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@FredOverflow : The execution is more difficult than I expected! :P
You mean implementation? Yeah, parsing is certainly not trivial. But it's a solved problem. Just read the available literature.
Yeah, I just JSON.parse(...), for example.
@FredOverflow: Yes, implementation, and I try reading as little literature as possible, and try to figure more things out myself....
I do look when I get stuck
just a little peek
@GamesBrainiac That will explode in your face, many insights in literature have been accumulated on years of mistakes, which you shouldn't repeat.
@GamesBrainiac Do you know what a context-free grammar is? If not, prepare for weeks or even months of work :)
rhythmbox didn't crash and it did actually find all my music and shit
except it can't even play mp3s by default (wtf?)
Is parsing really hard? Is it not possible to implement a parser with a small set of fundamental functions?
@FredOverflow Well yea, thats the whole point. Take on a really tough project, and learn a lot of things through months of work! :P
@StackedCrooked It's not really hard.
And that's exactly the source of people who do mistakes like equating pointers and arrays and argue to the death they're the same.
@DeadMG How is that possible?
no idea
@StackedCrooked Nope, it's just sold as such. Just as pointers are. You'll enjoy it. :D
all I know is that when I asked it to look in mah folder, it bitched about a bunch of mp3s and said "WAAAH".
@DomagojPandža Maybe he should use a language that has no conflation of arrays and pointers :)
@DeadMG you have to install codecs first.
@DeadMG Linux does not play MP3s by default.
You don't need to install codecs to play mp3.
At least not when installing default Ubuntu.
lol, a commercial-grade OS with no mp3 out of the box support. xd
when I double click, I expect you to play that file :(
oh, it crashed.
@DomagojPandža This is
Nice, I love crashing.
@StackedCrooked I think you do, that's why there is the check box in the installer to install third-party stuff during installation.
@CatPlusPlus Very. That's why I love it. :D
it can't filter out the "the" in the artist name?
now my stuff by "The Lonely Island" is a million miles away from "Linkin Park".
@StackedCrooked It is
oh, right, you're a Linkin Park... I won't say fan, you just like some of their songs. :D
@DeadMG As you should be.
Monadic parsing is based on set of primitives that are composed together
@DeadMG Welcome to the Linux Desktop.
also, rendering artifacts make DeadMG cry.
I use it daily at work.
@DeadMG We speak again if you can get to terms with a non-windows OS
Which is never
what has that got to do with parsing not being a hard problem?
@DeadMG That makes Daisy cry.
@DeadMG The attitude
@DomagojPandža Every time @DeadMG cries, Daisy cries too.
Of course, parsing isn't rocket science. Neither are several other things. Meh
@StackedCrooked This reminded me of
Damn 80s. :D
@CatPlusPlus I still can't believe people immersed themselves in this.
It's hilarious
@DomagojPandža I only listened briefly.
Me too. It's impossible to listen to and not question your manhood at the same time.
@StackedCrooked mmm. "bien essuyer ses larmes"...
Avec une si belle main,
Que servent tant de charmes,
Que vous tenez du dieu malin,
Bien manier les armes.
Et quand cet Enfant est chagrin
Bien essuyer ses larmes.
@CatPlusPlus It reads like a novel.
Jeb'o te, sehe, šta'e to?
Apple services not allowed here.
@DomagojPandža please, watch the language?
DF adventure forums:
> How could I weaponise an incredibly hot and combusting flame blob shell?
> Melts you underwater
@sehe All three of them or just one? :D
@FredOverflow : I am thinking of a stack type implementation. So this is how it goes, you have operators in order of precedence, and so, say you have vectNum which contains the numbers, vectOp which contains the operators. So, you search the operators for the operator with the highest precedence, and move its corresponding numbers to the top.
That means if you find the operator with the highest precedence at i, then you have vectNum[i] [vectOp[i]] vectNum[i+1] and you move them to the top
@DomagojPandža I didn't get the last part
Keep trying, you'll get the hang of it. :D
@GamesBrainiac No.
@DeadMG Wont work?
more like, it's hideously overcomplicated.
it's kinda like doing "recursion" by pushing and popping all your local variables off the stack manually
@DeadMG I'm not exactly experienced, but how would you do it?
@DomagojPandža really, no. I'm unmotivated
@GamesBrainiac Operator precedence is established simply by choice of when to recurse.
xvideos has a button with which you can share the video you're watching on LinkedIn.
I'm sure it's an often used feature.
Real or not?
@Zoidberg hahah. xvideos sounds like from the 80s. Appropriate for 'live updates' to LinkedIn
@DeadMG Neat code. Could use more whitespace. :P
@DomagojPandža lol
@DomagojPandža I agree. My eyes bleed! :P
@sehe lolwat
@Telkitty Looks real to me.
@GamesBrainiac Look at the C grammar for expressions.
you will see that operator precedence is implemented through recursion
@Zoidberg I want to be mummified and entombed on LinkedIn if I want to be really well preserved. That's about as exciting as it gets
@StackedCrooked that's one gigantic turtle
@sehe houd jij toevallig van rebussen?
@Telkitty that just makes it illegal
But there are much bigger turtles.
@Zoidberg sommig
@Telkitty it's plausible
you can translate that directly into a program
non-left-recursive rules are simply recursive function calls, and left-recursive rules are loops.
how the fuck do I get ubuntu to put a Chrome tab on my other screen? :(
Or, like, just drag the thing. Either directly or in "expose" mode
@Telkitty I think there's no good point of reference in order to have an idea of the actual size.
@sehe I tried dragging and it snapped back to the original screen.
the truck/ute?
Ah, the wheel.
Ok, it's pretty big then :P
Readability 101.

