigm trol tech
that will be my company name
for the cool kids
wheels are utils, quite old. ogonek is the new thingy Robot is pounding at. And I can't really guess what fire is.
i'd dual run linux on my computer, but installing an os is rather annoying.
@Zoidberg Here, if you insist on ugly oneliners :)
        var list = Bind(openingParen,
            _ => Bind(SepBy(identifier, spaces),
            (Func<IEnumerable<IEnumerable<char>>, Parser<IEnumerable<IEnumerable<char>>>>) (xs => xs.ToParser())));
lol :P
@metredigm copy pasting works (I've done that)
Easy, no?
But really, stuff like this:
just copy the windows os, bootup windows startup repair, voila
        return xs.Any() ? Bind(Item(xs.First()), _ => Bind(Items(xs.Skip(1)), __ => xs.ToParser()))
                        : new char[] { }.ToParser<IEnumerable<char>>();
@sehe Needs moar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
looks wrong to me.
this is PERL, correct
@sehe Wouldn't (IEnumerable<IEnumerable<char>> xs) => xs.ToParser() be enough to hint the rest?
i'm not too sure
@R.MartinhoFernandes probably
Check. This works too:
        var list = Bind(openingParen,
            _ => Bind(SepBy(identifier, spaces),
            (IEnumerable<IEnumerable<char>> xs) => xs.ToParser()));
@metredigm C#
the => operator looked familiar.
@metredigm which, in Perl, is just a synonym for ',' IIRC
Open parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis abuse close parenthesis close parenthesis close parenthesis close parenthesis close parenthesis close parenthesis close parenthesis close parenthesis close parenthesis close parenthesis
There is a p5=> operator in Perl 6.
It's called "Perl 5 fatarrow"
Kid you not.
Let's try a recursive parser.
Well.. best.. page... ever....
quote: ""Intel® HD Graphics 4000 vs Yes""
@R.MartinhoFernandes I remember this "Periodic Table Of Operators". I know you kid me not. I lost interest in Perl. Perl6 took too long (it has nice features though). I decided python was the place to go. Iff I need a (inb4 flame) scripting language
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why would anybody think you were kidding? Do you think somebody believes Perl 6 won't be ugly as sin?
Oct 18 '11 at 19:41, by R. Martinho Fernandes
user image
The chart is a thing of beauty, though.
Whoa. 2011, time flies
I utilize the backward compatibility thing, meaning every other perl script is copied and modified from some earlier perl script, some written 10 years ago
Also: time for bed. 3am
Perl 6 would be delayed by a few more centuries if they waited until it was actually decent.
@sehe bye bye --(bear++)
@ScottW can we spell: "UGLY". The font, the indent, the keming, the justification. ... My my. Even I see this
@ScottW You should twitch.
Anyways, I'm using Gnome. It's not all bad :)
@ScottW on debian?
Font rendering on Linux sucks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Font rendering sucks. Linux simply hasn't jumped through the dozens of flaming hoops necessary to do it halfway decently in spite of its innate suckiness.
@JerryCoffin Well, yeah, that sounds quite accurate.
Recursion works.
@Zoidberg ...but only when it works.
I did have to implement Select and three-argument SelectMany, but well.
I hope I got them right.
And I should really make Choice variadic.
Did the robot go haywire? everybody's dead in here...
@Borgleader I'd try to argue, but a Coffin arguing that he isn't dead would probably sound a little...strange.
Meh. I dislike _, __, ___ etc….
C# y u no placeholders.
@JerryCoffin coffin isn't dead, person in a coffin is usually dead
@Telkitty True -- but sounds to me like it'd be a bit strange anyway.
@Telkitty Oh, and not always.
Yes someone posted that yesterday ... but if she's indeed dead, she would have stayed in the coffin
@Telkitty Like I said, not always (dead, I mean).
Hey people, just wondering, is it possible to change the index of a for loop ? If i'm going from 1 to 8 for example and i'm up to 6, and given a certain condition is met, i want to go back to 5
Or should i just use a while loop and increment the variable if certain conditions are met or not ?
It makes more sense to do a while loop if youre going to backtrack like this
@Borgleader Thanks, yeah, a while loop is much more flexible.
Why would you go back though?
That seems weird to me.
or, on six, you can put i -= 2 in the if statement. Like a boss.
@SteveJobs You can, but you generally don't want to.
What if you go back to six and the condition is met again?
@steve jobs very busy ?
Dead people usually aren't
Rapptz, good point hm
@Rapptz i don't need to go back now that i'm using a while loop. Before I was making a hangman game with the variable guesses, if the person guessed correctly, the variable guesses was going to increment by one automatically in a for loop, i wanted it to stay the same.
@Rapptz I understand a for loop was a terrible idea
Right now i'm really really mad at myself because I need to learn abstraction, i'm always trying to write my program in one full block when i know i should be using separate functions for each individual part.
May the force be with you, then
I should really get some sleeps.
Me too
g'night all
Sleep is for scrubs.
And chumps.
I have lost my chat virginity here few minutes ago.
where can i read more about abstraction ? an OOP book ?
And you didn't randomly plink people nor dump a question, so +1 for you.
@Zoidberg Always the optimist.
@SteveJobs MSN ?
@SteveJobs you don't need OOP for abstraction.
You can read about abstraction in a book about abstraction.
Abstraction is quite an abstract concept.
So abstract.
I've seen this one in a museum. It's awesome.
It's like.... Wooooah.
Made of paint and duct tape.
It's worth 35 million euros.
@DogPlusPlus do you not sleep ... like Cat++?
sleep? it's only 5 AM

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