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aren't such words filtered in the first place
@thecoshman What
Oh no words must filter
words can't filter, filter filter words
Yay menu works.
Word filters are silly.
@CatPlusPlus just parcel you up and off you go travelling the world :D
GLFW is a dick fwiw.
I have a very difficult question .. who wanna try
does it involve puns?
What is the time complexity of dynamic programming solving a problem over k-variables ?
We don't know
7 is the answer.
Next question.
I don't know who did what to wherever someone did something, but I don't like it.
@KhaledAKhunaifer Since that's so obviously homework, you could look into your textbook.
@EtiennedeMartel heheheheee
@EtiennedeMartel ur so funny, but i'm not a student
Caught red handed.
Now he's trying to salvage it.
I stayed up all night wondering where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.
oh god...
@KhaledAKhunaifer Only students care about that kind of thing.
An actual programmer would implement it, then benchmark it.
Theory is not terribly useful in the real world.
I got Luigi's Mansion just now.
Hmm handheld games.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm a computer scientist by the way,
do you mean to say you don't program?
@Rapptz I havent had a portable console since my GBA
@KhaledAKhunaifer How interesting, I happen to have a degree that says "computer science". And I don't care at all about time complexities for dynamic programming problems.
You missed out.
(Well, the degree says "informatique", but hey, languages and such)
my day job is enterprise web developer and database analyst
Sounds Enterprise-y.
Probably Spring.
java enterprise system and oracle weblogic db
Why do these things sound so cliche :(
@EtiennedeMartel That's not really true
@CatPlusPlus Thanks for the support.
Profiling won't tell you that the algorithm will be shit for a dataset 100x times larger
@Rapptz Because the suits all come from the same vat.
And changing O(n^4) to O(n) is kind of improvement that will beat any shitty micro-opt ever invented
First thing I did in my previous job was getting rid of a stupid O(N^3) search function.
No, I am not making this up.
A simply optimized dynamic programming algorithm takes O(2^n) roughly
I don't believe
Besides you don't have to deal with broken tools when doing theory work
How can you do a search in N^3?
It's impossible
Which is very appealing
Loop around for the scenery.
.. in 2 variables only
lol, N^3 search function
@EtiennedeMartel It searched for duplicates.
I replaced it with a set.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That was I was about to say.
See, we think alike.
We're mediocre.
Today I finished the second season of MLP.
@EtiennedeMartel you're interesting .. I'll tell you the solution to my previous question
I also watched that Bronies documentary.
It was pretty interesting.
Standard Dynamic Programming solving a problem over k-variables is O(Π{ Si } * T(Δ Ij) * c) for i: 1..k, where Si is the ith variable domain size, and Ij is jth input size, T is input processing time, c is "constant" for number of calculations
@KhaledAKhunaifer and you are?
@BartekBanachewicz An Enterprise Programmer.
@EtiennedeMartel ~Enterprise~ FTFY
I do research in computer science & philsophy
Hi, haven't found a C room so I thought it was a good idea to ask in the C++ lounge if there is one.
No helpdesk
There have been various C rooms, but they all die out.
We don't care
@EtiennedeMartel I just got friggin' PWNed, right?
C programmers are not interesting.
Then can I please spam off this one?
@R.MartinhoFernandes C is a weapon of last resort, nobody really enjoys using it enough to feel like they're part of a community.
@EtiennedeMartel Disagree
@H2CO3 spam off it?
@H2CO3 just do it
Oh gawd not again.
@EtiennedeMartel I enjoy C better than C++
You suck. Can we move on now?
@H2CO3 That always blew my mind.
What is C++ without C ?
You say that now
A better C++
And that better not be because "I like to know what happens under the hood".
@EtiennedeMartel No, not really
Or "C++ is too complex".
@EtiennedeMartel It's not too complex, it's just bloated - not the same thing.
fyi C++ jokes are not funny
Oh noes, he used the word "bloated".
@H2CO3 Nobody forces you to use all those features.