Entering scope? Leave an empty line.
Leaving scope? Leave an empty line.
Have a few lines that logically fit together? Separate them by an empty line above and below.

Drop a comment. You'll love yourself 6 months from now.
Leaving an empty line? Leave an empty line.
in Java, 2 hours ago, by nazar_art
how to output string to console ? ))))))))))
Lol ^
Question: What did I miss with the Puppy and Linux?
@Doorknob Use a pencil.
@DeadMG If you're manually writing the parser, wouldn't it be a lot more easier and elegant to use a pratt parser instead of that ugliness?
@NikiC I've not seen any Pratt parsers.
only LL and various variants on LR.
@DeadMG downloads.sehe.nl/stackoverflow/gnome3.ogg inb4 I carn't play ogg
Apologies for crappy screen recorder
@Xeo Nothing
@DeadMG I haven't seen them often either. I wonder why. Everything seems to much more easier with them
@DeadMG Is it possible to implement left-recursion without loops?
@FredOverflow Not in recursive descent.
and you really don't want to go to LR.
LR is only really suited to automatically generated parsers, and even then, it's not that usable.
LL wins.
Most of the time.
a hand-written recursive descent parser is the most readable, maintainable, and safe parser
LR parser code is unreadable and non-type-safe
and generated LL parser code can't handle left-recursion
Hand written stuff is always preferable, at least to me. Generating shit can mess up things in more ways than one.
parser generators can be helpful because they can immediately tell you where/if you have made a mistake
Perhaps it's just in my head, but placebo or not, that's how it is.
@DomagojPandža I prefer to let the compiler generate the object code :P
and they're also far more rapidly changable
but in terms of creating something you'd actually want to use...
they're a prototyping tool, really.
Every time I see .edu, I expect level 1994 B.C. pages.
@GamesBrainiac I always found formal parser theory to be utter junk.
and material based on it to be worthless for producing anything
@DeadMG I gotta stick with understanding the simple stuff
Unfortunately, that's true for a huge percent of CompSci stuff.
Speaking of parser, I've found a wrongness in my parser.
@DeadMG Your code scares teh crap outta me! :P
@DomagojPandža +1
@GamesBrainiac It's much simpler to dive in.
Should I fix the comments or not?
@GamesBrainiac Ah, most of that stuff is just because it's really flexible and otherwise high-quality- you don't need something comparable for a simple expression evaluator.
@DeadMG Exactly, And there are no comments! :P
@GamesBrainiac At the most basic level
you start with the C grammar I linked to; you cut out the parts you don't need (so everything except the basic arithmetic expressions)
then each rule becomes a function.
and you simply "if" to see which rule you're dealing with.
@DeadMG Will try. But it looks like I got a long road ahead.
this should be a lot simpler.
You made a boo-boo.
I whipped it up without looking, so maybe
I think RDP is way too advanced for me right now.
I think I'll go with a stack approach, since its something I know about.
RDP is the simplest form of parsing.
the stack-based approach is you doing RDP but manually pushing and popping all the functions yourself
@DeadMG Actually, after looking at your code, and then looking @ RDP, does seem to look better
I have to do less thinking.
when you're talking about simple mathematical expression evaluation
you don't need to design your own grammar or precedence, just steal it from C grammar.
and it's a simple transformation for each rule into a function.
then you're done.
no thinking required
I hate my ISP.
Disconnects all the time.
Is this normal velocity normal for London police?
Why did you write a parser?
For fun and profit, probably.
dunno, I don't live in london.
but generally
considering that they're responding to an emergency, they go as fast as they fuckin' well can safely.
One cannot help but wonder how it would look like if a car happened to block its path accidentally while it is running through the red light @ +130 kph.
awkward silence.
Sorry, I'm still working on CoreHTTP, so no time to talk (too much).
And the rest of them are probably just fapping.
Probably true.
Watching One Piece is better than fapping.
But you're fapping to it anyway?
No, I was watching it.
What kind of pervert are you thinking like that?
Nothing to be ashamed of, Stacked. :P
Bahahah. :Đ
fuck yea
I bought a coat for spring finally
kinda late
My next target is probably this lovely Peavey amp I saw.
@DomagojPandža Which one?
Classic series is my favorite.
Yeah, they need a little warming up, but they win over transistor ones in almost every way.
If I ever buy a tube amp, it will be Bugera
great quality/price ratio
These are interesting, too.
But not my style.
folks, I am getting a weird error, say the user input is 1 + 2.45 + 6.66, and it is a string called userInput, you pass it through this : std::remove_if(userInput.begin(),userInput.end(),isspace), and you get userInput back as 1+2.45+6.666.66. Why?
I would buy a Mesa if I could afford one :P
@GamesBrainiac 6.66 was added again
@BartekBanachewicz I can see that, but why?
@GamesBrainiac the part processing user input is adding 6.66 twice
@GamesBrainiac uh, you did something wrong. How can I know if I don't see the whole code?
` std::cout << ">>> ";
std::getline(std::cin, userInput);
std::cout << std::endl;
operators = getOperators(userInput);`
Thats the whole code.
Did he just go full retard o.o
cleanup on aisle Lounge.
Probably just had a brain buffer overflow.
Sorry, guys, I just spilled coffee all over my keyboard :(
@GamesBrainiac You're supposed to call container.remove(std::remove_if(.....));.
It seems this keyboard is so badass it sends the signal 20 meters out.
20 meters, two walls
and it still manages to embarrass me here.
@Zoidberg Well that explains the robot's avatar.
dat paint skills
@Zoidberg This explains so much.
I still can't believe this crap.
@DeadMG like this :
@DeadMG string class does not have
I'm standing in the backyard,30 meters out and writing this message.
@DeadMG : Perhaps userInput.erase() ?
I can't believe this shit
@DomagojPandža And are you now running back to the monitor to see if that worked?
Damn. 5 seconds late
My last one couldn't reach two meters from the desk.
Logitech is gangsta.
@Games: std::remove and remove_if don't change the size of your container, they copy the elements over the ones to be "remove"d
so you need to resize afterwards
@DomagojPandža I've got a little wireless keyboard/touchpad combo from logitech that I use when I connect a compy to my TV, has awesome range too.
@GamesBrainiac Whatever.
@DeadMG still does not work
@GamesBrainiac same issue? new issue?
@SamDeHaan Same issue
Input : 1 + 2.33 + 4.45
@Games: did you try .erase(std::remove_if(..), userInput.end()) ?
Oh, coffee stains on the screen. Goddammit.
Q: Remove special characters from a string using iterators

