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uh, I want to go home too
@R.MartinhoFernandes in theory, theory and practice are the same, in practice they are not
Here's proof this isn't a pyramid scheme: it has been going on for centuries.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, looking at what @Telkitty said at the start, looks like a standard case of "I'm smarter than everybody else, and the whole society is dumb. And so, I've found something that no one else has realized before".
Pyramid schemes inevitably collapse, because nothing of value is ever generated.
@EtiennedeMartel Looks like a standard case of being drunken: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/10?m=8108061#8108061
@Telkitty Your "definition of a Ponzi scheme" is badly mistaken.
@Telkitty WTF, that's nothing like a Ponzi scheme.
a Ponzi scheme refers specifically to the act of paying returns of earlier investors with newer investor's investments instead of actually doing anything to make money.
¬_¬ why do people feel then need to shorten variables like 'source' to 's'
Thank you, people. For a moment there I thought I was fighting this war against craziness alone.
are those 5 characters REALLY that big a deal for you to type?
@EtiennedeMartel there is no war, just chaos :P
Q: Monitoring variable accesses in C/C++

tgtI'm working on a coverage criterion for multithreaded code and as part of it would like to record accesses to variables. For example, in the code below I'd like to record that variable x was written to and y, z, a[i], and i were read from. x = y * (int)z + a[i] I've been looking at doing this ...

LLVM nerds, here you go
A Trudeau, a Tim Hortons, a Second Cup - the most Canadian correction in newspaper history. http://t.co/BfKWboMl3P
damn, I don't get that :(
man, Clang's parser is very complicated.
@thecoshman Is it really that hard for you to figure out that when I say "*d++ = *s++;" that s must be "source" and d must be "destination"? If you're truly that retarded, why are you looking at my code at all?
@GamErix There is a war, but it's on PHP -- but that's a flexible enough target that we can undoubtedly include other forms of stupidity and insanity pretty easily.
@JerryCoffin oh, the odd shortening fine, but I am digging through code that I have no idea about, that last thin I want to see is 90% of the shit abbreviated
@JerryCoffin meh, at least use src and dst
@JerryCoffin ah owkay :P
it's not a case of not being able to work it out, it's a case of making it needlessly more painful
@Abyx But these are supposed to be "source" and "destination", not "sourcerer" and "dust" (and why would you copy sourcerers to dust anyway?)
I agree with thecosh and with Jerry.
@JerryCoffin ¬_¬ only just saw you said 'my code' was thinking that was unusually dickish of you :P
In algorithms the arguments often are generic enough to have very little meaning.
There isn't much lost if you shorten their names that way.
@R.MartinhoFernandes on which points?
Does Ogonek's text support something akin to push_back?
@AndreiTita Visit Canada sometime. Your kids won't have to ask "are we there yet?" You can tell them ahead of time: if you can look both directions, and see a Tim Hortons either way, you know you're in Canada!
@Zoidberg Now I have text::append
@JerryCoffin a Tim Hortons?
@thecoshman Coffee and donuts
@thecoshman A chain of donut (and such) shops.
@R.MartinhoFernandes inb4 'how do I concatenate'
@Zoidberg I don't think single-character appending is worth it.
@JerryCoffin recommended?
Oh okay.
@R.MartinhoFernandes thanks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes why not? (pluralisation?)
I think it may be better to use ranges anyway in my case.
Forgot about dem initializer lists.
Fuck that.
@thecoshman Stop being anglo-centric.
@thecoshman I guess that depends on whether you like donuts -- but if you want the full Canadian Experience, you pretty much need to stop in one at least once.
Dammit, even if you are anglo-centric, pluralisation is not a use case for single-character appending.
> If you think it is simple to do, you are doing it wrong.
This should be a rule somewhere.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It can be, but isn't necessarily.
Coding puppy, dog, daisy.. DeadMG is a DOG? first horses now dogs? Man ; > XD
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm not, it's a perfectly valid use case
@R.MartinhoFernandes ?
@thecoshman Pluralise "daisy".
@JerryCoffin will do
@R.MartinhoFernandes ¬_¬ is adding one character really that hard of a feature to allow?
I just don't see why you would advise against appending a single character
@Xeo .append({U'x'}) fails to compile (templates and shit). I think initializer_list<char32_t> should be a perfectly serviceable range of code points.
@thecoshman I don't want to support a ginormous interface.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, add an overload? :P
Well going to get some oranges, apples, tea, .. and if you guys don't blow up the room some popcorn too
@R.MartinhoFernandes but you allow appending... why not single character/glyph/codepoint/turnip?
