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3 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@ThePhD (that was a box btw)
@Xeo That's a property of GHC, for Hugs is worse.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh... explains a lot :P
@Zoidberg yeah, it's pretty sweet
@Fanael I thought Hugs was dead.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It is, but codepad :(
yes I know ideone exists
> I mentioned that "soft" vs "hard" types change the comparison semantics of VBScript.
Oh gosh.
I feel bad for knowing what he's talking about.
lol vbscript?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I feel bad for not knowing, I thought I knew every nook & cranny of VB6
@R.MartinhoFernandes and lol VB
what is he talking about?
Runtime types don't behave the same as compile-time types.
@KonradRudolph Comparisons with variants don't use the same semantics of the underlying types.
Okay, I knew that. Never heard that called “soft” vs. “hard” though
Grr, when I have to use declare -A in Bash I know that I’ve reached the point where I’m using too much of it
@KonradRudolph I know I'm using too much of bash when I have to write a shebang.
fuck me, one screen of code an nearly every possible way you could place an opening brace is used.
what ever style you use, at least be consistent
How does Fast Fourier transform work?
@thecoshman it's consistent, it's mixed after all.
@thecoshman Or at least make the inconsistencies stay one screen apart.
@Zoidberg Fast-
@Fanael Technically you don’t have to ;)
@kbok eww visitor pattern.
I can follow an extra class about design patterns at school LOLOLOL.
@Zoidberg You'll learn how to write a singleton!
And a manager!
I won't, since I'm not going to attend it!
@Zoidberg It transforms a wave pattern from the time domain to the frequency domain by representing the waves as a series of sums of sines or cosines times coefficients.
@TonyTheLion aka magic
@TonyTheLion which coefficients, exactly?
@Zoidberg well, those are to be found :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes are you today on the funnybot trip again? ;)
I'm always funny! Right? Right?
of course
@R.MartinhoFernandes the less said the better
@Zoidberg Butterflies!
Fast Furious transform.
@R.MartinhoFernandes left
why does Segoe UI Symbols have "Direct hit" (🎯), but no "Engage!"? I'm disappointed.
@Zoidberg The coefficients are exactly what the FFT produces as its output.
@melak47 There's no ENGAGE character...
I see.
@R.MartinhoFernandes so Unicode is a big piece of shit.
@Fanael yes, but it's the best shit we have
@thecoshman So it's both a piece of shit and the shit?
there is a double question mark character ⁇
@TonyTheLion Fast Smoothie Transform :)
> These doubled punctuation marks are included as an implementation convenience for East Asian and Mongolian text, when rendered vertically.
@melak47 Go figure.
@R.MartinhoFernandes what makes them convenient?
@melak47 :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes No-Fault indemnification?
No Fucking Idea.
Non-Functional Interface.
I have no idea why vertical text would need doubled question marks.
@Xeo Okay, you win -- you made me check. But no, I didn't accidentally wander into the Java room.
@JerryCoffin *wander
@Xeo Thanks.
> Arian is a fucking noob
My most descriptive commit message of the day.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, maybe..so you don't have multiple exclamation marks or questions marks vertically above each other, but can put them next to each other despite the rest of the text being vertical. idk.
@Zoidberg Arjen, Arjan, Arjun, but Arian? I hope that's a foreign spelling for a girl's name
@sehe Arian. He broke the build.
can anyone give me some basic practice problems that require the use of a variety of data structures? (hashmap, binary tree etc)
@Zoidberg kill him with fire
@Zoidberg Who names their son "Arian"? This is calls for bad Nazi jokes
@sehe the parents of Arian.
@Fanael In fact, better not
I don't see what's wrong with the name.
-runIRBuilder context b = (withBuilderRef context) . (runReaderT b)
+runIRBuilder context b = withBuilderRef context $ runReaderT b
@AgainstASicilian i guess they really aren't problems, but you can find plenty on SO
Hi Guys,
Feb 22 at 15:32, by R. Martinho Fernandes
(the first one is apparently OOIIIOOI)
> "I am aware at one point of time Adolf Hitler was the most hated person on Earth for the genocide of the Jews. But my father added 'Lu' in between, naming me Adolf Lu Hitler, and that's why I am different," Hitler told The Associated Press
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you understand the lyrics of that Star Trek song I posted several hours ago? :)
The lyrics of what?