Oh get out, you don't even know what ~bloat~ means
@H2CO3 are you trolling or what
And I'm not defending C++ here or anything, you're just talking out of your ass
@H2CO3 what. fuck. what?
@Bartek No, I'm not
@CatPlusPlus Hey wait...
Because @Cat is spot-on
There was once C, then C+, then C++ .. does anyone knows about C+ ?
@CatPlusPlus That isn't a great skill these days. So many people can do that that not even circuses will hire them.
We'll be the first to shit on C++.
But at least say stuff that actually means something.
@R.MartinhoFernandes FYI I didn't mean to be trolling!
C is like the retarded cousin.
You're not allowed to shit on C++ if you don't even know it
@KhaledAKhunaifer cola
@CatPlusPlus I know it... >.<
Like you know, he's your family, so you still have to invite him over for family parties.
But everyone knows he's retarded.
Reverse a string
@BartekBanachewicz I don't organize family parties.
@CatPlusPlus Good one.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't neither yet, thank god
"I don't neither yet"
Yeah, reverse a string.
I don't neither yet either
@CatPlusPlus strcstrwrscrsrev*kill me*
@CatPlusPlus What, that's for me?
@H2CO3 Yes.
I work in palindromes .. lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Damn you, I just glossed over and decided to ignore it. Now I can't unsee it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :-)
Is it non-grammatical exactly? Also I'm sleepy
It's called a double negative.
@BartekBanachewicz s/ne/e/
@CatPlusPlus #include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

int main()
std::string s = "abcdef";
std::reverse(s.begin(), s.end());
std::cout << s;
return 0;
error on line 1
he doesn't get it, does he?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit LOL
prog.cpp:1: error: expected identifier, got @CatPlusPlus instead
@LightnessRacesinOrbit "Unexpected user on line 1, GTFO and recompile"
@H2CO3 Now do it with the string "Les Misérables", for bonus points (copy paste from here; no cheating by typing it yourself).
sub zero only exist in 1's complement
btw why bother return 0;ing from main in a testcase?
Also std::cout << s | boost::adaptors::reversed;, no?
@R.MartinhoFernandes sed s/string/wstirng/g
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm used to it
@R.MartinhoFernandes You're a bad person.
@H2CO3 Try it. I dare you.
@H2CO3 wstring isn't Unicode.
No, wstring doesn't do anything
@H2CO3 Sorry to hear that
@EtiennedeMartel It's enough for that one, btw.
Also now do it in C and tell us where the ~bloat~ is
@R.MartinhoFernandes I will.
Also weren't @H2CO3 meant to answer in C? Or I don't get something?
@BartekBanachewicz nope
@CatPlusPlus wanted to test if I knew C++
I thought you were saying things like C being better than C++
'n stuff
(I'm not sure I condone this abuse of "parsing" :) Anyways, if parsing is linewise, I'd almost suggest a handwritten parser for this kind of dirty work. And use fgets_unlocked if performance means so much to you. Anyways, I might give the question a shot if you could at least supply a simple test input with the desired output, which is currently not handled by your sample code. — sehe 42 secs ago
@H2CO3 Now, he wanted to trick you into showing that C is worse than C++ in the bloat department.
what does volatile keyword means technically ?
I could come up with harder examples but I don't really care
@KhaledAKhunaifer that the variable can be changed from outside the scope
@KhaledAKhunaifer It means something might explode
@CatPlusPlus I'm happy to see that
@KhaledAKhunaifer "fuck off compiler, I got this!"
@Pubby lol
@CatPlusPlus watch out your head
Also, hi pals.
@H2CO3 See what?
My new terminal emulator lol.
(Also seriously, compare this simple example in C and C++ and tell us with straight face that C is better)
@CatPlusPlus to see that you don't bother badgering me more
@CatPlusPlus I didn't mean to troll, seriously. Can I prefer my favourite language please?
Yeah I really don't care
what does extern means technically ?