What I am asking is why mentioning the OS’s locale is relevant. Are you trying to say that switching to the OS’s locale can change the C implementation’s definition of the character set? Then I would disagree; the OS’s locale is part of the implementation. If you are merely saying that the locale can be changed but not saying that does change’s the implementation’s definition of the character set, then I do not see the point; speaking about the locale has not provided any information related to the question. — Eric Postpischil 1 min ago
am I stupid?
Also, wait, shouldn't that construct a std::string for that overload?
@thecoshman Adding one character is easy (once you have the rest correct). But adding one code point is a whole different story -- to allow it meaningfully, you have to ignore (or at least suspend) what should be the primary invariant (that every text is a valid sequence of code points).
@TonyTheLion ...
@JerryCoffin o_0 yes... I think I understand what you are saying...
@JerryCoffin Eh, if you can add a range of codepoints, that range can be a singleton.
@thecoshman Because it isn't particularly useful and that functionality can be easily performed by append with minor nuissances (.append({c}) instead of .push_back(c).
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, whilst odd, I could work with that.
But more importantly, because it doesn't fit with the general idea of the interface.
^ to meta or not to meta?
any hops
home time at last
@BartekBanachewicz Someone being careful to evade serial voting script?
@Xeo I suspect so. But I am not sure that I'll be able to prove it
@Xeo Of course. The point is that you construct a sequence from code points, and ensure that its either valid, or the ctor throws. If you allow adding a single code point, however, you could end up with a text ending in (say) a code point that's supposed to be combined with the next code point (which, we'll posit) doesn't exist, rendering your sequence invalid.
@Xeo No, because there is no overload of append that takes a std::string.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, nvm then
You can only append sequences of code points.
You can construct from a sequence of code points or from a container.
So, meta or not meta?
In theory, everyone can downvote ;/
but these are my 3 best questions
It's most certainly griefing
@JerryCoffin I am still on the fence about that, btw.
any C/Linux programmers in here? I want to know why, in the following code:
execl("/bin/ls", "ls", NULL);
ls has to be passed sorta twice?
@R.MartinhoFernandes About what? The cited invariant?
@BartekBanachewicz Not before tomorrow. Don't know about doing it tomorrow (your choice), but don't do it before fraud detection has a chance to work.
Have to love my laptop. The bots in Counter Strike started a vote kick against me.
The arguments for execl says path and then args list, so why does ls have to be put in there twice! :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes okey.
@gideon argv[0].
@GamErix 9gag
@R.MartinhoFernandes so why does /bin/ls have to take an argument ls ?
@gideon The args list is supposed to be exactly what goes in argv, and argv[0] is the name of the program.
(I''m a linux newbie..)
I would really know what a fucker is doing this
Damn cowards
@gideon Because you can do execl("/bin/vim", "gvim", NULL);, and it will act as if you did execl("/bin/vim", "vim", "-g", NULL);
i.e. the same executable can behave differently if invoked through different names.
@gideon One is telling execl what to execute. The other is setting up argv[0] for the processing being executed. Though they often match (to at least some degree) they don't have to (e.g., a few programs check the value of argv[0] and act differently based on that, so you might specify one file to be executed, but give it an entirely different name in argv[0] to force different behavior).
it's hard to get stars in this room -.-' Why not cookies? :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes @JerryCoffin wow that's really interesting.
If I may I have one more question.
@GamErix Because EU regulations on cookies make them too much work.
@GamErix how about saying something meaningful?
@gideon Nope -- you've used up your allowance for the day! :-)
I suppose that for a program that doesn't test argv[0], you can just do execl(path, "", NULL) and it will work.
@BartekBanachewicz like "I'm an expert"? sure: I'm an expert :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes @JerryCoffin How would I run perl -e print "Hey" with execl?
at what I don't know, but I am ^.^
@JerryCoffin ah common! ;)
@GamErix that's out of context. Also, well.. get used to it
Also fuck stars, zomg.
why are we even discussing it
Because I was bored and provoked this discussion ;>
Let's discuss the retard who is downvoting me
like this? : execl("/bin/perl -e print \"Hey\"; ", "perl", NULL);
and that retard is who?
@gideon I suppose both execl("/path/to/perl", "perl", "-e", "print \"Hey\"", NULL); or execl("/path/to/perl", "perl", "-e", "print", "\"Hey\"", NULL); should work.
I don't know
@gideon I'm not sure, but I'd guess you need to add some quoting (or escaping).
Hi guys
lol admin playing jokes on Bartek
If you have a Base with a virtual dtor, and a Derived with a non-virtual dtor, then can you derive from Derived?
@JerryCoffin yep. I figure that, but do I need to pass the second param as the name of the program "perl" like we did for vim or ls?
@gideon No, the first argument is just the path. Then the arguments to the program go each on their own after the program name.
so execl("perl -e 'print \"Hey\" '", NULL, NULL); ??
