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=ERROR REPORT==== 3-Mar-2013::04:07:19 ===
Error in process <0.317.0> with exit value: {badarg,[{lists,keyfind,[dispatch,1,[{listener,<0.55.0>}|{dispatch,[{'_',[],[{'_',[],projectile_handler,[]}]}]}]],[]},{cowboy_router,execute,2,[{file,"src/cowboy_router.erl"},{line,171}]},{cowboy_protocol,execute,4,[{file,"src/cowboy_protoco...
Erlang, why are your error messages so readable?
Q: How to display the cursor symbol?

Alex DenisenkoWhen pressed, the symbol appears, but the motion disappears again. How do I make the character remained in the coordinates? There is a code: mov ax,3 int 10h mov bh,0 xor ax,ax int 33h xchg ax,cx jcxz exit mov ax,0Ch mov cx,10100b push cs pop es mov dx,offset mouse int 33h mov ax,1 int 33h ...

Is there any way of using a lambda function to serve as a custom delimiter in std::getline?
auto delimiter = []{return '\n';}();
std::getline(stream, string, delimiter);
(Seriously why do you need it.)
I am just experimenting
If you have while loop just do while(std::getline(stream, string, []{return whatever;}())).
@Zoidberg Basically trying to make an algebra system
Where the delimiters are custom
Oh my I can actually stream stuff :haw:
Sometimes its a +
or sometimes a -
or *
so, you need to use different delimiters at different times
You want a parser not getline
Use Spirit or Parsec not I/O streams.
I need to buy another monitor
@CatPlusPlus I am making my own parser using getline
Well stop using getline
@CatPlusPlus more internets?
Then wat do I use then?
2 mins ago, by Zoidberg
Use Spirit or Parsec not I/O streams.
getline is not a good tool to make parsers
@Zoidberg What library are you talking about?
and std::parsec?
getline is for reading text, pass that data into your parser. What you are doing could be called tight coupliung, and is very bad design
@GamesBrainiac Spirit or Parsec, obviously.
@CatPlusPlus which one are you looking for?
@GamesBrainiac Google, you fool.
@Zoidberg lol sprint came up with a mobile company
@Zoidberg I just did that to piss you off! :P
@Zoidberg Sounds like "make love not war" :)
Well fuck you.
@FredOverflow lolzorz
@FredOverflow Hiya fred! :D Grand to see you
Stupid Erlang y u unreadable error messages.
@TonyTheLion Hiya tony! :D
@TonyTheLion a hoy
The text here goes so damn fast.
gotta be fast to keep up
@DomagojPandža you read too damn slow :P
Q: Straight and Binary insertion sort

user1948105Hello I was asked to improve insertion sort by using binary search instead of linear the problem is that the best case is now o(nlogn) instead of o(n) in data comparison which made the program if not slower in some cases equal.Here is my binary insertion sort code : void InsertionSort(int data[...

@DomagojPandža lol nope
@bamboon lol
though I've noticed people seem more inclined to post images the faster the chat is going, just to make things worse
I see the puppy has been well into proving how bad Linux is and how sorry we should all be that he ever tried it.
@FredOverflow ?
Nice glasses, yo. Rape much?
who that?
@thecoshman Just wanted to post an image. To prove your point ;)
I think that's Gosling
oh that guy
@TonyTheLion It's hilarious - I couldn't star DeadMG installation cockups fast enough.
He made Java. He's a rapist.
@DomagojPandža We have a winner!
@MartinJames yes, quite hilarious.
steakoverflow ... umm ... yummy!
@Telkitty Now that I know you like birds a lot your avatar picture makes much more sense. Before it looked slightly disturbing.
@DomagojPandža I'm not sure he intended Java to be that bad
@FredOverflow Who is that?
@Telkitty Just had beef sandwich.
^Is it him?
Yes, Gosling.
Dr. James Arthur Gosling, OC (born May 19, 1955 near Calgary, Alberta, Canada) is a Canadian computer scientist, best known as the father of the Java programming language. Education and career In 1977, Gosling received a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Calgary. In 1983, he earned a Ph.D in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, supervised by Bob Sproull. While working towards his doctorate, he wrote a version of Emacs (gosmacs), and before joining Sun Microsystems he built a multi-processor version of Unix while at Carnegie Mellon University, as w...
This guy.
He got fat... er.
What does he look like?
are you trolling?
He looks like an old, bald ass man.
@TonyTheLion Don't you know the history of this room? :)
Sports pedo glasses and a pedo beard.
@MartinJames steakoverflow = sandwich with too many pieces of steak