@CatPlusPlus cool
@KhaledAKhunaifer Check your book.
Still as broken.
In the C programming language, an external variable is a variable defined outside any function block. On the other hand, a local (automatic) variable is a variable defined inside a function block. Definition, declaration and the extern keyword To understand how external variables relate to the extern keyword, it is necessary to know the difference between defining and declaring a variable. When a variable is defined, the compiler allocates memory for that variable and possibly also initializes its contents to some value. When a variable is declared, the compiler requires that the vari...
@Zoidberg Link plz. Do want.
@H2CO3 not in this room.
I honestly don't understand people willingly using primitive and straight up inferior tools
It's just mind boggling
Why would you do this to yourself :psyduck:
@Zoidberg is it seriously Mac only and $10?
@CatPlusPlus They might suck, but at least they are not bloated!
@KhaledAKhunaifer In other words, you should be in the Java room?
@BartekBanachewicz free limited version.
@BartekBanachewicz ...
@CatPlusPlus Just because?
I should badger @Stacked to put ogonek on Coliru.
Ahahahahaha further proof that Mac users will buy any shit
@H2CO3 Let's just agree that you will stay out of my code.
@Zoidberg Mac only still holds
And then you wonder why they milk them with paid major upgrades
@BartekBanachewicz not my problem.
@H2CO3 :thumbsup:
@sehe I love C++, but still miss some basic concepts
@R.MartinhoFernandes I will, with the gratest pleasure.
@KhaledAKhunaifer that's understandable
using C willingly is not
@CatPlusPlus :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm, fetching any library from gh/bitbckt? :)
You're very good at this programming thing
Security risks like hell, but maan.
Q : Can I safely use project-wide find-and-replace '\t' for 4x' '?
Any decent editor has "Convert tabs to spaces" iirc
@BartekBanachewicz Reindent with a reformatter not regex replace
@CatPlusPlus I am afraid "reformatting" will be really "watch me fucking up your indenting totally"
Please don't start the tabs vs spaces debate again. Please don't.
stfu. I am not starting. I just want to convert one project
@BartekBanachewicz use a better formatter
My thought!
"u bet"
@BartekBanachewicz Run vim -c "set et|retab|wq" on each file!
@R.MartinhoFernandes meh, I am not booting up linux just for that
You are not minimally smart?
I use VS and Npp++ on Windows
and vim on Linux
Okey, I've installed Pro Power Tools
I used to use VS and NP++, but I replaced NP++ by ST2
@BartekBanachewicz What
Or something like vim -c "set et|bufdo retab|wqa" *.cpp *.hpp.
@CatPlusPlus in the butt.
hmm, these new PPTools are really nice
For captures in Lambadas, [ &somevariable] means "take this in my reference", yes?
And if that's the case, how do I take in a variable by its pointer?
Or does that just not happen?
what is this I don't even
how would that be even remotely different to taking it by reference?
auto ptr = &x; ... [ptr]
@ThePhD Just don't
but I don't get it either
@ThePhD T t; [&t] { T* ptr = &t; };
@sehe is your left screen 4:3?
@BartekBanachewicz You wanted a CRT style terminal emu?
@sehe and that's prolly terminal fuckuper emulator which is crossplatform
have you just written it? :) (that'd be way cool)
@BartekBanachewicz it's a toy. the title is in the ... title bar
@sehe well knowing Zoidberg he might really start coding using that emulator
Not that it really would impact his projects' progress, no.
No of course not.
I use MacVim for coding.
Not terminal Vim.
I'm kidding, chill.
  /usr/lib/xscreensaver/apple2 -program bash -mode text
  /usr/lib/xscreensaver/phosphor -delay 1000 -program bash -scale 3
TBH, the one Zoidberg posted still looked better
Obviously :)
Oh! Just remembered
have you heard about that shaders that modify old games that way?
Point being, on crisp LCDs old, pixelated games look different
the post-effects simulated the CRT displays, which blended the image and made the game look nicer

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