@gideon You should. It might work otherwise, but it's best to play it safe. In general the answer to that question is "it depends on the program".
@gideon No, you need to separate the arguments-
@gideon I doubt Perl checks its argv[0], so you probably don't. You do have to pass some place-holder to fill the argv[0] spot though, so the -e will end up as arv[1].
The illustration smells like Josuttis :) — FredOverflow 16 secs ago
"Das Lounge" sounds terrible by the way. It should be "Die Lounge".
@GamErix there's no admin, there are only smurfs mods
hi @ell
@bamboon Burns verkaufen der Kraftwerk
@TonyTheLion Is Derived actually derived from Base? If so, its dtor will be virtual because Base's is (and further derivation is fine).
how ya doing
@BartekBanachewicz someone has to pay the bills?
@JerryCoffin yes
ok, well I learned that too then
@bamboon Aren't foreign words usually neuter?
@TonyTheLion Remember, virtuality is sticky - once a function has it, you can't get rid of it (well, unless you mark it final, I guess).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe in the Duden but not in spoken language.
there also seem to be a ton of variations in the exec, should I even use another one instead?
@Xeo ah good tip.
room topic changed to Die Lounge<C++>: Dies ist eine Kriegserklärung gegen PHP! [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [kein-helpdesk]
Why do we have a German topic?
@BartekBanachewicz There are (more or less) admins as well. I.e., there are community moderators who are just normal users elected to the position, and also people who work for SO and are have mod-like privileges to do their jobs (e.g., I believe Shog9 and Anna Lear are both in the latter category).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Great, now I cannot decide whether to read English "die! Lounge<C++>" or German "Die Lounge<C++>".
@FredOverflow Somebody wanted to declare war on PHP, and I didn't want to break the German feel of the room.
Since when does this room have a "German feel"? (What does that even mean?)
@gideon exec wants to be overloaded. Use the one that fits what you need.
CSS is driving me mad
@Xeo ohoh, I see where this will end.
@FredOverflow The name and tags being German.
@JerryCoffin Hm, Shog9 is probably the only one doing actual moderating
@Cicada: Crazy shiny stuff?
Also WTF guys. I am somewhat used to people assuming I am correct in some topics. I hate that because sometimes I make mistakes (only because I like to imitate humans for infiltration purposes!) and they slip by. But you should assume anything I write in German ist nicht richtig.
@Zeta More like Completely Sick Shit
Why did it take hours before a German speaker noticed that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought the "Das Lounge" was on purpose.
Maybe you did it on purpose?
@R.MartinhoFernandes: I thought it was on purpose. Sounded more angry :D
I really really wonder why the standard didn't give us std::invoke and std::decay_copy... — Xeo 16 hours ago
btw ^ :(
@Cicada why are you doing it anyway
because I have to
Btw @Xeo are you still up for guest writing that thing about... what was it about again?
wha, then too bad
I want to post something on Monday, but if you do it I don't have to do it myself :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Overload ranking.
@R.MartinhoFernandes k, will get it done by then
@Cicada Still, uni people tend to know even less shit about CSS than an usual walmart cashier, so it shouldn't be a problem
@Xeo why did I miss that. That question is like the dupe of a dupe of a dupe.
это мое плохо переведенный текст на русском и я хочу предложить изменить номер тему "гостиная"
@Cicada Better to write some a program to let you specify things sanely, then have it convert that to CSS as needed.
@GamErix I know русском!
@Bartek actually I'm having a CSS discrepancy between chrome and ff and it's driving me mad
~web development~ anyone?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know google translate! XD
@GamErix that's lame
I can read most of it, but only know the meaning of русском.
@Cicada I feel ya pain.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you don't.
@Abyx I don't what?
I didn't mention that I actually made a lot of progress with engine yesteday
I originally wrote "this is my badly translated text to russian but I suggest to change the topic to "the lounge""
got the damn thing to build again, for instance
(but with "the lounge" to "гостиная")
@R.MartinhoFernandes you don't know its meaning, since the "ом" suffix.
which google translates as "living room" ...
@Abyx What does it mean, then?
my grandma knows Russian
@GamErix It did translate pretty poorly though -- "topic" came out as "номер", which is really "number".
have to ask her when I see her xd
@JerryCoffin lol
@JerryCoffin iknow, just google translate :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes it means nothing, 'coz it can't be used out of context
Are you talking about cases?
I have a bunch of extern pointers stuffed into an inline namespace for ABI versioning. Should I put the definitions of the structs they point to in that namespace too?
I think I'll head home for today.
See ya in a bit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes IIRC, that's really a declension (but it's been a long time, so chances of my remembering correctly aren't all that great).