Tyler SI have a pretty simple one for you today, but it certainly has had me stumped for hours. I imagine there is something wrong with the subtitles of my string iterator. I've looked online and even passed the code to my CSE professor - but what with it being thanksgiving break, he only had his phone ...

@gnome Yes, exactly as you say
If they implemented Logitech's transceivers on the Mars rovers, they would never have any problems.
@SamDeHaan Gives me an error, when I try to do it like that.
Damnit I think I'm going to have to start from ~scratch.
Scratch it better this time.
@GamesBrainiac okaaaaay, what error?
@SamDeHaan syntax.
It disturbs me when you guys violate the Lounge with programming, C++ and problems.
@DomagojPandža Go over to php, they have loads of fun there! :P
@GamesBrainiac ...why do you think I can magically help you without you giving me the full error?
@SamDeHaan Automagically?
@DomagojPandža No, still using VS2008, don't have auto.
@SamDeHaan Wait, it worked
With something different
I had to get the VS2008's MSVC because that's the only way to get 3ds max 2010's SDK to cooperate or something.
For some reason isspacewas the problem
@DomagojPandža Thanks so much sam, I was trying to solve the problem, so I am sorry if I replied late or not well enough.
I just replaced isspace with ' '
and it worked
No problem, I'll let my alter ego Sam know.
@DomagojPandža No one told me that we were the same person. I feel like that would've been useful information.
@SamDeHaan Games Brainiac said thanks.
@SamDeHaan lol
@GamesBrainiac 'sokay. Providing c++ support via c++ chat is surprisingly difficult.
@SamDeHaan Now, I want to know why.. :P
It's hard enough in person:

"That won't work, I tried that."
Seems weird that isspace did not work
Q: Removing a character from a string

Prasanth Madhavani have a string. I want to delete the last character of the string if it is a space. i tried the following code, str.erase(remove_if(str.begin(), str.end(), isspace), str.end()); but my g++ compiler gives me an error saying: error: no matching function for call to ‘remove_if(__gnu_cxx::__norm...

I wrote a comment for --it.
What happened to @Olumide?
He went out of scope.
fuck this, I'm booting back into Windows
You gonna learn grammar?
more like spelling?
You never know, 'Tomorow' could be some hipster music fest or something.
@DeadMG noob

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