James Gosling

Aug 23 '11 at 20:54, 4 minutes total – 21 messages, 4 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked Apr 4 '12 at 19:57 by StackedCrooked

@StackedCrooked the fuck.
> Th ture of va
I didn't know that,no
@StackedCrooked it is a baby bird which grew up to be a healthy adult noisy miner bird
@Telkitty Oh yeah! I think I may have had one last night.
@FredOverflow He looks like a rock star. A rock ... star.
What I don't understand is why do we software engineers always have to look like hobos?
What's a hobo again?
@Zoidberg : How come no one ever talks about sprintf when they talk about multiple delimiters ? stackoverflow.com/questions/7621727/…
@StackedCrooked a homeless guy
I wanted to post a pic of my steakoverflow and, if I ever find my phone, I will do.
@StackedCrooked A homo with a b.
@GamesBrainiac Ah, good I asked. I first thought it might mean a gay person.
I know many say "We just don't care about our appearence", but there's been this stupid trend of people "not caring" just for the purposes of posing around.
@StackedCrooked that's a homo :P
@thecoshman homo, hobo
Holo... Deck.
@thecoshman You can tell that from the pic?
hala! :P
ho ho ho
@CatPlusPlus have you got the willpower to fix this?
@GamesBrainiac sprintf is type-unsafe and doesn't work with std::string so it's shit.
combo breaker
@Zoidberg so I should be using delimiter
@ScottW Oh you!
and getLine
Use a fucking parser.
Never use getline for parsing.
I just had to explain to a guy why x/sqrt(x) is automagically sqrt(x). Faith in humanity depleted.
Spirit and especially Parsec make parsing a piece of cake so use those.
getline is bad and painful.
Using Spirit and Parsec is not a piece of cake though.
@Zoidberg there is no parsec : en.cppreference.com/mwiki/…
It's not in the standard library noob.
Learn to Google.
@Zoidberg I need to use the STL
@DomagojPandža oh man, that's the sort of evil maths I do not want to come across whilst even slightly drunk :S
Only the STL, if I just used someone else's code, then whats the point?
@GamesBrainiac -1 close vote too localized.
@GamesBrainiac erm.... fairly sure you have not implemented STL your self
@StackedCrooked looks like LoZ: The Wind Waker.
@thecoshman true, but every time i want to use parsec, i need to use someone else's library that is not readily available on all other versions of c++
What is that?
A video game.
Ah, Zelda.
@DomagojPandža Mult top & bottom by sqrt(x), cancel out the x's. Trivial algebra, even I can do that.
I feel bad that I missed out on Zelda. I never got to play it as a kid.
@StackedCrooked you never played ocarina of time? You have missed the greatest game of all times there.
Fuck you Erlang.
@GamesBrainiac -1 for STL instead of stdlib
@bamboon Is it too late?
@StackedCrooked it's never to late.
Can it be played on PC?
@StackedCrooked yup
@StackedCrooked yes if you have emulator.
@thecoshman Speaking of drunkard math, yesterday I rederived methods for bruteforce numerical integrations, monte carlo integration and proved the existence of an area function for an arbitrary differentiable function in terms of its antiderivative on a napkin in the bar.
Project64 is N64 emulator.
Dolphin is Wii emulator.
They work pretty well.
@Zoidberg I see.
Then I proceeded to discuss the historical development of Monte Carlo methods at Los Alamos to three even drunker morons. :D
@DomagojPandža woah, I cared so little I nearly passed out
may I ask a question about the issue that I am having in which i can't quite verbalize.. in other words I need help asking a question people, could i get some help folks..?
@thecoshman My feels exactly. :D
oh ..ok
@BlueBug shoot, but only one line
(cry in the corner)
@DomagojPandža .... can we go back to the sqrt problems:)
> i can't quite verbalize
^ big nono
@BartekBanachewicz good job this isn't mumble then
@thecoshman y u weren't on mumble yesterday :<
@DomagojPandža Does the Monte Carlo method blow up?
Nobody got drunk yesterday? :$
@BartekBanachewicz your powers of deduction are mind bending
@DomagojPandža I did.
@thecoshman my goodnews ty buddy! I am trying to do real world application exercise, the example client asked to do stuff with the data from here inputsurvey.dacnet.nic.in/districttables.aspx "I want to extract all the table datas"
@DomagojPandža I was recovering
@DomagojPandža That's two of us, ast least. Nobody and I.
@thecoshman I just got out of bed, mind it
Oh great. It was a type mismatch.
Erlang y u no static typing. :'(
@MartinJames It was actually developed as a way of stochastically evaluating the neutron absorption rate from ground zero by Stanislaw Ulam and von Neumann. Ulam's uncle liked to waste money at the Monte Carlo casino, so that's how it got its name. It's part of a suite of methods.
So, it doesn't blow up, just assesses a segment of the damage. :D
@DomagojPandža Heh - nice story.