Missed the "for"? ;)
I am using shaders, just not in combination with the VBO (as of now). Is that something I should use? I'm not asking for you to debug my code, I'm simply asking for help to understand my problem....... — Fredrik Haikarainen 1 min ago
> just not in combination with the VBO
People should invent a language called "E-" which wouldn't have any syntax, just a "compiler" and a "usb antenna" which will receive the programmers brain waves and create a program out of that xD
@Xeo Apparently.
@GamErix That already has the name "DWIM".
@GamErix Sadly, for most people, it would result in an instant cremation of said USB antenna.
@BartekBanachewicz What is glCheck?
@Zeta Sorry, but no -- in most cases it result in excrementation of the antenna.
@JerryCoffin @R.MartinhoFernandes hey thanks so much guys it works! :D
execl("/usr/bin/perl", "perl", "-e print 'Hey';", NULL); :)
fuck my righ eye, it's itchy as hell, what do you guys recommend to stop it?
@JerryCoffin: Meant "cremation".
@GamErix: have you tried turning it off and on?
@Zeta . . .
@GamErix Definitely not fucking it.
stupid oranges, I bet they cause it.
@GamErix Stop touching it. You're making it worse.
@Zeta That ruined my play on words, so regardless of how much more sense it might make, it's clearly wrong!
I can assure you oranges don't cause fucking.
@EtiennedeMartel yes I don't touch it XD
Nah, seriously, check if there's debris in your eye. Try water and cool it. If it doesn't stop see a doctor.
Depends, you could use them in the bedroom
@R.MartinhoFernandes well I had oranges in my hands and then rubbed my eye once, now, this is really bad XD
The Love for Three Oranges, Op. 33, also known by its French language title L'amour des trois oranges (, Lyubov' k tryom apel'sinam), is a satirical opera by Sergei Prokofiev. Its French libretto was based on the Italian play L'amore delle tre melarance by Carlo Gozzi. The opera premiered at the Auditorium Theatre in Chicago, Illinois, on 30 December 1921. Composition history The opera was the result of a commission during Prokofiev's successful first visit to the USA in 1918. After successful concerts in Chicago (including his First Symphony), he was approached by the director of the Ch...
I knew you guys would try to prove me wrong.
@JerryCoffin: .____.
@GamErix Generally, close it and keep it closed for a while. If that doesn't work, eye drops tend to work better than plain water, but you want to wash out whatever's causing the problem.
@JerryCoffin yeah going to wash it will work, if not make it worse :P
Q: Getting the C++ compiler to reveal what a type can be converted to

Drew DormannBelow is a flawed template function that expects to work on types that can be converted to one of a predefined number of types. It happens to be 2 types, but it cold be many more. void do_something_type_specific( const int &unused ); void do_something_type_specific( const std::string &u...

can this be done with SFINAE?
or just template specializations?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think that's what you should do if you only care for source-level forward compatibility. You need more tricks for ABI-level compatibility though, don't you?
@LucDanton How so? I thought exporting the pointers would be enough.
There are no functions involved at all, only data pointers.
I have a really bad feeling about my current employer
@R.MartinhoFernandes Presumably the pointed to values are of some interest, too.
@DeadMG what particularly about this employer?
I guess I should have said 'binary compatibility'.
@LucDanton But those are not meant for public consumption.
Oh wait.
principally, their repo has been months without a new commit, although I was told that there was a team working on this product
their chief engineer guy doesn't know what the fuck is going on
I guess what I want is that if I change one of the structs, the code stops linking.
@DeadMG Months? That certainly sounds ominous.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then version the types together with the pointers, yes.
@DeadMG probbly months working on "looking for people who want to start working on this" ?
@DeadMG Check branches?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Use a details::ogonekX namespace.
11 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I have a bunch of extern pointers stuffed into an inline namespace for ABI versioning. Should I put the definitions of the structs they point to in that namespace too?
"for begin == end, just insert a run-time check" that would change the behavior, wouldn't it? — Drew Dormann 1 min ago
isn't that what OP wanted?
@DeadMG sounds like every place I've worked at.
I dunno
he doesn't know the tools, didn't know what went with what, the code in the repo was broken, the code he gave me wouldn't work with it even after I fixed it, etc.
Looks like he doesn't want any help, then.
@TonyTheLion Sometimes people want to solve problems without using the solutions.
he wants to demo this product in two weeks, but it's a thousand miles from achieving the most basic tasks.
I mean, worse than me trying to demo Wide right now.
Ooooh, that sounds bad.
Better get working xD
@DeadMG tell it their boss, talk to people. We can't help you there.
well I just wanted to check if it was normal
@ScottW Then add to CV: "did some work on a project with lots of undefined behaviour".

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