I have no idea what you are talking about :/
Oh. "Zaufen" until we drop
5 hours ago, by sehe
@FredOverflow That's a pretty addictive song. I love it
Sorry, confused you with @sehe :(
@GamErix Start with I's you get a cat
I just had wonderful tortellini.
With meat in it. :3
If the compiler likes it, it's legal. And yea the cast works good enough, and the code works as intended. — Yochai Timmer 1 min ago
I hate this attitude.
@KonradRudolph lol
he must be trolling
@KonradRudolph Me too :( And it's so difficult sometimes to argue against it. Grrr
17yo girls may like it but that doesn't make it legal
@kbok excellent comparison. I think
@KonradRudolph This is not an attitude to hate. It's like a rock sticking up out of the ground in the wrong place. Yes, you should beat it with a large hammer 'til it's gone, or perhaps use something even more...violent than a large hammer. Nonetheless, it's not intelligent enough to be a good target for hatred, so you should smile as you demolish it.
Go home GCC you're drunk.
@Eric: In terms of pointers to the base type of that reference. That means char (*)[N]. And that pointer type is not allowed to alias anything at all. What you're probably thinking is char*, which can alias anything. As far as I can see, you're invoking undefined behaviour. — Xeo 1 min ago
@R.MartinhoFernandes But home is still down
> Try a Programming Challenge and see if you are the best
@Xeo Ah, interesting. just to be clear, I didn’t object to Eric’s attitude, and for all I knew (or still know) his code might be legal … I was objecting to the uninquisitive and laissez-faire attitude displayed by Yochai
Lol. i just wrote something in Javascript! paste.ubuntu.com/5628658
"Congratulations, you are the best programmer."
> note: template<class NormalizationForm, class UnicodeSequence, class Iterator, class NormalizingIterator> boost::iterator_range<EncodingIterator> ogonek::normalize(const UnicodeSequence&)
Where the fuck did it take EncodingIterator from?
> __ZN6parserINSt3__111__wrap_iterIPKcEEN5boost5proto7exprns_4exprINS6_6tagns_3tag8t‌​erminalENS6_7argsns_4termINS5_6spirit3tag9char_codeINSF_5spaceENSE_13char_encodin‌​g8standardEEEEELl0EEEED2Ev(r8)
@sehe Your style is too verbose IMO
Actually, that is really quite terrific. It's a complete expression parser, written in C++, with Boost Spirit. Then, compiled down to javascript using Emscripten. This is not bad at all
@sehe Emscripten is awesome
Soon, eBay will buy Silk Road.
@kbok There's something very satisfying about this SpiritParserJavascript.html alongside stackoverflow.com/a/15488691/85371
@Zoidberg eBuy?
@sehe Whoops typo.
I should fix the bugs in my pixel art project and put an enscriptem version somewhere
Most feminists seem to me to actively want rape, which is why they keep making shit up and pretending that things that are not rape are rape
I should stop reading too much about feminism, it leads me to depressing things like that tweet.
I'm sure you heard about the joystick article
@kbok I'm currently reading this article. So, yes.
Yeah, this
Aww, damn.
My frnech sucks, so Ic an't read it. D:
I kept getting the weird feeling that the real problem was France.
That, and the US.
I'm getting the huge-hand issue again...
Just say your character likes wanking.
I mean, there's already plenty of dick jokes in there.
Yeah, but it only happens when you're looking at them from the side.
I could see a "Prolific Wanking" joke, but even that's a stretch.
It's probably because I'm using a perspective projection.
It makes sense that things closer to the camera would get shrunk and things farther away wouldn't,
but the effect is just so goddamn dramatic and I have no idea how to make the lens.... I dunno. Less powerful?
@ThePhD What you're looking for is the equivalent of a lens with a longer focal length. You get that by using a narrower angle of view, and moving everything further away from the camera to cover the same width at the subject distance. That way, a given movement in the subject will produce a smaller percentage change in distance from the camera.