@BlueBug well, you need to download the (presumably) HTML page and then pass the text. There are two many ways to go about this for me to bother listing them of. Nor have you shown any sign of actually having tried anything. Come back tomorrow when you have an actual problem
@BartekBanachewicz why?
@StackedCrooked wtf man? what is this shit?
@GamesBrainiac Because I am STL purist
@thecoshman It's from Dizzee Rascals debut album.
He used to be a talented person.
@thecoshman It's Dizzee Rascal maaan
@BartekBanachewicz you realise to any sane person STL stands for STandard Library, and does not induce sissy fits over not everything being templates
@StackedCrooked aka shit, /cc @BartekBanachewicz
^ s/literally/STL/
@thecoshman no, Bonkers is great
Bonkers is bonkers.
@BartekBanachewicz wait... I thought you where the one trying to fight for not calling the standard library STL?
@thecoshman I haven't build application that works with web so I was a bit lost, that answer still kinda points me to some direction, I will try to download the web first then. ty
@thecoshman I was, but heck, people will still call it STL, right?
@BartekBanachewicz and why not?
@thecoshman why not what.
I mean, when I'm in the mood to argue, I will argue bout that
@BlueBug dude.
> I will try to download the web first then. ty
anyone who get's hung up on STL vs STDLib is just going to give them selves an injury
17 secs ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
> I will try to download the web first then. ty
@BartekBanachewicz yes I am trying to download the page?
is that a wrong way to go
@thecoshman What
he's mocking for you saying you will download the 'WEB' and not just the 'WEB PAGE'
@BlueBug nevermind. I thought you have at least a bit of sense of humour
@CatPlusPlus too late now, back to sleep with you
@BartekBanachewicz ? i am absolutely a noob. Not really understand any prog jokes. Sorry.
You can spend €1000 on a graphics card (ASUS GTX-TITAN-6GD5)? lol
@FredOverflow I wanted to spent €800 on a coat yesterday, but fuck nothing fits me :'<
@BlueBug it's not a programming joke, you meant to say 'web page' but instead said 'web', the latter meaning the entire web, every last bit of every last site
@BartekBanachewicz I'm trying to spend lots of money on a new monitor, but I still cannot decide on one :-(
@FredOverflow what is wrong with these Dells I suggested?
I am now narrowing my choices to the ones my local vendor offers.
@BartekBanachewicz I can't remember :( Please suggest it again!
@thecoshman hmmm I don't get it. It must be programmer joke. I do have average sense of humor.
@FredOverflow dude -.- U2412m || U2410
Oh right, now I remember. You suggested two models, and I could not decide between them.
@FredOverflow u2412m
@FredOverflow u2410
@thecoshman I mean I understand that I made a mistake of using wrong voca, but I don't know.. I don't find it entertaining.. or should I? or is it really that the case where I lack a sense of humor?
@FredOverflow happy reading.
Hm, should I buy 24" or 27"? I'm not even sure about that...
@StackedCrooked Sinatra is nice.
@FredOverflow I have a 27" and I love it for watching anime.
It's intimidatingly big.
@StackedCrooked you have security bug. :v
get '/*.*' do |file, ext|
  rescue Exception => e
But for programming it's probably better to use multiple 24"
@FredOverflow uh. If you can fit 2x27", buy 27. If you can't buy 24. Do you need 10 bit per channel? u2410. not? u2412m
@StackedCrooked * also matches ../ and even /.
@BartekBanachewicz Two monitors? Isn't that a bit too much?
@FredOverflow I am going to buy third one soon, so NO.
@FredOverflow Wat.
@BartekBanachewicz Forgive me for asking, but just how many eyes do you have?
@MartinJames how is that related to the number of screens?
@BartekBanachewicz Also, what does 10 bit per channel mean? RGB30?
@FredOverflow yes. It makes sense in professional graphical use
@Zoidberg Why is that a security issue?
in short, u2410 has better sRGB coverage
@StackedCrooked because people can read everything on the HDD.
turns out that mr guy I was waiting for didn't show yet anyway
The webserver is not root. So it can't read files like /etc/shadow etc.
and I have just been to purchase a stick.
but you don't need full sRGB screen if you don't work with data that needs it
GET //etc/../etc/passwd HTTP/1.1
I have one 28" monitor. I can only focus on one bit of it at a time. I have never felt any need for more than one monitor.
Why should they not read /etc/passwd ? It looks the same on any machine.
@MartinJames For me multiple monitors mean no minimizing windows. Everything is exposed. Much faster to turn my head than to find the crap downstairs on the toolbar. :D
@ScottW lol.
in Java Sucks, 8 secs ago, by Zoidberg
1 message moved to Java
@BartekBanachewicz Do I want 1920x1200 or 1920x1080? Why would I prefer one over the otheR?
Q: Why is /etc/passwd open to public for reading?