That, in turn, means the change of perspective with movement is less dramatic.
@ThePhD Go the Conkey's Bad Fur Day route and cross the line twice.
@ScottW I'm already pissed off, especially at the unwarranted swearing.
I mean, I swear like a sailor, but that just feels gratuitous.
Oh, wait, men's rights? That exists?
In which fucking fantasy world are these guys living?
@ScottW Just looking at the URL for that tells me enough not to read it--I don't have any desire to be as mad as reading it will make me.
Just because he was swinging his hips back and forth
he goes to the principals office.
@ScottW Damn it.
@ScottW Exactly. I don't even know what point he's trying to make.
> Compassion is a flower that germinates in suffering. Women stop caring when they stop suffering…and a woman without suffering is a woman without hope. If we truly care, they must suffer.
It's just mad ramblings.
.... WHAT.
Idiots, I tell you.
The scum of the Earth, given a voice thanks to the Internet.
People have LOST IT.
People are just dumb.
The real issue is double standards.
It's an issue with both sides. =/
Unfortunately, Men are currently in power and so it's not really perpetrated in the reverse as much.
So a lot of people get teh wrong idea and say "Oh well if we can get on top and set up a matriarchy instead, it'll be better"
If we could just manage to kill off all of the idiots, we'd solve a lot of problems at once.
Which is a completely fucking retarded idea.
Need to start removing safety labels from things.
@SamDeHaan Safety labels are there for scammers, not for idiots.
If you don't put those on, someone might sue you because he can.
Well, need to remove safety labels and remove the part of the judicial system where the seller is responsible for the buyer's stupidity.
I mean, personally, I don't even see a need for Feminism specifically. Most of the stuff that feminism and other equal-righs group just comes off to me as basic human dignity and respect.
@SamDeHaan Yeah, but see how complex that is?
^that article always gives me a chuckle
Wish there was just a "basic dignity" group.
@Pubby Woa, she's nuts.
@EtiennedeMartel Hmm, yeah, removing the stupid can never be easy.
@ScottW True. Goddamn idiots and extremists ruining everything. ._.
@EtiennedeMartel I think sane people prefer "womens rights activist" rather than feminist to distinguish themselves.
@Pubby Well, that's the same as when homosexuals hijacked the word "gay" because "homosexual" sounded to negative. It's just semantics.
@Pubby ... Yet again, there is only one response:
I think it is defined quite well: "reinterpret_cast expression does not compile to any CPU instructions. It is purely a compiler directive which instructs the compiler to treat the sequence of bits (object representation) of expression as if it had the type new_type." — Yochai Timmer 4 mins ago
Missing the fucking point by a friggin MILE
Where do these people come from T_T
@KonradRudolph I have a good knowledge on how the compiler works thank you very much. And i know this is legal as just as i knew there should be away to do this because it should be supported in the language. A simplistic comment doesn't mean lack of knowledge. Any class or struct IS an array of bytes, and so it would make sense to have this capability without casting to char pointer. — Yochai Timmer 17 mins ago
Oh gawd... somebody neuter him, before he spawns offspring!
@EtiennedeMartel I dunno, most people say "gay" is a bad word, and the PC term is Homosexual.
@ScottW Yeah....
So, I conclude: I hate everyone.
Fuck this gay earth.
Copulation with this homosexual earth!
Full PC means don't open your mouth
Who gives a fuck about PC seriously.
Especially on the Internet.
also, you have to wear mittens at all times
Changing my FoV to 15 degrees only made my camera extra shitty, and the big-hand problem is still there.
God fucking damnit.
@Zoidberg Are you aware of the GIFT?
No, you?
I'm not saying you're a total fuckwad. Just that you could be. With that kind of attitude.
Moving the camera extra far away helps a bit.
But the hand still gets bigger.
@Zoidberg Yeah, why would we ever want to treat others with respect?
So now I need to change... the focal length?
But I don't know how to do that inside a projection matrix.
@jalf Being rude is cool when you're a child.
He'll grow out of it eventually.
@ThePhD pixie dust?

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