warl0ckIs there any reason that /etc/passwd should be world-wide readable ? It's not like password hashes that shouldn't be exposed, I just want to know why.

@FredOverflow I didn't even know monitors came in 1920x1200 pixels.
@DomagojPandža I guess that, if you write fullscreen apps, it could make sense.
@Insilico About a third of the 24" monitors an amazon have that resolution.
@FredOverflow 1920x1080 is better for movies/ youtube, but if you want to code, 120 additional vertical pixels is yummy! Also, 16:10 makes it easier to fit two of them
I mean, 2x16:10 = 32:10. 2x16:9 = 32:9
@ScottW Aw, how sweet of you.
don't you have to format USBs in a specific way to allow them to be bootable?
@BartekBanachewicz My current monitor is 16:10, so I'll probably go with that.
@DeadMG I'm pretty sure that depends on the OS
@Zoidberg Anyway, thanks for letting me know, I am double-checking to be sure :)
@Insilico ?? How could it depend on the OS - you haven't booted it yet!
well, let's go see if I can finally install Ubuntu.
@FredOverflow 16:10 is bigger
@BlueBug not really, mostly just that he's being pedantic
@MartinJames So you're telling me all OSes use the same bootloader code?
@bamboon A 24" monitor is a 24" monitor :)
@FredOverflow no. 16:10 is bigger, he is right :)
@thecoshman pedantic, good word.
@BartekBanachewicz Wow, really great reviews on amazon. Only 3% gave it one star.
@FredOverflow What did those 3% say about the monitor?
@FredOverflow I have two of these babies :>
@BartekBanachewicz But the diagonal is still 24", isn't it?
@FredOverflow yes, but the closer to square you are, the more area you have with given diagonal
@Insilico I just can't see how the lowest-level bootloader code could be part of an OS - it would have to be firmware.
@FredOverflow It's still has more pixels, therefore it is bigger. :-)
@Insilico One reviewer got headaches, the other had two defective monitors, and the third one complaint about something about green/blue.

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